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03x24 - Ducking Out on Valentine's Day/Opal and the New Otter

Posted: 04/05/24 09:29
by bunniefuu
PB&J ! Yea !

♪ Ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪

♪ Ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪ ♪ Ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ Ooo-ooo ♪
♪ PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪
♪ PB&J, PB&J
PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪
♪ PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
Oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ Open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ Jumpin' up a-to play-oh
Everybody just say so ♪

♪ Ooh-ahh ♪ [ Quacking ]

♪ Oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ Ohh-a-yea-oh Yea-oh ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ Oooh, oooh ♪ ♪ Father, mother
Sister and brother ♪

♪ Oooh-ooh ♪
♪ All the family now ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ Oooh-ooh oodle-ay ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-oh ♪♪ Oodle-ay !

[ Ootsie, Bootsie ] Mr. Otter !

Good morning, Ootsie.
Good morning, Bootsie.

You're so right, Mr. Otter.

It is a good morning...
to do us a favor.

We want all our little friends
to get our gigantic valentines.

But we're off
on a luxury ski trip
to Mount Poodle.

So could you keep them here
until the big
Valentine picnic ?

And then pass them out ?

Well, I'd be happy to.

Attention, all hands.

Unload the valentines.

How do I know who gets what ?

We put the names...
on every box.

Thank you, Mr. Otter.
Thanks a lot.

[ Gurgling ]

Don't mention it.

[ Peanut, Jelly ] Hi, Dad.
Hi, Mr. Otter.

What's that stuff ?

Ootsie and Bootsie left
their valentines for me
to pass out at the big picnic.

Wow ! These are gigantic !

Wonder what's in 'em.
Babbleberry candies, I hope.

Look, Peanut. Here's one
with your name on it.

- And here's one for you, Jel.
- Here's Munchy's and Pinch's.

Here's Butter's. Scootch's.

Mine ? Where's mine ?

Cheese and quackers.
Where is it ?

I don't get it. There's gotta be
a valentine for you.

Hmm. Right, there's gotta be.

But we checked six times
and there isn't.

- Sorry, Flick.
- Hey, it's no skin off my beak.

Who cares ? You care.

Me ? No way. Never.
I'm glad I didn't get one.

I don't like valentines.
[ Scoffs ]

Ow ! Ouch ! I gotta go.

I'm late for my...
foot doctor appointment.

He's just pretending
he doesn't want a valentine.

Yeah. And if the Snooties
didn't give him one, we will.

Come on. All right.

[ Jelly ]
Butter, can you give me back
my red crayon ?

[ Giggles ]

Thanks. I need this
to write Flick's name
on his valentine.

Hey, you guys. What's up ?

Nothing. Yeah, nothing.

Are you sure ? [ Both ]

All that nothing you're making
looks to me like valentines.

Well, maybe kind of.

You better not be making
valentines for me.

- How come ?
- Because I don't want any.

Waste of paper. Waste of paste.
Waste of doilies.

Don't give me
a valentine... ever !

- Maybe just a little one ?
- No. Tear it up. Throw it away.

If you don't, I'll be mad at you
past Hoohaw Halloween.

He's just saying that.
But do we give him one
or don't we ?

Hey, Munch. What are you
sinking your teeth into now ?

Um, nothin'. Let me see.

It's a valentine.

Maybe. Well, it better not
be for me.

- [ Grunts ] How come ?
- I don't like valentines.
They're for babies.

Whatever you do,
don't give me one.

Well, okay. If that's
what you don't want,
that's what you won't get.

Good. That's what I want--
no valentines.

♪ Will you be my valentine ♪

♪ I'll be yours
and you'll be mine ♪♪

Hey ! My beak just sneaked
the smell of cookies.

Valentine cookies.
My mom's helping me make them
for the big picnic tomorrow.

Warning ! Important warning !
You better not be
making any for me.

- What did you say ?
- I said, "Don't give me
cookie valentines."

Or paper valentines
or wooden valentines
or any other kind of valentines.

Okay, higher. Higher.
That's perfect !

Well, hello there, Flick.

Did you come to help us
get ready for the big picnic ?

Oh, no, Mayor Jeff.
I, uh, can't.

Gotta go... home. Right now.

Well, be sure
to come back tomorrow !

This will be
the best Valentine's Day
Lake Hoohaw has ever had.

[ Sighs ]

So, Flick, can you go to
that picnic ? No way.

Not when everybody else
will get valentines and I won't.

Oh. So, tell me,
what can I do ? What ?

Need an idea. A brilliant idea.

Maybe I should use my noodle.

Hey, you're right.

I knew I could count on me.

We'll do a noodle dance.


