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09x222 - Flying Ham-Hams!

Posted: 04/05/24 12:36
by bunniefuu
I'm going, Ham-Hams!

Hey, Laura, let's do it!

It's okay with me, but...

Then it's okay!

Laura, Kana!

Good morning!


Good morning!

What was that fun thing you were talking about?

We were wondering...

If we can go to your house after school to play?

Of course!

It's good, Maki?

Of course!


It will be enjoyable, right, Laura?


I haven't ever seen her excited that much.

I want to play with the papercraft too!

You won't defeat mine!

I wonder how they fly?

Lazuli, it's only natural for them to fly.

That's right, your question is funny, Lazuli!

I'm not talking about the papercraft!

I see a hamster crossing the sky.

A hamster... in the sky?

And, you know? That flying hamster was saying Hamtaro's name.



Hamtaro, have you ever met a flying hamster?

How can Hamtaro know a hamster that weird?

Heke! Could it be?!

You know one?

Hamtaro and everyone, come!

Okay, take a look!

It's real!

It's a hamster crossing the sky!


Who is he?

Hamtaro, Hamtaro!

Indeed he is!

It's Bo!


Yeah, I met him in a dream and we became friends!

Bo said he came from Rainbow Land!

He was able to make a beautiful rainbow with his magical umbrella!

Hamtaro, are you saying you became friends with a hamster you met in a dream?

Hamtaro is funny!

Sukapi... I know him too!

Snoozer too?

Yeah... Bo seems to be in trouble.

That's why he is looking for Hamtaro.

I understand!

I'll go quickly and meet with Bo!

Okay, whenever a friend of Hamtaro's is in trouble, we can't stay away!

Let's all go together!


Lazuli, I'm counting on you!

Yeah, Sis!

Let's depart!

We've arrived!

Huh? Hey, take a look!

What's that?

There are a lot of things flying.

Jeez... what a problem.


Hey, it's me!

I came with everyone!


Why can't you come quickly?

I could be eaten!

I'm sorry.

Then, what has happened?

I was returning home, so I needed to pass by this tall mountain, and I lost my magical umbrella!

I've searched for it since then, but I can't find it.

And that's why you're in trouble?ne

Yeah... without that umbrella, I can't return to Rainbow Land!

You don't need to worry!

We'll help you search!

But, even if everyone helps search...

How much time would it take to search all over this huge mountain, Hamtaro?


If only we were able to fly like Bo and the others.

It's okay, everyone can fly!

Eh? Fly?

Yeah! We can use that tree's leaves!

The tree?

I see, to be able to fly, we need the tree. I can use that!

I took it.

Remind me not to ask you to show me.

Wait a second!

Okay, put these leaves on your back!

We look like butterflies!

This is really interesting!

This is so much fun!

It feels good!

Penelope looks like a fairy!


What are you doing, Howdy?

I could ask you the same thing!

We can't fly like Bo.

Bo, tell us how to fly properly, please!


Let's see, first is balance!

Turn to the right, and after that, to the left, and end with a circular motion!

Let's try!

Turn to the right, and after that, to the left, and end with a circular motion!


It's fun!

Flying is really good!

Now that we can fly, we can become everyone's friends!

Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Let's play tag!

Tag in the sky!

Great idea!

I'm tagged!

Okay, here I go!


U-Umm... weren't you supposed to search for my umbrella?

Bo, come play too!

Well... it's okay!

Heke? Why did everyone leave?

Did we do something they disliked?

What's wrong, Penelope?

S-Something is coming.

What's that?

It's a shark!

Everyone run away!

Let's hide in that cloud!

Hey, Bo! You should told us about it before!

It's the first time I've seen him, too!

The shark is approaching!

Let's join everyone's power to fly faster!

Could it be that he only comes to the surface to eat?

We won't let him eat us!



Idiot! Do you want to be eaten?

But my magical umbrella is over there!

Now you don't need to care about the umbrella!

Everyone, keep flying!

Just a little more!

We're saved.

But how could we know that Bo's precious umbrella could be in a place like that?

Without doubt, that shark ate my umbrella when I lost it.

How can we recover it?

I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous!

I think so, too!

That's right! If he's trying to get us, we're going to get him!

Really, Hamtaro?

Leave it to me!

I'll recover Bo's umbrella for sure!

Take it!

