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08x195 - Sweet Paradise

Posted: 04/05/24 11:51
by bunniefuu
Sweet Paradise!

Snoozer and Lazuli, why are you floating?

What is that?

A floating cloud.

Lazuli made it.

A floating cloud?


Lazuli made all of this?

Yes! Lazuli made it!


Lazuli studies a lot of things in this house made of sweets.

Being inside and watching her is really fun!

Lazuli has a lot of fun being with Snoozer too!

We were worried, but it looks like Snoozer became friends with Lapis and Lazuli.

It looks like they understood his feelings right away.

Wait a second! I'm not friends with Snoozer!

Is that so?

Because, while we were working on Jewelry House, we didn't know that this guy came and started sleeping inside it!

No matter what we tell him, he just keeps sleeping!

That sounds like Snoozer!


It's no laughing matter!

Snoozer, you wanted to see Hamtaro and the others. Will you return home with them?

Stop being a bother and return to the house!

Snoozer can't go anywhere, because he'll always be with Lazuli!

Right, Snoozer?

Yes, Lazuli!

I won't allow that!

What should I taste first?

What will be the most delicious?

Any will surely be delicious!


This really makes my tummy happy!

Too bad, the smell made Oxnard want to eat sweets!

I'll have some!

Oxnard, we can't eat them!

That's right, even if we're hungry!

But, but... this really nice smell... I won't let you get in my way!

He ate it!

Oxnard is in trouble!

Is it bad?


Why is it so delicious?

Is it edible?

It's a sweet world. You can eat all you want!

But, Lazuli...

The sweets made by Lazuli can be eaten by hamsters.

The sweet cream is something I've never tasted before!

It's the best!

Since Oxnard ate, let's all eat!

Let's eat!

But wouldn't it be bad to eat a lot?

But Bijou, your face is already covered in cream!

That's embarassing.

NOTE: Wtf innuendo? xD (It's obviously Andre's~)

It's okay, because they're magical sweets, so you can eat all you want without getting ill, Bijou!

I'm going to play at the lake!



Lazuli is floating.

Snoozer, you come too!

Hamtaro, it will be okay. Let's go!


It's soft.

This is such strange water.


What's wrong, Maxwell?

The water of this lake is delicious!

This is the jelly lake.


That's right, it's delicious!

We can eat the water!

It's pretty and delicious! It's so strange!

It really is jelly!

I'm really happy I have become friends with Lapis and Lazuli!

What friends? You guys can't decide things on your own!

It looks like this is Maki's house, but...

Welcome, Laura!

Let's go, the animals are waiting!

Brandy, come too!


A friend came to play!

Maki's grandpa?

This is Laura.

Nice to meet you.

I'm glad you came. Enjoy yourself!


Then, we're going!

A mysterious seed?

Is this a seed you can't eat?

Lazuli is studying it right now.


As soon as I finish, I'll let you guys know!

We're looking forward to it!

Do your best, Lazuli!


They're eating it!

Don't these people have any modesty?

It's so delicious and there's so much, I can't stop eating!

From now on, I'll come here every day!

Those Ham-Hams are going to eat my precious Sweet House.

They're horrible.

She wants to give it to you.

I don't want it!


Lapis doesn't want to be our friend?

As long as I'm with Lazuli, I don't need any friends!

We will be protected by Gramps!


Lapis and Lazuli were saved by Maki's grandpa.

Gramps is really gentle with the animals!


The ones we saw?

Lazuli really loves Gramps!

I do too!

Gramps saved Lapis and Lazuli's life!


He saved your life?

Yeah, we aren't from here. We came from a far, far away kingdom!

It seems like it.

Lazuli was really young back then, so she doesn't remember, but...

I have a lot of memories. If Gramps hadn't been on that around-the-world trip, we could have...

Gramps saved Lapis and Lazuli!

He's a really important person to you, right?

Gramps is really gentle, so Lazuli won't feel lonely with him around!

That's because friends aren't...

They're necessary!

It's good to have friends!

You can do a lot of fun things, Lapis!


