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04x22 - The Mystic Isles: Undercover Fairies

Posted: 04/04/24 11:20
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: [SINGING] I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


Great training session today, Sofia.

Know what it's time for now?

More Enchantlet drills?

Nope. Tea at my place!

You're inviting me for tea?

Wow, Chrysta, you really have changed

since that whole Wassailia thing.

And everybody likes
the new, friendlier me a lot better.

Hey, fairies! How's it glowin'?


Well, almost everybody.

What was that all about?

Oh, I've never really fit in
with the other fairies.

Guess I'm a little too
rough around the edges.

Most of 'em don't want
anything to do with me.

Well, there's at least one who does.


-[GASPS] Ooh!

Chrysta! Chrysta the Protector,

I need you!

Oh, I have dreamed
the most terrible dream.

You must hear my warning immediate...


Is he okay?

Oh, sure. Snoozle is a Dream Fairy.

Their dreams can tell the future.

They always come true.

Wow. Always?

[GRUNTS] I just dreamed
that you should

take a step to your left. Quickly!


Thanks for catching my little girl.

She's still getting
the hang of her wings.

-Come along, Daisy.

I guess your dreams
always do come true.

Yes. They're just
hard to understand sometimes.

So? What did you dream?

Oh! Someone is planning to steal

all the magic from the Pixie Cup.

What's the Pixie Cup?

It's a magic blossom
that only opens once a year.

Young fairies must pass a test

in order to dip their wands
in the Pixie Cup when it opens,

and from it,
receive their magic powers.

But if someone steals
all its magic for themselves,

no fairy will ever
get a magic wand again!

And all the beautiful, magical

things we do will fade away...

-We have to stop this!


Snoozle, who's the thief?

I didn't see a face.

But I did dream of blue butter.

Blue butter?

Yes. Like I said,

dreams are hard to understand.

But look for blue butter
and you'll find your thief.

Now, I'm off for a nap.
All this dreaming is exhaust...


If we're gonna protect
the Pixie Cup's magic from a thief,

we need to be there
when the blossom opens.

Which is today.

But only fairies taking
the Pixie Cup Test

are allowed in the Fairy Forest.

Why don't we pretend to be two fairies

earning their magic wands?

You mean go undercover?

How? You're not even a fairy.

Not yet.

My amulet lets me turn into a mermaid.

So, maybe...

I wish I was a fairy.

[GASPS] It worked!

I've got wings and everything!

Let's go undercover.

We'll pass that test,
get close to the Pixie Cup,

and stop whoever
is going to steal its magic!

Wait. Sofia,

I have to tell you something.

I already took
the Pixie Cup Test once...

and failed.

You never got your fairy wand?

But how could you fail the test?

You're so strong and brave.

None of that matters
when you're a fairy.

It's not the fairy way.


Growing up on the Fairy Isle

They say you're supposed to
flit around all day and smile

But there were tougher games
I wanted to play

And that's not the fairy way

They told me that wasn't the way

Fitting in with the fairy crowd

I tried to join their picnic
up upon a pink cloud

They didn't like the way
I crashed their buffet

FAIRIES: Hey, that's not the fairy way

No, Chrysta, that isn't the way

CHRYSTA: And then the Pixie Test

With all the rest

I had hoped at last to bond

But I messed up with my frond

So I flunked and missed out on my wand

Well, maybe you failed the test once.

But you won't this time.

Because you're getting
a fairy trainer.


What do you know about fairies?

You say they're all
graceful and proper?

Well, I go to princess school!

I take classes
in dance and etiquette...

Okay, okay, you've got the job.
Let's do this!

First lesson, don't crack
your Enchantlet when you're happy.

Right. Good coaching!

It's not that hard to flit with a grin

Now that you've got a good friend

Here to help you fit in

So follow me just like
you're dancing ballet

Chrysta, that's the fairy way

Sofia, you showed me the way

So starting from today

Oh, Chrysta, you found the fairy way

Hey! I guess they'll have to say

-They'll have to say
-I found it

-I found the fairy way
-You found the fairy way

The fairy way

The fairy way

I think you're ready.

Ha! Let's go stop that thief!

Oh. Um, after you.

Here it is, the Fairy Forest.

Those must be the other fairies
who are going to take the test.

If they're the only ones
allowed in the forest,

one of them must be the thief.
Let's check them out.

Hello, everyone! Are you here
for the Pixie Cup tests, too?

Indeed we are. I am Etheria,

an air fairy from Upper Breezia.

I'm Sofia, an exchange fairy
from the EverRealm.

And you are?

Chrysta. From... just down the street.

Hi. I'm Sofia.

I'm Flurry.

So... are you excited
to take the test?

Of course! When I get that magic,

I'm going to spread beautiful,
wintry frost everywhere.

I cannot wait
to get to that Pixie Cup!

Hey, everyone.
I'm Bridget, the forest keeper.

Follow me, please. Mind the puddle.

I thought only fairies
were allowed in here?

