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03x03 - The Johnny Pompalope Story/The Soapbox Boat Race

Posted: 04/05/24 09:07
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

[ Chattering ]

All right, pat this down.
Make sure it's nice and smooth.

[ laughing ]
okay ! Okay !

- [ Laughing ]
- [ laughing ]

Ooh ! Oh !

What's that strange thing
in the sky ?

[ laughing ]
huh ?

What's that weird sound ?

- Hmm ?
- [ laughing ]

Oh, you think we're
being invaded by laughing
beaver space monsters ?

I got it.
I know what it is !

[ Laughing ]

Look at that.
She's flying.

[ Laughing ]
thanks, redolfo.

It was grand.

See you later,

Hey, kids.

Hey, aunt nanner !
Nice landing.

Nanner. Nanner.

How's my otter angel ?

- Whatcha got in the bag ?
- I'll give you three guesses.

- Balloons ?
- Ice cream ?
- Mud ?

All very good guesses.
Very close.

[ Clears throat ]
ta-da !

A book called
the adventures
of johnny pompalope.

That was
my next guess.

It's a present
for baron von heron,
the next lake over.

I stopped in on the way
to his birthday party.

But who is
johnny pompalope,
aunt nanner ?

[ Gasps ]
you don't know who
johnny pompalope is ?

Not really.
Give us a clue.

Well, I've got a few minutes
before I have to go.

Why don't I
read you the story ?

All right !
Read it,
aunt nanner.

"Long ago,
when lake hoohaw
was young,

"Brave explorers
johnny pompalope...

"and his ever-faithful
companion bunny bumpo...

"paddled their
handmade canoe.

they searched the shores
for the perfect place
to plant pompalopes."

Over there, johnny.
That's the spot.

nope. Too rocky.

Okay, over there.
That looks perfect.

Nope. Too bushy.

Over there ?
Nope. Too weedy.

- How about over there ?
- [ animal roars ]

oh, no. Too scary.

Uh, bunny, I think
my paddle's broken.

It's making the canoe
go backwards.

Hey, bunny.
You're paddling
the wrong way.

I just wanna go home.
This wild frontier is wild !

bunny bumpo,
we can't give up now.
we've got pompalopes to plant !

But why plant them
way out here...

When I could plant them
in my own backyard ?

- How many times
do I have to tell you ?
- Apparently a lot.

- We're pompalope planters,
remember ?
- Oh, yeah.

Brave pioneers
are settling the frontier,

And they're gonna need
lots of pompalopes.

That's right.
How come ?

To make pompalope juice
and pompalope sauce
and pompalope bread.

And pompalope pie ?

You think they'd give me
some of their pompalope pie ?

- [ Laughs ]
I love pompalope pie.
- Sure.

Well, what are
we waitin' for ?
We got pompalopes to plant.

- [ All ]
wow ! What a story !
- So, what happened next ?

Tell the rest
of the story, nanner.

[ Laughs ]
hang on to your pompalopes.
I'm getting there.

"johnny and bunny
had found a place to sleep,

but they still hadn't found
the perfect place
to plant their seeds."

[ Sighs ]

Good night,
bunny bumpo.

Good night,
johnny pompalope.

[ Sniffs ]
[ wolf howls ]

[ Gasps ]
I still don't understand why
we couldn't plant pompalopes...

In the
not-so-wild frontier.

I know just how
bunny bumpo feels.

I don't like it
when it's dark
and scary either.

It's okay, munchy.
It's just a story.

There's nothing
to be afraid of.
Oh, yeah. Sorry.

Did anything happen
to them, nanner ?

As a matter of fact,
one very mysterious thing
did happen that night.

"when they woke up
the next morning,

Their pompalope seeds
were gone."

oh, no !
read the rest, nanner.

Where'd the seeds go ?

Who could have
taken them ?
And why ?

[ horn honks ]
hmm ?

Oh, dear.
My ride's here.

Sorry, kids,
but I need to hurry off to
the baron's birthday party.

See you soon.

I'll finish the story
next time.

I love you.

Bye, nanner.
Next time ?

I can't wait
till next time.

I wanna know how
the johnny pompalope story
ends now.

Me too.
Me three.

There's gotta be a way
to find out
how the story ends.

We'd better get thinking,
and fast.

I'm thinkin'.
I'm thinkin'.

Huh ?
[ Laughs ]

Well, I'm thinkin'
it's time for
a noodle dance.

