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02x15 - I'll Be Your Best Friend/Otterly Alone

Posted: 04/05/24 09:00
by bunniefuu
PB&J! Yea!

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪ ♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪ ♪ PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪ ♪ PB&J, PB&J PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪ ♪ PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪ [quacking]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪ ♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪ ♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪ ♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪


Say, Connie, isn't that-- wow!

Bucky Space Beaver!

Bucky's comin' to town!

I love that little Space Beaver.

Whoa! [Water splashes]

Okay, Bucky Space Beaver fans,
this is your last chance...

To win tickets for tomorrow's show
on the Space Beaver showboat.

If you're the 21st caller,
we'll give you two--

count 'em-- two free tickets.

So warm up your dialing fingers.
That number again is 5-5-5--

Mom, quick! Please! Mom, Mom, we gotta
call the radio station!

What? Oh, all right, Peanut.
For heaven's sake.

Hurry, hurry!

[Line ringing] It's ringing.

Peanut, thousands of kids
are gonna be calling that radio station.

There's no way you're gonna-- Hello?

I did? I won!


Thanks for taking me to the radio station
to pick up those tickets, dad.

No problem, Peanut.
And congratulations again.

[Grunts] Well, oodle-ay!

Good-bye. Bye, dad. See ya soon, Daddy.

I still can't believe I won.
Who are you gonna take with you?

You wanna go? No thanks, Peanut.

Why not? I don't really like
Bucky Space Beaver.

Now, if it was a commander casserole show,

I'd be there faster
than you can say "Hoohaw!"

But I've got two tickets.
Count 'em. One, two.

Why don't you ask Flick or Munchy?
I'm sure they'd love to go.

You're right. I'm gonna go ask 'em
right now.

I won two tickets! I won two tickets!

Zoom! Zamu! Zing, zing, zing!

- Aah!
- Hey, what's this?

Oh, man! These are--

These are Bucky Space Beaver tickets!

[Together] You won that radio contest?

He won the contest! He won the contest!

Bucky Space Beaver to the rescue!

Zoom, zing, zowie!

Where's your ticket, Peanut? Huh?

Well, one of these is mine. Oh. You mean
you only have two?

Hmm. So how are we all gonna go?

Yeah, Peanut. There's one, two tickets
and one, two, three of us.

Oh. Well, don't worry.
We'll figure out something. All right?


Hey, quit rollin' around up there.
You're keeping me up.

Jelly, I think I have a problem
about those tickets.

- Problem? You won.
- But I have two tickets, see?

Yeah, I know. You won.

Yeah, but I have two best friends
and they both love Bucky Space Beaver.

- Jelly, what am I gonna do?
- Don't worry, Peanut.

We'll figure out something...
[Yawns] tomorrow.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

We'll figure this one out...
[Yawns] tomorrow.


Hey, Jelly. Hi, Flick.

Good morning, Mrs. Otter. Oh, hey, Flick.

Where's Peanut? He's not down yet.

Say, can I bring his breakfast upstairs?

Well, why would you
want to do that, Flick?

I just wanna show Peanut what a wonderful
and deserving friend I am.

Flick? What are you doing here?

Just doing what a best friend should do,
old buddy-- bringing you your breakfast.

Wow, tuna clam cakes! My favorite!

Mmm. Thanks.

Hey, hey! What's a best,
best friend for anyway?

So, I guess you'll be taking
me to the show?

Mmm. Well, you sure are
a great friend, Flick.


But if I pick you and don't pick Munchy,
he'll get his feelings hurt.


[Opal] Peanut, there's someone else
here to see you!

I'm coming right down!

- [Flick laughing]
- Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

Mornin', Peanut. Hey, Munchy.

- What are you doing here?
- Well, I just thought I'd bake a cake...

For my "bestest" friend
in the whole wide world-- Peanut otter.

Wow! It's shaped like a log.

It's not made out of wood, is it?
Of course not.

