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03x19 - Hope Castle

Posted: 04/05/24 09:31
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪

oodle-ay !

[ ernest ]
and that's why every year,
we take a holiday...

To honor the heroic
captain gazpacho, finder
and founder of lake hoohaw...

and builder
of fort gazpacho.

And as a constant reminder
of our glorious past,

This mighty fort
still stands strong
and proud.

Whoa !

[ Groans ]
mostly, anyway.

[ Peanut ] that was
a great tour, mayor jeff.
[ All ] wow ! Thanks !

Wow ! Fort gazpacho
was so cool.

The coolest !
are you kidding ?

It's all old
and full of holes !

And no hot tub !
[ Both ]
what's up with that ?

They didn't have hot tubs
when captain gazpacho
found lake hoohaw.

[ Jelly ]
fort gazpacho
is over 200 years old.

- That's older than my dad.
- That's older than
my dad's favorite shirt.

Cheese and quackers, guys !
That's practically forever !

Wouldn't it be great
to make something
that lasts forever,

Something that people
would remember us by ?

Our parents have
already taken care of that.

- Behold !
- [ ootsie and bootsie ]
mount snootymore !

[ ootsie ] oh, don't
we look absolutely monumental ?

[ Gasps ]
oh, no !
Look, ootsie !

made my nose too big !
Mine too !

Whatever will we do ?
[ Both ] daddy !

So what could we make,
jelly ?
I bet if we noodle dance,

We could think
of something to make
that would last forever.

How about
carving our faces
in babbleberry pie ?

I don't think
that would last forever,

I don't think it
would last till dinner.

It's my love of pie
that'll last forever.

I think we need
to keep thinking, then.
We need to noodle dance.

I'll noodle,
but I won't dance.


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it !
How about a sphinx ?

- Hey. Who you sayin' stinks ?
- No. A sphinx !

You mean one
of those really old
egyptian statue thingies ?

Yeah !


♪ We can do it
something great ♪

♪ Make it last ♪

[ All ]
♪ we can do it
just can't wait ♪

♪ Make it last ♪

♪ Make it last
till the seas run dry ♪

♪ Until the sands of time
go by ♪

♪ Make it last together ♪

♪ Forever
remember, make it last ♪

I know !
How about a skyscraper ?

♪ We can build it
something grand ♪

♪ Make it last ♪

♪ We'll be proud
to see it stand
make it last ♪

♪ Something sturdy
something high ♪

♪ All the way
up to the sky ♪

make it last together
forever ♪

make it last ♪

Maybe we could
make a giant dam !

♪ We can make it
out of wood
make it last ♪

♪ Carve it, stack it
like we should
make it last ♪

♪ Strong as it can be
hold the water
stop the sea ♪

♪ Make it last together
forever ♪

♪ Remember, make it last ♪♪

Make it last !

A giant dam
made from a bazillion logs !
That oughta last a while.

How are we gonna
get a bazillion logs ?

It doesn't have
to be big and fancy
for people to remember it.

[ Giggles ]

That's it ! We'll
make a sand castle !

A sand castle !
That's so dinky ! Nobody's
gonna come to see that !

Yes, they will. We'll
make it so big and cool...

That even captain gazpacho
would be impressed.

- What do you say, y'all ?
Wanna do it ?
- Well, I don't know.

- I only work in wood.
- Come on.

- You guys can help us too.
- We could ?

yeah, we could,
except we're gonna
play hide-and-seek instead.

- You guys comin' ?
- Yeah. Uh, no.

- Uh, we'll catch up
with you, flick.
- Have it your way,

But you don't know
what you're missing.

We can play hide-and-seek
anytime, but making a sand
castle that will last forever--

- Now, that's
a really big deal.
- Dig, dig.

Okay. Let's
get our buckets and shovels
and get to work.

You sure we shouldn't
use wood ? Sand might
fall down or something.

Not if you mix it right.

and here comes
the lake hoohaw mixing expert
now !

- Oodle-ay, pb&j !
- Oodle-ay, mayor jeff !

How do you mix the sand
for a really great sand castle ?

