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03x04 - Aunt Nanner's Special Place/Munchy's Sinking Feeling

Posted: 04/05/24 09:08
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

whee !
huh ?
What that ?

Wow ! Look at
that giant bird.

[ peanut ]
it can't be a bird.
must be an airplane.

[ Ringing ]


Guess who's
in the neighborhood
and wants to drop by ?

[ Gasp ]
that's aunt nanner !

- Nanna ! Nanna !
- Oh, you already guessed.

Yoo-hoo !

[ All gasp ]

Nanna ! Nanna !
Nanna !

Ah ! My favorite
welcoming committee.

Wow ! Is that
the most exciting thing
you've ever done ?

Not as exciting as some
of your homemade lemonade.

You kids know
where I could get
an ice-cold lemonade ?

Come on !
Yeah, we have some.

Mmm. Ahh !
Reminds me of when
I was your age.

You used to be our age,
aunt nanner ?

Now, what we did then
was really exciting.

More than flying ?
Or taming
wild horses ?

Yes. Oh, your mother
will remember it too.

zooming down a rock slide
that was bigger
than mount hoohaw.

[ opal ]
i remember !

our special secret
swimming hole.

oh, it was so deep, no one
could touch the bottom.

[ Laughing ]

I'd love to take you
there sometime.

Swell !
Great !
Splash, splash !

- If your mother approves.
- Can we, mom ?

I'd love you to have
all the fun we had,

But nobody at lake hoohaw
has been there for years.

I know
I couldn't find it.

Well, I can.
I remember
every secret shortcut.

Get your towels
and pack your lunches.

We leave in five minutes.
[ Kids ]
yay !

Towels ? Lunches ?
Where we going ?

Nowhere, flick.
We weren't invited.

Are we gonna let
a little thing like that
spoil our fun ?

There's enough fun
at that old swimming hole...

To share with all the kids
from ten lakes.

Consider yourselves
Wow ! Thanks.

Okay, munchy, you help
peanut and jelly...

Pack our lunches,
and I'll supervise.

After you call
your parents
and ask if you can go.

Right. I was just going
to remind munchy to do that.

You know, flick,
I'd like it better...

If just once
you reminded yourself.

Right. Remind me
to remind me of that.

[ Flick ]
are we there yet ?

I'm getting
a flipper blister.
Not quite, flick.

But as I remember,
this is where we turn north and
take the first secret shortcut.

I'll turn any way you say.
But where's north ?

This is the same compass
I used...

When I climbed
the northern face
of mount yodelaydeehoo,

And it says north
is that way.

Does it say
if we're there yet ?

You'll know.

My secret swimming hole
is the most exciting place
you've ever seen.

Caves are scary.

Don't worry, munchy.
I think it's a tunnel.

are even scarier.

Ooh ! Tunnel !
Ooh !

I'm a tunnel.
Ooh !
No !

Careful, flick.
You'll scare butter.

[ Giggles ]
funny !

[ Scoffs ]
yeah, funny.

[ flick ]
are we there yet ?
not yet.

Hmm ? When I was small,
this little stream
was a giant river.

How do we
get across ?
Like this.

Hang on, baby butter.

Whee !
Again ! Again !

Sorry, buttercup.
It's jelly's turn.

All right !
Whee !

Here I come.
Whee !

My turn. Whee !
[ Laughs ]

- Oh ! Oh !
- You can do it !

Whee ! Oh !
I did it !
Yay, me !

[ Kids ]
all right, munchy !

Okay, everybody,
all together now.

One, two, three,
pull !

- Again !
- No, butter babe.

It's time to push through
my next secret shortcut,
the swamp.

[ All ]
wow !

[ All grunting ]

Push ! Push !
Push !

Oof !

All ashore
who's going ashore.

Whoa !

[ jelly ]
oh, no, our knapsacks !

- My compass !
- My lunch !
- My goodness !

I'm sorry.
My bad.

[ Kids ]
flick !

Oh, who needs
boring old food
from the kitchen, anyway ?

Let mother nature
be our chef.

We can pick
those babbleberries
for lunch.

[ All ]
yeah !

[ Slurps ]
babble ! Babble !

We ate 'em all !

[ peanut ]
hey, look !
i see pompalopes.

And enough wood
for everybody.

Great lunch.
Those pompalopes
are delicious.

So was my log.
[ Burps ]
excuse me.

Can we head for
your secret swimming hole
now, aunt nanner ?