Wood isn't Peanut's favorite flavor,
it's tuna and chocolate.

Wow, Munchy. And it's not even
my birthday.

It's never a bad time
to share a cake with a friend. [Groans]

Oh, now, isn't that sweet?

Sweet as a sugar pie, Mrs. Otter.

You sneaky beaver.

You made this yourself? Delicious.

Uh-uh. So, Peanut, have you decided
who you're gonna take to the show?

Uh, no, not yet. Oh.

You're really a great friend, Munchy,

but if I pick you,
Flick will be very hurt.

- You can say that again.
- Peanut, Peanut!

The Bucky Space Beaver showboat is here!

[Excited chattering]

Wow! Wow!

You better decide soon, Peanut.

Yeah, it's only a few more hours
till show time.

- Mom, this is tough.
- I know.

But I'm sure you can figure something out.

If you need help, you let me know. Okay.

And while you're thinking, there's
some leaves in the yard that need raking.

[Peanut] Oh, Mom!
Now, Peanut, it's your turn.

[Grunting] Hey!

Hey, where'd Flick and Munchy go?
I think I know.

Oh, man! You guys sure aren't making this
any easier.

[Flick, Munchy] who's your buddy
who's your buddy ♪

who's your best friend ♪

♪ who's the friend that you depend on ♪

♪ through thick and thin ♪ me! Me! Me!

♪ who's your buddy ♪ ♪ who's your buddy ♪

♪ who's your best pal ♪ I am! I am!

♪ who's there for you who cares for you ♪

♪ who's your best friend ♪

♪ I can give you piggyback rides ♪

♪ all around the yard ♪ [grunts] oops.

♪ I can push you in the swing ♪

Wow. [Chuckles]
That's a little too hard. [Thuds]

♪ let me ♪ ♪ let me ♪

♪ no, me ♪ it's all right, guys.
You don't have to--

[Flick, Munchy] who's your buddy
who's your buddy ♪

♪ who's your best friend ♪

♪ who's the friend that you depend on ♪

♪ through thick and thin ♪ me!

- Me!
- Me!

♪ who's your buddy ♪

♪ who's your buddy ♪ [together]
♪ who's your best pal ♪

- I am!
- I am!

who's there for you ♪

♪ who cares for you
who's your best friend ♪

[Munchy] ♪ and if you're tired
and thirsty ♪

♪ I'll bring water right to you ♪
oops. Sorry.

♪ or maybe you need cheering up
I'll act crazy for you too ♪

whoo! Whoo! [Chuckles] whoa! Sorry.

♪ I'll dance and sing ♪
♪ I'll buck-and-wing ♪

- ♪ I'll do anything ♪
- ♪ I'll make you King ♪

[Together] ♪ who's there for you
who cares for you ♪

♪ who's your best friend ♪♪

all hail our friend, Peanut!

- What a pal! What a pal!
- Oh, man, how am I gonna pick?

It's easy. Just say who
your best friend Is.

I'll give you a hint. It's me. Say it.

So who'd you pick? Nobody yet.

[Grunts] Come on, Peanut. I'll run you
over to the showboat.

Hey, Peanut, old buddy,

I don't wanna rush you,
but I think we're running out of time.

Watch bird alert! [Squawks]
watch bird alert!

Hey, Peanut, the Bucky Space Beaver show
starts in five minutes.

Four minutes and fifty-nine seconds!

Four minutes and fifty-eight seconds!

Oh, no! Jelly, what am I gonna do?

How about a noodle dance?
That's when we do our best thinkin'.

I'll do some thinkin',
but I'm not gonna dance.


♪ noodle use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle do the noodle dance ♪


♪ use your noodle use your brain ♪♪



- I've got it!
- What? What happened? What?

I know how we can get another ticket.

You can cut one ticket in half.
Then you'll have three tickets.

One for you, one for Flick
and one for Munchy.

That's a great idea, Jelly,

but I don't think they'd
let you in with half a ticket.

