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04x17 - The Mystic Isles: The Great Pretender

Posted: 04/04/24 11:17
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the first

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the first

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the first


Here we are, Prisma. Call Vor.

Yoo-hoo. Oh, little locket.

What is it you desire, Prisma?

We came to this school
just like you said.

Now where exactly is
the next of the Wicked Nine?

It can be found in the study
of the fairy headmistresses.

It is well-hidden,

but I know you can find it.

I heard we have a guest teacher today
in alchemy class.

Whoever could it be?

Oh, what rotten luck.

That rosy, nosy princess Sofia
goes to this school.

I suppose she'll be in class
for a while.

Giving us time to nab
the wicked trinket.


Curious who your guest teacher
will be today?

It is I, Merlin.

Greetings, children.

As you enter your final semester
here at Royal Prep,

it's time to dream bigger dreams,

sh**t for higher stars.

So for the rest of the school year,

you will be doing advanced alchemy.

Turn sawdust into gold dust.

Invisibility potions.

-Yes, wow.

But also, whoa. Not easy.

Quite true, Desmond.

So you'll need to find
an animal helper

to assist you for the rest
of the school year.

An animal helper?

All the top wizards have one.

Even me.

They help you fetch ingredients,

stir potions, unscroll scrolls,

and lots of other useful things.

Why, thank you, Archimedes.


Can my pet mink, Lulu,
be my animal helper?

Mink, monkey,
or magenta mongoose. [LAUGHS]

As long as they are
focused and hard-working,

any animal will do.

I definitely want Clover
to be my helper.

Your first advanced potion
is due tomorrow.

You and your animal helper
will make it

right here in class,

so take a gander and choose
your first advanced alchemy project.

Hm. What should Clover and I make?

Made it.

Now, locket,
exactly what kind of object

are we looking for?

A spinning wheel,

the very one whose spindle
Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger on.

Okay, let's find it.

Then I can gather
the rest of the Wicked Nine,

and drain their magic
to become so, so powerful.

But in what nook or cranny could
a spinning wheel be hidden?

It is not in this room.

It is behind it.

That wall, to be specific.

Behind here? I don't see a door.

But you will.

Once you light that candle,

a secret passageway will be revealed.

Hm, here goes.

This is so exciting.

Oh, fiddlesticks. What is going on?

I'm afraid it is the work
of the fairy teachers,

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.

Aurora's guardians.

They must've put a protection spell
on the candle.

I'll use my necessi-key.

It can create a door anywhere.


Not here.

The only way in
is to break the protection spell.

-But how?

wonderful idea
to make dragon fire, Sofia.

The Alchemy book said dragon fire's
the rarest fire of all.

Oh, yes, it is.

And it requires
the rarest ingredient of all.

Lightning spark.

We keep it in here,

should we ever need
to make dragon fire ourselves.

Here's a small bit of the spark.

It's all that we have,
but it should be enough.

Thanks, Miss Fauna.

[SQUEAKS] Dragon fire?

Maybe that's the key
to breaking the protection spell.

Why, I think it just might be.

This is dragon fire ash.

I've seen it on the Isle of Dragons.

Let's follow the princess.

Then just when she makes
the dragon fire,

we'll snatch it!

Clover, guess what.

I have to find an animal
to help me with my alchemy class

for the rest
of the school year, and I choose you.

Yo! That's great news!

Quality Sofia-Clover time,
here we come.

We'll get to do
all this neat magic together.

I'll stir a potion here,
say a magic word or two there.

It might be a bit harder than that,
but that's the right idea.

Well, that sounds fun.

Really, really fun.

[BARKS] Why can't we be
your animal helpers, huh, Sofia?

Oh, I didn't think you guys
would be interested.

Sofia, does a bee make honey?

Does a duck go quack?

What I'm saying is, we're interested.

Really, really interested.

Okay. Well, what about this?

Clover, would you mind
if I hold try-outs for my helper?

It's only fair
to give everyone a chance.

Oh, all right.


I'm your number one bunny.

Ah, I'll ace the audition
and get the gig anyway.

Okay, great.

Everyone, meet in the gazebo later
for try-outs.


[SIGHS] Guess word got out
about try-outs.

Yeah, it looks like.

Thank you all for coming out
to my animal helper try-outs.

Your support is much appreciated.

I'm going to test your skills

as you each help me make dragon fire.

Clover, you're first.