Well, I'm thinking
I'll think, but I'm thinking
I won't dance.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it !
What ? What happened ?
What ?

We track down the real
johnny pompalope and get him
to tell us what happened.

Great idea, jelly.

Only I think
the real johnny pompalope
lived a long, long time ago.

Oh, yeah.
I forgot.

Hey, we could wait till
the library boat comes and get
another copy of the book.

Great idea, munchy.
But today is only saturday.

- So ?
- The library boat
won't be here till monday.

I'm not sure I could
wait until monday.
Me neither.

The answer's gotta be
someplace besides
in a book.

- I don't get it.
- What ?
- I know what we can do.

We can make up the end
of the story ourselves.

you're a genius.

- [ All ] great idea !
- Yeah, maybe the story
needs mallard man.

A beautiful
ballet dancer.

[ jelly ]
giant seed-eating
sea monsters !

[ munchy ]
walking seed-stealing trees.

- Ooh !
- Tracks ! The story
needs tracks to follow.

[ All ]
oh !

Cool idea.

Yeah, they follow
some spooky tracks.

[ munchy ]
they follow the tracks because
they think there might be--

[ pinch ]
a pompalope seed-stealing

[ All ]
oh !

Then what happens ?
They hear
some scary noises.

Oh !

Maybe that's too scary.

Only bunny bumpo
was scared,

And he's scared
of everything.

Huh ?
I'm not scared,
just concerned.

Oh, it's okay,

it's a nice monster.

Oh. Well,
that's different.

Ooh ! Eee !
Ooh ! Yi !

Strange. I didn't think
there were monsters
around here.

Ooh ! You really think
there are monsters ?

I don't know, but someone
or something took the seeds.

Thing ?
What kind of thing ?

[ munchy ] how about
a snarling, fire-breathing,
three-headed beaver dragon ?

Oh, munchy.
Everybody knows beavers
don't have three heads.

Okay, then, it'll just be
a fire-breathing,
two-headed beaver dragon.

I don't think
there were dragons
on lake hoohaw,

Even way back then.

I know.
Bunny can just think there's
a snarling, fire-breathing--

Beaver dragon.

good thinking.
cool !

I think I heard something
out there... Breathing fire.

- [ monster ]
ooh !
- told ya !

What next ?

We gotta get them
out of that bush.

[ johnny ]
come on, bunny bumpo.
we found those tracks.

I say we keep
following them.

It's probably
a friendly dragon, anyway.

I-i was afraid
you might say that.

[ jelly ]
so then they go
and follow the tracks.

This is so strange.

I feel like
some unseen force
is directing my every move.

Look at that !
Look up ahead !
Oof !

The tracks lead
to a clearing.

Perfect for planting

I just wish
we had our seeds.

[ laughing ]

[ Shivering ]
it's them !

It's the giant pompalope
seed-stealing dragons,

And they're laughing !

Nope. It's
pompalope-planting pioneers.
You okay, johnny ?

Even johnny pompalope
gets scared
once in a while.

[ johnny ] howdy there !
[ jelly ] johnny pompalope !

You woke up.
You must have
been real tired.

We thought a giant dragon
took our seeds.

Just an average-sized duck.

we thought we'd help
you with your planting
while you slept.

We're really glad
to meet you guys.
We've heard all about you.


♪ he walked through the woods
but he felt no fear ♪

♪ not afraid
to be on his own ♪

♪ 'cause when you walk around
with a tin pot on your head ♪

♪ people tend
to leave you alone ♪

♪ So raise a glass
of pompalope cider ♪

♪ And lift your voices
loud and clear ♪

♪ Singing songs of praise
for johnny pompalope ♪

♪ A man on a mission
in the wild frontier ♪

♪ It's because of johnny
we eat pompalope pie ♪

♪ That we say, "you're
the pompalope of my eye" ♪

♪ It's because of johnny
that people say ♪

♪ "A pompalope a day
keeps the doctor away" ♪

♪ So raise a glass
of pompalope cider ♪

♪ And lift your voices
loud and clear ♪

♪ Singing songs of praise
for johnny pompalope ♪

♪ A man on a mission
in the wild frontier ♪♪

So, you finished up
the story without the book ?

We all did.
Everyone pitched in.

I got one.
Did you hear the one about
the three little otters...

Who brushed their teeth
and went right to bed ?

And had
very pleasant dreams.

Oh, isn't that the story
where they couldn't
go to sleep ?

