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09x224 - Djungarian's Halloween

Posted: 04/05/24 12:37
by bunniefuu
Djungarian Halloween!

Eh? Maki's house?

Yeah, today we're having a Halloween party!

Yui and the others will come! You two can't skip it!

Of course!

What shall I dress as? Last Halloween was...

It will be boring if we wear the same costumes.

But I don't know what else we could dress up as.

Then you can switch! Laura will be the witch and Kana will be Cinderella!

That sounds good!

Yeah! But how about you?

You'll have to wait and see!

Today we're going to have a Halloween party at the Jewelry House!

I'm looking forward to it!

That's right! The party hasn't started yet, so Lapis and Lazuli will be surprised! Okay!

Even though everyone else is here, Hamtaro is late.

The party will start soon.

Lazuli and Snoozer have not come from researching, either.

Lapis, let's go get them while Hamtaro comes!

Okay, everyone wait for us!



Where could she have gone?

Snoozer, do you know where Lazuli is?

Lazuli went to Jungle Bell.

Jungle Bell?


Lazuli, why did you go there by yourself?

I thought I could invite the Djungarians to our Halloween party!

I see, Djungarians are always wearing costumes! Everyone will love to, Lazuli!

Hurry up and come back.

Okay, I'll return now!

Long time no see!

Lapis, Boss!

So this is Lazuli's house?

Yeah, my house is up there!

Come on, let's meet everyone!

Good morning, Ham-Hams!

I missed you!


I see! Lazuli invited them to our Halloween party!

Djungarians love wearing costumes, so it's their kind of party!

Leo and the others, we also like this party!

Let's all have fun!

But what is a Halloween party?

You came without knowing?

Halloween is a holiday that came from another country.

The kids dress up as scary monsters and have a lot of fun at parties!

Anyways, it means it is a very fun holiday!

That's right!

Penelope says that you came prepared for it!

She's right!

I want to see the Ham-Hams' disguises!

It sounds like fun!

I'm Frankenstein!

That's so awesome!

There's no time to enjoy it! It's Frankenstein, run, Lazuli!

Heke? Leo and the others have come too!

Hey, welcome!

Aah! The monster is coming for us!

Sis, there's no reason to be scared - that's Hamtaro!

Huh? Hamtaro?

Yeah, it's me!

Jeez, you scared me.

But that's because today is Halloween!

You got more scared than your little sister!

T-That's because...

Huh? Where are Leo and the others?

They ran away.


They're not here either. However, I don't think they could go too far away.

They're really quick for having such small bodies.

Anyway, we don't know if they went right or left. This could be troublesome, Hamtaro.

I'll go look for them!

Bijou and the others, please get ready for the party!


I'll go too!

I-I will too!

I'll go too! I'm the one who knows Animal Land the best!

I will too!

Okay, let's go and search for them!

Otome, have you gotten any ideas lately?

I've been thinking about the Otome's crew artistic Halloween party!

But with only the three of us, it will be boring.

Then let's go meet Hamtaro and the others!

With the Ham-Hams you mean?

That's a nice idea.

I totally agree!

It would be really fun with Lapis and Bijou!

I want to have fun too!

What are you even thinking about!

Understood? We can't have fun with those unrefined Ham-Hams.

I'll have to show them my romantic Halloween art!

Halloween art?

They'll have a blast of a party thanks to me.


She's on fire!

Let's get started with the preparations right now!

Go, go, art, go!

Where are we?

I can't tell; this is the first time we've been here.

There's something big around here.

I-It's a lion!

You're the same as him!

B-But this is the first time I've seen a real lion!

What now?


I heard something!

It wasn't me!


There's no doubt they're around here!

But... Animal Land is really big.

We must hurry and find them quickly.

It's raining!

Hamtaro, this is bad!

Lapis and Lazuli, you should hurry up and go home!

We can't do that!

Sis, over there!

Mr. Alligator, come here!

Lapis, what do you plan to do?

It's useless.

I want to return to Jungle Bell.

I do too.

Something else is coming!

I-It's over!

I can't move!

Help us, Hamtaro!

It's okay now!

We finally found you!

We did it!

Hamtaro and the others...

Hurry up and come here!

You must be joking!

They're so scared.

Come on!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

This is dry, right?

We're safe inside of Mr. Alligator.

