05x111 - Spooky Night at School

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hamtaro". Aired: July 7, 2000.*
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Series involves the adventure of a brave and childlike hamster named Hamtaro, with his Ham-Ham friends.
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05x111 - Spooky Night at School

Post by bunniefuu »

S-S-Scary! Bravery test

Hamtaro, you'll be alone today, but take care of the house!

Where are you going, Laura?

I'm going to a campout with everyone from school!


Laura, are you ready?


Today, you're going to make curry with everyone, right?

I'm a little worried if you'll be able to pull it off.

It's all right, Mom!

Also, earlier, they said that there'll be a campfire, and that we're going to have a bravery test!

I am looking forward to it!

Bravery test?

Just thinking of being with everyone from school on a dark night makes it seem so scary!

You had better be careful, Laura.

There's a story about a ghost being at the school.


A ghost?

On a summer night... When no one is around to accompany her in her sinister behavior...

They say a girl with a white face appears there.

She asks people to play with her.


Mom is really scary...

Just kidding! That's a joke I just made up! Did I scare you?

Jeez, Mom!

Come on... You scared me!

When I was a kid, I really liked bravery tests!

Ah, it's Kana!

I'll be going then, Hamtaro!


Eh? A bravery test?

That's right! Everyone from school is going to do it!

You do the bravery test at night?

Yeah, it seems like something very scary!

I-It's scary?

My, doesn't a bravery test sound like something you should keep quiet about?

What do you mean by that?

You see...

NOTE: Kimi-dame-shi = You-can not-silence; Kimodameshi = bravery test

You shouldn't cry before we tell you how bad the joke is!

Also it is not 'you', it's 'scary'.

A bravery test is something to test who is the bravest person.

What? Then I'll be at the top!

There's no guy braver than I am.

Yay, everyone! Did I surprise you?


Did you hear, Hamtaro? Laura and the others are going with their school to do a bravery test!

Yes, that's right!

I'm sorry to say it, but you should quit already!

Eh? Why?

Why shouldn't they go?

It is really there.

What is there?

Silly! By 'it's there', I mean a ghost, of course!

Eh? A ghost?

Laura's mom told us!

But she said it was a joke.

Darn, Stan, don't go saying things like that!

It's true! I heard it from someone who saw it.

W-What kind of ghost is it?

You don't really want to know!

More importantly, Oxnard...

What if you get lost when no one is around at school...


It is really dark, but for some reason, you see a flying light...

What could it be? You wonder while you approach it, then...

T-Then what?

When you didn't expect a terrible ghost... from behind Oxnard, it goes BOO!

Please don't eat me! I'm all skin and bones and I taste awful! Please stop-

That's what would happen.

T-There's no way that can be true!

That's right.

It's scary! Very scary!

That's why I told you not to go there.

Would that monster eat humans too?

Yeah, and dogs, and cats... He doesn't have any problem with them!

T-That's troublesome!

Hey! We need to do something to stop Laura and the others from doing the bravery test.

I know I ask a lot, but please everyone, come with me to save Laura and the others!

Of course!

We should get started!

Okay, we will protect Laura and the others from the monster!

Let's go!

I got them!

It's obvious there's no such a thing as a ghost!

Now when everyone gets scared, and I arrive to save them...

I'll become popular with the ladies!

Well then, we'll start our school bravery test!

First I'd like you to listen closely to what this person has to say.

We're counting on you!

The principal...

Young people!

This night, there's not only the living around here.

There are a lot of beings you can not see nor feel.

I-I understand.

When I got lost in the jungle, it changed me a lot.

Is that true?

Who knows?

This night you will also be thrown into a test to show your bravery.

Please prepare yourselves.

And for tonight, we've prepared some very interesting tests for you to undergo.

I wonder if, like last year, there will be one or two that get lost again?

T-That must be a joke, right?


What is this?

Right! You'll be the first to go!

You just have to check inside.

Well then, I'm counting on you!


What should we do, Kana?

Where are Laura and the others?

Look over there!

They've gone in!

That's bad!


Laura! Kana!

I-It's useless! They're too far in!

Inside that place is the ghost!

I'm going to save Laura!


I can't let Laura get in any trouble!

