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03x08 - Peanut Overboard/Come Back, Mama

Posted: 04/05/24 09:13
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

I wonder how aunt nanner
will get here this time.

Water skis ?
Jet pack ?

Water skis
and a jet pack ?

- Hey, peanut.
- Yeah, jel.

What do you think--
water skis or a jet pack ?

Maybe she'll get here
on a sailboat
like this one.

- Boat-boat.
- [ Gasps ]

watchbird alert !
watchbird alert !

aunt nanner approaching
from the south !

- Whoo-hoo !
- [ Kids ]
aunt nanner !

Hi, guys !

Thanks for the lift,

See you tomorrow morning,
bright and early.

Hello there, opal.
Hello there, ernest.

Huh ?

Tah-dah !
Can you do it again ?

It was amazing.
Boing ! Boing !

A hot-air balloon
and a bungee jump !

I would have
never guessed that.

That's the fun
of surprises, jelly.

I have a surprise
for you too,
aunt nanner.

I'm making a sailboat
out of fishsicle sticks.

Peanut otter,
I absolutely love it !

You are quite the artist.

Wow. I'm an artist.

Hey, peanut.
Don't you want some
yummy babbleberry pie ?

Not right now, jel.
I wanna finish my artwork.

You know, peanut,
there's an art contest...

Over on lake big whoop

I'd sure love to enter
your sailboat
when I get there.

But do you really think
it's good enough
to be in a contest ?

- Sure do !
- Hmm. I don't know.

Peanut, I remember
another young artist...

Who was just as doubtful
when she was your age.

- Who was that, mama ?
- It was your aunt nanner here.

Really ?
Tell us about it.

There was a talent contest
in lake hoohaw, and I was
going to be in it.

but when the big day arrived,
i was as nervous as a potato
in a french-fry factory.

I can't go out there,

I can't, I can't,
I can't !

You just needed
a little push,
that's all.

We believe in you, peanut,
but you have to believe
in yourself.

♪ Everyone has colors
and their own kind
of smile ♪

everyone has a laugh ♪

♪ No two are alike ♪

♪ But what
makes you special ♪

♪ That we all
want to see ♪

♪ Is what makes you shine ♪

♪ Shine from the inside ♪

♪ Shine from inside ♪

♪ Your own kind
of music ♪

♪ Your own point of view ♪

♪ your own kind of vision ♪

♪ That you know is true ♪

♪ Is what makes
you special ♪

♪ And everyone can see ♪

♪ Is what makes
you shine ♪

♪ Shine from the inside ♪

♪ Shine from inside ♪♪

Behold ! I give you
the s.s. peanut otter.

My work of art.

Tah-dah !

Well, peanut,
it's, uh, nice.

That's it ? Nice ?
It's the s.s. peanut otter.

Well, it's kinda dinky.

It should have
something fun, like... Wings.

- Wings !
- Yeah, so it can fly.

And a giant beak
like a bird.

and tentacles
like an octopus.

and arms and legs and--

jel, it's a sailboat,
remember ?

Oh, yeah.
I forgot.

But it really should
have wings, if you
wanna win the contest.

A sailboat with wings ?
I don't know, jel.

Behold, pinch !
I give you
the s.s. peanut otter.

My work of art.

Even though
it doesn't have wings.
Do you like it ?

It's, uh,
nice, peanut.

Just nice ?
Don't you like it ?

Yeah, but it should
be pink, not blue.

And you should decorate it
with colorful marbles.

Then it would be
the most beautiful sailboat
in the world.

A pink sailboat ?
Now that I gotta see.

This is
the s.s. peanut otter.

My work of art.

Even though
it doesn't have wings...

Or colorful marbles
and isn't pink.

- Do you like it ?
- It's--

- Nice ?
- Yeah, nice.

That's the word
I was looking for.

But where do you put
your bucky spacebeaver
action figure ?

- What do you mean ?
- A ship needs a captain,

Trust me.
Without bucky spacebeaver,

It doesn't have a chance
in a contest.

Maybe you're right.
[ Ground shaking ]

[ All ]
whoa !

Hello, everyone.

Don't you just love
our new tunnel tronic 2000 ?

We made it ourselves.

With the teensiest
bit of help...

From a host of highly paid
scientists and engineers,
of course.

This is my sailboat.
I made it all by myself.

it doesn't have wings
or colorful marbles...

or bucky spacebeaver,
but do you like it ?


