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09x211 - Here Come the Djungarians!

Posted: 04/05/24 12:31
by bunniefuu
Here they come! Djungarians!

Laura really likes summer vacation!

We, the Ham-Hams, like it too!

Where are we going to play today, I wonder?

Let's discuss it with everyone!

We should go on a summer adventure!

The sparkling sun reminds me of myself!

I want to go on an adventure too!

What do you think, everyone?

It's a great idea!

Then let's prepare for an adventure!

Yeah! Right now I'm really excited!

I can't wait for it!

I'm sorry to disappoint you guys, but... do you know of any place where we can have an adventure?

A place?

I don't know of any.

Lazuli knows of a wonderful island!

A wonderful island?

Really, Lazuli?

Yeah, come on, Sis, guys!

I found it a while ago, look!

I can see something!

It's a beautiful and sparkling sea!

Just as Lazuli said, there's an island there!

A really wonderful island!

With the sea and an island, we can have a lot of adventures!

It looks like Penelope likes the idea!

Okay, let's go to the island!

Great idea!

Me too!

Lazuli, please!

Sure, Sis!

The sparkling changed.

Does this become a gate?

With this pot, we can travel to a weird world, Boss.

A weird world?

We went to Snoozer's dream from here before!

What's this, are you scared or something, Boss?

Shut up! I'll go in a boat or in a pot if it's for an adventure!

I'll do it!

I'm okay as long as there's a lot of delicious ice cream.

Sweet Paradise is really my paradise!

Oxnard is not very amazed with the adventure.

Jeez, Oxnard...

Then you can stay, Oxnard, we're going!

I-I'll go too! Wait for me!

Hamtaro, everyone!

Good morning!


Over here!

Nice to see you, Laura, Kana!

And Brandy too!

We've been waiting for this!

Maki's summer festival!

But there's still time until it starts.

We've got it, so if we help you, we'll start it sooner, right?


I understand, there's a lot of work to do, so if I had to do it by myself I would have been in trouble!



Brandy wants to help too? Thank you!

It is finally summer vacation, Otome!

Oui! And the summer calls for the sea!

We'll have a nice vacation on the sea!

Come on, let's go, Lion, Bear!

Like this.

Are the preparations done?

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


The Queen Otome is finished!

It's so cool!

Well then, everyone, let's enjoy the Otome crew's vacation in this beautiful and fantastic Queen Otome cruiser!

Go, go, art, go!

Everyone, wake up!

It looks like the island from earlier!

A jungle, huh? That's a nice place for an adventure!

I'm really excited!

Boss, the time in this weird world is set by the Ham-Hourglass.

If the hourglass drops to zero, we won't be able to return.

I see, then let's have fun already!

You see? They're there!

Those are hamsters I've never seen!

They're loud!

Where did they come from?

Hamtaro, we're like jungle people!


I am too!

And I am too!

Jungle people, they say?

Could it be that they plan to do something horrible to us, the Djungarians?

That's troublesome!

We need to do something! Let's call our comrades!

Howdy, don't do stupid things!

What do you mean? I didn't do anything.

Don't be naive now! You just threw this at me!

I won't care any more about your bad jokes!

Think whatever you want!

Dexter too, what are you doing?

I didn't do anything.

You just threw that at me!

I told you I don't know anything!

You don't have to fight.

Stop it already, Howdy, Dexter!

Jeez, it can't be helped with you two.


Huh? A stone?

Hamtaro, Oxnard! What did you do to me?

Wait, Boss!

Penelope, are you okay?

It hurts, Sis!


Like that, let's get them!

Wait, guys! The Ham-Hams are not doing this!

Then who is it?

Anyway, let's run away!

A snake!

What is that?

An armadillo!

An eagle from the sky!

Do your best!

We did it, they're running!

Snake and the others are awesome!


What's up, Hamtaro?

I've been thinking... the animals in the jungle are not that strange!

And more importantly, we came on this adventure to meet new animals, right?

At Maki's house there are a lot of animals, right, Lazuli?

Yes, it's all fine, Penelope!

We can become friends with the jungle animals!

Let's do it!

Save us!

Look, Hamtaro!

Heke? You're...


Hold on!

We're the Ham-Hams!