Sand castles, hmm ?
Now, what was that
secret hoohaw sand recipe...

I cooked up
when I was a kid ?

Oh, yes,
I remember now.
Three parts sand.

- Three parts sand.
- Two parts water.

Stir well
and bake in the sun
for two minutes.

Or was that my
babbleberry muffin recipe ?

gotta go water my melons.
Good luck, kids.

Thanks, mayor jeff.

I think
it's just right.

Now we gotta get some tools
to make shapes with.

Cool tool, munch !
Thanks !
I'm good with wood.

It's sand
I'm not so sure about.

This is so much fun !
Look, peanut ! My tower's
almost finished !

That's great, jelly.
I'm putting a window
in mine.

- See ?
- Hey, guys, what do you
think of my tower ?

Well, munch,
it's kinda, you know,
a little crooked.


♪ If at first
you don't succeed ♪

♪ Try again
try again ♪

♪ Determination
is all you need ♪

♪ So just try, try again ♪

♪ Never tell yourself
you can't ♪

♪ Give yourself
another chance ♪

♪ So if at first
you don't succeed ♪

♪ Just try, try again ♪

- I'm gonna try again.
- ♪ If at first
you fall on your face ♪

♪ Try again
try again ♪

[ Munchy ]
♪ remember the tortoise
won that race ♪

♪ And just try, try again ♪

[ jelly ]
♪ if at first
it all goes wrong ♪

♪ you can always
sing this song ♪

[ munchy ]
♪ so if at first
you don't succeed ♪

♪ just try, try again ♪

[ All ]
♪ if at first
you don't succeed ♪

♪ Just try, try again ♪♪

Yeah !
[ Giggles ]

[ munchy ]
hey, check out my tower
now, guys !

I tried, tried again,
and I think I'm
getting the hang of it.

- [ flick ] you're it, pinch !
you're it !
- I'm not it. You're it.

- Hey. Watch it.
Watch it. My...
- Yah !


Sorry. Sorry.
My fault.

Hey, that's not bad,
for a start.

And it sure
looks like more fun
than we're having.

- Wanna help ?
- Does a duck
have webbed feet ?

Look at this pretty shell.

- Wouldn't it
look great right here ?
- All right, everybody.

Let's try it again,
and let's try it together.

♪♪ [ Whistling tune ]

[ All ]
♪ all together we can build it
build it, build it ♪

♪ Work together
till we build it
a castle in the sand ♪

♪ All together we can make it
make it, make it ♪

♪ Work together
till we make it
a castle that's so grand ♪

- ♪ I'll dig a tunnel ♪
- ♪ I'll pack the floor ♪

♪ We'll decorate with shells
around the castle door ♪

♪ All together we can build it
build it, build it ♪

♪ Work together till we build it
a castle in the sand ♪

- ♪ [ All whistling ]
- ♪ all together we can make it
make it, make it ♪

♪ Work together till we make it
a castle that's so grand ♪

- ♪ I'll raise a tower ♪
- ♪ I'll build a hall ♪

♪ We'll put little turrets
along the castle wall ♪

♪ All together we can build it
build it, build it ♪

♪ Work together
till we build it ♪

♪ A castle in the sand ♪♪

♪♪ [ All whistling tune ]

Wow ! It's great !
All our castle needs now
is a flag !

And some brave knights
to defend it. And I know
just where to find 'em.

Perfect !

[ jelly ] wow ! We did it !
we made the coolest thing
since fort gazpacho !

[ Pinch ] isn't it pretty ?
[ Flick ]
the coolest !

- Cool !
- We'll call it castle forever !

Yeah, and defend it
against wild creatures !

Even if it means
sacrificing our lives
in some cruel and painful way.

Okay. How about
until lunchtime ?

- [ All ]
okay. Okay, jell.
- Long live castle forever !

[ All ]
long live castle forever !
Whoo-hoo ! Yeah !

and from now on,
citizens of lake hoohaw...

Will come to our castle
to remember the heroes
who bravely built it.

Did you feel that wind ?
You don't think
a storm is coming ?

[ Gasps ]

What's that thing ?

Castle forever !
soon to be
a famous lake hoohaw landmark.