Okay, we get a treasure map,

we dig for gold, and boom--
we buy an extra ticket.

- One minute till show time!
- That's good too.

But I don't think we have time
to dig for treasure.

I guess I just have to pick.

Hmm? Mmm!

Poor Peanut. He sure is in a tough spot.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Hey, Peanut, I don't really need to go.

You take Flick. All righty!

Wow, Munchy, you really are
Peanut's best friend! Whoops.

Oh, Munchy, that's awfully Nice of you,
but I can't let you do that.

Sure you can. It's okay.

After you see the show, you and Flick
can tell me all about it.

Have a blast. Well, I guess
that settles it.

[Sniffling] Aw, cheese and quackers.

That's the saddest looking beaver
I ever saw.

Go ahead, Peanut, take Munchy.

You know how much he loves
Bucky Space Beaver.

[Together] Bucky Space Beaver
to the rescue!

[Chuckles] but you love Bucky too,

Peanut, if you don't leave now,
you're gonna miss the show.

Oh, no! Maybe you should go by yourself.

Yeah, Peanut, we don't want
to make you miss it.

Ooh, I wish there was a way
that all three of us could see the show.

[Crowd cheering] watch bird alert!
Watch bird alert!

The show has already begun,
and it looks great!

- Are you sure?
- Sure am. I can see it from up here.

You can see it from up there? I got it!

Come on, guys! Me?

Or me? Both of you.

♪♪ [upbeat band] that was a swing!

Cool! Did you see that?

[Excited chattering] [Flick]
oh, I can't believe it!

It sure was nice of you
to give your tickets to the Cranes.

- Yeah, but where are they?
- [Cheering]

[Munchy] there they are!

Hey, there goes Bucky! Oh, wow!

[Chattering continues, laughing] cool!

♪♪ [continues] [cheering continues]

so, then, Peanut asks Flick
what time it is,

and when Flick
goes to check his watch,

he pours his hot clam cocoa
right into the lake.

- Sploosh!
- [All laughing]

Oh, dear. Well, I hope he understood
Peanut didn't do it on purpose.

- Mmm.
- Well, I'm off.

- Mmm!
- Listen, PB&J.

I have to go all the way to the other end
of Lake Hoohaw and back today.

I'm afraid I won't be home till bedtime.

- That's okay, dad. Mom will be here.
- Right.

Have a good day, kids. See ya!
Bye, Daddy.

[Kisses] bye, honey.

Bye, dad. Bye, Daddy.

All right. What do you want to do today?

Finger paints? Bake ginger otter cookies?
Make snow otters?

[Together] yea! Cool!

All right. Why don't we start by-- huh?
[Phone ringing]

hello? Oh, hi, sis!

It's your Aunt Nanna. [All cheering]

PB&J, just be quiet for a sec.
[Peanut] I wanna talk!

I can hardly hear her. What's that?

Oh, no! Oh, no!

Oh, dear! Oh, my!

Of course I'll be there,
just as soon as I can.

Okay. Bye.

What'd she say, Mom?
Does she have a big surprise for us?

Not exactly. Seems she's come down
with the otter flu.

The "flu"? "Flu." That's bad, isn't it?

Oh, she'll be fine,
but I have to go pay her a sick call...

And bring her some of my special
clam noodle soup.

All right! Hoohaw! Cool! [Laughing]

i'm sorry, PB&J,

but I'm not going to have you
all catching otter flu.

- Not if I can help it.
- But--

I'm going to call Mayor Jeff
to see if he can Baby-sit.

When will you be back?

Oh, now, I'll be home before your bedtime.
[Line ringing]

I promise.

Oh, now, kids, don't look like that.

You're gonna have a great time
with Mayor Jeff.

I just know it. [Knocking on door]

there he is now!
Thank you so much, Mayor Jeff.

No problem. Oodle-ay, PB&J!