Who are you?

We're Djungarians.


E-Everyone, run away!


You don't have to run away!

What's up with them?

Episode dedicated to Kristopher

NOTE: This episode is the first part of a -episode saga, enjoy!

On this island, there are hamsters!

We were equally shocked to see those guys!

They call themselves the Djungarians.

But they're weird guys... with those looks.

I wonder why they wear those costumes?

Didn't we once play as other animals back in the spring?

That's right, the Djungarians should be playing like that too!

I see, that should be.

Sis, will we be able to play with them?

I hope so!

Then let's play too, Hamtaro!

Yeah, let's play the same way as the Djungarians!

The same way?

Right, Cappy?

Okay, leave the preparations to me!

NOTE: Didn't Cappy's voice sound... weird?

What shall we do now, Leo?

We weren't able to scare them.

But those Ham-Hams didn't look so bad, actually.

Nah, that was what they wanted us to think!

There they are. I will let you know, Ham-Hams!

Be prepared, Hamtaro, Boss, and the others!

That's Lapis's signal.

Let's go!

What's that? Run away!

Our turn!


There are more!

You're so funny, Djungarians!

We want to be funny too!

And we do too!

And I'm even funnier!

Right now, I'm Mushroom Boss!

Coming with the wind, who do you think I am?

A man who lives only to protect others.

A little bit cool and handsome... who will you call?

Hero-Ham of Justice!

Hero Jump!

Hero Punch!

Hero Kick!

Hero Chop!

Let's go, Boss!

And there is even more!

Djungarians, if you have any injuries, leave it to me!

I'm Nurse Boss!

Sis, he said Nurse Boss!

Don't leave it to Boss, but to me!


Djungarians, would you like to do some classic conga?

It's so cold.

Great joke!

Djungarians, you're too shocked to laugh, huh?

I told you to stop making those horrible jokes!

But it was really funny!

What do you think, Djungarians?

We Ham-Hams come up with really funny things, right?

I-I'm tired.

What's wrong, everyone? Hold on!

I can't understand the Ham-Hams.

The Djungarians are done.

One, two... How weird.

Laura! Are you done?

Is everything all right?

You see... I can't find one of the bunnies.

I'm sorry, I was looking at them all of the time, though.

If the three of us look for him, we'll surely find him!

That's right, Laura!

Brandy, will you help us search? Or are you going to slack off here?

Oh, you were with Brandy!

At this rate, Maki's summer festival will start soon!

I hope a lot of kids come!

We need to hurry! Everyone, let's do our best!


This island is Jungle Bell, you say?

That's right!

The hamsters on this island are called the Djungarians.


Hamsters that live in the jungle like you guys are awesome!

But our bodies are small and we are not very strong, so we need to disguise ourselves as other animals to hide.

So it's so they can hide!

You don't have to worry! We won't do anything bad to you!

We just came looking for an adventure!

An adventure?

That's right! We overdid it a little earlier. I'm sorry about that.

So now that we're friends, I'll present you with my jokes and...!

We told you to stop!

How about if you keep quiet for a while?

I'm sorry.

We're all hamsters, so let's all be friendly!


We want you to be friends with the Ham-Hams!

Okay, Hamtaro!


Jungle Bell is a very fun place to be!

We'll show you!

And let's play together!

Lazuli! Be careful!


I'll go and recover it, Lazuli.



Be careful, Hamtaro!

Lazuli's hourglass!


We got it!

The Cactus Brothers!

Let's go! We're the Cactus Brothers!


That's Lazuli's valuable hourglass!

Give it back!


Sis, we're in deep trouble!

Yeah, without that hourglass we can't return!


It's not time to play anymore, Hamtaro!


We'll recover the hourglass from those Cactus Brothers, for sure!

And now in Jungle Bell, the big adventure of the Ham-Hams has started!

That's right! About those three...

Blue sky, blue sea... Otome's crew's vacations are the best!

But how far have we gone?

Huh? Otome, Lion, there is something wrong with the sky!

L-Let's go back!

Even if you say so, which way is the right way?

I don't know!

Problems! The Queen Otome is sinking!

That's why I told you not to make it with cardboard!

This is the time where we have to show our true heart and do our best!

Go, go, art, go!