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03x11 - The Big Surprise/Bazania Mania

Posted: 04/05/24 09:16
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

[ ernest ]
mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
that smells so good.

Well, ernest,
what do you think ?

[ Slurps ]
mmm !

Opal, this is going to be
our best captain gazpacho
soup ever.

Hey, mama.
Hey, daddy.
What are you making ?

[ Giggles ]

Hi, kids.
We're making a special
gazpacho soup...

In honor of
captain gazpacho day.

Oh, yeah !
That's right.

Captain gazpacho day.
'Spacho ?

[ Chuckles ]
that's right, butter.

Today we celebrate the day
that captain marigold gazpacho
discovered lake hoohaw.

Peanut. Jelly.
Do you two remember
the story of captain gazpacho ?

Sure we do, daddy.

A long time ago,
the famous explorer,

Captain gazpacho,
was sailing in his boat.

he was sailing
for a really long time...

and was looking
for a place to rest.

then, all of a sudden,
he saw a spectacular rock.

he was so excited,
he shouted, "hoohaw."

[ jelly ]
so, he named it lake hoohaw.

because he was really nice,
he said that anybody who
wanted to could live here.

Hooray !
Hoohaw !

Hoohaw !
We're here !

[ peanut ]
that's why we celebrate
captain gazpacho day.

[ butter ]
hoohaw !

That's right.
Great job
with the story, pb&j.

And this afternoon,
we're celebrating
with a big picnic...

And a special
gazpacho soup contest.

Hey, mama.
Can we help you
and daddy make the soup ?

That would be great !

As a matter of fact,
I was about to go
to mayor jeff's...

To get more vegetables
from his garden.

Would you like to go
get them for us ?

Yeah !
Sure !
Yea !

Thanks, pb&j.
[ Both laugh ]

♪♪ [ Humming ]

Hey there, pb&j.

I've got those vegetables
all ready for you.

Thanks, mayor jeff.
What's that ?
Take a look.

[ jelly ]
hey, that's captain gazpacho.
[ butter ] 'spacho.

- Cool. What's it for ?
- It's an idea I had
for a special trophy...

To give to the winner
of the gazpacho day
soup contest.

I'm going to ask
my old friend woodrow woodchuck
to make the trophy.

Well, I gotta run, kids.
I have to call chuck
right away.

See you later.

Good ol' chuck.

[ Ringing ]
woodrow woodchuck's

This is woodrow speaking.
Chuck ?
It's mayor jeff.

Well, I'll be. Mayor jeff.
How you doin', old friend ?

Just fine, chuck.
How are you ?

Real good, mayor.
Happy as a clam
and busy as a beaver.

[ Laughs ]
same old chuck.

Say, mayor, it's great
to hear from you and all,
but I'm on a rush job.

Is it okay if I keep
buzzin' like a bee
while we talk ?

That's okay by me, chuck.
What can I do ya for,
mayor ?

Well, I was hoping
you could make a special
captain gazpacho trophy...

For our soup contest
this afternoon.

Sorry, mayor.
Could you speak up
a little ?

Sure, chuck.
I said I'd like you
to make me a trophy.

You know,
a little statue.

What's that you say ?
A statue ?

That's right.
It would be
my pleasure.

You have
a lot of pressure ?

I said, "it would
be my pleasure."

How big a statue
did you want, mayor ?

Oh, about yea big.
About one-foot tall.

What's that
about a ball ?

I said, "one-foot tall."

That's a pretty small

Oh, it should be plenty.

You got it, mayor.

Thanks, chuck.

One 20-foot statue,
comin' up.

[ hangs up phone ]

I'm captain gazpacho--
world famous explorer.

[ mayor jeff ]
hey, pb&j !

Hey, mayor jeff.
Where are you going ?

I'm going to pick up
the trophy.

How would you guys
like to come along
and meet mr. Woodchuck ?

[ Kids ]
yeah !
Hop in.

Mayor jeff.
Hello, chuck.

Chuck, I'd like you to meet
some good friends of mine.

This is peanut, butter
and jelly otter.

Pb&j, this is
mr. Woodchuck.

Well, hello there.

Hi, mr. Woodchuck.
Nice to meet you.

Well, mayor, I just
finished up your statue.

I think you're gonna
be very pleased.
It's out in the back.

Couldn't exactly
keep it in the shop,
if you know what I mean.

No, I don't know
what you mean.

Well, folks,
what do you think ?

[ Laughs ]
not down there,
up there.

now I ask you,
is that a statue,

Or is that,
by willie winky,
a statue ?

Looks just like him,
except, well, bigger.

What's wrong ?
Don't you folks like it ?

- [ Kids ] wow !
- Chuck, it's gigantic !