Have no fear. Don't shed a tear.

Doesn't matter what you "weer,"
'Cause your friend Mayor Jeff is here.

It's gonna be a Long day, Jelly.
[Door closes]

they're a little upset about my going.

You know, I think this is the first time

Ernest and I have both had to be away
at the same time.

Come on. I'm gonna show you
where everything Is.


they eat dinner around 6:00 sharp.

I left all the fixings
for clam cakes right here.

Peanut likes his cakes with Peanut Butter.

Jelly likes hers with clam-berry jam.

- And Butter likes hers with both.
- Yea!

[Chuckles] hmm, let's see.

Aunt nanna's number
is right here on the fridge.

Mmm, I guess that's it.
Thanks again, Mayor Jeff.

Coming over to Baby-sit
on such short notice!

My pleasure, Opal.
Don't you worry about a thing.

And you tell that sister of yours
to rest up and get better real soon.

Will do. Peanut! Jelly!

Come on and say good-bye. I gotta leave.

- Peanut!
- Here I am, Mom.

Oh, hey. Oh! Here I am, Mama.

Come here, you two. You have a great day,
you hear?

- Now, where's that Baby Butter goin' to?
- [Babbling]

uh-oh. She thinks she's going with you.

Oh, sweetie, Mommy has to go alone.

I don't want you
to catch Aunt Nanna's flu. "Flu"?

[Horn honking] uh-oh. There's wanda.

She's gonna take me to Aunt Nanna's.

I'll be home before you know it.


now, I need you to be a big girl for Mama.

Okay? Mama, Mama!

Whoa, Butter, take it easy. She's only
gonna be gone for a few hours. Whoa!

Mama! Mama!

[Crying continues]

all right, now, Butter.
It's gonna be okay.

Come on, everybody.
We gotta have a meeting.

A meeting? What about?

We gotta decide what we're gonna do today.

So, what do you wanna do first?

I don't know. Nothin', I guess.

Nothin'? All righty.
Let's start with that.

- [Together] huh?
- ♪♪ [humming]

♪♪ [humming continues] [chuckling]

- What's so funny?
- We can't do nothin'.

Oh? I thought that's what
you wanted to do first.

Well, how about some more ideas?

Mayor Jeff, can I ask you somethin'?

Of course, Jelly.
That's what meetings are for.

- Is Mama mad at us?
- I don't think so. Why would she be?

I don't know, but she wouldn't take us
on the trip.

But your Aunt Nanna is sick.

I know you're sad that your Mama had to go
on this trip,

but there's no place on earth
she'd rather be than right here with you.

And while she's gone,
she made sure there was someone here...

To play with you
and take good care of you-- namely, me!

Feel better? Good.

But I still don't have any ideas for what
we can do today.

- Me neither.
- Hmm?

Well, maybe this would be a good time...

For one of those noodle-dance-eroos
you kids are always doing.

Okay, I'll do some thinking,
but I'm not dancing.


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle do the noodle dance ♪


- I've got it!
- What? What happened? What?

We stuff our faces with tuna fish pie!

For dinner?

- Mom would never let us do that.
- Yeah, but Mama's not here.

Well, maybe just a little piece,
just this once.

And then we can make
a big mess of our room!

- No, I'm afraid not. But keep thinking.
- We could go sledding.

- Ice-skating.
- I could tell stories.

We could play
twist yourself into a pretzel. Yeah!

I don't know if my old bones-- we can
put on a Bucky Space Beaver puppet show!

- And a commander casserole puppet show!
- And-- I guess that's it.

That was great, but I bet there's
one or two more ideas in there.

How about you think of two more,
then we'll start our day?

Dolly! That's right, Butter.

Good thinking.
You can play with your doll.

- You could give us a banjo lesson.
- I sure could.

And you know what else?
I brought some surprises in my bag here.

[Together] ooh! Hey, we better hurry,

if we're gonna do
all that stuff in one day.

