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03x17 - Soccer Surprise/Baking Blues

Posted: 04/05/24 09:23
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

Hey, pb&j,
guess what I've got
behind my back.

Fishsicles ?
A ferris wheel ?

- Hands !
- You're right, baby butter.

And in those hands
are tickets...

To the world soccer
championship game !

You got tickets ?
We're going to the game ?

- And all your friends too.
- This is so great !

Thanks, dad !
Thank you.

Oh, boy, a big game !

World soccer
championship game,
here we come !

Huh ?
Hey, pb&j.
Hey, opal.

Hey, mayor jeff !
Oodle-ay, mayor.

Oodle-ay, mayor jeff.

What in the world
have you got there ?

Well, everybody always says
I've had exhibits for everything
but the kitchen sink.

So you're having
a kitchen sink exhibit.

You guessed it.

I'm just hoping
all these sinks
don't sink my boat.

yoo-hoo, mayor jeff !
huh ?

You've got a telegram
all the way from wahoo city.

Wahoo city ?

It's my old friend otto.

He's coming to lake hoohaw
this weekend, and he wants
to stay with me.

Jumping catfish !

Where will I put him ?

My house is so full
of sinks, I'm sleeping
in the bathtub myself.

We'd be happy
to have your friend otto
stay with us.

[ knocking on door ]
huh ?

[ Both ]
I'll get it !
I get it.

Oodle-ay, everybody.

I'd like you to meet
my dear friend otto.


Welcome to our home,
mr. Otto.

I'm opal,
and these are my children,
peanut, jelly and butter.

- Hey !
- [ Growls ]

Nice to meet you,

Please make yourself at home,
and I'll show you where
you'll be staying.

[ Grumbles ]

Sorry I can't stay.
Thanks, everybody.

See you later.
Bye, mayor jeff !

Children, you can each help
to carry mr. Otto's bag
up to his room.

I've never seen anybody
so-- so--

[ jelly ]
old ? I know.

Here's your room,
mr. Otto.

Nothing fancy,
but I think you'll like it.

[ Grumbling ]

[ Happy chattering ]
over here.
Over here !

Ho-ho ! I'll bet we see
some really great kicks
at the championship game.

Mia lamb
is gonna be playing.

[ growling ]
hey, peanut.

Kick with the inside
of your foot, not your toe.

Man, that is better !

- [ Grunts ]
- whoa.

Oops. Huh ?
and you, young lady.

Keep your eye on the ball.

- Hey, he's right !
- [ Chuckling ]

He may be old--
but he sure does know
a lot about soccer.

Ball, ball.
[ growling ]

[ jelly ] huh ?
ya wanna play
some table soccer ?

- What's table soccer ?
- [ Growls ]

I'll show you.

Now watch this one.

The hey-now hurricanes
take the lead !

Look out.
I'm gonna score !

Nice try, jelly,
but you gotta keep your eye
on the babbleberry.

Now watch this.

And he scores !
[ Roars ]

[ All roar ]

[ thunderclap ]

I guess we won't
be playing outside today.

That's for sure.
I just hope it stops before
the big game tomorrow.

[ All sighing ]
[ otto ]
don't worry.

a little weather
won't stop the game.

It won't ?
Really ?

I knew a young player once
who won the big game...

By kickin' a goal
in the middle of a tornado.

That's amazing !
It was quite a day.

Why don't you three
climb up on my lap,
and I'll tell you about it.

[ Chuckling ]
it's okay.

These old legs might not
move so fast anymore,

But they can still give
a good horsey ride.

Horsey !

You know, mr. Otto,
when we first met you,

We never thought
you'd be this fun.

And we sure are glad
we were wrong.

♪ He's older than mom
he's older than dad ♪

but he's the coolest pal
i've ever had ♪

♪ I love all the time I spend
with my new old friend ♪

♪ he laughs kind of loud
he moves kind of slow ♪

♪ But he can teach you things
you didn't know ♪

♪ Good times never end ♪

♪ with my new old friend ♪

[ Growls ]

[ jelly ]
♪ at first he seemed
so mean and tough ♪

♪ We wanted to run
and hide ♪

♪ But now I see
he's not so gruff ♪

♪ Plus, he gives the world's
best horsey ride ♪

♪ Whether they're young
or whether they're old ♪

♪ good friends
are as good as gold ♪

♪ and that is why
we just want to spend ♪

♪ hours on end ♪

♪ with our new ♪

♪ Old ♪

♪ Friend ♪♪

I have a present
for each of ya.

