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02x17 - Follow Your Nose

Posted: 04/05/24 09:02
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j, pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

Have a good time, kids.
[ Pb&j ]
we will, mama.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I packed a little something
for your picnic.

Thanks, mama !

No peeking
till your picnic.

And don't go any further
than babbleberry hill.

[ Pb&j ]
we won't !

[ Sniffing ]

nosey !
come down here !
aw !

and shut the door
behind you, please.

- All right.
Everybody ready ?
- Ready !

then let's
get started.

We're supposed to be
at aunt sally's by 2:00.

- Edward ?
- Okay, mom.

Here's mine.
This is yours.

Here's nosey's.

Perfect day for
a picnic, mrs. Mole.

Cool and dark.

♪ Oodle-ee-oodle
oodle-ee-doodle-ee-day ♪

♪ A sniff, a poke
a little joke
we're off and on our way ♪

♪ A pack on our backs
we'll follow the tracks
and oh, it's gonna be great ♪

♪ A perfect day
hip, hip, hooray
we can hardly wait ♪

♪ So exciting exploring
the walls and floors ♪

♪ So inviting
opening brand-new doors ♪


♪ Oodle-ee-oodle
oodle-ee-doodle-ee-day ♪

♪ A hop, a skip
we're on a trip
to places far away ♪

♪ We've packed a snack
a pic-i-nack
and oh, what fun it'll be ♪

♪ A perfect day
we're on our way
to see what we can see ♪

♪ Smell the flowers
adventure's round the bend ♪

♪ Sunny hours
meeting brand-new friends ♪

♪ Oodle-ee-oodle
oodle-ee-doodle-ee-day ♪

♪ Oodle-ee-oodle, skip-a-dee-doo
it's a noodly-doodly day ♪

♪ It's a noodly-doodly day
it's a noodly-doodly day ♪

[ Everyone laughing ]

- Hey, mama, when are we
gonna stop for lunch ?
- Yeah, I'm gettin' hungry.

Let me check the time.

Almost noon.
Time for our picnic lunch.

Yea !
Yea !

- You kids go and play. We'll
call you when we're ready.
- Okay.

- Stay out of trouble.
- Bye, mama !

This basket's
gettin' kind of heavy.

I know how we could
make it lighter.
Let's eat !

Yea !

I wonder what
mama packed for us.

Now we can look.
Surprise !

Aah ! Flick, what
are you doing here ?

I can smell babbleberry pie
a mile away.

[ Everyone ]
mmm ! Babbleberry pie !

[ flick ]
my mouth is watering !
[ peanut ] let's eat !

[ butter ]
yeah !

Thanks, butter.

Babbleberry pie.

Uh-oh ! We'd better
get out of here !

What is it ?
Bees ? Ants ?
Did you see something ?

[ peanut ]
it's a door !

I've seen doors like that
all over the forest.

Yeah, but do you know
who lives behind
those doors ?

- I give up. Who ?
- Aw, cheese and quackers !

Don't you know
about moles ?

Sure we do.
Dad's got a big one
right on the back of his--

No, not that kind of mole.

- I'm talkin' about real moles !
- Real moles ?

They're these strange
creatures that make dark
tunnels under the earth.

martial arts experts,

And they carry these
numchucky stick
w*apon thingies !

Now where did
you hear that ?

- Yeah. Who says ?
- Uh, everybody.

Moles wear these dark glasses.
That proves they're
hiding something.

No, it doesn't.
And get this.

Moles can't stand ducks,
or otters.

[ Crying ]

Don't worry, butter.
Flick's just making up stories.

Yeah, flick. How come we've
never seen one of those strange
mole creatures of yours ?

That's the thing.
Shh ! They'll hear you !


They live down
under the ground.

- Uh-uh.
- Uh-huh !

Come on, we gotta get outta here
before the moles find us...

And chase us with
their numchucky sticks !

[ Gasps ]
what are you doing ?

We wanna see
one of those moles.

Yeah, but I just
finished tellin' you !

Yeah, but I wanna
decide for myself.

Oh !

Whee !
Ha-ha-ha !