Well, sure, mayor.
It's taller than
a giraffe--

Twenty-foot tall--
just like you asked for.

I asked for "20" ?

Well, let's see here.
At first, I believe
you said, "one-foot tall."

Then I said,
"that's pretty small."

Then you said,
"it should be 20."

No, I said,
"one foot was plenty."

[ Gasps ]
oh, mayor, I'm sorry.

I guess I was
a little distracted,

And with all the noise,
I thought you said, "20."

I really messed up.

Chuck, I think
the statue is terrific.
You do ?

It's great.
Yea !
Really great.

Well, there's
just one problem.

How are we ever going to get
this giant thing back home
in time for the picnic ?

It's way too big
for my little boat.

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could
put it on its side
and roll it to the picnic.

Well, I suppose
we could try.

Ready, everybody ?
One, two, three, push !

[ All grunting ]

[ All grunting ]

Huh. Giant statues
are a lot harder to move
than I thought.

hey, maybe we can
use the rope.
the rope ?

Yeah. If we tie the rope
around the statue
and pull really hard,

We can drag
the statue back.

You know, like a team
of great big horses.

Ready and pull !

[ All grunting ]

[ peanut ]
hey, jelly.
i just remembered something.

[ All grunting ]

We're not
great big horses ?

We're four otters
and a woodchuck ?

Exactly !
[ Sighs ]

Oh, man.
What are we gonna do ?

It's gonna be time
for the picnic soon.

Well, you know
what I think
it's time for now ?

A nap ?
No, peanut. It's time
for a noodle dance.

I'm sorry.
A noodle what ?

A noodle dance.
That's how we think up
some of our best ideas.

We could sure use
a good idea right about now.

Well, that
certainly is true.
Let's get to it.

I'll noodle, but I'm
too pooped out from not
moving this statue to dance.

♪♪ [ dance ]

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it !

We figure out how to get rid
of gravity and voom.

We float the statue
to the picnic.

I like it,
but I like gravity too.

Yeah, me too.
Okay, okay,
how about this ?

we'll get a shrink-o-matic
laser and zap the statue
so it'll get really little.

Another good try, but
I'm afraid we don't have
a shrink-o-matic laser.


There's just gotta be a way
to get this statue
to the picnic.

[ Sighs ]
if only we had
a really big boat.

Hey, those logs.
They're floating.

[ peanut ] I don't think
there are enough of them
to make a really big boat.

But they did give me
a great idea.

maybe we already have
a really big boat.

We do ?
We do ?
We do ?

We can use the statue
as a boat and ride it
to the picnic.

Say, jelly, you're right.

That statue
is made out of wood,
just like those logs.

I knew we could
figure it out.
I just knew it.

As captain gazpacho
would say, "hoohaw."

Look ! It's floating.

[ All cheer ]

Come on, kids. If we hurry,
we can still make it back
in time for the picnic.

♪ Once a little otter ♪

♪ Canoeing through
rough water ♪

♪ When suddenly a wave ♪

♪ Washed his paddle away ♪

[ jelly ]
♪ all at once that otter ♪

♪ was stranded
up the river ♪

♪ though he wanted to cry ♪

♪ he kept
his spirits high ♪

♪ You gotta keep thinkin' ♪

♪ You gotta keep hopin' ♪

♪ If you keep thinkin'
you'll stop sinkin' and
hope will keep you afloat ♪

♪ So any time
you're feelin' blue ♪

♪ You know just what to do ♪

♪ Gotta keep thinkin'
gotta keep hopin' ♪

♪ the answer
will come to you ♪

[ peanut ]
♪ so that little otter ♪

♪ his boat
in rushing water ♪

♪ kept thinking
what he could do ♪

♪ when suddenly he knew ♪

[ jelly ]
♪ his tail
dipped in the water ♪

♪ became the perfect rudder ♪

♪ it took him
safe to shore ♪

♪ and he sang the song
once more ♪

♪ You gotta keep thinkin' ♪

♪ You gotta keep hopin' ♪

♪ If you keep thinkin'
you'll stop sinkin' ♪

♪ And hope will
keep you afloat ♪

♪ So any time
you're feelin' blue ♪

♪ You know
just what to do ♪

♪ Gotta keep thinkin'
gotta keep hopin' ♪
the answer will come to you ♪

♪ Gotta keep thinkin'
gotta keep hopin' ♪

♪ The answer
will come to you ♪♪

[ ernest ]
mmm. This is a terrific
batch of soup.

You gotta try some,
Ernest, it's getting late.

I wonder where pb&j
and mayor jeff could be.

Well, I'm sure they--
hey ! Look at that !

Mama ! Daddy !
Hey, y'all.

Oh, my goodness.
What is that ?

It's a boat.
Wow !

Listen, folks.
There's been a big change
in today's festivities.