She's a brownie. A kind of fairy
that doesn't have wings.

And by the look of it,
she never earned her wand either.

And now, your judge
for today's Pixie Cup tests.

The Sugar Plum Fairy!

Glittery greetings, everyone!

She looks nice.

First off, let me say, I am not nice.

But I am fair.

All you must do to earn your wand

is pass the three stages
of the Pixie Cup Test

and do it in a gentle,
fairy-like manner.

Remember our motto.

"Always Be Delicate."

Oh, I'm sunk.

It's just like the last time.

You can do this.

Just stick to the things we worked on.

And I'm sure no one even remembers.

My sparkling stars!

Do I remember you.

Um, glittery greetings,
Sugar Plum Fairy.

You're that, uh,
rough and tumble fairy

who failed
the very first stage of the test.

I had a cold. [NERVOUS LAUGH]

But she's back, to try again.

-Well, I'm sure you'll do better.
-Thank you.

So, as I said,

this test shall come in three stages,

each leading to another,

until finally you reach the Pixie Cup

and gain your magic wand.

That doesn't sound so hard.

But if you fail,

even one of the stages,

no wand for you.

Now, without further ado,

the first stage.

The Dew Drop.

A proper fairy must be able
to gently dapple flowers

with morning dew.

Like so.

Now, your turn.

Remember to use the lightest,
most delicate touch.

Hey, it's kind of like
Enchanted Painting at RPA.

I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Whoa! You're not taming
a sea monster. Be delicate.

Just dab.

Oh, dab?

Dab, dab, dab, dab.

There you go! [GASPS]

That winter fairy, Flurry. She's gone.

She might be up to something.

Dab, dab, dab.
I can't break my rhythm.

Find her, report back. Dab, dab, dab.

Dab, dab, dab.

Delicately dappled.

Very nice.

Uh, thank you.

Hmm... I see some broken st*lks.


I started out a little rough,
but I got a lot better.

See? Dab, dab, dab.

Feathers down, everyone.

Oh, please. Don't let me fail.

I have inspected
everyone's work, and...

[LAUGHS] you all passed.

You're kidding me! I really did it?

Flurry's back. And there are twigs
on her clothes.

Maybe she snuck into the woods
to go after the Pixie Cup?


But let's not jump to conclusions.

Keep watch. If she sneaks off again,
we'll follow her.


Look, it's Snoozle!

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: Snoozle, indeed.

We need a good sleeper for stage two.

-The Tooth Pull!

[LAUGHS] Not to worry.

It's not as bad as it sounds.

Here's the tooth, Miss Plum.

Bridget, you really must
wash your hands.

Sorry. Being forest keeper
is a dirty business.

As you all know,
the Tooth Fairy has a big job.

Sometimes, she needs help.

So, for this phase of the test,

you must prove that
you too can carefully...



-And reward.
-A swan! Beautiful.

All without waking him up.

I'll go first.

Hmm. I wonder if there's a reason

Flurry wanted to go first.

Because she moves so quietly?

No. So she can sneak away again!

Let's go after her!

Next up, Chrysta.

But Flurry's getting away.

I know, I know.
I'll do this as fast as I can,

then we can follow her.


Blue butter...

That was close.

You got this, Chrysta.

Remember how you taught me
how to feather walk over the snow?

Right! Feather walk.

Better take this part slow.

Wait, I don't know how to make a swan.

Oh. Make another animal, then.

I better go or we'll lose Flurry!

Have to reach that flower...

Flower? She is trying
to get to the Pixie Cup!


What are you doing here?

I, uh...

Well, I guess you
caught me red-handed.

And now you're gonna get
what's coming to you...

-A corsage!

-When I saw all the pretty flowers

growing in the woods,
I couldn't resist.

Everyone's working so hard.

I wanted to make these
for them as a gift.

Oh. Thank you.

You're very welcome.

Now I'm off to give
the rest of them out.

Oh! Bridget. I'm so sorry.

I didn't see you there.

I was just coming to get you, Sofia.

-It's your turn.
-Oh, thanks, Bridget.

Let me get that for you. Here.

That was... very nice of you.

Nobody ever said "sorry" to me before.

Or "thanks."
Or even fetched my shovel for me.

Well, I was happy to do it.

Delightful, Sofia. And now...

I judge.

You have all passed again!


-Except for Chrysta.

You made an origami Frost Dragon.

The reward is supposed to be
something nice.

Frost Dragons are nice.

If you wear gloves to protect
against their poison fangs.

Chrysta wrangles them all the time.
She would know.


Then I suppose...

you pass, too.


I mean. I am quite pleased. Quite.

Now, some tasteful refreshments

before our third and final stage.

Bridget! Stop snacking
and serve the appetizers.

As you wish, Miss Plum.

Oh, gosh, I can't help it!
I just love these scones.

Glittery greetings! Chrysta, right?

Nice job on the last stage.

You're a lot more delicate
than we first thought.


Well, I think you're all

really gentle and delicate
and... gentle.

We just need to do
something about your clothes.