Could it be that he hasn't come from school yet?

More importantly, where could he be?

Where could who be?

N-No one!

Someone on Maki's farm...

I get it... Kana, you...

Jeez... where could it be?

What's wrong, Maki?

I can't find one of the rabbits!

Problems! Let's search for it!

Episode timed by Govadina

Hamtaro, we didn't find the rope you wanted, but could this work?

Yeah, thanks!

How are you going to use this to capture the shark, Hamtaro?

We're going to use this to fish for him!

Yeah! Like a fisherman, right? That's cool!

Like a fisherman, huh? But isn't he a little too much for us?

What are we going to use as bait?

Lazuli's magical clouds!

Lazuli, please!


Okay, with this, the preparations are done!

But will the shark eat it?

It really smells good.

Without doubt, the shark will eat it! I'm going to eat too!

Don't do it, Oxnard!

That's supposed to be for the shark!

Help me, I'm stuck!

Oxnard forgot!

Help me, help me!

I wonder if it will work?

The air is full of cloud smell. Maybe the shark will smell it and come out?

It seems not.

Could it be that the shark has a delicate palate?

NOTE: Lol, "Besame mucho" is "Kiss me a lot" in Spanish.

You don't like my jokes, shark?

So cold... so cold... shark!

NOTE: Yes, I translated this joke. "Samui" is cold and "same" is shark xD

I bet the shark won't appear because he must be very scared.

There he is! There he is!

Yeah, my jokes made it come!

Of course not!

Everyone, let's prepare!



Let's go! Let's go!

He's stuck!

We did it!

Let's go!

He didn't move!

He's really huge!

What should we do, Hamtaro?

Darn! I won't let you go!




Okay, I'm going, too! Everyone wait here!

Wait! Return my umbrella!

Hamtaro, Bo, Boss!


Look, Hamtaro!

Okay, it's our chance!

Let's go!

We did it!

Bo, I recovered your umbrella!



Hamtaro, Boss, Bo!

Dang, we don't have a place to run!

Darn it. What are we going to do, Hamtaro?

Don't worry, keep going and let the shark chase us!


Bo, trust in Hamtaro!


Let's go! Hey, come on, you shark!

Be careful!

Let's go through that hole!

Come on!

What's up? It's your fault!

Stop doing bad things!

From now on, be friendly with everyone while crossing the sky!

We did it!

You two used the leaves too much!

Take this!

That was close.

Hamtaro, guys!

Everyone, it's okay now!

Ah, take a look!

Everyone returned to the sky!

You don't need to worry anymore!

You can play without fear in the sky again!

Ah, look over there please, everyone!

What a huge sunflower field!

It's real!

A sunflower field floating in the sky!

Lazuli wants to see that sunflower field!

Let's go, let's go!

But can we fly that far?

It's okay!

Bo will help us get there!


Yeah, leave it to me!

Okay, let's go!

Come on!

It's a rainbow! It's so beautiful!

Okay, let's depart to the sunflower field!


He's nowhere.

Where could he be?

I'm worried.


Maki's brother!

What is he doing over there?

Big Bro... this is not a time to play!

You're looking for a bunny, right?

Then look over there!

There he is, Maki!

There's nothing to worry about now.

I'm glad!

Laura, Kana!

Hey, welcome!

Good morning!

U-Umm... Nice to see you.

Why is Kana acting weird?

Ah, could it be...?


Maki's brother knows to fly with a hang-glider! It's incredible!

Kana wanted to see my brother, right?

It seems so.

I see! She could have just said so, right?

It's really fun to fly with everyone!


We need to return home now, but let's play again!

Okay! I need to return to my town too!

Bo, be careful not to forget your magical umbrella again, okay?

You don't need to worry! If I lose it, I'll look for Hamtaro again!


You're so oblivious, Bo!

Hamtaro, today I went to Maki's house, and then I saw her brother flying in a hang-glider!

Laura, today I crossed the sky too!

I'm sure it was cooler than Maki's brother!



Heke! Otome's crew is still amazed by Hero-Ham!

I'm sure they go to such a great effort because they really like Hero-Ham, right?

That's so good for them. Do it for me.

Okay, I'll help them!

Could it be that Otome's crew still doesn't know about Hero-Ham's identity?

I-I have a bad feeling.

Next time!

Eternal Hero

See you next time!