05x120 - Where Are You, Cappy!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hamtaro". Aired: July 7, 2000.*
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Series involves the adventure of a brave and childlike hamster named Hamtaro, with his Ham-Ham friends.
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05x120 - Where Are You, Cappy!

Post by bunniefuu »

Though Stucky came to play, where is Cappy hiding?

I wonder where those two are?

I'm worried, Hamtaro.

Now that you mention it, back then I heard a huge scream.

What happened?

Next time!

Where are you, Cappy?

See you next time!

Where are you, Cappy?

Hey, Hamtaro!

Jeez, Hamtaro!

Look, what do you think about this?

I don't know.

I got it when I went shopping with Mama.

This will look cute on Kana!

Kana gave me a sweet present, so I decided to do the same!

She'll be really happy!

I'm going!

I'm going too!

I'm going, Brandy!

Okay, everyone is here!

Have you decided on what we shall play today?


How about a school trip?

I would like some drawings!

Uhm... hide and-

Dodge ball!

Dodge ball, eh?

It sounds like fun!


A-Anyway, let's play dodge ball, everyone!

Okay, then I'll search for the ball!

Uhm... the ball was over here.

This tunnel is incredible! You made it yourself, Boss?

Yeah, it took you a while to notice.

Where does it lead?

Well, it continues forever.

No matter how much you walk, you'll have to walk even farther!

Oh, I found it!

I found it!

Hey everyone, how about if, instead of dodge ball, we explore the tunnel?

Come on, let's go!


Come on!

Stan, over here!


Let's go!

Jeez, I'll have to go...

Is it okay now?

Not yet.

This voice!

Is it okay now?

You are Stucky, right? Where are you hiding?

It's all right now.

It has been a while, Cappy!

So it was you!

Where are the Ham-Hams?

They're playing dodge ball.

I see. I wanted to play hide and seek.

And I wanted to explore the tunnel.

Explore the tunnel? It sounds like fun!

Right? And hide and seek sounds like fun too!


It would be incredible fun to play hide and seek while exploring the tunnel!

Play hide and seek while exploring the tunnel?

We can do it!

We said the same thing!

Have a good trip.

This is incredible!

No matter how much we walk, we'll have to walk even more! It will last forever!

Let's go!

Thanks for the meal!

The cake was delicious!


Come on, let's do our homework!

Yeah, I guess.

Ah! But before that...

You know, Kana...

Right! Look at this!

Isn't it cute?

Oh no, it's the same.

I bought it just when I saw it!

Does it look fitting?

Y-Yeah, very fitting!


What did you want to say?

Eh? Ah, nothing!

Sigh... too bad.

Is it okay now?

Not yet.

Is it okay now?

It's all right now!

I found you, Cappy!

I was found. You're a hide and seek genius after all!

Cappy too!



Okay, let's explore now!






More upward...

More upward...

Upside down...

Upside down...

No matter how, no matter how, go, go, go!

Huh? Here's a different path!

Let's take a look!

It narrows...

It narrows!

More narrow...

More narrow...

Even more narrow...

Even more...

I'm sorry!

We interrupted!

That was surprising!

It really was!

But it was also fun!

Yeah, it was!

We're a lot alike!

Yeah, we are!

I think it's more fun to play with you than with the Ham-Hams.

An earthquake!

It looks like it stopped.

I was worried.

Even though I brought a present...

What's wrong?

No, nothing! Let's continue with the homework!

What's wrong with Laura today? Did I do something that upset her?

The earthquake is over now.

I was worried.

Episode dedicated to Kristopher

Stucky, where are you?

I'm here!

I'm glad we're both okay!

I'm glad too.

But it's not good.

We're trapped!

Okay, let's continue with our dodge ball match!

Okay, baby!


What's wrong, Hamtaro?

Cappy is not here.

He's really nowhere.

Where could he have gone?

Wait a second, since we started playing dodge ball, I haven't seen him.

Are you okay, Cappy?

It's useless. The dirt is too solid.

We won't be able to get out of here.

Don't worry! The Ham-Hams will help-

They won't!

No one will even notice if I'm missing!

I see. That is what happened.

When I asked them to play hide and seek... when I asked them to explore the tunnel...

No one heard me, as if I weren't there.

That's not right!

What do you mean?

Maybe no one could hear your voice!

That's not the problem!


Even if my Papa and Mama can't hear my voice, they always know what I want.

Are your Papa and Mama always looking over you?

My parents... because of my brother's louder voice, they couldn't hear me, they didn't notice me.

It's the same with the Ham-Hams!

I wonder...

It is!

I wonder if I had spoken in a louder voice, if everyone could have heard me?

Yeah! Because the Ham-Hams are your friends!

My friends...


I'm sorry for saying bad things about you!

Stucky and I are trapped!

Help us!

We're over here!

Hey, Cappy! Where are you?

He isn't here.

Where could he be?

Could he have gone back to the clubhouse?

Okay, let's take a look.

Hey, Cappy, are you here?

Huh? He's not here either.

Hey, Snoozer, have you seen Cappy?

Boss's tunnel... looks like fun.

My tunnel?

Could it be that Cappy went to explore the tunnel?

W-W-What? That would be dangerous!

I haven't secured that tunnel yet!

Then there's the chance that he got involved in the earthquake from before!

I wonder if he's okay?

Everyone, let's go in the Ham-Ham Go to help Cappy!


Ham-Ham Go, depart!

One two, one two...

I wonder where Cappy is?

I don't know.

But he's somewhere in this tunnel.

If we do our best and hurry up we will find him!

We will surely find him!

That's right, Hamtaro!


There's no doubt that today, Laura is different from other days.

I wonder what happened? Since earlier, Kana has been really quiet.


What's this?

Ah! Don't-

Kana? For me?

You're wrong, uh...

May I take a look?


I had bad timing.

I couldn't believe you bought the same one.

I'm so happy, Laura!

You knew I would like it, right? Thanks!

But it's the same one, and I also liked it, so may I have it?

Wait! Here, Laura, take this one.

This is my present for you, and this is your present for me!

Thanks, Kana!

It looks good, huh?

Yeah, it does!

Now that I think about it, this happened when we first met.

I'm glad that I bought the same thing as you back then.

Hey, Cappy!

Where are you?

You heard it?

The Ham-Hams!


Help us!

Hey! Help us!

Ah! Cappy's voice!

And Stucky's voice too!

Penelope, go right!


It's a dead-end!

Everyone! You came to rescue us, right?

I'm glad!

Cappy, Stucky, I'm glad you two are okay!

Oh no! The shock from the Ham-Ham Go caused the tunnel to collapse!

You two, ride!

It's over!

This is the Ham-Hams' last adventure!


W-We're saved.

Okay, I fixed it!

Thanks everyone, for coming to save us!

It's the right thing to do to help friends in trouble!

I'm sorry I went alone and thought badly of you.

Here too, we should have heard you.

No, I'm more sorry!

Don't say that.

The Ham-Hams are really incredible friends.

That's right everyone, now that Stucky is here, let's play hide and seek!

Good idea!


Hide and seek!

Hide and seek!

Then who is It?



Let's hide!

Hey, you! That's mean!

Today I found out that Kana is an even better friend!

The Ham-Hams are incredible friends too!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?

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