[ Sniffing ]
uh. Hmm.

- [ Tapping sound ]
- [ gasps ]

Hey, look !
There's another door.

nosey ?

- Aww !
- Nosey, stay near us !

nosey !

I'm telling you,
moles are bad !

We gotta get
outta here !
Pb&j !

I wanna meet
one of 'em.
Let go !

we're staying !

Huh ?

[ Arguing ]

[ arguing continues ]

Ooh !

Oh !
[ Giggles ]


Furry !

[ Both giggling ]

Me butter.

[ Sniffing ]

Me nosey.

[ Both giggling ]


[ Sniffing ]
oh !

I'm outta here.

If you three otters wanna
stay around and risk
a mole attack, that's--

[ Gasps ]
it's, it's, it's--

It's an undergrounder !

Look !
It's stealing our pie !

Catch him !
Catch him !

Flick, wait !
You scared him !

I don't care if I'm
scarin' him ! He's a thief !
He's got our pie !

[ shouting ]

Uh-oh !
Come on !

[ Shouting continues ]

[ shouting ]

No !

Nosey ?
Ooh !

[ Whimpering ]
oh, it's okay, nosey.

What did I tell you ?
Numchucks !

What's goin' on ?
Well, that little undergrounder
stole our babbleberry pie !

- Nosey would never
steal anything.
- No, no, no, no, no !

Flick duck,
hold your feathers.

Um, my name's jelly.
Jelly otter.

I'm molly mole. That's edward.
And that's my brother, nosey.

Molly, this is gonna
sound crazy,

But my friend flick says
you use those canes
for martial arts.

Uh, that's not true,
right ?

[ Grunting ]

[ Grunting ]

Aah !

[ Laughing ]
cut it out,

We just use these to
feel around in front of us
so we know what's there.

Why can't you just
see what's there ?
'cause they're undergrounders.

Oh. 'Cause we
can't see too well.

You mean, you can't
see anything at all ?

Well, a little.
We can tell if
it's really bright out.

That's why we wear
these dark glasses.

- The bright sun hurts our eyes.
- Flick !

Oh, ha.

But that little undergrounder
took our pie !

I mean, what do you think ?
Butter gave it to him ?
nosey !

[ Both giggling ]

[ everyone ]
aww !

Okay, I was wrong.

- Can't a duck make a mistake ?
- We're very sorry.

Okay, okay.
Me too.

I keep tellin' 'em
not to believe
a word I say.

That's okay.
Look, peanut.

bucky spacebeaver !
what ?

- You know bucky ?
- We got the new issue
right here.

Station command,
do you read me ?

Whoa !

Only bucky spacebeaver
can save us now !

Yeow !
Zoom !

- Zing ! Zowie !
- Hey, how do you read
this thing anyway ?

Yeah. What are all
these little bumps ?

It's called braille.
You use it when you
can't see very well.

It's kind of like
a secret code.
Whoa !

Hey, excuse me,
but where did butter go ?

and where's nosey ?

They're gone !

Nosey doesn't know
his way around up here.

We gotta
find him !
Nosey !

[ Everyone ]
nosey ! Butter !

[ Munching sounds ]

[ Giggling ]

[ everyone ]
nosey ! Butter !

[ Both giggling ]

Nosey ! Butter !

Nosey ! Butter !

I'm getting worried.

Huh ?
Aw, cheese and quackers !

Hey ! Finding them
is gonna be a piece of pie !

Look !

[ Sniffing ]
[ laughing ]

Hey, look !
There's a whole
trail of crumbs !

Come on !

[ munching sounds ]

What a tasty
trail of crumbs !

Mmm-mmm !

Well, see you !
[ Cawing ]

- So much for our trail.
- Now what ?

Nosey ! Butter !

Nosey ! Butter !

Nosey ! Butter !

Now what ?

We can't follow
a trail of crumbs if
there aren't any crumbs.

- Oh, yes we can !
- Hmm ?

All you gotta do
is follow your nose.

Hey, good thinking !

[ Sniffing ]

My brother once won
a sniffing contest.

[ Everyone sniffing ]

Hey, I smell
babbleberries !