We've been looking for you from here - look!

We could see you through that small hole!

I'm glad we found you!

But this place is really scary, with all those monsters and real animals.

I was disguised as Frankenstein!

I'm sorry I scared you.

Hamtaro's disguise?

I see, that was it!

And also, all the animals at Animal Land are our friends!

I see, that was it!

Okay, now that the rain has stopped, let's go to the Jewelry House!

Oh no, this is bad! They will catch a cold if we don't warm them up!

I have it! Let's ask Mr. Elephant!

Mr. Elephant!

You don't need to worry, it will be okay!

Mr. Elephant, please!

It feels so warm!

Okay, let's go riding to the Jewelry House!


Mr. Elephant will take us there!

Let's go!

Let's go!

It's a really high place, huh?

That's true!

It's so much fun!

Animal Land is the best!

Our Halloween party will be even better!

I'm so excited!

I'm looking forward to it!

Now the Ham-Ham Halloween party can start!

Now I'll show you the really scary evil forest!

The evil forest?

That's right... They say that when you go inside that forest...

You never come back!

Ah, a bear!

NOTE: Ah-Kuma is pronounced as Akuma which is 'evil'... Howdy's pun time!

I apologize for Howdy's terrible jokes.

In summary, we'll explore the forest, and we would like you to come with us!

It will be really scary!

Well, the forest is waiting for us! We'll never know what's there if we don't get moving.

Well then, let's go!


I get it now! It won't be scary.

Because if Hamtaro was Frankenstein, it won't be scary at all!

But what if they don't know what's there either?

Okay, if it gets scary, we'll leave it to Stripes!

I like it.

W-W-Wait! Don't decide that on your own.

So you're scared after all.

Preparations are okay.

Now everyone hide!

We just have to wait until they arrive!

It will be fun!

NOTE: Okay, this is totally random, but Lion looks SO CUTE in that knight costume!

Everyone at the Jewelry House will go crazy!

We'll surprise everyone, right?

Of course!

This year Halloween's theme is...

Gorgeous and magnificent summer princess Otome!

Way to go, Otome!

Go, go, art, go!

They're late. When are those Djungarians coming?

W-What's that?

Isn't that Otome's crew?

Hey... it's me.

I-It's a UFO!

What's up?

T-There are more!


Everyone, Otome's crew came to play at our Halloween party!

This is the evil forest - there's no doubt about it!

Eh? E-Evil forest?

Help us!

Wait, Otome's crew!

Help us!

It's so scary! I want to go home!


There's something weird over here!

Weird, you say?


It's us, Otome's crew!

The Ham-Hams!

Get a hold of yourselves, you three.

What's wrong, Penelope?


We did it! Big success!


We were really scared!

So we decided to dress up too!

You got really scared!

It was fun!

We also tried to scare you.

Jeez, you caught us!

We fell for the Djungarians' trick.

But it was fun so it's okay!

I was surprised but it was fun!

I was too!

Otome and the others, you don't need to be scared anymore.

The monsters from earlier were us.

Hmph! Who was scared? We knew very well it was you!

That's right! You were so pitiful, we thought we should play along.

After all, the Ham-Hams are really boring. Come on, let's go back home.

Come back to play again, Otome's crew!

Okay, let's continue our Halloween party!

Let's continue the party at the Jewelry House!

There you go.

For justice, Maki Ranger is here!

Maki is the best!

My bro didn't come back yet?

I wonder what he's up to?

I wonder what costume Maki's bro will be wearing?

You seem like you're looking forward to it, Kana.

Everyone, thanks for coming!

You're late, Bro!

That guy is...

Indeed, Maki's brother!

That's so cool!

He looks like a real prince!

Princess Cinderella, welcome to the party!


Kana is so lucky!

Kana really looks like Cinderella

But he doesn't really need to act so weird.

The Halloween party at Maki's house was so much fun.

Our Halloween party was fun too.

Lion and the others were very happy to return to Jungle Bell.

Today I played so much that I'm really sleepy.

I am too, Laura.




Incredible, Lazuli created some magical seeds!

Let's test them!

Wait a second!

What's wrong, Howdy?

Could I borrow that seed?

Here it comes!

Next time!

Troublesome! Magical seed!


NOTE: Okay, the koma-tane and the mahou no tane joke was... rather silly.