Instead of giving
a trophy to the winner of
the gazpacho day soup contest,

It's my pleasure to present
this beautiful statue...

To all of you in honor
of captain gazpacho day.

And in the spirit
of the great
captain gazpacho,

This statue will stand
and welcome all who come
to visit lake hoohaw.

Ready, kids ?
[ Kids ] ready.

One, two, three !

[ cheering ]

Happy gazpacho day,
one and all !

Happy gazpacho day !
[ Butter ] 'spacho !

Opal, having a yard sale
was a great idea.

Boy, this is
gonna be so cool.
And lots of fun.

Well, it sure is a good way
to get rid of some of this,
uh, clutter.

And if we sell these things,
they won't go to waste.

- Yeah.
- Aw.
[ Laughs ]

Hi, georgina.
Hi, mrs. Snooty.

Hello, all.
Oh, opal, thank goodness
you're here.

I'm at my wit's end.

Georgina, what's wrong ?

I'm going to a very fancy
dinner party tonight.

Every poodle
who's any poodle
will be there.

I don't have
a single hat to wear.

But, georgina, you have
hundreds of beautiful hats.

Those hats would have
been perfectly acceptable
last week,

But this week,
they are hopelessly
out of style.

- Oh, why me ?
- Well, georgina,
if it would help,

I'd be happy
to make you a new hat.

Oh, opal, would you ?
You're such a dear.

Oh !
Now listen.

Hats with flowers
are extremely
in style this week,

So please make sure
that my hat is decorated
with a very special one.

Well, certainly, georgina.

I have a whole garden
full of flowers.

How about
a beautiful rose ?
Too red.

- Well, how about
a sunflower ?
- Too big.

- A tulip ?
- Too... Lippy.

The flower for my hat
must be so special...

That no one else
will have one like it.

Well, you're welcome
to come to my garden
and choose the flower yourself.

Sorry, but I have
a million things to do.

I trust you, opal.
Just make sure
it's your best.

Ta-ta for now.
I'll be back
this afternoon.

It'll be ready.
I promise.

Well, I guess I'd better
get started on that hat.

Kids, would you
like to help me
choose a flower ?

Yeah, mom.
Sure !
Yea !

wow ! Look at all
these amazing flowers.

Which one are you going
to use to decorate
the hat, mama ?

Well, for mrs. Snooty,
we're going to need
a very special flower.

[ peanut ]
whoa ! What is that ?

That's a rare
bazania flower.

Your aunt nanner sent it to me
when she was traveling
in eastern bazania.

[ Kids ]
wow !

Why is it under
that umbrella, mama ?

Well, the bazania
needs a lot of shade.

If it's in the sun
too long, it gets
all dried up and wilts.

[ Kids ]
oh !

Well, I hope
mrs. Snooty likes it.

Did you sell anything,
daddy ?

Well, I just traded
mayor jeff one of
my old toilet seats...

For a nifty bag
of dryer lint,
but that's about it.

[ Both ] aw !
Don't worry, kids.
It's still early.

i'm sure things
will pick up.
yeah, I guess.

Well, I've got
some deliveries to make.
Can you watch the table ?

Well, I would, ernest,
but I just realized...

That I'm going to need
to get some more material
for georgina's hat.

But if we both leave,
who's going to run
the sale ?

We'll watch the table.
We can do it.

Yea !
We'll sell
lots of stuff.

Well, okay, kids.
It certainly would be
a big help.

- [ Kids cheer ]
- now, I'll be back
a little after lunchtime.

And in the meanwhile,
I'm going to leave...

The bazania flower
right here.

- Okay, mom.
- Remember, make sure
it doesn't get too much sun.

We got it, mama.

Okay, kids.
Have fun.

[ Kids ]
bye, mama.

i can't believe
we haven't sold
a single thing yet.

Someone's gotta buy

[ Both ] hello, otters.
What are you guys
up to ?

Just another hard day...
Of shopping.

[ bootsie ] oh !
spend, spend, spend.
it's not easy being pink.

Well, guess what.
We're having a yard sale.

We have lots of great stuff
for people to buy.
Take a look !

Bootsie, I'm hungry
and my feet hurt.

I am now officially
tired of shopping.

fine with me, ootsie.

let's save ourselves
the trouble of looking
and just buy it all.

Great. Come on, guys.
Let's pack this stuff up.

All right.
Here you go.

Here you are, sir.
It's all yours.

Pay them, captain.

We're too shopped out
to do it ourselves.

[ Giggles ]

Wow ! We did it !
We sold everything.

Boy, I can't wait
to see the look
on mom's face...

When she sees
what a great job we did.

Mom ! Hey, peanut.
That reminds me.

We better go check
on the bazania flower.

Oh, yeah, you're right.