But it's no
tunnel tronic 2000.

[ Both ]
see ya.

They're right.
It's just boring old sailboat.

There's no way
I'm gonna win the contest.

♪♪ [ Humming ]


[ Sighs ]

- Boat ?
- Who am I kidding ?
I'm no artist.

i can't win the contest.

I can't even make a sailboat
that my friends like.

The award for
the lamest artist
of the year...

Goes to peanut otter
for his clumsy painting.

Huh ?
[ applause ]

[ Sighs ]
there's gotta be a way
to make everyone happy...

Before aunt nanner
leaves tomorrow.

That's it !
Make everybody happy !

What I'm about to show you
couldn't have happened
without all your suggestions.

Behold ! I give you
the s.s. peanut otter ii !

A genuine work of art !

And watch.

It can fly.

Well, at least
it can float.

Oh, no !
It didn't work !

It's okay, peanut.
It was probably a little
too heavy to float and fly.

I don't get it.
I listened to what
everybody said,

And now no one
likes my sailboat.

Not even me.

[ Sighs ]

You know, peanut,
maybe you should
ask yourself...

What kind of sailboat
would make you happy.

I don't know anymore,
aunt nanner.

Hey !
This looks like a job
for a noodle dance.

Great idea, jelly.
Let's dance up
a brainstorm !

I'll use my noodle,
but I'm not much up
for dancing.

♪♪ [ dance ]

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it !
What ?
What happened ? What ?

I think you should make
a big seaplane instead.

[ jelly ]
seaplanes already
have wings and float.

i'm sure that would
make you happy, peanut.

[ flick ]
great idea ! A seaplane
piloted by bucky spacebeaver.

now, that would put a smile
on anyone's face !

[ pinch ]
a pink seaplane piloted
by bucky spacebeaver...

and decorated
with marbles.

it makes me giddy
just to think about it.

But, guys, I'm happy
with just a sailboat.

That's it, peanut !

It would make you happy
if you kept it
a simple sailboat.

Yeah, I love sailboats,
and I love simple.

So, keep it simple.
Just make your sailboat
all about flying.

[ flick ]
i know.
huh ?

Simply make it
about bucky spacebeaver.

Hmm. Peanut,
you like blue, not pink.

Maybe you should
simply make it blue
like you wanted ?

Like I wanted ? Huh ?
What i wanted !

That's it, baby butter.

Thanks for saving
my first sailboat
from the trash.

aunt nanner,
this is the finished
s.s. peanut otter.

No wings, no marbles,
no spacebeavers.
Just like I wanted.

Oh, peanut,
it's wonderful !

I'm so proud of you.

You are ?
Of course.

You know, peanut.
Sometimes when you try
to make everybody happy--

You forget
what makes you happy ?

Bingo ! Remember
that talent contest
I was telling you about ?

Well, I had to learn
the very same thing.

I can't go out there, opal !
I can't, I can't, I can't !

Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.

Uh, hello ?

[ aunt nanner ]
when my big moment arrived,

i didn't want to do
just any old goldilocks.

i wanted to do
something special,
something different,

that was all my own.

[ applause ]

i won that contest,
and I fell in love
with performing.

It's important to believe
in yourself, honey.

Yoo-hoo, nanner !

Hi, redolfo !
That's my ride.
Gotta fly !

Do you still want me
to enter your sailboat
in the contest, peanut ?

Yeah. But afterwards,
I really want you
to have it, aunt nanner.

Oh, thank you, peanut.

I'm sure everybody
is going to love it.

I know I do.
Oodle-ay !

[ peanut ]
oodle-ay, aunt nanner.

It really is
a great sailboat, peanut.

I'm sure it's going
to win the contest.

But even if it doesn't,
that's okay.

At least I got to make
something I wanted to make.

Besides, I think
my next project
is gonna be a spaceship.

A spaceship !
Now you're talkin' !

here's what you should do.

make sure the spaceship
is really big and silver...

and has lots of room
for pies and--

- [ All ]
flick !
- What ? What ?

[ laughter ]

Come on, butter.
Play with us.
Mama ! Mama ! Mama !

Calm down, butter.
She's almost home.

One more game of freeze tag
and for sure she'll be home.

- Mama ! Mama ! Mama !
- I've never seen butter
so excited before.