♪ Noodle ♪

♪ Noodle Do the noodle dance ♪

♪ Use your little
ducky brain ♪♪

We got it ! I'll build a big,
gigantic rain machine...

and rain on the picnic
so they don't have one.

[ Both ] Huh ?

But then nobody else
would have any fun.

[ Sighs ] Keep thinking.

Maybe I could
pretend to be sick,
then I wouldn't have to go.

Here you go, Flick.

Blah !

Oh ! Sick is no fun.

Maybe I could run away.

♪♪ [ Blues ]

[ Howls ]

No. Mom would be sad,
and it'd be too lonely.

The only valentine I'd get
would be from myself.

Hey, that's it ! Whoa-ho !

I could send myself
some valentines.

Dozens ! Hundreds ! Whoo-hoo !

Hi, Flick.
Oh, you're making valentines
for all your friends.

Aren't you thoughtful
and sweet ?

Uh, Mom, these aren't
for my friends.

- Then who are they for ?
- Well... me.

You're giving all those
to yourself ? But why ?

Because I'm not gonna get any
from anybody else.

That's silly, Flick.
Of course you'll get valentines.

Not now. I talked to Peanut.
I talked to Jelly.

I talked to everybody.
I told them I didn't want
any valentines.

Flick, honey, it might have
been better to tell your friends
how you really felt.

Oh ! That's too hard.

Well, it is hard, Flick,
but it sounds to me...

like not telling your friends
how you feel is making you
one miserable duck.

Yeah, you're right.

After what I told everybody,
the only valentines I'll get
are my own scribbly ones.

- Hmm.
- Well, cheer up.

You can still go to
the Valentine picnic
and have lots of fun.

Fun ? Now ?
You're kidding, right ?

It's always more fun
to give valentines
than to get them.

Even ones that are scribbly ?
Well, you'll find out tomorrow.

I hereby declare that the Hoohaw
Valentine's Day Picnic...

is about to begin.

One... two... three !

[ All ] Happy Valentine's Day !

[ All Cheering ] Hey.

Hey, Flick.

They're kinda scribbly.
Go ahead. Laugh at 'em.

Happy Valentine's Day, Peanut.

Happy Valentine's Day,
Jelly and Butter.

Thanks, Flick. Yeah, thank you.

Thank you.

I know you won't give me
any back because
I asked you not to.

Yeah, you did.
Well, I didn't really,
really exactly kinda mean it.

But next year
I won't do that so you can
give me valentines then.

You won't have to wait
till next year. Here.

Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.

[ Peanut ]
Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.

Hmm ? Wow !
You made me valentines
after I told you not to ?

We really, really, kinda, sorta,
didn't believe you.

We knew you'd feel just as good
about getting ours as we feel
about getting yours.

Happy Valentine's Day, Flick.

Wow, Pinch ! Thanks.
You didn't believe me either ?

Nope. Me neither.

Huh ? Happy Valentine's Day.

Man, thanks. And here.
I got valentines for you guys,

if you don't mind scribbly.
[ Horn Honks ]

[ Ootsie ] Flick, we found it !
Huh ?

Your valentine !

It fell behind the
plasma screen TV...

on our limo-boat.

We came back early
from our luxury ski trip...

so we could be sure you got it.

[ Beep ]

[ Both ] Happy Valentine's Day !

Thanks, guys.

Am I a lucky duck or what ?

Happy Valentine's Day
right back at you.

These are great.
Scribbly is really in this year.

Well, after all his worry,
Flick got valentines
from everybody.

And everybody got valentines
from Flick.

But it sure would have been
easier if he hadn't tried to
hide what he really wanted.

You know, Flick.
There's an old song
that says it all.

Huh ?

♪ You can't keep
the sun from risin' ♪

♪ You can't keep
good friends apart ♪

♪ Like a breeze that blows
Everybody knows ♪

♪ You just can't hide
your heart ♪

♪ You can't keep
a creek from flowin' ♪

♪ You can't be somethin'
that you're not ♪

♪ Ain't no doubt you gotta
let your feelings out ♪

♪ You know you just
can't hide your heart ♪

♪ You can't keep the wind
from blowin' ♪ [ Chuckles ]

♪ You can't keep a lid
on a boilin' pot ♪

♪ A little candle glow
has gotta shine, you know ♪

♪ You just can't hide
your heart ♪

♪ You can't keep a creek
from flowin' ♪

♪ You can't be somethin'
that you're not ♪

♪ Ain't no doubt you gotta
let your feelings out ♪

♪ You know you just
can't hide your heart ♪♪

[ Jelly ] Ootsie and Bootsie's
Valentine candy is dee-licious.