-And your hair.
-Would you, by any chance,

be interested in a fairy makeover?

A makeover? Are you serious?

I've always wanted a makeover!

Sofia, what's a makeover?

Chrysta! We have to talk.

I know! Can you believe it?

I passed twice!

but we need to find...

I mean, maybe you were right.

Maybe I can fit in after all.

Maybe I can even
make some fairy friends.

Yeah, but...

Chrysta, you're losing sight
of the mission.

It turns out, Flurry isn't the thief.

She was just making these corsages.

[SIGHS] Now I'm out of clues.
I need your help.

You're right, Sofia.

I will absolutely help you.

Chrysta! We're waiting.

Right after my makeover!
Whatever that is.

Perfect. And now
just a few more things...

More? I can barely move
as it is. [LAUGHS]

Just take teeny, tiny steps.

All fairies need to accessorize.

For me? [GASPS]

They're so elegant.

-What's wrong?

I'm really not supposed
to take this off.

Don't you wanna be one of us?

I do. I really do! It's just...

I never take off my Enchantlet.

It's an important part of being a...


Wow! I look so...


Well... maybe I can take it off

for just a little while. [CHUCKLES]

Okay, listen up.

It's time for the final stage.

This is the Fairy Frolic.

If you make it all the way to the end,
the Pixie Cup will appear

and a magic wand will be yours.

But remember, it isn't enough
to make it past the obstacles.

You must...

Always Be Delicate!

Who said that? Chrysta? Mmm!

I like the new you.

And I'll see you
at the end of the course.

Sofia, did you hear that?

I'm really fitting in.

But you forgot all about our mission.

And we still don't know
who the thief is.

Sofia, cease your worry.

I can be a delicate fairy
and a Protector.

Whoever the thief is,
they need to be at the course's end

when the Pixie Cup appears,
don't they?

I guess so.

Then I'll make sure
to get there before them.

I'll volunteer to go first.

Oh, fairy friends,

if you don't mind,

allow me to go first.

Back up, give her some room.


That's funny.

Someone left their plate here.

Hmm, it's a scone. [SNIFFS]

With blueberry butter?

[GASPS] Blue butter!

Snoozle's dream!

A tunnel? Someone wants
to go under the trees

and get to the Pixie Cup
before anyone else.

And I think I know who.

A certain someone who love scones!

Chrysta, that was the best
Fairy Frolic I've ever seen!

You passed!

At last. I'm going to be a real fairy.

Just dip this wand into the Pixie Cup

to receive your fairy magic.

[YELPS] A trap!

Someone tricked us!

But who?

I'll tell you who.

You can come out now, Bridget!

What? It can't be.

All the clues pointed to her.
She was dirty all the time

because she was digging this tunnel,

and... she loves scones
with blueberry butter.

So that was the blue butter.

It's all true.

I always dreamed
of being a real fairy,

but when I took the tests,
you failed me.

Well, you are rather un-fairy like.

Says you!

So now I'm going to help myself
to all the fairy magic.

Oh, no, you don't!

Oh, yes, I do!


No, Bridget! Don't take all the magic!

There'll be none left
for any other fairy ever!

[CHUCKLES] That's the idea!


You're not going anywhere!

Oh, no, I took my Enchantlet off!



-We've got to stop Bridget.

If you can catch up to her

and hold her wand
in the Pixie Cup again,

the blossom's magic will be restored.

Sorry, Sugar Plum Fairy,

but there's no time to be delicate.

Go, Chrysta!

You're not getting out of this forest,
you fake fairy! [GROANS]

BRIDGET: She really doesn't give up!

Thanks, Sofia!

-What's happening?
-Is this part of the test?

Halt! In the name of the Protectors!

So you caught up to me.
How are you gonna stop me?

I have all the fairy magic.

And you don't even have a wand.

No, but she has this!

What if I shared my magic with you?

No, thanks. I'm fine just as I am.

Chrysta, you did it!

We did it!

Oh! My Fairy Frolic course!

Sorry, everyone. [LAUGHS]

I guess the truth is,

I was never meant to be delicate.

I'm just... me.

And if that means I fail the test

and will never fit in here,
I understand.

Fail? Chrysta, you've succeeded...

in saving the magic of the fairies!

[GASPS] Does this mean...

I did it, Sofia!

You deserve it, Chrysta.

And so does Bridget.

-I don't understand.

-Because there's more

to being a real fairy
than just being gentle and delicate.

And Chrysta has just shown us that.

Really? After what I did?

Oh. I was wrong to have failed you

just for being different.

There is room for all kinds of fairies
on this Isle.

You all passed!
Come and get your wands!

We did it!

At last!

-Even you, Princess.
-You knew?

I'm the Sugar Plum Fairy.
I know everything.

But thank you for your help.

Chrysta, I love how you whoosh!

Plowed right through those hedges!

And how did you fly so fast?

And snap that magic rope-thing?
Can you show us?

Why not? You see,
it's really all in the wrist.

That's my Chrysta.