Well, mom's never been away
for a whole week before.

Mama ! Mama !
Yoo-hoo, kids.
I'm home.

Welcome home, mama.
Mama ! Mama ! Mama !

Welcome home, dear.
I missed you.

[ Chuckles ]
I missed you too, honey.

So how was your visit
to aunt nanner's ?

The first couple of days
were great.

Then I started missing
you all so much, I couldn't
wait to get back home.

[ Both ]
we missed you too, mama !
Mama ! Mama !

Oh, I missed you too,
baby butter.

And as soon as I can,
I promise we'll do
some real snuggling.

But right now,
I've got a cake to make.

Do you really have to bake
right now, mom ?

We wanted to wrestle
and sing.

And play hopscotch
and read books.

Mama !

Oh, I wanna play
with you too, kids,

But it's gonna
have to wait.

You see,
it's the snooties'
big reunion tonight.

Their whole family
is getting together--

Aunts, uncles,

And I promised georgina
I'd bake their traditional
three-tiered puffy poodle cake.

But doesn't it usually
take, like, forever...

To make a three-tiered
puffy poodle cake ?

Well, yes, usually,

So I'm gonna have to work
extra fast this time...

Because the snooties
need this cake tonight.

Mom's not the only one
that has to hurry.

I should have
opened the store boat
about ten minutes ago.

See ya tonight, kids,
and good luck, opal.

Jelly, do you really
think mama can make...

An entire three-tiered
puffy poodle cake
in just one day ?

With our help, peanut ?
It'll be a... Piece of cake.

Mama ! Mama !
Oh !

[ Both gasp ]

Okay, I'm pretty sure ?

[ Screams ]

Come on, butter.
Mom will never finish
if you don't let go of her.

Come on, butter.
Butter. Butter ?

Mama ! Mama !
I think
she's glued on.

Thanks for trying, jelly,

But I think butter
is just worried
I'm gonna go away again.

Mama !
It's okay.

Mama's home now,
sweetie pie.

And if you need to hold on
for a little while,

Why, you just hold on.

We've gotta
do something, jelly.
This is serious.

Think, jelly.
There has to be some way
to get butter off mom.

I don't know, peanut.

It's pretty scary
to have your mama leave
when you're a little kid.

Yeah. Butter's scared
mom will leave again
if she lets go.

But if she doesn't let go,
mom may never finish
her cake in time.

Stay right here, peanut.
I think I know someone
who can help.

Tah-dah ! Super jelleena
is here to save the day !

And how is wearing
a towel around your neck...

And a box on your head
going to help butter ?

I'm not really sure,

But it's got to be good
for something.

Come on !

Let's see. I could use
my super jelleena strength
to pull her off.

That might be too much.

I got it !
I'll use my super jelleena
mind control.

Come, little one.
Let go of mommy's leg
and come with me.

Hmm. Come, little one.
Let go of mommy's leg
and come with me.

Give it up,
super jelleena.

Her will is too strong.
You'll never get her
to let go and come to you.

[ knock on door ]

Hey, peanut and jelly.
The weirdest thing
just happened.

- [ Both ] what ?
- I got
the strongest urge...

To let go of my mommy's leg
and come to you, jelly.

Oh, well, see you later.

[ peanut ]
i have an idea, jelly.

Instead of using
super powers,

Why don't we just ask
butter to play a game
with us ?

Well, it won't be as much fun
as my mind control,

But I guess
it's worth a try.

♪♪ [ Whistling ]

Oh, hi, butter.

Jelly and I were
just going to play
a game and I thought,

"Hey, wouldn't it be great
if butter joined us ?"

Well, that's too bad...

Because we were thinking
about playing...

Commander casserole
freeze tag.

Nice one, peanut.
That's her favorite.

Come on, butter.
What do you say ?

It'll be a lot of fun.

- Okay.
- Yeah, all right !
- We did it !

Okay, butter.
You close your eyes,
and I'll count.

One, two, three.
Whoever butter touches
has to freeze.

Aren't you gonna
come tag us, butter ?

Game over, jelly.
She didn't go for it.

This is gonna be a lot harder
than I thought.

- Mama ! Mama !
- It's okay, honey.
I'm right here.

Peanut, if commander
casserole freeze tag
didn't work, what will ?

Don't give up yet, jelly.
Something has to make
butter let go of mom.

Yeah, but what ?