I-I'm going to help Kana too!

If everyone is together, the ghost will be too scared to appear for sure!

T-That's right! A guy needs guts!

Let's go, everyone!

Hey, in these bravery tests, surely there will be someone hiding in order to scare people, right?

Most likely.


Laura and Kana are inside this room!

O-Okay, let's go.

Jeez, what was that?

It was scary.


It's all right. Let's go!

That scared the heck out of me!

I thought we were going to be eaten.

Oh no, Laura and the others are still out there!

Let's search for them!

Wait a second, let's rest for a bit.

My heart is about to explode.

Happy Spoopy Halloween!

That's not right.

What is wrong with this school?

Stan was right. There's a ton of monsters coming out!

I wonder where Laura and Kana went?

We need to find them quickly or we're the ones that will end up being eaten!

I don't want that!

This is good! This is good!

All right, now it's my turn to scare them a lot!

C-Could that have been Laura and Kana?

L-Let's check.

How strange...

Why didn't Haruna and the others come this way?

I'll ask someone to take my place!


It looks like there's no one around.

T-The piano is...

...playing on its own!

I'm scared!

This is the best!

Who is it?


Hopefully he has not seen us.

That got Hamtaro and the others really scared!

Well then, shall I make the ultimate prank?

This one is great!

Was that... an ogre?

What was that?

This is why I hate bravery tests.

There's no way this can scare us.

Right, this is just a kid's prank!

A W-Will-O-Wisp...

There's no way it can be one, right?

How strange. I thought I heard Kana's voice this way.

W-Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

What's up with this voice?

Ah, Laura!

They are being chased by the monster!


Hamtaro, let's go!

No way...

Jeez, don't come this way!

It's over!

We have no choice but to fight the monster!

Fight, you say?

Everyone, come this way!

Hey, Hamtaro!

Is everyone ready?


Okay! Then let's attack the monster!

Let's go!

Commencing attack!


We did it!

Don't look at me!

What is that?

Principal! Haruna!

Professor Yoshi?

What is going on?

Oh man, it has been such a long time since I have had this much fun scaring people.

When it comes to the school bravery test, I really get into it!

I'm glad you adults did your best!


Adults, you say... Does that mean the ones that scared us...?

Everyone, please come this way.

Gee, I'm sorry I scared you, but it was fun!

Mimi's dad!


The owner of the glasses shop, Mister Curtis!

I wasn't sure if I would be a good ghost, but I did my best!

My owner?

It was so hot, I thought I was going to die for sure!

The owner of the convenience store, Miss Goldie!

It can't be true.

Good job! I had a lot of fun!

I could eat a lot of dumplings!

Even Zack...

Idiot! What are you saying? You should've been more serious!

What are you saying? Mom, you too could have done better!

I get it! Just kidding!

NOTE: They've done a small comedy duo number.

Well then, thanks to all of you for your help. It has ended well!

So they were not monsters after all.


I was so scared!

I shouldn't have tried to scare you all!

Eh? You wanted to scare us?

All the stuff going on at the music room... it was my fault!

I thought it was really strange.

Then the stories about a ghost coming out...

That was also a lie! There's no way there's a monster, right?

Oh, come on...

And what about you? Why were you scared?

That is... That is... Hm...

What was it?

Well, I guess it wasn't that scary after all! Yay!

He is really easy-going, huh?



Anyway, why are you here, Mr. Yoshi?

Well, I was chasing an ogre...

Eh? It's missing.

Now that you mention it, I was hearing some maraca sounds...

Principal... could that be a real ghost?

I'm scared!

Today was my first school campout.

Even thought bravery tests are scary, I think I had fun trying!

Principal, everyone, thanks for your hard work.

I wonder if Hamtaro is asleep at the house now?

Laura, I'm over here!

More importantly, I'm glad you were not eaten by the monster!

I want to try bravery tests again!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?


I'm Hamtaro!

And I'm Laura!


The circus has come to town!

It really looks like fun!

There are lions, and tight-rope walkers... It's all very exciting!


But sadly, Jingle and Herbert can't go see the circus.

But we Ham-Hams had a good idea!

Next time!

Lovely Tightrope Walking!

See you next time!
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