05x124 - Mother's Home-Style Cooking

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hamtaro". Aired: July 7, 2000.*
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Series involves the adventure of a brave and childlike hamster named Hamtaro, with his Ham-Ham friends.
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05x124 - Mother's Home-Style Cooking

Post by bunniefuu »

It seems Zack had a fight with his mom.

I'm worried about that, but... what can we do?

Okay, I have a nice idea!

Leave it to the Ham-Hams!

Next time!

It's Autumn! Mom is upset

See you next time!

It's Autumn! Mom is upset

This is a good place to sketch, Laura!

But I'm a little worried.

Why's that? Isn't this place full of flowers and people good?

It's not that.

I just feel a little hungry.

So that's it. You're always the same.

That's a woman's right!

I understand.

There's a nice smell.

Laura and Kana are sketching and being friendly today too!

Hamtaro, we are going to have fun today too!

Yeah, we're going to Chestnut Mountain with all the Ham-Hams! It will be enjoyable!

The food will be delicious, right?

Well then, once again we offer you everything you could look for!

Like a goddess, Goldie's seafood is delicious!

NOTE: Sorry, this is hard to translate -.-

Welcome, welcome, welcome, thanks for your visit!

This is the best! Take one now!

Your owners are always the same, so joyful.

This is part of our big service!

You always say the same, I know about their service.

Bonjorno, everyone!

Today Zack's helping you again?

How praiseworthy.~

Today I wanted to go on a mountain trip with Mom, so we need to finish the job quickly. So I helped her!

I see. That's a good idea to go on a mountain trip, but isn't a little late already?

Jeez, this can't be...

What's up, Ma?

Today's sales are not as good as expected. I won't lose!

Then how about the trip?

I don't have time to play!

It hurts!

I still have a lot to do!

It can't be! You promised.

We can go another time!

You always say we're gonna go another time.

Fire! Fire! It's burning!

Mamma mia! Samma mia! Cuore mia!

It's useless.

It doesn't matter, but Mom!

You can go with your friends. Mom is busy!

I can always do that!

Zack, this is hard, you need to understand.

Mom, you only think of your money!

What's that? I told you we can go another time.


Mom, you're a liar!

Wait, Zack!

But I can't leave this place.

That was a little rude of him.

I'm sure Goldie understands Zack's feelings... but they're a little troublesome, right?

Wait up! Zack!



Howdy can't?

He's worried about Zack.

Of course. Zack wanted so much to go with his Mom to that mountain.

But Howdy, we planned to have a fun time together!


It's okay, you can go and play, everyone!

I'll think of some awesome jokes!

Well then, bye.

I understand you, Zack... but how can I help ya?

Hamtaro, have you thought of something?

Ah, right! Wait, Howdy!

We can help Howdy and Zack take a loooooooooot of mushrooms home!


Bijou showed me!

Is the Trotting Mountain a good place, Bijou?

Sure! I have been a lot of times and it's an incredible, beautiful place!


With this, Zack will be happy for sure, Howdy!

Let's go, Howdy!

Let's go, let's go!


For Zack's happiness, let's find a lot!

Ham-Ham Go is departing!

It's beautiful!


It's so cool!

It was a good idea to come here!

Why are you going so slowly? Let's hurry up!

We're going to find it!

Yay, finally we're here!

I have found a pinecone!

There are a lot!

This is really a nice place. Zack is a kid, but he really knows how to make money. He should be proud of it.

This is a real homeland!

I wonder what Howdy is mumbling about? Whatever.

Okay, let's do this!

Mom's head is always full of "let's make money" stuff.

She doesn't care about me.


Zack, would you like to take a drive?



Where did he go?

Now that you mention it, a while ago, Howdy said something about a homeland.


What's that?

He probably went in the forest! This is the mushroom homeland!

I'm talking about the mushrooms. Surely Howdy came here to find some mushrooms for Zack!

What's the problem then? They're only mushrooms.

I'm kind of worried.

Why are you worried, Maxwell?

I wonder if Howdy got in trouble by finding some weird mushrooms?

I know about it! There are a lot of poisonous red mushrooms!

That's why we must hurry! Howdy!

Wait, Dexter!

Hamtaro, let's search too!

Bijou, we're counting on you to guard the camp!


No matter how much I look, I can't find any.

I smell something.

What is that?

They're big! Cool, this is the best!

As expected from the mushroom homeland, there are a lot!

I did it, I did it, Zack! I'm the happiest ham in the world!

Don't do it, Howdy!

What are ya doin?

Those are not healthy. Didn't you get the smell?

What are you saying?

Zack and I...

What's this? I can't stop acting weird.

You inhaled a lot of that mushroom poison, and now you can't stop laughing.

Laugh? That can't be.

Pull yourself together, Howdy!

Please hold on.

What's this, the first thing that I see is your face? How disappointing.

