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09x213 - Swimming in the Jungle!

Posted: 04/05/24 12:32
by bunniefuu
We went to Jungle Bell and became friends with Leo and the Djungarians!

But our precious hourglass was stolen!

We must chase those Cactus Brothers!

Swimming in the Jungle!

Hey... did you find anything?


What do you mean by that?

Do you mean we're lost?

Well, I don't know where we are.

It seems like we are lost. This jungle is so thick.

We can't tell where that big beetle went.

It is impossible to know!

It can fly, so we can't really chase it.

You're right.

Sis, without the hourglass, we can't go back.


There it is!

That guy is acting weird.

Where is the way back home?

It should be over there... or over there... Which way?

We're lost!

Over there!

Let's go!

This time, we won't lose them!

Let's go!


There's a problem! Penelope is missing!





The sea!

It's beautiful!

Penelope found it? Incredible!

I didn't expect the sea to be so close to the mountain. This must be paradise!

NOTE: He makes a wordplay with "paradaisu" (paradise), and "daisuki ya de jangaru beruto" (I really like Jungle Bell), by combining the words to make "paradaisuki". -_-

But it really looks like paradise!

It's beautiful!

There's no time for this, guys!

That's right - we need to get the hourglass!

Over there!

Let's chase them!

Eh? You want to stay? I guess you must be tired.

Lazuli, are you tired too?

No, I'm...

Penelope and the others can rest a little.

Okay, how about this? The girls can rest here, and we'll keep going!

All right, let's do that!

That's it. Bijou and the others, take it easy.

Eh? But...

It will be better if we don't split up.


Only the girls?

Of course!

Come on, let's go!

Do your best!

Make sure to recover the hourglass!

Let's hurry!

Let's hurry!

Well, which way now?


Eh? You don't know?

Well, I thought that since this is a sparkly place, it would be a good place to arrive.

Wait! Return the hourglass!

Ah, there they are again.




It fell!

What shall we do?

We can't swim.

L-Leo, don't!

Hamsters can't swim!

Why is that? On this island, every hamster can swim!

You give it a try too! It feels good!

Shall we give it a try?

I-It's impossible. After all, we're not Djungarians.

It's okay, I told you! Come on!

It's okay, everyone! It's all right!

That can't be.

It's all right - look, look!

It feels good!

Come give it a try, everyone!

If Oxnard says it's all right... then it's all right!

That's right!

Yay! Let's do it!

Then me too...

Howdy, come on! Hurry up!

I get it!

Swim, swimming...

This is incredible!

We had something important to do.

That's right, the hourglass!

That's right, there's no time to play!

Let's get it back!


Over there is kind of dangerous.

You see, that place is quite different from this one.

You'll have a problem if you go without the proper equipment.

Use this - let's go together!

Is this good?

Sure! Come on, let's go!

Boss, Leo!

It's all right - we'll be back soon!

You guys wait for us here!

We're like real mermaids!

You need Brandy as a sheep dog?

Yes, let's give it a try!

But will he able to do it?

It will be all right!

You can rest for a while. Come on Brandy, give it your all!

Brandy, do your best!

Brandy! Follow them and round them up!

They're taking a long time.

I wonder if they'll be okay?

That's right - the sea is really big.

What should we do? Perhaps something happened to them?

I'll... give it a look!

But, Hamtaro, that's really dangerous!

It will be all right! I'll be back soon. Everyone wait here, please!



You guys are...?

Episode dedicated to Kristopher

Eh? A dangerous monster?

That's right.

Right, everyone?

W-What kind of monster?

We have heard from the island guys that no one who has gone into that sea has come back!


So it must be a really bad guy!

Right, everyone?

That's troublesome! Boss, Leo!

They could've been eaten by the monster already!

We must go and save them!

Do not do something reckless!

We're also troubled by that monster. If you want to help your friends, we'll help you!

Help us?

What do you mean?

Hey, everyone!

T-These are?

With these disguises, you'll be just like us!

We'll get the monster!

Right, everyone?

Come on, try them!

They look good on you.

But, hey... a monster is too much for us.

That's not true!

If everyone combines their strength, it will be all right!

NOTE: The audio glitches, but I'm % sure that's what he says.

That's right, also for Boss and Leo... Let's go, everyone!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Wait for me!

Do your best! We'll be cheering you on!

We can really swim!

Swim, swim, let's swim!

It's so incredible!

Yay, it's the best!

The sea is so beautiful!

I never thought we would see something so splendid!

Where are you, Boss, Leo?

That's right! Boss!


Boss! Leo!

W-What's that?

T-T-The monster!

There you go!

Howdy, Dexter!

Let go of them!

Let's get the monster and save our friends!

Ah, Hamtaro!

What do you think you're doing with Hamtaro? Wait!

Who are you?

You're friends with those guys from earlier right? We'll get you!


Don't get in our way!

This time we'll get you for sure!

What did you say?

What is going on?

Who knows?

Octopus, please get them!

That voice just now was...!

Hey! Hamtaro, everyone!

Boss, Leo...

You're safe!

They're our friends - let them go!

Please, Octopus!

No way, we've finally got those bad guys!

You're the bad ones!

Shut up, shut up! We were playing and you came and told us to leave!

This place was ours before!

What did you say?

What's wrong with you?

What's going on?

Who knows?

Octopus, why did you let them go? When we finally caught them...

He doesn't like you fighting like that.

Eh? You don't want us to fight? But, Octopus!

I did not do anything wrong and I got caught in your fight.

That's right, we att*cked him because we thought he was a monster.

Then... we didn't ask and just went with our fear. We're sorry.

Octopus is really gentle! We were a little surprised, but then...

Then... he got this for us!

Ah! The hourglass!

Jeez, if you found it, you could've returned it earlier.

We were really worried!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But you see...

Look there! There's an underwater park!

Leo and I decided to play for a bit.

That's right.

It really looks like fun!

Boss and the others, play with us!

No, they'll play with us!

With us!

With us!

Why don't we all play together?

I'm not going with those guys!

We're not either!

Then suit yourselves! You can stay here arguing - we'll go play!

That's right, that's right!

If you can't be friendly, then there's no point!

We want to play too!

We'll be friends.

Let's play together!

Brandy, it's dangerous!

Come here!

Jeez, Brandy!

He doesn't work as a sheepdog, eh?

I wonder if Hamtaro and the others are safe?



You came from the sea?

Yeah! It's all right!


And also, we got this back!

My hourglass!

Thanks for recovering it!