- Crayon !
- Hey, butter.
Bye, butter.

Hey, wait a minute !
That was butter !

- [ Gasps ]
- pull, jelly !
I think we got her !

I'm pulling !
I'm pulling !

Uh, kids, I don't think
this is such a good idea.

[ All grunting ]

- Oh !
- Hey, family.

i came by to see
how things are going with
the three-tiered puffy poo--

- [ Gasps ]
- well, mmm, it tastes good.
So, how do I look ?

[ jelly ]
sorry, daddy.
sorry, mama.

We were only trying
to help.

I'll just have
to start over
and work faster.

First, we can't get butter
to understand that mama
isn't leaving and--

If she does,
she'll come back.

And now, thanks to us,
mama has to start over
on the poodle cake.

She'll never finish it
in time.

Oh, no !
What's gonna happen ?

[ Knocking ]

Hi, ootsie and bootsie.
I finally finished the cake
for your big family reunion.

But, mrs. Otter,
it took you too long.

Our party was last week.

That's it, jelly.
Butter has to let go.

It's a matter of cake
or no cake.

You know what, peanut ?
There is one thing
we haven't tried yet.

I'm not dancing, jelly.

Come on, peanut.
Let yourself go.
Let's noodle dance !

♪♪ [ dance ]

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

- I've got it, peanut !
- Lay it on me, jel.

We find a laboratory
where we can build
a mama robot.

[ jelly ]
that way, the real mama
could take care of butter,

and the robot mama
could make the cake.

[ peanut ]
great idea, jelly,
except for one thing.

Where are we going to find
a robot-making laboratory
on lake hoohaw ?

Oh, good point.

Hmm. But maybe
we don't need one.

Instead of a mama robot,
what if someone else
made the cake ?

Mayor jeff is
a pretty good cook.

[ jelly ]
yeah, but nobody can cook
as good as mama.

remember mayor jeff's
pungent peppermint
pompalope pudding ?

Yuck !
How can I forget ?

Keep thinking, jelly.
There has to be
something we can do.

[ Both ]
how to get butter
off of mama's leg.

What we need is a way
to make being away from mama
less scary for butter.

Hey, jelly !
Remember when
you were butter's age,

And you were afraid
to be away from mom ?

One time, you didn't let go
of mama's leg for a week...

Until dad taught you
the "come back, mama" song.

Oh, yeah !
I forgot about that.

[ Both ] that's it !
Let's teach butter
the "come back, mama" song.

butter. Butter.
we wanna teach you
a song !

- Mama. Mama.
- It's a great song.

It's called
"come back, mama."

- Mama ?
- Hey, I remember that song.

That's how peanut and jelly
learned not to be scared
when I leave.

Mama ! Mama !
Come on, butter.
What do you say ?

Why don't you give it
a try, honey ?

I'll even help you sing.

First, jelly and I
will show you what to do.

Pretend I'm mama.

Behave, kids.
I'll be back
in a couple of minutes.

Then, we sing
the "come back, mama" song.

And in a couple of minutes, i--
I mean, mama-- comes back in.

Let's try it for real
this time.

Bye, kids.
I'll be back
in a little bit.

Mama ?

♪ Just like the sun
comes up every day ♪

♪ Just like rain
falls from the sky ♪

♪ Just like the spring
follows winter's end ♪

♪ When mama goes away
she comes back again ♪

- ♪ Come back, mama ♪
- I'm back.

♪ Come back, mama ♪

♪ Come back, mama ♪

when mama goes away
she comes back again ♪

♪ Just like the sun
comes up every day ♪

♪ Just like rain
falls from the sky ♪

♪ Just like the spring
follows winter's end ♪

when mama goes away
she comes back again ♪

♪ When mama goes away
she comes back again ♪♪

Again ! Again !

Wow, mama !

Thanks, kids.
I could have never gotten
it done without your help.

you're not finished
quite yet, opal.

We still have to deliver
this cake to the snooties.

Mayor jeff is gonna
watch the kids
while we're gone.

- [ All ]
bye-bye, mama.
- Bye, kids.

And remember, if you get
nervous while I'm away,

Just sing
the "come back, mama" song.

Okay, mama.
You can let go now,

Mom ?
[ Giggles ]
I think she's stuck.

[ All laughing ]

♪ come back, mama ♪

♪ come back, mama ♪♪