Of course we can,

- It's right over--
oh, dear !
- What's wrong, aunt nanner ?

Oh, I'm afraid
I got so busy...

Looking for babbleberries
and pompalopes that
I got turned around.

I hate to sound critical,
flick dear,

But I really miss
my compass.

Well, when peanut and I
got lost at the carnival,

we climbed a tower
to see where we were.

Good thinking, dear,
and there's the perfect tree...

For me to climb
and have a look-see.

[ Grunts ]

See ! See !
Here, butter.
I'll bend this branch down.

Thank you.
Ooh !

[ Grunting ]

My foot !

It's stuck !

Someone will have
to go for help.

does anyone
remember the way ?

I do.
It's that way.

No, that way.

Now I'm really missing
your compass.

Don't worry, aunt nanner.
We'll think of a way
to get you down.

We will ?
How ?

We'll do a noodle dance.
Come on !

I'll noodle,
but I won't dance.


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it !

If I had aunt nanner's
hang glider, I could
fly up and rescue her.

[ peanut ]
aunt nanner !
all right !

Good idea, peanut.
But even if we had it,
we wouldn't know how to fly it.

I know ! Let's do what
peanut did when he helped
butter see aunt nanner.

[ peanut ]
i just bent down
the branch.

Right. And that's what
we'll do for aunt nanner.

We bend down the branch
until her foot gets loose.

That branch is really big.
I couldn't bend it alone.

Well, then, we'll have
to do it the same way
we got up that hill.

We'll work together.

Okay, aunt nanner.
Are you ready
to catch our vine rope ?

- Ready !
- Tie it tight,
aunt nanner.

Ha !

Like we did on the hill,
everybody. Pull !

- [ All grunting ]
- [ branch creaking ]

- Come on, pull !
- [ all grunting ]

together, pull !

- [ all grunting ]
- it worked !
It worked !

[ Kids ]
yay !

Now I'm going
to pay you all back
for being so smart...

By taking you
right to my secret
swimming hole.

- You know where it is ?
- When I was stuck
high up in that tree,

I spotted the way.
Let's go.

Are we there yet ?

♪ When are we gonna
get there
what are we gonna see ♪

♪ What do you wanna bet
that we get wetter
than we ever thought we'd be ♪

♪ When are we gonna
get there ♪

♪ Gimme a guarantee ♪

♪ Oh, when are we gonna
get there ♪

You're askin' me ?

♪ We made it through
a scary cave ♪

♪ And came out feeling
very brave ♪

♪ and then we crossed
a brook, it took
an awful lot to clear ♪

♪ We made it through
a boggy swamp ♪

♪ And ate about a ton of
pompalopes and babbleberries
enough to last a year ♪

♪ When are we gonna get there
gotta be somewhere near ♪

♪ oh, when are we
gonna get there ♪

♪ when are we gonna get there
when are we gonna get there ♪

Guess what.
We're here.

[ All ]
yay !

- I can't believe this.
- [ jelly ] it's not
as big as I imagined.

Big ?
It's dinky.

Is that
the big rock slide ?

This is not like
I remember it.

Well, looks like
there's room enough
for a cannonball.

Yay !
[ Laughs ]

Maybe your swimming hole
shrunk since you were
our age, aunt nanner.

No. The truth is
my memory of it
got bigger.

I guess memories
are like that.

Sometimes they grow
larger than real life.

I'm so sorry
to disappoint you.
I wanted you to have fun.

- But we did, nanner.
- Boy, did we ever.

I'll never forget
that tunnel.

It was so huge
and dark.

And that creek we swung over,
it was deep as the ocean.

Really, jelly ?
The ocean ?

Well, it's starting
to seem that way
in my memory.

I'm already starting
to remember this pool...

Being big enough
for two cannonballs.

- Wow !
- [ All laughing ]

Can we go some
secret special place
again tomorrow ?

But I don't have any more
secret special places.

Doesn't matter.
Just going is fun.

I love you, guys.

My favorite memory of all
couldn't possibly grow
any bigger or happier.

It's right here,
right now,
in this very place.

We have a special place
too, aunt nanner.
Here with you.

[ butter ] nanner !
i love you, aunt nanner.

[ munchy ]
smooth waters ahead,

[ Imitating the wind ]

Watch out for pirates.
Full speed ahead !

Easy now.

Huh ?
I don't think munchy
sees the recycling boat.

i don't think
the recycling boat
sees munchy.

i don't think
i'll watch.