Double dee-licious.

Yum-yum. Hey, guys.

Haven't finished
your Valentine candy yet ?

Don't tell me
you ate yours already.

Hours ago. Needed to
get to work on this.

What is it ? Your official
reminder list.

Keep it handy.

"Flick wants birthday presents.

"Flick wants
Hoohaw Hoo presents.

Flick wants
Hoohaw Halloween treats."

[ All Laugh ] Flick !

What ? What guys ?
Tell me. What ?

♪♪ [ Humming ]

- Yoo-hoo, Pinch !
- Oh, hey, Jelly.

Look. I brought
some really cool stuff
for our playdate.

Oh, sorry, Jelly,
but I can't play with you today.

Something came up.

She says, "Something came up."
I wonder what.

- It's not "what," it's "who."
- What "who" ?

My cousin, Ricky.
He's visiting from the city,
and I have to play with him.

Well, okay. If I pulled
this heavy wagon
all the way over here,

I guess I can drag it
all the way home.

Jelly, wait !

Why don't you and Peanut
come over tomorrow...

and have a playdate
with me and Ricky ?

Well, if you really mean it.
I'll see what Peanut says.

I wonder what Ricky's like.

All I know is that
he shows up with no warning
and messes up my plans.

Look ! That must be him.

Hey, you guys.
Tell me their names again.

Jelly and Peanut Otter.
You'll really like them, Ricky.

Yeah, they look pretty cool.

Look at that weirdo hat
and that funny tie.

I guess that's
what they wear in the city.

Well, no one in Lake Hoohaw
would dress that different.

I just hope this playdate
is over fast.

Okay, Pinch. [ Laughs ]

[ Grunts ]

Extremely impressive catch.

Does your cousin
always use such big words ?

He's very smart, Jelly.

Yeah, sure.
He's extremely impressive.

Would you mind
increasing the height
on your next throw ?

You want a high one ?
You got a high one.

[ Grunts ]

I got it ! I got it !
[ Grunts ]

Wow ! Nice catch, Ricky !

Hey, Jelly. Did you see that ?

I don't know. Maybe I did,
maybe I didn't.

Maybe I wasn't looking.

Jelly, you were too looking.

Yeah, but if
your cousin knows that,
he'll just do it again.

- Do what ?
- Be a big hotdoggie show-off.

Whoa ! Jelly !


What's that for ?
Dirt prevention.

I notice there's
no cleaning service
in Lake Hoohaw.

Cookie ? Oh, why,
thank you, Pinch.

Mmm. What kind are they ?

- Babbleberry.
- Very delicious.

Where do you buy
these babbleberry cookies ?

You don't buy them.

You have to pick
your own babbleberries
and bake them yourself.

Really ? That's very unusual.

In the city, we just
go to the store and get
any kind of food we want.

- Any kind ?
- The stores are gigantic.

The one we go to is bigger
than this whole field.

- Wow !
- It has a skating rink...

and a bowling alley
and 20 movie shows.

- Twenty ?
- Well, I've had enough.
I'm going home.

- But you didn't finish
your lunch.
- I can't.

I'm getting sick to my stomach.

[ Peanut ]
I don't get it, Jelly.

Why didn't you stay ?
We were really having fun.

Well, I wasn't. Wow ! What a big
hotdoggie show-off.

Stop ! Cousin Ricky
wants to know...

if you guys can come earlier
tomorrow so we can play longer.

That'd be great !
You go ahead, Peanut. I can't.

What ? Sure you can.

- I've got better things to do.
- Like what ?

Like... staying here
and not going with you.

It's my turn to pick
our bedtime story.

[ Opal ] Tonight, I want it
to be my turn.

New turns ?
This must be special.

Is it a true story ?
Very, very, very true.

And it began when I was young.

[ Jelly ] You were young once ?
I sure was.

And I lived right here
in Lake Hoohaw.

I had wonderful friends.
I knew everyone in town,
and everyone knew me.

Then one day, something
to change everything.

- Stop !
- Huh ? What's wrong,
Betty Lou ?

You won't believe this.
There's someone new in town.

Someone no one here
has ever seen before.

- No.
- Yes. And I met him.

Come on.
He's at the Watchbird tower.

No. Wait. I don't want to.
Maybe tomorrow.

And these are
my very best friends,

Shirley Duck and Opal Otter.

It is a pleasure
to make your acquaintance.

[ Chuckles ] Thank you.

Regretfully, I must depart now
for a previous appointment.

Doesn't he have the most
wonderful manners
you ever saw ? [ Giggles ]

I think he sounds
a little stuck-up. Stuck-up ?

