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03x01 - No Hands, No Feet, No Wings/Let's Help Dad

Posted: 04/05/24 09:04
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪

oodle-ay !

- [ All chattering ]
- [ munchy ] come on, y'all.
Let's play paddleball !

- No way, munchy !
- If you guys aren't
gonna play fort,

would you mind
playing somewhere else ?

[ Groaning ]
okay. Come on, pinch.

Let's go
play paddleball !

No, munchy.
I don't have a paddle
for a tail.

You never wanna play
what I wanna play.

You're right about that.
I'm going to my house
to play paddleball.

I'm going to my house
to not play paddleball.

Huh ? Hmm.

This is gonna be the best
alien space fort ever !

Beep, beep !
argh ! You're wrong,
me bucko !

'Tis a pirate fort !
[ Growls ]

It is not, flick.
It's commander casserole's
secret hideout.

That's it, bootsie.
We're leaving.

- [ Both ]
ta-ta !
- Wait ! Where are you going ?

We told you the only way we
would play is the poodle way.

And the poodle way
means this is a poodle spa.

And you all
have to wait on us.
And cater to our every whim.

- I'm not servin' any poodles.
- [ Both ]
then we don't wanna play.

Then I'm not playing.

Me either.

Come on, guys. Isn't there
something we can play together ?
[ all ] no !

[ mayor jeff ]
hoo-haw. Hoo-hoo.
all righty.

Yes sirree !
Oh, boy ! Hey, kids !

What are you so excited
about, mayor jeff ?

The pompanut game !
Whoops !

- The pompanut game ?
- How do you play it ?

The best way to play
is by playing together.

We're not having a very
together sort of day,
mayor jeff.

Well, the pompanut game
might come in real handy,

How's it work,
mayor jeff ?
All you have to do...

Is get a pompanut from
the beach over here around
that flag over there,

And then you bring it there to
the finish line in the garden.

- Well, that sounds super-easy.
- It's super-fun,

But it's not as easy
as it sounds, peanut.

You can't touch the pompanut
with your hands or kick the
pompanut with your feet...

- Or wings.
- [ Both shrieking ]

- No hands ?
- No feet ?
- No wings ?

- [ Both ] no, thanks !
- You don't know
what you're missing.

The most fun you can have
is had together.

♪ One and one is two
that stands for me and you ♪

♪ Add one more, it's three
and suddenly
you got a jubilee ♪

♪ One, two, three
you could all
play separately ♪

but if you play together
you'll have more fun
than ever ♪

[ all ]
♪ one, two, three
we could all play separately ♪

♪ But if we play together
we'll have more fun
than ever ♪

♪ If you have more than two
there's so much
that you can do ♪

♪ join with everyone ♪
♪ well, suddenly
you got a lot of fun ♪

♪ One, two, three
we can all play separately ♪

♪ But if we play together
we'll have more fun
than ever ♪

[ jelly ]
♪ two can play a match
and three can play at catch ♪

[ peanut ]
♪ but with more it seems ♪

♪ that suddenly
we got a perfect team ♪

[ All ]
♪ one, two, three
we could all play separately ♪

♪ But if we play together
we'll have more fun
than ever ♪

♪ Together everyone
just multiplies our fun ♪♪

I don't know about this.
No wings ?

Come on, flick.
We can do this
if we do it together.

Well, sure,
I'm with you.

- How about you,
ootsie and bootsie ?
- We'll watch,

Won't we, bootsie ?

Yes, ootsie.
And we'll be critical
whenever possible.

Listen up.
If you beat our time,

You'll be
the new lake hoohaw
pompanut game champions.

[ All cheering,
exclaiming ]

Now, remember:
have fun.

Okay !
On your mark,

Get set, go !

[ Ootsie ] no hands.
[ Bootsie ] no feet.

- No wings.
- Boring game.

What if we tried
blowing on it ?

[ Blowing ]

Hey, maybe I could
make it move...

By using the mind powers
of my powerful bird brain.

[ Humming ]

Duck powers not working !

I can't take it anymore.

What are you doing ?
Whenever we wanna
move something,

We just call our butler
and have him do it.

- Wait. That
wouldn't be fair.
- Exactly.

But how do we move the pompanut
using no hands, no feet--
[ flick ] and no wings !

This is
gonna take real thinkin'.

This is gonna
take a noodle dance.

Come on ! Let's noodle.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it !


Peanut ? Peanut ?

[ all ]
peanut !
what ? What ?