[ Both gasp ]
hey, where'd
the bazania go ?

Let's think.
It was right here
on the table.

Then ootsie and bootsie
showed up and bought
all our stuff.

[ Both gasp ]
oh, no !

We sold the bazania flower
to the snooties by mistake.

Come on.
We gotta get
that flower back.

Ootsie ! Bootsie !

[ Game beeping ]

I think we accidentally
sold you something
we weren't supposed to.

Yeah, it's
a funny-looking flower.

- It's called a bazania.
- Have you seen it ?

Doesn't ring a bell,
but feel free to look.

Everything we bought today
is over there.




are you sure that's
the last package,
peanut ?

Yeah. Oh, except
for that one.

[ jelly ]

Oh, no !
The bazania !
It's ruined !

So, that's the bazania.

You were right, peanut.

It is
a funny-looking flower.

I much prefer flowers
that stick up.

The bazania usually
does stick up,
but it's all wilted.

You're not supposed to put
a bazania flower in the sun.

Well, we're very sorry,
but we had no clue
it couldn't be in the sun.

Flowers should come
with instructions,
like video games.

It's not your fault, guys.
It was our mistake.

Well, for goodness' sake,
just buy a new bazania.

We can't.
This is the only one
in lake hoohaw.

Come on, y'all.
We'd better go home
and tell mom what happened.

And by the time
we looked through everything
and found the bazania,

It was all wilted.

We're really sorry,

Well, kids,
I understand.

Taking care of the sale
and the bazania
was a really big job,

And I know you tried
your best.

I guess now we'll have
to tell mrs. Snooty
no special hat.

But, honey,
it's not that simple.

I made a promise
to mrs. Snooty,
and I intend to keep it.

- What are we gonna do, mama ?
- We'll just have to think
of another way to decorate it.

[ Both ]

Hey, how about
a noodle dance, mama ?

It helps us think up
all sorts of ideas.

- That's a great idea, jelly.
- Noodle !

I'll think, but I feel
too bad to dance.

♪♪ [ dance ]

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

- I got it !
- What ?
What happened ? What ?

[ jelly ]
we can just hop on a plane
and fly to eastern bazania...

and get
a new bazania flower.

Well, honey,
it's a good thought, but even
if we could afford to fly,

I'm afraid we wouldn't
be able to get back in time
for mrs. Snooty's party.

Well, how about
a different kind
of flower, mom ?

You have lots of them
in your garden.

That's great thinking,
peanut, but I don't think...

Any of them
are special enough
for mrs. Snooty.

Can we use
something else, mama ?

Like a really fancy
ribbon maybe ?

That's a great idea,
too, jelly,

But mrs. Snooty
was very specific.

She wanted a flower.

[ Giggles ]

Hey, look.
Butter made a flower.

Hey, jelly.
That's a great idea.

What is ?
Maybe we could make
a bazania.

I think you've got it.

Mrs. Snooty said
she wanted a special flower
nobody else would have.

She didn't say it had
to be a real flower.

Yeah, but what
can we make it out of ?

If we took some of the money
you kids earned
at the yard sale...

And bought some
colorful feathers
and some glue and--

Come on, kids.
We don't have much time.

♪ A feather here
a feather there ♪

♪ A little one
in the middle ♪

♪ Some dabs of glue
yes, that should do ♪

♪ Oh, just like
flower petals ♪

- Flower.
- ♪ What could be better ♪

♪ Than something
made by hand ♪

♪ But it's brand new
just feathers and glue ♪

♪ A simple hat ♪

♪ Can be a treasure grand ♪♪

Hurry, pb&j.
Georgina will be here
any second.

Now I sew it to the hat.

[ knocking ]
opal ! It's georgina !

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, hi, georgina.
My, don't you look nice.

I do, don't I ?
Do you have my hat ?

Well, of course.
Ta-da !

[ Screams ]

Oh, dear.
I've never seen anyone
hate a hat that much before.

hate nothing.
i love this hat !

- [ All ] you do ?
- It's brilliant.

A real flower would wilt,
but my flower will look
wonderful all evening.

And best of all,
nobody else will
have one like it.

It's perfect !

Thank you, opal.
Thank you.

I had a lot of help
from pb&j.

Thank you, all.
Well, I must be off.

[ peanut ]
so, we all used
our noodles,

And we got mrs. Snooty's
hat finished just in time
for her party.

- Boy, you must
have been nervous.
- It was close,

But we learned something
really important.

- What's that, jelly ?
- When you promise
to do somebody a favor,

You have to try your best
to get it done.

Yeah, we learned
something else too.
What's that, peanut ?

Mrs. Snooty has a really
cool way of showing
that she loves something.

[ Both scream ]

Love it !
[ All laughing ]