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03x20 - Where Oh Where is Flick?/Win, Win, Winner

Posted: 04/05/24 09:25
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

wow ! How's mallard man
gonna escape this trap ?

Awesome ! Cool !
Way to go, mallard man !

This is your
best adventure ever !

[ Yawning ]
wow !

are you under there ?

it's morning.

Morning ?

[ Yawns ]

Guess I don't need
this flashlight.

But if you were up
reading all night,
you'll need some sleep now.

[ Yawns ]
I'm not really tired.

I'll take that
as a yes.

Here, I'll put these away
so you can sleep.

It'll be nice and quiet.

I have some work to do
in the yard.

[ Kiss ]

Almost forgot.

I promised peanut
I'd lend this to him.

Mom ? Hmm.

Where did she say
she'd be ?

[ Yawns ]

The otters.
I bet she's at the otters.

Okay, peanut.
Check this out,
baby butter.

I'm taking lunch to your dad.
Wanna come ?

Sure !
Butter too !

[ muttering ]
wow !

[ Muttering continues ]

Peanut, it's me.

I brought my new
mallard man comic.

Hello ?
Anybody home ?

[ Yawns ]

Guess not.
Okay, I'll wait.

[ Yawns ]
need to wake up.

Wow ! Pompaloupe pie !
That'll give me energy !

Need a longer arm
or a tall chair.

I bet mallard man would
love pie this delicious.

[ Moaning, smacking,
giggling ]

[ Yawns ]

Still tired.
Maybe exercise would help.

[ Panting ]
exercise, exercise.

[ Yawns ]
nope. Didn't help.

Maybe mom was right.

[ Yawns ]
I should rest.

Peanut ! Jelly !
Have you seen flick ?

Not today.
No, mrs. Duck.

What's going on, shirley ?
I left him sleeping
in his bed a while ago.

- I went to check on him,
and he was gone !
- My goodness !

I looked through
every room in the house
and all over the yard.

I don't understand it.
He's supposed to tell me
when he's going someplace.

Would you like us
to help you look for him ?
That would be wonderful.

Don't worry, mrs. Duck.
We'll find him.

[ Laughing, murmuring ]

I've come to ask
for your help,
flick duck.

Wow !
I must be dreaming !

Yes, you are.

- Can I be
your official deputy ?
- It's your dream.

Be whatever you want.

Boy, I sure hope
we can find him.

What if he's lost ?
What if he's hurt ?

Hey, flick !
Flick !

Flick !
Hey, flick !

I'm coming, mallard man.

Flick !
Flick !

help ! Help !
i'm stuck in a giant,
evil babbleberry pie !

Eat, flick, eat !

[ Kids cheering ]

It was nothing.

I just used my superduck
super-pie power.

Come on, deputy.
Let's go do some good.

flick's not around here.

Let's go see
if he's at munchy's house.

After we tell mom
where we're going.

Nope, haven't seen
one feather of him.

Can you ask your mom
if you can help us look ?
Okay. Poor flick.

I got lost once.
It was really scary.

- What did you do ?
- I got so nervous,
I chewed about 20 trees.

My mom followed
the trail of sawdust
and found me.

I don't think flick
is chewing trees
right now.

Maybe he went
to pinch's house.
Yeah. Let's go.

Nope, I haven't seen flick
since yesterday.

But I have
an idea.
What ?

My mom says if I get lost,
I should go to the nearest
police officer and ask for help.

Maybe that's
where flick went.

We don't have
a police officer.

But we have watchbirds,
and they can see
all over lake hoohaw.

Haven't seen him.

But we'll keep
our eyes peeled.
Binoculars, up !

We've looked

No flick.
We're duckless.

I'm really getting
worried about him.
What'll we do ?

What we should've done
hours ago: a noodle dance !

Well, I'll worry,
but no dancin'.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪


♪ use your noodle
use your brain ♪

♪ do the noodle dance ♪♪


- I've got it !
- What ?

I could chew out
a wooden helicopter...

and we could do
a search and rescue.