Here, jelly,
this is an authentic jersey
from the hey-now hurricanes.

Wow !
Thank you, uncle otto.

And for baby butter,
here's a championship medal.


Now let me see.
What would peanut like ?

How about a ball
from a championship game
a long time ago ?

[ peanut ]
man, a championship ball !

Hey, uncle otto,
where'd you get
all this great stuff ?

Yeah. And how come
you know so much
about soccer ?

[ Chuckling ]
well, I played a game or two
myself back in the day.

Okay, children,
time for bed.

Oh, mom,
just a little longer ?

We're having fun
with uncle otto.

I'm sorry, pb&j,
but you know we have
a big day tomorrow.

You get ready for bed,
and I'll read you a story.

Can uncle otto
read us our story ?
Please, mama !

- Is that okay
with you, otto ?
- [ Growls ]

[ Laughs ]
okay, kids.

Don't forget
to brush those teeth.

Okay, mama !
Oh, boy.

Well, otto,
looks like you've made a few
new friends around here.

Is it time to go
to the game yet ?
It must be.

Okay, mayor jeff,
you'll pick otto up
first thing in the morning.

wish he could stay longer.
we'll sure miss him.

Oh, no !
Uncle otto's leaving
tomorrow morning.

Today's the last day
we have to spend with him.

But today's the big game.
We can't do both.

What are we gonna do ?

Should we go to the game
or stay here and play
with uncle otto ?


Noodle !
Great idea, butter !

We'll think of something
if we noodle dance.

I'll think,
but I'm not dancing.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I know !
We'll fly over the stadium
doing a rain dance.

Then boom, they'll postpone
the game till tomorrow,
when uncle otto is gone.

I don't think
that'll work, jelly.

Remember, otto said they
even play in tornados.

Then let's get a ticket
for uncle otto,
and he can come with us.

But the game is sold out.

Oh ! Maybe uncle otto
can watch it on tv.

Then he can see us.

But we won't see him.
Wait, that's it !

We can watch the game on tv
with uncle otto.

So we decided
to watch the game on tv...

And not miss the last day
of uncle otto's visit.

That's sweet of you kids.

You kids would stay home
from the big game
just to be with me ?

Well, otto, I told you
you were a big hit
with pb&j.

I'm very touched, kids,
but I'm afraid
I won't be here.

I'm gonna be
at the big game too.

What ?
They're havin' a party
for my old team.

[ Growls ]

Wait a minute.

Your old team ?

The medals, the jersey.
It's all making sense now.

[ opal ]
the stories
and the soccer balls.

You're otto the tornado !

The greatest soccer player
in history.

Otto the tornado !

I remember listening
to all your games on the radio
when I was a girl.

then today's celebration
is for you.

Yes, ma'am.
Me and my old teammates.

And it'd be
my pleasure...

If you and the kids
and all their friends
come as my guests.

- Your guests ?
- Yup, front row seats.

And you can visit
the locker room and get
all the player's autographs.

- Let's go.
- [ Peanut ]
all right !

Come on !
We don't wanna be late.

Maybe I'll get to see
mia lamb.

Can't go quite yet.
I've got a friend coming
to pick us up.

[ horn honking ]
oh, here she is now.

Hey, otto.
Ready for the big game ?

It's mi-- mia... Lamb !

Well, mia,
looks like flick here
is glad to meet you.

I'm glad to meet you too,

[ Sighs ]

Wow, miss lamb,
so you're a friend
of uncle otto's too ?

I sure am.
He kind of scared me
at first though.

He's such a tough old guy.

Yeah, but when you
get to know him,
he's the greatest.

He sure is,
and he knows so much,
and he's willing to teach.

It's like they say:
you can't judge a book
by its cover.