Stop ! Look out !
Look out, munchy !
[ crash ]

My boat !
really, really sorry.

- I'll get you a new one.
- Thank you, but I don't
want a new one.

My dad chewed me
that boat special.

I've had it
since I was born.

Would you like
some of these toys
the snooty poodles threw out ?

They toss out bushels
of them every morning.

No, thank you.
I think I'll just
go home now.

We're sorry, munchy.

Yeah. We know
you loved that boat.

It's no wonder
you're starting to cry.

Cry ? No, not me. Never.
Babies cry. Wimps cry.

I'm too big for crying.

Maybe I'll see
you guys sometime.

- I gotta go.
- We can't let him
be this sad.

So, what can we do ?

Well, there must be
a hundred ways
to cheer him up.

Hmm. Maybe we can
give him something
to replace his boat,

like a rock
or a leaf or a...

bucky spacebeaver doll !

Bucky spacebeaver
action figure.

Huh ?
And I'm keeping him.

Munchy will just play
with him for a while.
No !

I know how you feel, peanut.
I have a favorite doll too.

Bucky spacebeaver
is not a doll !
He's an action figure.

What's the difference ?

He's the fearless conqueror
of distant galaxies
and unknown asteroids.

And right now,
munchy needs to play
with him.

You could share
for a little while,
couldn't you ?

I could ?
Yeah, I guess I could.

Munchy, wait up !

Jelly's right, peanut.

No matter what it takes
to make munchy feel better,

You-- I mean,
we should do it.

Yeah, I guess.

Ask yourself this, peanut.
What would bucky spacebeaver
do if a friend needed his help ?

Munchy ! Jelly !
Wait for us !
We wanna help !

okay, munchy.
pretend I'm trapped
up here...

On this damaged
space station.

So you and bucky spacebeaver
have to come and rescue me.

I sure wish some superhero
could have rescued my boat.

Bucky doesn't feel like
going into space right now.

Have a happy
fish cookie, munchy.

Whenever I eat
a happy fish cookie,
I feel like smiling.

I used to eat cookies
when I played with my boat.

Right now
I'm not so hungry.

Jelly ?

Making munchy happy
is going to be harder
than we thought.

Don't worry, pinch.
When munchy sees this,
he'll bust out laughing.

[ Chuckles ]

Show pinch what
we've been practicing.

Funny ! Funny !

Uh-huh. Great.
You give that a try.

But just in case
that doesn't work,
I'm going for help.

Butter wants to do
a trick I showed her.
Okay, butter.

Funny ! Funny !
[ Laughs ]
oh !

That's a big laugh !
What a funny clown !

One time I played that
my boat took a whole circus
across the ocean.

Not funny ?

Munchy ?
Munchy ?
I've got an idea.

hey, munchy.
how about a real
fun game of catch ?

I don't feel
like catch.

Nothing's working.

Pinch went to get flick.
Maybe he can help.

hey, munchy !
[ panting ]
i hear that--

Not me.
I'm not crying.
That's for sure.

I'm not.
[ Sniffles ]

[ Giggles ]
hey, how do you like
my clown hat ?

[ munchy ]
yeah, funny.

speakin' of hats,
here's a joke.

Why did the turkey
cross the road ?

- He was looking for his boat ?
- No. The turkey
crossed the road--

To prove
he wasn't chicken.

Yeah, to prove
he wasn't chicken.

[ Laughing ]

Oh. Then,
where was his boat ?

We're just
making him sadder.

He hasn't heard
my best one yet.

Hey, munch.
Here's a joke
you'll love.

Why didn't anyone
take the school bus
to school ?

I don't know.
Why didn't anyone
take the school bus to school ?

Because it wouldn't fit
through the door.

[ Laughing ]

I quack myself up !

Oh, that's
even funnier !
"I quack myself up."

[ Laughs ]
I'm a duck. Get it ?

[ Laughing ]

Tough crowd.

Games don't work.
Clowns don't work.
Jokes don't work.

Well, bad jokes
don't work.
Nothing works.

[ Both ]

Well, munchy likes
funny songs.

You're a genius,
jelly !

Hey, munchy !