They were way too afraid
of the three-headed,
fire-breathing otter dragon.

Yeah, and they found
some tracks...

That led them
to triple helpings
of babbleberry pie.

Sorry, kids.
The tracks in this story
lead to fishsicles. One each.

And then to bed.

Fishsicles !
All right !

Not my all-time favorite story,
but still pretty good.

[ All laughing ]

So, what do you guys
wanna do ?

I don't know.
What do you wanna do ?

You know what
I wanna do ?
What ?

I don't know.
I was asking you.

Cheese and quackers,
I'm bored.

gather 'round, kids.

I have something
very exciting to announce.

What is it,
mayor jeff ?
Yeah, tell us.

[ Clears throat ]
this afternoon,
we are going to have...

Our first annual
lake hoohaw junior
soapbox boat derby.

Wow !
That sounds great !

Excuse me, mayor jeff,
but I don't have
a boat to race.

Yeah. I don't have
a boat either.
Me neither.

That's the best part
of this race.

First, you have the morning
to build your boat.

Then, this afternoon,
you race it
around lake hoohaw.

But I don't know
how to make a boat.

Don't worry, pinch.
You can be
on the winning team with us.

Thanks, guys.
This is gonna be fun.

[ All laugh ]
huh ?

Yea !

Oh, hello.

How do you like
our poodle-powered
power cruiser 500 ?

It's twice as cool
as a 250.

We built it for
the soapbox boat derby.

With the teeniest bit
of help from a team
of engineers.

[ Both ]

[ Both ]
see ya at the race.

- I hate it
when they do that.
- [ Spitting ]

I don't care how fancy
the poodles' boat is.

No one beats the flickster
in the water.

I'm gonna build
the fastest, coolest boat
on lake hoohaw !

[ Chomping ]
well, I'm gonna use
my beaver teeth...

To carve the fastest,
coolest boat ever !

Jelly, how are we gonna
build a boat...

That's faster
than the poodle cruiser ?

Well, we won't know
if we don't try, peanut.

What do y'all say ?
Are we a team or what ?

Yeah, you bet.
Let's build a boat.

Hey, daddy,
can we borrow
this old tabletop ?

Borrow it ?
You kids can have it.

[ All ]
all right !

It's gonna need
a lot of work.

Yeah, but we can
do it. I think.

Come on.
We can do it
if we work together.

Butter help !
[ All laugh ]

♪ You get the paint
and I'll get the pail ♪

♪ You get the bottles
and I'll tie the rope ♪

♪ You grab a hammer
and I'll grab a nail ♪

♪ You make the oars
and I'll get the soap ♪

♪ You work forward
and I'll work aft ♪

♪ And we'll work wonders
on the wonder-raft ♪

♪ with a little bit
of teamwork ♪

♪ we can make this dream
work out ♪

♪ lots of hands
make light work ♪

♪ That's what teamwork's
all about ♪

♪ With a little bit
of teamwork ♪

♪ we can make our dream
come true ♪

♪ when we work in harmony
there's nothing we can't do ♪

♪ With a little bit
of teamwork ♪

♪ Seems like play
doesn't seem work at all ♪

♪ Small jobs seem to disappear
big jobs just seem small ♪

♪ With a little bit
of teamwork ♪

♪ We can make our dream
come true ♪

♪ When we work in harmony
there's nothing we can't do ♪♪

The wonder-raft is ready !

what do you think
of that one, ootsie ?

Not too bad.
I just hope
it doesn't quack up.

Oh, yes.
You made a duck joke.

[ Laughing ]

Oh, and there's munchy
making his boat
out of that log.

Boy, that beaver sure is
going out on a limb.

Oh, ootsie,
you're so funny.
[ Laughing ]

[ Both laughing ]

Check out this one,

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Those kids are using
a tabletop for a boat.

[ Laughing ]
oh, ootsie,

That's the funniest thing
you've ever said !

[ Laughing ]

No, I'm serious.

Those poor kids are using
a tabletop for a boat.

[ Both laugh ]

You just wait and see.
We're gonna show you
a thing or two about boats !

what are you saying ?

How can we beat
their poodle-powered
power cruiser with a tabletop ?

Well, I don't
exactly know,

But we'll think
of something.

[ mayor jeff ]
all soapbox boat racers.

The lake hoohaw
soapbox boat race
starts in two minutes.

- Let's do it !
- Yea !

What's that ?
A tea set.