I got it.
We get a giant earthworm
to be on our team,

because earthworms don't
have hands, feet or wings

and can use any part
of their body !

Presto !
Problem solved.

Great idea, flick. Do you
know any giant earthworms ?

- Not really.
- I know.

we can ask a friendly
space monster to come
to lake hoohaw...

in his spaceship
and move the pompanut
with his tentacles.

That's great, jell,
but I haven't seen
any friendly space monsters,

Except in my
bucky space beaver
comic books.

- Have you ?
- Not recently.

There's gotta be some way
we can move the pompanut,
right ?

But we can't use our hands !
Or feet !
Or wings !

So we've just got
to use our heads.

great idea, jelly.
let's get started.

No, peanut. I mean,
think with our heads
and push with our tails.

Jelly, you're a genius.

Stand back, little otter.
This is a job for...

[ Both ]
poodle power tails !

[ flick, peanut and jelly ]
yeah ! Go, poodles ! Yeah !

The rest of you
can go home now.

We can win this game
all by ourselves.

[ Knees knocking ]
[ both gasping ]

Hey, be careful !

Oh, no. Now
what do we do ?

It's not over yet.
We just need to
stick together.

Hey, guys. What are you doin',
plantin' pompanuts ?

No, munchy.
We're playing a game.

We have to get this pompanut
to the finish line without
using our hands or feet.

Or wings.
You wanna
lend a tail ?

I was hoping you would ask.
I'm tired of playing paddleball
all by myself.

[ All ]
go, munchy ! Go, munchy !

Hmm. Ho.
Now that's good-lookin' wood.

[ Sighing,
making chewing noises ]

Oops. I guess
I got a little carried away.

That's okay, munchy.
You've really helped.

Stand back.
They may have clipped my wings,

But you can't
keep a good duck down forever.

[ All exclaiming ]

Go, flick ! Go, flick !
Go, flick !

♪♪ [ Scatting ]

Ow. Uh-oh.

I think...
I'm... Gonna-- I'm gonna--

[ Sneezing ]
whoo-hoo-- sneeze.

Oh, that was great, flick.
You really moved the pompanut
a long way.

I've been watching
from my window.
May I try ?

Sure, pinch.
We want everybody to play.

I'll call this
my pompanut dance.

♪ La, la, la
la, la, la, la ♪

Can you dance
a little faster, pinch ?
A little faster.

- I'm dancing
as fast as I can.
- ya-a-a-a-a-a-ah !

No, scootch ! No !

Sorry, sorry.
My fault.

- Runaway pompanut !
- Don't let it fall
in the lake !

[ Whistling ]
quick, boy,
stop that pompanut !

[ All ]
yeah ! All right, bubbles !

Now what'll we do ?

Look ! We can get it down.
All we have to do is
find something to catch it in.

[ Giggling ]

[ Giggling ]

[ All ]
yeah ! Go, butter !

She's going the wrong way !
Come on, jell.
We've gotta hurry.

[ Both ]
butter !

[ Butter panting ]
ooh !

[ All ]
yea ! Whoo-hoo !

Congratulations, kids.

the new lake hoohaw
pompanut game champions.

- [ All ]
yea !
- Bootsie, we won !

I feel tingly.
[ Both ]
go, poodles ! Go, poodles !

- [ Peanut, jelly,
clear throats ]
- huh ?

Well, I guess we
couldn't have done it
without the rest of you.

Yes, together.
We were able to win
together. Blah, blah, blah.

We used our heads.
And flick's beak.

- And munchy's tail.
- And pinch's dance.

And butter's diaper.

- See what teamwork can do ?
- [ All ]
♪ one, two, three ♪

♪ We could all play separately ♪

♪ But when we play together
we have more fun than ever ♪

♪ Together everyone ♪

♪ Just multiplies our fun ♪♪

[ peanut ]
you should've seen it, mama.
it was great.

The mayor said he'd never
seen a pompanut team use
their noodles as well as we did.

Yeah, and it was even more fun,
because we worked together.

Speaking of working together,
I've got the perfect game
for you pompanut champions.

Wow ! What is it ?
You do ?

it's called,
"clean up before bedtime."

- [ Both ]
oh, mom !
- But you can't use your hands.

Or your feet.

Hey, cool !
What are we waiting for ?

[ All laughing, chattering ]
[ ernest ]
hoo-haw !

[ peanut and jelly ]
good morning ! Morning, daddy !
whoa !