Yeah. Would anybody
in Lake Hoohaw...

wear that fancy cap
and speak that way ?

[ Laughing ]

Opal, look !

He sure is some diver.

Why does he have to
show off like that ?

Where did he go ? Ahh !
Good morning, ladies.

It is a pleasure
to encounter you once again.

Hi. [ Giggles ]
That was amazing.

Where did you learn
to dive like that ?

In the city. Actually,
we have a diving tower
three times that high.

Really ? Three times ?

I said, "Is it really
three times as high ?"

- Uh--
- Come on, Shirley.

We, uh, have to go.

What's with him ?
He didn't even talk to me.
He just stared.

I think he just stared
because he likes you.

Really ? Well, I don't think
I like him.

I wonder if he is
going to stay around long ?

Opal, did you hear the news ?

The new otter is gonna live here
and start a business.

He is ? But who would
want to buy anything...

from such a rude show-off ?

Whoa ! What kind of business ?

Well, he said
it was something that
Lake Hoohaw needs very much.

Well, whatever it is,
I'll never go there.

Huh ? Oh, no ! Oh !

You. I should have known.

I am so sorry, Miss Opal.
Here. Have a towel.

Don't move. Wait right there.

Have a new dress and new shoes
and a new umbrella.

Oh, my ! Well, thank you.

But I would think
even a city otter would know
how to steer a boat.

It wasn't me steering.
It was Captain Camel.

- He sold me the storeboat.
- A storeboat ?

Well, Lake Hoohaw
could certainly use one.

Yes, indeed. And Captain Camel
is teaching me...

how to run it by myself. Look.

And never forget to drop anchor.
Whoa !

[ Both Scream ]

Perhaps you'd like to
share my towel ?
Perhaps I would.

[ Both Laugh ]

And from that day on,
we began to share everything.

Was the new otter's name
Ernest, Mama ?

Was it, Mom ? Was it ?
It sure was.

[ All Laugh ]

[ Opal ] Underneath those
different city ways...

was the nicest otter
I ever met.

And he wasn't a show-off,
and he wasn't rude.

One day he told me
he didn't talk to me
'cause I was so pretty,

I made him nervous
and tongue-tied.

In fact, that was the very day
he gave me a valentine.

[ Gasps ] Thank you.

And asked me to be his wife.

And you said yes.

And I said yes.

[ All Laughing ]

Now it's really time for bed.

This is the valentine
your father gave me.

You kept it !
I'll always keep it.

And I'll always be glad
I let myself get to know
the new otter.

♪ You're like a boat
on a river ♪

♪ You never know
who'll be floatin'
'round the bend ♪

♪ Can't dig a moat
'round your castle ♪

♪ Or you'll never
let anybody in ♪

You're like a bird
in a pear tree ♪

♪ Singing out
a beautiful, sweet song ♪
[ Whistling ]

♪ That little bird
sings much sweeter ♪

♪ When another bird
starts to sing along ♪
[ Both Whistling ]

♪ New friends ♪
♪ Give you such a lift ♪

- ♪ New friends ♪
- ♪ They are such a gift ♪

- ♪ New friends ♪
- ♪ Open up your eyes ♪

♪ New friends ♪
♪ Life's sweet surprise ♪

[ Opal ] ♪ Be like a bee
on a flower ♪

♪ Always lookin'
for another place to land ♪

♪ Don't close the gate
to your garden ♪

♪ You never know when you need
a helpin' hand ♪

♪ New friends ♪
♪ When you least expect ♪

♪ New friends ♪
♪ Suddenly you connect ♪

♪ New friends ♪
♪ Open up your eyes ♪

♪ New friends ♪
♪ Life's sweet surprise ♪

♪ New friends
Life's sweet surprise ♪♪

- I love that story.
- Me too.
- Me "free."

But does this mean
I have to marry Pinch's cousin ?

[ Laughs ]
No, but you could think
of a way...

to give him another chance
to be a friend.

Okay. Come on, Peanut.
We need to noodle dance.

I'll noodle, but I won't dance.


♪ Noodle ♪

♪ Noodle Do the noodle dance ♪

♪ Noodle Use your noodle ♪

♪ Noodle Do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it !

We could get Munchy to chew
a big "welcome" sign.

How about
a giant welcome parade ?

♪♪ [ Marching ]

Hey, I've got it.
Maybe I could just get
to know Ricky better.

Good idea, Jel.

[ Grunts ]

I got it ! I got it !
[ Grunts ]

- Good throw.
How'd you do that ?
- It's all in the windup.

Watch. [ Grunts ]

Like this ? [ Grunts ]

Yeah ! Whoop !

[ Grunts ]
[ Both Laugh ]