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07x181 - Bo and the Mammoth

Posted: 04/05/24 11:46
by bunniefuu
Bo and the Mammoth

Would you like to know, Hamtaro?


A very long time ago, the humans' ancestors lived like this.

They wore some weird outfits!

They had it really hard... I think.

I'm tired.


I'm getting sleepy too.


I told you to wait!

Sunflower bird!

It's useless.

I'm so hungry.

This smell...

It smells like something edible!

So lucky!

A sunflower bird!

Let's get him!

Wait, sunflower bird!

One, two...

We failed.

It can't be helped.

I'm so hungry.

It was a good prey.

Hey, you!

You despicable Step Tribe!

What are you doing?

That was our prey!

What did you say, Trotting Tribe? It was ours!


Anyway, those of you from Trotting Tribe would not be able to capture that prey!

How can you say that?! It was your fault that the sunflower bird ran away!

Pay us the seeds that we didn't get!

As if we would do that!

Do it! I know that you Step Tribe members hide a lot!

It's your fault if you ate all that you got!

T-The sunflowers...

There are a lot.

I wonder what happiness can be achieved around them?

But... we can't reach there.

It's so far away, and we can't pass the canyon!

So sad.

Okay, I'll pass the canyon and bring sunflowers for everyone!

You're so cool!


I'm not that cool.

Everyone! There's a problem!

What's wrong?

Boss, Howdy and the rest are fighting again!

Eh? Again?

This calls for a duel!

I'm okay with it!

Yay, both of you do your best!

What's up with cheering up both of them? Aren't you a member of Step Tribe?

That's right.


Stop fighting!


Glad you came!

Trotting Tribe needs all of its allies!

I'm not an ally of any side!

Everyone, there's no time for this!


There's no point in fighting

That's right, but...

That's right! Let's all share what we have stored!

That won't do! If we eat it now, we'll have trouble later!

There won't be any seeds for winter.

I know... But wouldn't just a few be fine?

I see!

If we don't eat all of them, but only a few, it will be okay!

Okay, then, let's go to the place with all of the food!

Good idea!

What's up with this hole?

It's not here!

Our seeds are gone!

Could it be... that ours are too?

These are missing too!

They were delicious.

I was so hungry... but I couldn't have eaten any more!

And... you are?

I'm Bo. I came from Rainbow Land.

Nice to meet you!


What were you talking about?

Eh? So that food...

Excuse me!


I wouldn't have eaten it if I knew it was yours!

I'm sorry!

Just an excuse won't do it!

H-He can fly!

You jerk, come here!

If the seeds are the problem, there are a lot over there!

That's very far away!

We can't fly, so we can't get over there!

So that's the problem? Then...

I'll build a rainbow over there so everyone can walk over to it!

Eh? A rainbow?


You can do that, Bo?

But... how are you going to make a rainbow?

I can do it with my magic umbrella.

What's wrong?

It's gone.

I must have lost it... maybe when I was spinning.

And what happens if you lose it?

I can't make rainbows!

But more importantly, I can't return to Rainbow Land!

No problem, Bo! Leave it to us!

We'll look for your magical umbrella!

But even if you say that we'll search for it... how?

It's obvious! We'll ask Trotting Tribe's guru!

Laura, help me.

Yes, Master Grandpa!


Aren't you done with the prediction yet?

There's no point in rushing.

There it is.

It says to search near the water pool.


W-We didn't find it.

Then you must search at the highest point of the highest tree!

It wasn't there either!

It's deep underground!

We couldn't find it.

We're so tired for nothing.

Where is the magic umbrella?

Don't sleep!

Master, everyone is in trouble! You need to do something!

I got it...

Then... look at this!

Where is the thing for which everyone is searching?

Master, is this... a mammoth?

Maybe he swallowed it.

A-A mammoth?

What you're looking for is now with this guy.

W-With the mammoth?

We could get crushed!

I'm scared!


We can't just give up.

It's Bo's important umbrella.

And... we could achieve our dream!

Hamtaro is right!

We're going too!

Let's all search for the mammoth!



I-It looks big.

Such big feet... It makes me shiver.

She got it! She got it!

Why are you so stunned now?

S-Someone go and check it!

No way!

Even if you say so, it's impossible!

Okay, I'll do it!


It's not here! The magical umbrella is not here!

That can't be! Keep searching!

I wonder what happened?

W-What's up with the big one?

Could it be her mother?


So it means... that she is a child?

It looks like it!

She's such a big kid!

That's so strange.

She found him!

Bo, run away!

He got swallowed.

That's troublesome!

We need to help him!

I wonder if they found the mammoth?

What? Don't worry!

If you say so.

There she is!

A-A m-mammoth!

Let's get her!

Return Bo to us!

Do your best!

What about doing our best?

We'll be swallowed too!





I'm glad you're okay!

More importantly, we need to get out of here.

What are you doing?

I'm tickling. That way we can make her sneeze.

I'll try too!

What is she doing?

I see, she's going to sneeze!

That means... she's trying not to!

I can understand that feeling.

I see, that's our chance!

If we make her sneeze, Hamtaro and Bo will be released!

Okay, let's do it!

Everyone, make her sneeze!

Sneezing is nothing bad!

You'll feel better!

Just a little more!

Okay, let's get out of here!

We did it! Big success!

You saved me.


Everyone, thank you!

I'm glad you're safe!

I'm glad!

Look, mother and daughter!

They're returning home!

Dang... That grandpa...

You, what about the mammoth?

Stop giving us random directions!

Calm down, calm down!

Our life was in danger!

What do you think about it?

Shut up!

You're the ones that asked me for advice first. I'll curse you!

That umbrella!

This is it!

This is the magical umbrella I've been looking for!


What do you mean? Isn't this something from Master Grandpa?


I found it earlier and I though it could do good stuff.

And then I saw the mammoth.

I see, so the mammoth made it fall from the tree!

My prediction was right, you see?


M-My bad.

Bo, please!

Here we go!

A rainbow!

It's so beautiful!

Can we really walk over it?

It's okay, give it a try!


There are a lot!

I'm so happy!

We can eat all we want! Yay!

Thank you, Bo!

Thanks to you, we realized our dream!

I can say the same. If it weren't for Hamtaro and the rest, I could still be inside the mammoth's nose!

Everyone is really happy!

The sunflower field is neither from the Step Tribe nor the Trotting Tribe.

Bo was able to make the rainbow, thanks to the efforts of everyone.

Oh, Grandpa...

I just wanted to say something cool!

The happiness is over the rainbow.

A dream?


So beautiful!

Today I saw a really beautiful rainbow!

I think I saw it in a dream before!

It was perfect!

I have the feeling I'll be able to see Bo again!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?