- [ Butter giggles ]
- well, hey, kids. What
are you doin' up so early ?

- We're goin' to work with you.
- To work ?

[ Chuckling ]
that's a good one.

To work... With me ?

- [ Peanut and jelly ]
yeah, dad. Yeah, daddy.
- Yeah, dad. Remember ?

You said if you
got home early from work today--

We could have a cookout.
And we'd get to make
homemade babbleberry ice cream.

- Babble, babble.
- So we figured if we helped you
make your deliveries,

You'd be sure
to get home early.

Well, pb&j,
I don't know.

We'll be a huge help.
I can help
fill the boxes.

And I can drive the boat.

Well, I can help you
steer the boat.

Can we, daddy ?
Can we help you at work today ?


[ All cheering ]
let's go to work !
Opal, I've got the kids.

the first thing we need to do
is get these supplies on board.

[ Pb&j ]
yeah, we got it !
We can help you, daddy.


Just be...
[ Fabric ripping ]


What can we help with
next, dad ?

Well, first we need
to pack the boxes,
and then we deliver them.

[ telephone ringing ]

Of course, mr. Snooty.

I promise georgina's
giant diamond polisher
will be delivered on time.

Yes. The polish-o-matic

Yes, I know
it's twice as good
as the 3750.

[ Mr. Snooty responds ]
okay. Where were we ?

- We were helping.
- [ telephone rings ]

Hello again, mr. Snooty.
Oh, no. I haven't
forgotten your delivery.

That's right.
The best giant diamond polisher
money can buy.

I've got it right here
in my hands.

hello, mr. Snooty. Oh, no.
you're not bothering me.

You got it.
By the end of the day.

You have a rich day too,
mr. Snooty. Okay.
Where were we ?

We were about to help,
and we have an idea how.

We could help pack the boxes
while you drive the boat.

That way,
we could get done a lot faster.

- And we'd get
to the cookout faster.
- That's great thinkin', pb&j.

- Let's get moving.
- [ Peanut and jelly ]
on your mark, get set--

[ telephone ringing ]

What now, mr. Snooty ?
Oh, opal, it's you.
[ Opal talking, indistinct ]

Yes, the kids are fine,

But don't count on us finishing
in time for that cookout.

[ ernest ]
first delivery stop,
the raccoons !

Hey, pb&j.
Is the raccoon delivery
ready to go ?

We're working on it, dad.
Come on. We've gotta hurry,

- Ready ?
- [ Both ]

Two bars of soap, four
ripe tomatoes, six wooden
soup spoons and a small onion.

- Got that ?
- Check. That's two bars
of soap, four wooden spoons...

And, um,
a smelly onion ?

Wait a minute, jell.
Which box has the loafers
in it ?

The beavers, right ?
No, jell.

The beavers get the box
with the bagels and the lox.

The raccoons get the box
with the loafers and the socks.

Oh. The raccoons get the box
with the loafers and the socks.

The raccoons get the box
with the loafers and the socks !

the raccoons are waiting !


[ Both ]
it's empty !
[ butter ] ready.

[ peanut and jelly ]
oh, butter !

Quick, jelly.
Get the loafers and the socks
back in the box !

[ telephone ringing ]

[ person speaking, indistinct ]
mr. Snooty ? Yeah,
I'm moving as fast as I can.

We've just had a few
little unexpected surprises.

[ Giggles ]

[ Peanut and jelly gasp ]
huh ?

Whoa, whoa, whoa !
[ splattering ]

[ Ringing ]

[ Mr. Snooty ]
ernest ? Ernest ?
Are you there ?

I'm getting very concerned about
getting georgina's giant diamond
polisher in time, ernest !

[ Giggling ]

Well, we'll see
who's delivering what.

Hello ?
[ Mr. Snooty ]
ernest ? Edouard.

I got very concerned
after my last call,

So I decided to drop by
and pick up georgina's
anniversary gift myself.

- [ Cries out ]
- nice to see you, mr. Snooty.

Here's your giant
diamond polisher.
Special delivery.

Why, thank you, ernest.
By the way,

Do you have another pair
of those pompaloafers
you're wearing ?

Uh, no. You don't wanna
wear these. They're just--

Ah. Trying
to bargain with me,
are you, mr. Otter ?

- I'll pay twice what you paid.
- [ Peanut and jelly ]
sold !

Hey, what the--
what's going-- hey. Whoa.

Boy, these babies
are so comfortable, I'm just
gonna wear 'em home.