And you can't judge a bear
by his--

[ All growling ]

[ otto ]
well, let's get to that game.

[ jelly ]
oh, boy !
full steam ahead, mia !

[ growling ]
[ flick ] let's go !
where mia goes, I go.

surrender your vessel,

or suffer the wrath
of captain redbeard
spacebeaver !

He's not a pirate,

He's bucky spacebeaver,
the intergalactic
space hero.

and he's crossing
a boiling sea of lava...

on the distant planet
of otter-ran.

Say, munchy, it looks to me
like your boat is sinking.

Sinking ?
No, those bubbles are just--

wait, it is sinking !
oh, no.

What am I gonna do ?
It'll be okay,

You'll just have to put it
in dry dock for a while.

Dry dock ?
What's dry dock ?

What lots of folk in
lake hoohaw are busy doing.

dry dock is what we do
to a boat when it needs
to be repaired.

And it looks like they
could use a hand.
Come on.

Cool !

[ Grunts ]

See this crack ?
It needs new caulking.

Just like your boat,

Caulking keeps
the water out.
It'll float again ?

It sure will,
but first you have to
caulk all the cracks.

Then let it dry,
then sand it and paint it.

Sounds like
a lot of work.

You know, munchy,
you gotta take care
of your things...

If you want them
to take care of you.

- It's called t.l.c.
- What's t.l.c., Mayor jeff ?

Tender loving care, munchy.
Tender loving care.

♪ Hey, mr. Tugboat
how do you feel ♪

♪ you say your paint
is beginning to peel ♪

♪ we don't want that
oh, no, siree ♪

♪ Time for a little t.l.c. ♪

♪ hey, mrs. Sailboat
why so pale ♪

♪ you say you've got
a hole in your sail ♪

♪ that'll get worse
if we just let it be ♪

♪ Time for a little t.l.c. ♪

♪ A little tender
loving care ♪

♪ Goes a long, long way ♪

♪ The things you love
will last for years
and years ♪

♪ If you give 'em some
today ♪

♪ Hey, little toy boat
why so sad ♪

♪ You sprang a leak
and it's getting bad ♪

♪ Well, don't you worry
just leave it to me ♪

♪ I'll get right on it
and I guarantee ♪

♪ You'll be shipshape
as soon as can be ♪

♪ Time for a little t.l.c. ♪♪

I'm gonna give my boat
some t.l.c. Right now.

I'll do exactly
what peanut's dad does.

Hey, peanut,
mama's making
pompalope bread.

Whoo-hoo !
I love pompalope bread.

Munchy, you wanna
come over for lunch ?

No, thanks.
I gotta take care
of my boat.

Well, we're gonna take care
of our stomachs.

See ya, munch !

First we'll have some lunch,
then I'll get started
on the pompalope bread.

Oh, boy ! Yummy !
Pompalope right around
the corner !

[ ringing ]

Hello ?
Opal, darling,
it's georgina.

Thank goodness
you're there.

I have an emergency.
An emergency ?

Is everything
all right ?

Edouard and I
were just asked to host
the annual meeting...

Of the v.v.v.i.p. Club.

The v.v.v.i.p. Club ?

Very, very, very
important poodles club.

And our yacht
isn't even in the water.

We simply must have
some caulking now.

I'm sorry.
We're all out.

But as soon as ernest
is done with his boat,
he'll go get some more.

It'll be too late !

well, why not go ahead and
paint the parts of your boat

that don't need
caulking first ?

brilliant, opal !

i'll take 50 gallons
of hot pink paint.

- Huh ?
- fifty gallons
of hot pink paint.

And I need it now !
Ticktock, ticktock !

- Oh, boy !
- One hour. That's
the best I can do.

Bye, georgina.

[ chewing ]
Now where was I ?

What in the name
of hoohaw ?

Great sandwich, mom !

Yeah, main course
and dessert all in one.

Well, let's hope I do better
on the pompalope bread.

All right !
Yahoo !
Pompalope bread !

[ phone ringing ]

Don't worry.
I'll keep it short.

Hello, georgina.
I was thinking.