- It's made out of sand.
- I won't last two seconds
if there's a storm.

You should've made it
out of a mountain,
like mount snootymore.

then it would've
lasted forever !

Oh, no !
My lips are too big !
Mine too !

I don't want fat lips
like that forever, bootsie !
me neither, ootsie !

- [ Both ] daddy !
- A storm ? This is bad.

- It's gonna wreck our castle.
- I knew we should've made it
out of wood.

[ thunderclap ]

Maybe it's just
gonna drizzle a little ?

Yeah. This is nothing.
[ thunderclap ]

Cheese and quackers, guys !
Get real ! A big,
giant storm's coming !

- [ connie ]
how beautiful.
- how dreadful.

Dreadful ?
The most dreadful thing
I've ever seen, connie.

You're gonna have
to get some new lenses
in those binoculars...

If you think
that sand castle
looks dreadful.

Sand castle ?
What sand castle ?

Oh, connie, I'm talkin' about
those mean-lookin' storm clouds
heading our way.

[ thunderclaps ]

Well, don't just
stand there gapin'.
Sound the watchbird alert !

Good thinkin', connie.
Watchbird alert !

Watchbird alert !
Storm's a-brewin' !

The watchbird alert.
A storm is coming.

Storm ! Fun !
[ Giggles ]

For you, maybe,
but I'm gettin' inside
where it's warm and dry.

[ Both ]
me too.


[ thunderclap ]

- I think
we'd better go too, jell.
- What about castle forever ?

I don't think
it's storm-proof.

[ thunderclap ]
[ teeth chattering ]

Let's go inside
and talk about it
over hot cocoa.

[ raindrops
pounding roof ]

Looks like a real doozy,

Oh, I'd better
bring in the laundry.

Last time we had a big storm,
the lake rose up
over the dock.

Over the dock ?
That means--
[ all gasp ]

Castle forever
will be underwater !

We can't
let that happen.

- There's gotta be a way
to save our castle.
- How ?

I know !
With noodles !

We're gonna
save castle forever
with noodles ?

Yeah ! We just
use our noodles
to come up with a way !

- Let's noodle dance !
- I'll noodle, but no way
am I dancin'.


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪
I've got it !

We put a big waterproof dome
over our castle.

that way
it'll last forever.

- Well ?
- Great idea, jelly.

Only, where are we gonna
find a glass that big ?

Hmm. In giant land,

Where everything
is gigantic.

Right. But we
never could get there
the last time we tried.

- Oh, yeah. I forgot.
- Gotta run to the store boat,

Need to pick up some plywood
to nail over the windows.

Wood over the windows ?
Sure, peanut.

Wood's much stronger
than glass.
How do you know that ?

I'm a beaver.
I know everything
about wood.

That's it ! We can
make castle forever so strong
the storm can't hurt it,

With munchy's new
super strong jiffy wood spray.

It makes things wooden.

guaranteed to protect
against any kind of weather.

Good idea, munchy, but I don't
think there's such a thing
as jiffy wood spray.

Well, there should be.

I got it !

we can move our castle
to a safe place
away from the storm.

Only, I'm too young
to drive a bulldozer.

Then I guess we'd better
use what we can find
around the house.

Now, let's see.

[ Ticking ]

aha !

Come on, guys.
We've gotta save castle forever
before it's too late.

- Hey. Where are y'all goin' ?
- We need to save our castle,

Okay, but the storm's
closing in. You don't
have much time.

[ opal ]
♪ lightning rips the skies ♪

♪ the wind begins to rise ♪

♪ we're racing with a hurricane
and bracing for a blow ♪

♪ as the thunder
starts to burst
we prepare for the worst ♪

♪ still we hope for the best
'cause we know ♪

♪ into every life
some rain must fall ♪
♪ rain must fall ♪

♪ but as dark clouds form
and the storm begins to brew ♪

♪ hope springs eternal
in us all ♪
♪ hope springs eternal ♪

♪ and our hope
will carry us through ♪

♪ storm clouds pass
darkness never lasts ♪

♪ a brave new dawn
will bring the day ♪

♪ when the sun will shine
but until that time ♪

♪ a ray of hope
will light the way ♪

♪ into every life
some rain must fall ♪
♪ rain must fall ♪

♪ but as dark clouds form
and the storm begins to brew ♪

♪ hope springs eternal
in us all ♪
♪ hope springs eternal ♪

♪ and our hope
will carry us through ♪♪

- [ Gasps ]
- [ thunderclap ]

- The storm's getting worse.
Maybe we should panic.
- Not yet !