- Are you sure
you're gonna need that ?
- You must be kidding.

This is a tea set.

Oh, I love winning.
Don't you, bootsie ?

Oh, yes.
Woof ! Woof !

Hey, you haven't won yet,
you two.

You have
to beat us first.

Everybody ready ?

Come on !
Let's go !

On your mark,

get set--

- [ Bell ringing ]
- [ all ]
yea !

See ya !
[ Ootsie ]
hate to be ya !

Hmm. Maybe just
one little nibble
for energy.

Mmm. Maybe two.

We're never gonna
catch up to them.

[ Sighs ]
oh, I'm all paddled out.

Me too.
I'm bushed.

[ All sigh ]

There's gotta be
a better way.

There is a better way.

We just gotta figure out
what it is.

Well, we better
figure it out fast.

Hey, I know.
Why don't we quit ?

No. Come on, y'all.
We can't give up !

Help me figure out
how to make this thing
go faster.

We need more paddle power.

We need to do
a noodle dance.

I'll paddle,
but I won't dance.

Oh, don't be such
a wet noodle, peanut.

Come on.
Let's dance !
Whoa !


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

- I've got it.
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

We could hook a rope
to a big giant bird...

and have him pull us
to the finish.

I don't see
any big giant birds.
Me neither.

I know.
We could get swallowed
by a friendly whale...

and tell him to swim
to mayor jeff,

where he'll roll his tongue out
across the finish line.

I don't think
there are any whales
in lake hoohaw, peanut.

Oh... Yeah. Hmm.

Hey, I know !

We'll find a magic lamp,
rub it, let the genie out...

and wish for a really cool,
really, really fast boat.

Great !
Any idea where we could find
one of those magic lamps ?

- Nope. Not a clue.
- [ All ]

[ Blows ]

Hmm ?
Hey, I have an idea !

We could use the wind !
You mean like a sailboat ?

Now what could
we use for a sail ?

I know.

We can make one
out of my picnic blanket.

All right !
Come on !

Hey, it's working !
Sort of.

It would work better if we
had a mast to tie it to
so we could paddle.

Yeah, but what
could we use ?

Look !

Hey, munchy,
what happened ?

I couldn't help myself.
I ate my boat.

Hey, look.
We can use what's left
of munchy's boat for a mast.

Come on, munchy.
Climb aboard and help us.

- Okay !
- [ All grunting ]

- It's working !
- Except now we're
moving too fast.

I guess we need a rudder
to help us steer.

Hey, there's flick !

- Hey, flick.
- Whatcha doin' ?
- What's going on ?

I guess I started
way too fast,
and now I'm pooped.

I know.
We could use your boat
like a rudder on our boat.

Come on.
Jump on, flick !

- Hey, thanks !
- All right, now we've
got duck power.

[ Both ]
huh ?

[ pinch ]
we're catching up !

Yeah, here we come !

[ Both laughing ]

[ All grunting ]

Go, wonder-raft, go !
What a race !

Oh, no.
Something's wrong
with ootsie and bootsie's boat.

Yeah, I think
they need some help.

Poodlecraft boat builders ?
We need you now !

Excuse me, ootsie.
I'll handle this.

Help !

This phone
is broken too.

What else can go wrong ?

[ Both ]
huh ?

Can we help you ?

-Bootsie ? Yes, please.
-Ootsie ? Yes, please.

Oh, no, look.
My blanket isn't working.

The wind's died down.

Do you guys have anything
to help make this thing go ?

Will these help ?
battery-powered fans.

You can make a breeze
to fill our sail.

No, wait.
We can't use motors.
That's the rule.

Besides, I need my fan
to keep me dry
and fresh feeling.

Hey, you could use
two of my plates like fans
to make a breeze.

[ jelly ] yeah !
[ peanut ] great idea !

Sounds like
a lot of work.
We'll get sweaty.

[ Both ]
okay, we'll do it.

[ All grunting ]

all right, we did it !
we did it !

And we all won !

[ All ]
yea !

Congratulations, everyone.

You are the first annual
lake hoohaw junior
soapbox boat race champions !

All right !
Daddy will be
so proud !

- Hey, guys. I have
a great idea for tomorrow.
- [ All ] what ?

How about the first annual
lake hoohaw junior
pamper flick duck day ?

i like massages.
you can peel grapes for me.
fan me.

[ pinch ]
flick !

i don't think so,

[ all laughing ]