♪ When ya need a giggle
give a little wiggle ♪

♪ How ya gonna pout
waddlin' about ♪

♪ Try a little wobble
shakin' like a blob will ♪

♪ Take the way you're feeling
and laugh it out ♪

♪ Go to where
the giggles grow ♪

♪ Deep down inside ♪

♪ Never knew
a "hee-hee-ho-ho-ho" ♪

♪ You had to hide ♪

♪ Flappin' like a duck will
make ya wanna chuckle ♪

♪ What's a day without
flippin' like a trout ♪

♪ Feelin' really doofy
get a little goofy ♪

♪ Take the way you're feelin'
and laugh it out ♪

♪ Waddle, wobble, waggle, wiggle
whirlin' like a whirligig'll ♪

♪ Take the way you're feeling
and laugh it out ♪

♪ Ta-da ♪♪

I used to sing songs
to my boat.

He's gonna cry.

Hey, munchy.
You don't want to cry.
You want to laugh.

Yeah, turn that beaver frown
upside down.

What frown ?
I'm laughing.
[ Laughs ]

Now will everybody
just excuse me, please ?

Everything we do
just makes him
sadder and sadder.

Then, we've got to do
something we haven't
thought of yet.

Let's noodle !
Great idea !

- Noodle ! Noodle !
- ♪♪ [ music starts ]

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it !
A tickle machine.

[ Laughing ]
[ jelly ] where do we
get one, flick ?

Uh, hey,
I'm an idea guy.

You all can work out
the details.

That's a pretty big
detail, flick.

Yeah, okay.
You're right.
flick, you're a genius.

I always thought so,
up till now.

But you are. That box.
It's just what we need.

It is ?

Sure. We could use it
to build munchy
a big new boat.

[ peanut ]
that box is cardboard,

i'm afraid it would
get soggy and sink.

Whoa !

Hmm. Then, we'll get
a special waterproof paint...

and paint it
all over the box.

Great idea !
Do we have any
waterproof paint ?

Nope. Sorry.
But look at munchy now.

he's got
the bucky spacebeaver doll.

It's an action figure !

Right. And I know
how we can cheer him up.

Peanut, you really want
to cheer munchy up, right ?

Well, yeah.

So, it's okay ?
You're with me ?

If it makes
munchy happy.

Isn't bucky spacebeaver
great ?

Uh, yeah, kinda.

You can keep him
for as long as you want.
Right, peanut ?

What ?
Well, uh, okay.

As long as
"as long as he wants"
isn't that long.

Bucky spacebeaver's
better than any old boat.

He won't break.
He won't sink.

He can be
your new favorite toy.

Wait !

Take him. Keep him.
Have fun.

Oh, no !
I don't think
I can do this.

Jelly, this isn't
going to work.
How come ?

because now
peanut's gonna cry.
you're right.

Now we've got two people
to try to make happy.

All this sadness
is making me
feel like crying.

[ Sobbing ]

I feel much better.

Wow. Maybe that will work
for munchy and peanut.

Go ahead and cry.
It's okay.

Not me.
I'm not gonna cry.
Are you ?

Not me.
Crying is for babies.

Yeah, big kids
don't cry.

No crying.

[ Both scoff ]

Hey, I feel better.

Yeah, me too.
Much better.

you just have to let
your sad feelings out.

I guess
when you have to cry,
you have to cry.

Yeah, even big guys
like me.

Even anyone.

Hey, munchy, you can play
with my bucky spacebeaver
for as long as you want.

- But he's your favorite.
- Yeah.

You would share
your favorite toy with me
for as long as I want ?

It would be okay.
I'm not sad anymore.

Well, I'm still sad
about losing my boat.

But not too sad.

You wanna play catch ?
Come on !
Sure !

[ Both laughing ]

[ peanut ]
i got it.
here you go, munchy !

I still think
my tickle machine
would have worked.

Oh, there you are, laddie.

Been looking for you from
the recycle boat all the way
to babbleberry hill. Here.

- My boat !
- Yep. Felt really bad when
I caused that shipwreck.

So I fished all the pieces
out of the lake
and fixed her up.

Wow ! It looks
good as new.

- Thank you so much,
mr. Raccoon.
- My pleasure.

Next time we both
gotta be more careful.

Aye, aye, sir.
Hey, would bucky spacebeaver
like a boat ride ?

Would he ?
Full speed ahead !

it makes me sad
to think we were
just making munchy sadder.

- How sad ?
- Well, I'm not
gonna cry about it.

Go ahead.
You'll feel better.

the truth is, sometimes I cry.

Grown-ups do,
you know.

All right, butter.
It's time for bed.

- No bed !
- Uh-oh. You think
she's gonna cry ?

Quick !
Get the tickle machine.

Tickle, tickle,
tickle !

[ All laughing ]