You shouldn't be saying that.

Whatever, what are you doing here, Dexter?


I get it, Dexter wants to give his owner, Curtis, some mushrooms too!

I won't let him win!

Hey, wait, Howdy!

I won't fall for Dexter's trap! Zack, wait for me!

It's not the time for jokes.

Episode dedicated to Genie

This episode is hard, so the subs won't be very accurate, sorry about that.

Howdy! Dexter!

Where did you go, Howdy, Dexter?

Jeez, with this rain, I can't look for anything!

Thank goodness I found this shelter... but where could I find mushrooms?

This smell is indeed mushrooms!

Weird... I can't see it.

Could it be?!

I found it, the real one!

There's no doubt. Now, for sure, this is the real homeland!

Howdy! He found a mushroom!

Be careful!

Howdy, run away!

You again, Dexter?

Why should I run away?


This is my mushroom, find your own!


I won't!

You're wrong!

Look at that!


Why would he aim for this mushroom?

He's aiming for you!

Come on, hurry and run!

I won't!

Come on, let's hurry and run away, Howdy!

My mushroom!

Howdy, we need to run away quickly!

You can run away. I'd rather die than drop it!

What a stubborn...

Stop it!

Darn you, don't mess with the Ham-Hams!

Okay, we made it go away!

We did it!

It's okay now, Dexter, Howdy!

Thanks, everyone.

I get it, this is the homeland! That's why there are those huge mushrooms!

But I thought it was like that because this is the first place where you go to eat mushrooms.

I see.

I was worried, but thank goodness!

Could it be that you... I want to see Zack's smile too, Howdy!

You were worried?

Don't get it wrong, I wasn't worried about you, but about Zack.


I'm happy for you two!

I see, that's it!

What's wrong, Maxwell?

On Trotting Mountain, all of the trotting mushrooms are inedible.

Trotting mushrooms are not edible, you say?

Their smell and taste is poisonous, so in other words, you can't eat them!

So in summary, these mushrooms are wrong?

As you say.

It can't be.

T-That's a revelation.

Don't be sad, Howdy. If it's not a mushroom, I'm sure Zack will be pleased with something else!

Let's look for an incredible present!

Everyone will help you!

Of course, there's no time to feel sad!

Come on, let's go!

Look, Howdy, at all of the things we have found!

Wow, this is a lot for a present!

Bijou was right, this mountain has plenty of awesome stuff!

Hamtaro, we have found something cool too!

What's that?

Look, there it is!

A chestnut tree!

There are a lot of chestnuts!


Isn't that Zack?

And Curtis!

What are they doing on the mountain?

Ah, how beautiful! This mountain is so cool and it has plenty of stuff!

It would have been better if Goldie had come too, right, Zack?

You heard that Mom was busy with the shop.

That's right! You were still young, but do you remember how much you liked to come with your mother to play here?

I don't remember that.

Sometimes you wanted pinecones and they were hard to find, so your Mom worried a lot!

But even with that, Goldie always had a fun time here!

I see, and that's why it is the Trotting Mountain! I'm glad you came with me!

They've come for chestnuts!

Howdy, everyone, let's give Zack some chestnuts!

We, you say... but how, Hamtaro?

From now on, I hope Mom doesn't get mad at me when I eat the cake all by myself!

I think Goldie really wanted to come here with you.

I wish I could have shown Mom this place.


What's that?

Everyone, more, more!


This is the first time I've seen that many!

Look, Mr. Curtis, here's a lot of stuff too!

It's really incredible!

Who set it there? It looks like a dream!

It's not a dream! This is a present from the god of the mountain to you!

The god of the mountain?

Bravo, viva!

Carbonara, portomigo!

We did it! This is our prize!

We did it! It's a big success!

NOTE: Oh God, this was the worst joke ever xD

Come on, and take some chestnuts!

But, Mom, I got all of them for you.

That's right, Goldie.

This is for the shop! We will let everyone eat the delicious chestnuts from the Trotting Mountain!

Come on, you can eat too!

This is the best, Mom!

Bravo! This is our prize, Zack!

Zack, this time for sure when I get a vacation, we will go!

Okay, I'll make sure to show you a good place!

Isn't that... Goldie?

Yes, it's Goldie's convenience store.

Hey, Kana, Laura! Come here!



It's incredible that it's edible even though my Mom made it, huh?

What are you saying, Zack?

It was a joke, Mom.

Worst cook ever!

What are you saying?

At the end we really get to see Zack's smile, right, Howdy?

Of course! Zack's and Goldie's smiles are the best!

Today we ate Goldie's handmade chestnuts!

They were as warm and gentle as she is!

Goldie and Zack make a fun family, huh?

For Zack's sake, Howdy did his best too!

Today was fun, but tomorrow will be better, right, Hamtaro?

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