I'll need some
pink paint stirrers to go
with my hot pink paint.

paint stirrers all come
wood colored, georgina.

but once you dip them
in the pink paint, you will
have pink paint stirrers.

oh, of course !
opal, you're a genius.
ta-ta for now !

Hey, mama,
we have an idea.

Why don't you let us
help you make the bread ?

That's a great idea, peanut,
but pompalope bread
isn't easy to make.

It takes a lot of care
and attention.

See ?
It's made with yeast.
That makes the bread rise.

If you don't do it just right,
it could be a total disaster.

[ Continues ]
I am pompalope bread's
biggest fan.

Let's get cooking.
Pompalope !

I get the first slice.

...and wait for it
to get foamy.

[ ringing ]

Hi, opal.
I was thinking.

Maybe I should paint
the boat peppy pink
instead of hot pink.

What do you think ?
Peppy pink sounds nice.
So does hot pink.

Oh, we'll never get
this bread made.

Sure we will.
Mama told us what to do.

I don't know, jell.
She said it was tricky.

She gave us the recipe.
We can do it.

The sooner we make the bread,
the sooner we get to eat it.

Yeah ! Yum, yum.

How much flour
did mama say ?
Uh, two cups ?

Three ?
Weren't you listening ?

I thought you
were listening.

There are three of us.
How about three cups ?
That sounds right.

She said something
about sugar, didn't she ?

Sugar, sugar.
And salt.

Twenty-five gallons
of peppy pink,

Ten of hot pink
and fifteen of baby blue ?

[ Georgina ]
perfect !

It's not rising.
I bet we added
too much flour.

Then maybe we should
add more yeast.

More, more !

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

More, more !

Wow !

Ahh !
What are we gonna do ?

Freak out !

Green it is.
Bye, georgina.

[ peanut ] mom, help !
[ jelly ]
mama, we're stuck !

Oh, my goodness !

Mama, mama, help !

Whoa !
Yeow !

[ Butter ]

What happened ?

The dough wasn't rising,
so we added more yeast.

Oh, my !
More yeast ?

Sorry. I guess we
weren't really listening
when you told us the recipe.

We wanted that yummy
pompalope bread so bad,

We thought we could
do it ourselves.

that's understandable.

It's very difficult
to be patient when pompalope
bread is concerned.

But what are we gonna do
with all that dough ?

I know !
We'll do a noodle dance
and noodle ourselves an answer.

- Noodle !
- I'll noodle.

But I've got too much
sticky dough on my feet
to dance.


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it !

we'll make
the world's biggest loaf
of pompalope bread,

and everyone in lake hoohaw
can eat it !

Yummy idea, peanut.
All we need is the world's
largest oven.

But can we really eat
all that bread ?

Hey, that gives me
an idea !

We can feed all the fish
in lake hoohaw too.

[ opal ]
i'm sorry, pb&j, but there's
no oven that large.

And it's not good for anyone
to eat raw dough.

Whoa !
Waah !


I'm ready to caulk my boat.
I'm sorry, munchy.
I'm all out.

We simply must have
that caulking,

Or we'll never
be done in time
for the v.v.v.i.p.s !

We need more caulking.
We can't finish your boat.

When will you
have some in ?

You've got to
come up with something.
We need caulking !

I'm sorry, folks.
We're all just gonna have to
wait for the next shipment.

Hey, this dough
used to be really sticky,
but now it's getting hard.

That gives me an idea.

Try this, munchy.

Hey, I think it's working.

Only one way to find out.

It works !
It works !

Well, I guess we do
have caulking after all.

But we better work fast.
It's getting hard.

[ All making requests ]
we need lots
and lots of it.

You got it, georgina.

Whoa !

Thank you, opal !
You're such a love.
[ Chuckling ]

Ooh, thanks.

Should have brought
my wheelbarrow.

we sure learned a lesson
about listening today.

Yeah, and a lesson
about t.l.c. Too.

You did ? Then follow
these directions.

Listen carefully.
Stand up.

Close your eyes.

Do you know what t.l.c.
Means to me ?
[ peanut ] no. What ?

Tickle little critters !

I got ya !

[ Laughing continues ]