[ pinch ]
your helicopter's propeller
gives me another idea.

we could cook
the world's largest
babbleberry pie...

and use the propeller
to make a fan to blow
the delicious smell...

all over lake hoohaw.

flick would have to
come running,

and the mystery of where he is
would be solved.

That's it !
This is a mystery !

- The case of the missing flick.
- I guess we could call it that.

It's like something
mallard man has to solve.

I get it. We just ask
ourselves what mallard man
would do if he were here.

Start from the last time
flick was seen
and look for clues.

Come on !

The last time I saw flick,
he was there.

- Was he asleep ?
- Not yet.

He stayed up all night

And he was really,
really sleepy.

- And then what happened ?
- Let's see.

I took his mallard man comic
and his flashlight...

And put them
on the bookshelf.

The flashlight
is still here.

- But the comic is gone.
- But where did he take it ?

Wait a sec.
Yesterday flick said
he would lend it to me.

- Maybe he brought it
to our house.
- But we already looked there.

We only searched outside.
We didn't look inside.

And this time you'll
have a lot more eyes
to look for him.

Hmm. Someone's been
eating my pompaloupe pie.

And someone's been
stepping on our chair.

Mrs. Duck, you said flick
was really, really sleepy ?

Really, really,
really sleepy.

Then I wonder if someone
has been sleeping in my bed.

No flick.

I was sure
we'd find him here.

Oh, dear.
Where could he be ?

Lake hoohaw
just won't be the same
without flick.

We can't give up.
We've gotta keep looking.

We've already looked

If I ever see flick again,
I'd sure like to
tell him something.

What ?

Never, ever, ever go off
without telling your mom
where you are.

[ mallard man ] never, ever,
ever go off without telling
your mom where you are.

mallard man.

I need somebody I can trust
as my deputy.

Turn in your badge !
No !

- No ! No !
- I hear groaning.

I hear groaning
Me three !

I think it's coming
from behind the door.

is that you ?

[ flick moans ]

We'd better go look.

No ! No !

Flick !
Wake up, wake up !

[ Groans ]

Did you hurt
yourself ?

I had a bad dream.

It can't be as bad
as what we've gone through
looking for you.

Am I glad we finally
found you.
[ Yawns ]

- Found me ?
- You were missing.

I knew where I was:
right here.

But no one else did.
That's the problem.

Mrs. Duck,
mom, everybody !
We found him !

Where is he ?
my little darling ?

mommy !
flick !

I'm so glad you're safe.

And please,
never ever do that again.

Do this instead.

♪ Before you go
let someone know ♪

♪ Let someone know
where you'll be ♪

♪ 'Cause here or there
folks really care ♪

♪ They care
about your safety ♪

♪ Your father
or your mother ♪

♪ Your sister
or your brother ♪

♪ We recommend
you tell a friend ♪

♪ Whisper or shout
you gotta let it out ♪

♪ Just tell 'em
where you'll be ♪

♪ Before you go
let someone know ♪

♪ Let someone know
where you'll be ♪

♪ 'Cause here or there
folks really care ♪

♪ They care
about your safety ♪

Are you listening
to us ?

Do we need
to discuss ?

Are you
on the bus ?

♪ I think
I'll be more cautious ♪

♪ Before you go
let someone know ♪

♪ Let someone know
where you'll be ♪

♪ 'Cause here or there
folks really care ♪

♪ They care
about your safety ♪

♪ We care about ♪

♪ Your safety ♪♪

All right, already !
I get it !

You get it ?

Mom, I didn't mean
to worry you.
I'm sorry.

That's okay, flick.
You've learned your lesson.

Now I'm going someplace
very important.

Where ?
Back to sleep.

[ Snoring ]

He's snoring.

Yeah, but at least
we know where he is.

[ Nervous panting ]
jelly's got the ball.

Jelly's lost the ball.

Jelly's got the ball back !

Go, awesome otters
and daring duck ! Go !

Aah ! Whoa !
Aah !

Yea ! Whoo-hoo !
Go !

our little beaver friend,
...we hate to criticize,

...but you are being
extremely loud...
...for no apparent reason.

I have to be loud--
I'm the official
cheering section...

For the awesome otters
and daring duck soccer team.

if you must be loud,

[ Simultaneously ]
please do it quietly !