[ jelly gasps ]

[ ernest ]
kids ! Come inside right now !
now can we panic ?

Come on, y'all.
We gotta go now.
[ thunderclaps ]

Isn't there anything
we can do to save our castle ?

Sometimes there's only
one thing you can do,

And that's just
wait and see what happens.

- That makes me sad.
- Me too.

- Me three !
- It's okay to be sad,

But you know,
sometimes out of the bad
comes some good.

And in a strange way,
it makes you stronger.

- What good will come
from the storm, mama ?
- Can't say.

You just have to look
for the brighter side of things,
that's all.

Hey ! Look !
I see a little bright side
already !

Where's our castle ?
I'm sure this is
where we left it.

- Here's our flag.
- And here's our buckets
and shovels.

[ Flick ]
hey ! What happened
to our castle ?

The castle's totally gone,
flick. The storm blew it away.

Not to mention
my best knights.

[ ootsie ]
see ! We told you it wouldn't
last through the storm !

- [ Peanut and jelly ] huh ?
- Not like our monument.

[ Both gasp ]
daddy !

- You okay, jell ?
- It's not fair, peanut.

Castle forever was supposed
to last forever.

Now it's nothing.

♪ Nothing lasts forever ♪

♪ That's what people say ♪

♪ when something
you've been dreaming of ♪

♪ just gets washed away ♪

♪ Nothing lasts forever ♪

♪ What am I supposed to do ♪

♪ When hopes and plans
vanish in the sand ♪

♪ how do I make it through ♪

♪ At least
we worked together ♪

♪ We gave it our best shot ♪

♪ Maybe when
you lose something ♪

♪ You discover
what you've got ♪

You've got us, jelly.
yeah. That's true.
thanks, peanut.

♪ Nothing lasts forever
nothing we can do ♪

♪ It's hard to know ♪

♪ when things
just come and go ♪

♪ it's so hard
to understand ♪

♪ when things
just shift about ♪

♪ like sand ♪♪

So what do we do now ?
Play hide-and-seek ?

I don't feel much
like doin' anything.
[ baby butter giggles ]

Hmm ?

I think baby butter's
got the right idea.

Yeah. It's like mama said--
maybe we just need to
look on the bright side.

Check out this cool pebble
that the storm washed up.

Wow ! Maybe
there's other stuff too.
Check out this shell !

- That'd look really cool
on a sand castle.
- Cheese and quackers !

- You mean, we're gonna
do it all over again ?
- Sure. Why not ?

Why not ? We spent a whole day
makin' the first one,
and the storm blew it over and--

And now we can
make an even better castle !

But this time, we're
gonna build it stronger !

Yeah. Let's
make the best castle ever !

[ All ]
all right !

- We could use this bottle cap !
- And this old seashell.

It would make a really great,
uh-- a really great--

Hmm. Secret hiding place !
Every castle's gotta
have a secret hiding place !

And these leaves
could be flags
for castle towers.

The only thing missing
is a name.

We could call it
"castle here today,
gone tomorrow."

- How about
"babbleberry castle" ?
- Or "lake hoohaw castle" ?

[ Scoffs ]
"castle cheese and quackers" !

[ All ]
"castle cheese and quackers" ?

Or what about
"betty lou beaver castle" ?

that's your mom's name !

I know.
I love that name.

Hmm. I know.
How about "hope castle" ?

- What made you think
of that name, jell ?
- Well,

I just hope this castle
stays around longer
than the last one.

[ All chuckling ]

[ opal ]
♪ hope springs eternal
in us all ♪

♪ hope springs eternal ♪

♪ and our hope
will carry us through ♪♪