The sweets... If you don't eat them alone, but with friends, they'll always taste better!

That's right, Lapis!

That's so random!


I get it, is it okay if I eat it?

I can't eat any more.

I can't either.

I can eat a lot more!

With your permission, I'll have some!


It's okay now! Thanks, Penelope!

Penelope is so happy!

Sis is too!

That's incredible!

Oxnard is...!

Help me!

Episode dedicated to Kristopher



Oxnard is flying!

If you eat too many sweets, your body will change!

You should have told us earlier, Lapis.

Well, I didn't expect for a hamster with as big an appetite as Oxnard to come!

Well, Oxnard alone is capable of eating a whole sweet forest.


Oxnard is incredible.

Help me!

At this rate, he'll keep floating!


Don't worry, we'll be able to save Oxnard!

Even if you say so, what do you plan to do?

There's no way we can fly.

We'll cross the sky!

Everyone, I can count on you!

Hamtaro is flying!

But he can't reach!




I'm going to help you!

Keep going, Hamtaro!

Do your best, Hamtaro!

Yeah! Well done!




It's okay now!


I'm leaving the rest to you!


It's okay now, Oxnard.

I-I'm saved.


Snoozer, Hamtaro is awesome, right?

The Ham-Hams are too!

Yeah, they're incredible!

That's right! I couldn't have done it alone!

We were able to save Oxnard with all the Ham-Hams' power!

Thanks for the help too, Lapis and Lazuli!

Thank you very much, Lapis, Lazuli!

I'm glad for you, Oxnard!

For helping make Oxnard return to his normal self, I'll present you with my jokes!

For us?

NOTE: Oh... my... god...

Jeez... it was good for nothing.

Howdy is funny!

S-She got it. Lazuli is the best!

I'm so happy! Thank you!

Why are you crying?

It's obvious. Lazuli is the first one to laugh at Howdy's jokes.

Then for an encore!

No one asked for an encore.

Sis, the Ham-Hams are really funny, right? I like them!


Our friends, huh?

This looks like a zoo!

We spend the whole day with all the animals, so they're like our family!


Brandy is...!

It's okay, look.


Look, they became friends!


Brandy looks so happy!

It was really fun!

Lazuli, is it okay if we come again to play at Sweet Paradise?

Yes, Lazuli will make a lot more sweets for you!


But Oxnard should be careful about how many he eats, okay?

That's right, Oxnard.



What are you hiding inside your mouth?

Nothing at all.

Ah! The smell of sweets!

Oxnard, you'll get in trouble if you don't return the sweets.

It can't be helped. He will fly again.

I'm so sorry, Lapis. I really like sweets.

Problems, Hamtaro!

What's wrong?

No way! The sweets are gone!


That's right! It's empty.

Oxnard, you didn't eat those sweets?

No way, something weird happened!

I wonder why it disappeared?

It's obvious.

Those sweets can only be eaten in Sweet Paradise.

Right, Lazuli?

Yes, Sis!

I see...

For a last check... it looks like it's empty!

We'll come to Sweet Paradise again!

Lapis, Lazuli, as compensation, we'll help you build this Jewelry House!

I was waiting for this!

My debut!

They're so beautiful.

We really like sparkling things!

Penelope thinks they're cute too!

Thanks, Penelope!

Hey Lapis, Lazuli... let's make this place much more beautiful!


Over there!

Everyone, let's build an incredible home for Lapis and Lazuli!


Sis, I'm glad we made so many friends!

Yes, I suppose... Lazuli.

Hey, Hamtaro.

Today I went with Brandy to play at Maki's home.

There were so many animals, it looked like a zoo. It was really fun!

I went to a house made of sweets!

It was really fun!

I want to go and play again!

I want to go to the sweet place again.

But now I'm really tired.

I'm going to sleep.



Sweet Paradise is really a fantastic place!

There are a lot of fun things to do!

And that's so enjoyable!

You're right, Bijou!

Right now, Lazuli is working on something, improving her knowledge!

I'm so excited!

Next time!

Experiment, mysterious seed!

See you!