[ Whispering ]
all right, team !
We're doing great !

Comin' at ya.

Whoo-- aah !

Yeah-- oh.
We were doing great.

That was your
funniest kick yet.
[ Giggling ]

I know !
[ Laughs ]

- [ Panting ]
- go ahead, rabbit !
Take your best shot !

Nobody scores
on the daring duck !

[ Cheering, laughing ]

That's okay. Don't worry.
That's only 27 points for
the razzmatazzin' rabbits.

Yeah, yeah,
and still zero for us.

zero ! Nada ! Zip !
we lost again.

Sorry, you guys.
I cheered my hardest.

We know you did, munchy.

Is this the tenth game
we've lost
or the eleventh ?

The 12th !

But it was definitely
the funniest !

when I missed that kick
and landed on my tail.

You went "oops !"
I went double "oops !"

Nothing's funny.
We lost.

And I'm tired
of losing.

- Maybe you guys
could use a coach.
- Yeah, that's a great idea.

I'll ask my dad.

Thanks for being
our coach, dad.

Thanks for asking me, peanut.
Let's start with goal kicks.

Take aim and kick the ball
straight into the net,
just like this.

Oh !

Well, I guess
my first advice
as your coach is:

Never, never
kick the ball
that hard.

And never kick the ball
at a hungry fish.
[ Laughing ]

I guess this means
practice is over.

Sorry, kids.
I'll order you another ball.

What do we do
in the meantime ?

All I can tell you
is this:

When you're in the game,
do your best, play fair
and have fun.

I'm doing my best
and I'm playing fair,
but I'm sure not having fun.

We're 17 points behind,
and here comes
their star player.

Oop !
[ Grunts ]

[ Blabbering ]

I blocked it.
I blocked it !

psst !
hey, duck dude.

- Nice stop.
- Wow, you're wully wolverine !

Yeah, that's me.

And after the game
we're gonna talk.

[ Simultaneously ]
you're what ?

I'm leaving
the awesome otters
and daring duck team.

- You can't !
- Sure I can.

- I got a better offer.
- From who ?

The wondrous wolverines.

Their regular goalie
broke his finger...

And wully--
he's team captain--
wants me.

But we need you.
What'll jelly and I do ?

You'll find somebody.
I couldn't say no.

After all, the wolverines have
won every game they've played !

- And you want to win.
- Yeah. What else is there ?

[ wully ]
hut-two, hut-two,
hut-two, hut-two.

Hut-two, hut-two,
hut-two !
[ Blows whistle ]

[ Panting ]

that was a workout.

Is practice
always like...

This ?

For a teammate,
he's not very friendly.

Okay, feathers, take 30 laps
around the track.

- Now ?
- That's what I said.

And I'm the team captain.
Now !

- But when does
the fun stuff start ?
- Fun ?

You're kidding, right ?
Now run !

But I don't want
a promotion.
Sure you do.

No. I like being the
official cheering section of the
awesome otters and daring duck.

But wouldn't you rather
be the official goalie...

Of the awesome otters
and the bodacious beaver ?

But you'd
get to kick the ball.

No, thanks.
I'd rather try
my new idea.

Besides official
cheering section, I'm gonna be
official sports broadcaster.

Well, okay.
If that's how you feel.

We'll find somebody else
to take flick's place,

I hope.

- Ready, goalie ?
- Um, ready, wully.

That's captain wully
to you.

And don't forget--
for every ball you don't block,

You owe me 21 pushups.

- You sure we have to do this ?
- Stop whining,
or I'll make it 40 pushups.

Aah ! Aah !

Wait, wait, wait--
whoa-ohh !

A-a-a-aaaah !

Cheese and quackers!

I hope he says
something to cheer me up
like peanut and jelly would.

You owe me 1,260 pushups,
little duckie.

- Could I ask you
something first ?
- What ?

Now that I'm on the team,

Is it gonna be called
daring duck and
the wondrous wolverines ?

Oh, that's so funny
I forgot to laugh.

Just the wondrous wolverines.

Now get moving
on those pushups!