Yeah! Let the Baby-sitting begin!

♪ when your Mama has to leave ♪

♪ little otters please believe ♪

♪ before you know it
she'll be right back home ♪

so don't be sad or bitter
that you've got a Baby-sitter ♪

♪ Baby-sitters keep you safe
they're just a family friend ♪

- ♪ let the fun begin ♪
- Yeah!

let the fun begin ♪ oh, boy!

[All] ♪ we'll be very clever and do
brand-new things together ♪

♪ let the fun begin ♪
♪ let the fun begin ♪

♪ let the fun begin ♪
♪ let the fun begin ♪

♪ maybe Baby-sitting isn't
boring sat like that ♪

♪ maybe it'll be such fun being Baby-sat ♪

♪ while our parents are away
we'll find brand-new things to play ♪

♪ before we know it
they'll be right back home ♪

♪ with our Baby-sitting friend
we'll tell stories and pretend ♪

play a game put on a puppet show
let the fun begin ♪

♪ let the fun begin ♪ yeah!

♪ let the fun begin ♪ that's it!

♪ we'll be very clever
and do brand-new things together ♪

♪ let the fun begin ♪
♪ let the fun begin ♪

♪ let the fun begin ♪
♪ let the fun begin ♪

♪ maybe Baby-sitting isn't
boring sat like that ♪

♪ maybe it'll be such fun being Baby-sat ♪

♪ maybe it'll be such fun ♪

♪ being Baby-sat ♪♪

so, what do you wanna do next?

I don't know. I think we did everything.

Yeah, and Mom and Daddy still aren't home.

[Crying] but wait a minute!

- We didn't, uh--
- We didn't make snow otters.

[Shouting in agreement]

you know, kids, I--

snow otters. Right. Great idea.

[Grunts] thank you, Butter.


Mama. Dada.

Yeah, they do look like 'em. [Crying]

kind of.

We need to come up with another idea,
and fast!

How about we all take a nap?
I think I could sleep like a Baby.

That's it! Listen!


- Oh, no, no! I-i'm not gonna do that!
- [Whimpering, sniffling]

come on, Mayor Jeff! For Butter.

Oh, okay. I guess.

- Great! Let's go get ready.
- Whoaaa!

[Peanut] one more second.
[Jelly] no peeking.

Opal, have you seen my fish tie?

Well, hey, there, Baby Butter.

Opal, I've been looking all over
this houseboat for my fish tie,

but I just can't find it.

- [Giggling] Dada.
- Well, how about that?

I'm wearing it. Thanks, Baby Butter.

And here comes Opal!

Well, hey, Baby Butter.

- [Giggling] Mama.
- How you doin'?

Oh, Ernest, look at her.

Isn't she just the cutest?

It makes me wanna cry.

Baby Butter,
I want you to meet Baby Butter.

- Waaah!
- [Giggling]


Oh, I hope they're not asleep.

We promised we'd be home for bedtime.

Oh, now, Opal, it's late.

They're gonna be sleeping
like little angel otters.

- [Together] huh?
- [All chattering]

- Huh?
- Baby want a bottle.

[Imitating burps]
Baby wants a diaper change.

Stinky! Pee-yew! Baby needs a--

[All laughing]

wow, Opal, it's hard to tell
who's Baby-sitting who. [Both laughing]

Mom! Dad! Mama! Daddy!

Come here, you three.

Thanks again, Mayor Jeff.
You're a lifesaver.

My pleasure. And now I'm gonna go home
and sleep for a week.

[Both laughing] bye, now!

Mama, don't you think you better go check
on Aunt Nanna again?

Don't worry, Jell. Aunt nanna will be back
on her feet in no time.

And I'm going to be staying
right here with you.

But, Mama, we want Mayor Jeff
to watch us again.

Yeah, why can't Mayor Jeff come again?
Please, Mama!

[Both laughing]

[Laughing continues]