[ Sniffing ]

This way !

This never would have happened
if I'd eaten that pie.

[ Munching sounds ]

Butter !
Nosey !

Oh, wow !
Thank goodness !

- Oh, no !
- What ?

They ate all the pie.
I think I'm gonna cry.

[ Burp ]
[ burp ]

[ Everyone laughing ]

Edward !
Molly ! Nosey !

We're over here, ma !

Hey, I just got an idea.
Don't go away, anyone.

[ Giggling ]

Mom says it's okay
for you to come
to our picnic.

She baked clamberry
cookies for dessert.

Clamberry cookies ?
Oh, yum !
Hey !

Jelly, isn't that great ?
Jelly ?

You mean, you want us
to go underground ?

Oh, uh, well,
I'd like to,

But, uh,
I kinda gotta go.

- My mama doesn't like it
if we're gone too long.
- Oh. Okay.

Jelly, why are you
saying that ?
I'll tell you later.

Does this mean I don't get
any clamberry cookies ?

Well, it was nice
to meet you.
Good-bye !

Come on, molly.
Let's go.

It's just that I'm
kinda sorta really--
scared of the dark.

- What ?
- I'm scared of the dark.

What ? Why would anybody
be scared of the dark ?

Well, how would I find
my way around down there ?

It's not so hard.
You use your nose
and your hands and your ears.

Yeah, just like we found
butter and nosey.

Here, I'll show you.
Do you ever play
"follow the leader" ?

Well, this game is called
"follow your nose."

Whoa !
It's okay.
I got you.

Now, jelly,
take my cane.

Now what you do is,
you just kind of swing it
back and forth real easy...

To make sure there's
nothing in front of you.

There you go.
Am I gonna bump
into somethin' ?

Don't worry.
You'll feel it
before you do.

Nothing. Nothing.

Tree !
Yeah !

[ Encouraging shouts ]

[ Splashing sound ]

Use your ears,

[ Splashing sound ]
crookley creek !

- Thataway !
- [ cawing ]

That sounds like
the cranes !

- Hey, cap'n crane !
Hey, mrs. Crane !
- Hi, kids !

I can do it !

I can find my way around
in the dark !

♪ You've got to follow your nose
follow your nose ♪

♪ Feel around the ground
with your tippytoes ♪

♪ Follow your nose
eyes stay closed ♪

♪ Open up your ears
and just suppose ♪

♪ There's another way
of lookin' around ♪

♪ Just open up
your senses ♪

♪ Touch and sniff
and use your ears ♪

♪ Open up and
lose your fears ♪

♪ All I gotta do is
follow my nose
follow my nose ♪

♪ Feel around the ground
with my tippytoes ♪

♪ Follow my nose
eyes stay closed ♪

♪ Open up my ears
and just suppose ♪

♪ There's another way
of lookin' around ♪

♪ Just open up
your senses ♪

♪ Touch and sniff
and use your ears ♪

♪ When we open our minds
fears disappear ♪

♪ And we'll just follow our nose
follow our nose ♪

♪ Feel around the ground
with our tippytoes ♪

♪ Follow our nose
eyes stay closed ♪

♪ Open up our ears
and just suppose ♪

♪ There's another way
of lookin' around ♪

♪ Just open up
our senses ♪

♪ Touch and sniff
and use our ears ♪

♪ When we open our minds
fears disappear ♪

♪ Our fears disappear ♪

Be right back.
where you goin' ?

To ask my mama
if I can come to lunch.

Don't eat all the cookies
while we're gone !

They invited you to lunch ?
Well, isn't that nice ?

- Are mr. And mrs. Mole
gonna be there too ?
- Uh-huh !

Jelly, are you gonna be okay ?
It'll be mighty dark.

I'm not afraid...
Too much.

Yeah, 'cause edward and molly
showed us how to find
our way around in the dark.

Hey, I'll wear my
super jelleena cape
of fearlessness !

Lucky thing I just
finished mending it.
Here you go.

Wow ! I feel super fearless !
Thanks, mama !