If this is wully's way
of cheering me up,

[ Grunts ]
it isn't working.

- You're kidding, right ?
- No !

And if you joined us,
we'd call the team...

The awesome otters
and the radical raccoon.

Really ? Wow.
I've never been radical before.

- So you'll do it ?
- No.

[ grunting ]


[ Groans ]

Now comes the good part
of practice.

It's over ?

- I can go eat dinner ?
- No food for you, feathers.

When awesome otter
and daring duck practice
was over,

We always had snacks.

Who needs snacks ?
It's time for
cheating lessons.

Cheating lessons ?

But mr. Otter said
we should always play fair.

Fair ?
Not on this team.

We do whatever it takes
to win.

You do want to win,
don't you ?

so you want to combine
your soccer team...

With our soccer team ?

But our team...
...always wins.

And our team
always has fun.
That's true.

- So you'll do it ?
- [ Simultaneously ]

Now what'll we do ?

I think
we should noodle dance.

Right now ?
Right here ?

It's always the right time
and right place
to use your noodle.

I guess it's the right time
to noodle, but I don't
feel like dancing.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪


♪ solve a problem
it's no strain ♪

♪ use your noodle
that's your brain ♪


♪ use your noodle
use your brain ♪♪


I've got it !

My brain
just scored a goal.

What ? What ?
Pass it on.

We get munchy to help us
build a big wooden goalie.

[ peanut ]
that would be neat.

[ jelly ]
but he probably couldn't
get it ready by this afternoon.

Still, a big goalie
would be really great.

Maybe butter
and scootch together
would make one big goalie.

[ Cheering, laughing ]

This is hard.
Maybe we should
just give up.

No way.
We've gotta
keep thinking.

Maybe we could ask flick
to come back.

But why would he
change his mind ?

Maybe he'd be happy
if we promised to try
real hard to win.

Well, let's go ask him.
At least we'll get
some practice trying.

Ha ! Hoo ! Ha !

- hey, flick, we want
to make a deal with you.
- what kind of deal ?

If you come back and be
our goalie, we promise to try
a whole lot harder to win.

- No deal.
- No deal ?

But I got one for you.

I'll be your goalie again
if you promise
we can just have fun.

- Huh ?
- The wondrous wolverines
never have any fun.

- But they win.
- Yeah, but they don't care
if they play fair or not.

I'm the daring duck,
not the cheating duck.

What happened, flick ?
Did you get kicked off
the team ?

Nope, I quit.
It was the only fun I had
the whole time.

Well, now that
you're back with us,
the fun is only starting.

Right. Make way
for the fun champions.


♪ It doesn't matter
if we miss the ball ♪

♪ It doesn't matter
if we trip and fall ♪

♪ Doesn't matter
if our team is in the hole ♪

♪ Doesn't matter
if we take a shot
and miss the goal ♪

it doesn't matter
if we get a bruise ♪

♪ Doesn't matter
if we always lose ♪

♪ If we're with our friends
through thick and thin ♪

♪ And we're having fun ♪

♪ We always win ♪

- Give me an "f" !
- "F" !

- Give me a "u" !
- "U" !

- Give me an "n" !
-"N" !
- And what do you got ?

Fun ! We win !
[ all ]
we win !

♪ It doesn't matter
if we win or lose ♪

♪ Doesn't matter
whose victory's whose ♪

♪ If we're with our friends
from start to end ♪

♪ When we're having fun ♪

♪ We always win ♪

One more time !

♪ If we're with our friends
from start to end ♪

♪ When we're having fun ♪

♪ We always win ♪♪

We win !

This is munchy beaver...

Broadcasting from
the lake hoohaw
soccer field...

Where the big game
has just ended.

Here comes the home team--
the awesome otters
and daring duck !

You should've seen
the valiant struggle they put up
against their dreaded opponents,

the wondrous wolverines.

however, they did have
a slight problem.

We lost.

But we had the most fun,
and nobody can beat us at that.

Yea, daring duck !

awesome otters !

Yeah !
All right ! Whoo-hoo !
Yea !

[ Cheering,
chattering continues ]
♪ we always win ♪

♪ we win ♪♪