[ Shoes squishing ]

It's been a pleasure
doing business with you,
mr. Otter.

Have a rich day,
mr. Otter !

You too, mr. Snooty.

Hey, you forgot
your slingshot !

I'm sorry, pb&j.

There's no way we're gonna
finish our deliveries in time
to have our cookout.

Guess we weren't much help.

- I just wish
we could do something.
- Got any ideas ?

- Just one.
- [ Peanut and jelly ]
a noodle dance.

Wait a second !
What ?
What is it, jelly ?

We need
to do a little more thinkin'
before we all-out noodle.

- You think so ?
- Yeah.

First we have to figure out
just what our problem really is.

What is it
about making deliveries that
takes up a lot of time ?

- Us helping dad ?
- Besides that.

[ peanut ]
well, dad has to stop
at each dock.

[ jelly ] right.
and then he has to get off
and hand out all the packages.

- then he gets back on and
drives the boat away again.
- [ horn tooting ]

Does dad have
to stop the boat at every dock ?


♪ Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm ♪

All right. Now
it's really time
for a noodle dance.

No dancin' for me, jelly,
only thinking.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

[ Bell dings ]

I've got it !
What if we had a giant sea horse
that could carry the packages ?

[ peanut ]

[ jelly ]
or what if we knew a big,
friendly octopus ?

Great, jell, but we don't
have a giant seahorse
or a friendly octopus.

You're right.
But we have lots
of other stuff.

- Could we use this frying pan ?
- How about this tea kettle ?

Or this string.
whoopee !

Snooty chute !
Snooty chute !

Hey, that's it !
Butter just made me
think of something !

What ? How silly
mr. Snooty looked with
pompalopes on his feet ?

No. We could
put a little parachute
on each of the boxes...

And fire them to the docks
using mr. Snooty's slingshot !

Look, daddy !
We figured out a great way
to speed up deliveries.

Great thinking, kids,
but we're really gonna
have to hurry...

If we wanna finish
in time for our cookout.

[ peanut and jelly ]
helpin' daddy out
doin' all we can ♪

♪ Workin' all together
givin' dad a hand ♪

♪ a box of crackers, peaches
prunes, a pair of socks
a wooden spoon ♪

♪ A handkerchief
a piece of string ♪

- ♪ Put it on a parachute ♪
- [ all ]
then zing !

♪ helpin' daddy out
doin' all we can ♪

♪ workin' all together
givin' dad a hand ♪

there's no doubt about
got the perfect plan ♪

♪ Workin' all together
givin' dad a hand ♪

[ jelly ]
♪ a lamp, a stamp, a great
big jar, a bunch of grapes ♪

- ♪ And there you are ♪
- ♪ a handkerchief
a piece of string ♪

- ♪ Put it on a parachute ♪
- [ all ]
then zing !

♪ helpin' daddy out
doin' all we can ♪

♪ workin' all together
givin' dad a hand ♪

♪ It's a hoot and holler
working for our father ♪

- ♪ We know just how
to make him proud ♪
- ♪ helping one another ♪

zing !
♪ helping daddy out
doin' all we can ♪

♪ workin' all together
givin' dad a hand ♪

♪ there's no doubt about
got the perfect plan ♪

♪ Working all together
givin' dad a hand ♪

[ peanut ]
we're givin' dad a hand ♪
♪ just givin' dad a hand ♪♪

[ All ]
zing !

- We did it !
- We sure did.

And we did it together.
[ pb&j ]
all right !

[ telephone ringing ]

Of course, mr. Snooty.
Sorry, kids. One more trip
before the cookout.

To where, daddy ?
The snooty's.

It seems
mrs. Snooty didn't want
her giant diamond polisher.

- You're kidding.
- Nope. Mr. Snooty forgot...

She already has
a polish-o-matic 15,000,

Which of course
is twice as good
as the 7500.

[ All laughing ]

Even funnier than that,
she wants a pair of pompaloafers
to match mr. Snooty's.

[ All laughing ]

and all things considered,
pb&j, you were great helpers.

- I knew they would be.
- And now it's our turn
to help you, mama.

Yeah. Come on, butter.
Lend a hand.

Oh, no, pb&j.
It's not necessary.

[ Peanut and jelly ]
we wanna help, mama.
Really, mama.

[ Opal gasps ]

- Want us to help you clean up ?
- No, thanks.

- You've done quite enough
for one day.
- That's for sure.

[ All laughing ]