You're welcome,
[ Giggles ]

[ Playful shouting ]

She said it was okay.
Nosey !

[ peanut ]
come on. Let's go in, guys.

Cool !

Now, baby butter,
just 'cause it's
really dark down there,

I don't want you
to get scared, okay ?
Whee !

Well, this is it, jelly.
You ready ?


Not ready.

I'm gonna
be with you
the whole time.

Okay, and I've also got
my super jelleena
cape of fearlessness,

So here goes nothin'.

I did it !
I did it !
I did it !

Cheese and quackers !
Would you stop
jumpin' on my toes ?

over here,

Lunch is served !

Mmm !
Oh, boy !

[ Making compliments ]

i love these mushroom
salad sandwiches.
are they hard to make ?

It's so easy, you could do
it with your eyes closed.
Heh, heh, heh.

Hey, guys, now that
we're finished eating,
you wanna read our comic books ?

Sure ! But how're we
gonna read in the dark ?

I can read in the dark,
no problem.

I just move my fingers
over these bumps.

"In a galaxy far away--"

[ All ]
bye, mr. And mrs. Mole.

Be sure you come
right back, edward.

We've still got
a long trip ahead of us.
we're just walkin' them out.

There's still
something I don't get.

Who digs all
these big tunnels ?
[ Snickering ]

We do ! Digging tunnels
is what moles do best !

It's easy as pie !
[ nosey ]
tunnel ! Tunnel !

Nosey, no !
Not now !

What's he doing ?
I hear digging.

Nosey, stop it !
Come here ! Nosey !

Aah ! Don't leave me !

Oops. Sorry, jelly.
Here I am.

It's too dark !
Where are you ?

Aah !

Aah !

[ Ripping sound ]

- Jelly !
- Molly ?

my voice.

- Only one little problem.
- What's that ?

I'm too scared to move !

Okay, I know what to do.

Whenever we're really stuck on
a problem, we do a noodle dance
to help us think of ideas.

Dance ?
I can't even see !

Jelly, you don't need to see
to use your noodle.

♪ Noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ Noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ Use your noodle
use your brain ♪

[ Ding ]
I got it !

i'll get a super
powerful sunstick,

stick it in the tunnel,
and boom !

i can see
where I'm going !

Great idea, jelly,
but how are you gonna get
a super powerful sunstick...

When you can't find
your way out of the tunnel ?

Aah !

Jelly, wait.
I've got another idea.

Remember when we were playing
"follow your nose" ?

I don't feel like playing
games right now. Sorry.

But you weren't scared
when you were wearing
my bandana over your eyes.

that's 'cause
i wasn't underground !

How do you know
you're underground now ?

Use that cape of yours
to cover your eyes.

you can pretend
you're anywhere.
that's right !

My super jelleena
cape of fearlessness
will help calm me down.

Uh-oh. It feels like
my cape is gone !

Aah !
What do I do now ?

Use your hands, jelly.
What do you feel ?

I found a string !
This feels like--

Hey, this isn't a string !
It's yarn from my cape !

It must have snagged
on something !

i know. I can
follow this string
right out of the tunnel !

- I'm saved !
- Yeah ! Okay, jelly !

- Attaway, jelly !
- Here I come !

Super jelleena
is saving super jelleena !

[ molly ]
i can hear you, jelly.
keep coming this way !

hey, there
you are !

Are you okay ?


Wow !
That's great !

Well, there you go.

So, now that I know you're
not an evil numchuckin'

You wanna come over for
babbleberry pie sometime ?

Sure, but you better watch out.
I'm a martial arts expert.

- [ Grunting ]
- [ laughs ]

[ Everyone laughing ]

How about a bucky
spacebeaver salute ?

Yah-dah-dah-dah-dah !
Yeah !

Thanks for everything,

Well, bye.




Jelly was so excited.

Seems like she's
really getting over
being afraid of the dark.

you got that right,
huh ?

Whoo !
[ Laughing ]

Jelly otter, what are
you doing up so late ?

I came for some pie.
How'd you know
we were having pie ?

That's easy !
I just followed my nose.

[ Everyone laughing ]

[ Laughter continues ]