Don't get too cozy now. [LAUGHS]

-You won't be here long.

-Okay, first, I add lava paste,

-and you add a scoop of dragon scales.

And a pinch of hurricane dust.

-Got it.
-Ready? Go!


How do I know
which one's dragon scales?

Um, this one. This one looks scaly.

This one looks dragon-y.


Wormwood, are you trying out, too?

I just came to see

what the new generation
of animal helpers has to offer.

Mm, gotta find the hurricane dust.

It could... It could be this one,
or maybe that.

So far, not so much really.


Clover, I need those ingredients.

Right, right. Uh...



Are you sure you got the right ones?

Of course I'm sure
I got the right ones.

I'm pretty sure. Kinda. Uh...




Ah, look, it's bubbling, Sof.

But wait.
It doesn't say it's supposed to bu...



Okay, that was just practice.


Hey, what about us?

Uh, don't we get a turn?

I'm sorry, Clover.

I don't think it's going to work out.

I should let
the other animals audition.

-But Sof...
-Doing well in alchemy class

is really important to me.


Tell you what.

How about I let you
try out again later,

if you take lessons
from Wormwood first?

From Feather Face?

From me?

-I think not. [LAUGHS]
-Come on, Wormwood.

You've been Mr. Cedric's helper
for such a long time.

You must have tons
of great tips to give Clover.


Oh, I suppose I could share
a brilliant pointer or two.

All right, all right,
if that's what it takes

to get the helper gig, I'm in.

So, do I call you [CHUCKLES]
Professor Feather Face?

No, you don't.

[EXCLAIMS] That bunny did terribly.

Twitch, you should
try out to be Sofia's helper.

You know so much about magic,

I know she'll choose you.

Yeah, then once we make
the dragon fire,

swish, nab,
I'll be right there to steal it.

But wait, Sofia saw you as a rat
in Wei-Ling.

Good point.

Mm, better,
but we still have to hide that.

[LAUGHS] What a handsome weasel
you are.

Now run along.
Deceive that princess. Shoo.

WORMWOOD: Now then,
for lesson number one,

I thought we'd start
with something easy.


Memorize each and every ingredient
you'll need

to make dragon fire.

Uh, that's starting off easy?

It is essential that an animal helper

be able to identify ingredients
and bring them to their master

without delay.

Listen carefully.

This is dragon scales,

this, hurricane dust,

and this is lava paste.

Hm, now you try.

Uh, dragon thing-a-whatever,
and hurricane stuff-a-ma-guff.

No. This is hurricane

Oh, you've got me saying it!

Hurricane dust!

Come on, it's too hard.
I'll never get all this.

[SIGHS] Here,
use this rhyme to remember.

Dragon scales are shaped like snails.

Hurricane dust is red as rust.

[STUTTERING] Can you start over?

I already forgot the beginning.

Ahem, star pupil, you are not.

-Okay, Rex, your turn.

Now, please fetch the dragon scales.

Oh, like a game? [LAUGHS]

Ready, set, go! [BARKING]

That's right. Wow. Good job, Rex.


What are you doing?

New game, new game! Tug-of-w*r!


[SIGHS] Rex, I'm worried
if I choose you as my helper.

You'll just play games all the time.

Yeah, sure would. Games, games, games.

Boy, does that sound fun!


I'm sorry, Rex,
but it's not going to work out.


I really hope I find an animal helper
in time for school tomorrow.


All right, who's next?

Try the rhyme again from the top.

When will it sink
into your bird brain?

There's no way I can learn all this.

But there is, if you just focus
and repeat after me.

[SINGING] Dragon scales
are shaped like snails

Hurricane dust is red as rust

Lava paste has an ashy taste

Dry quicksand crumbles like pie crust

-The snails are scaly?
-The scales are snaily

-The paste is rusty?
-No, the dust, see?

It's making me so headache-y

Learn this rhyme, it's worth your time

Soon you'll recite it on a dime

You'll be a helper most sublime

But only if you get the gist
and learn this rhyme


Hornet wax won't stain, relax

Mercury mist drifts in a twist

And this grass, it's sassafras

Frog slime flips just like flapjacks

So uh, the wax is grassy

Let's not get sassy!

The slime is misty?

The mist is twisty

You're making me so headache-y!

Learn this rhyme, it's worth your time

Soon you'll recite it on a dime

You'll be a helper most sublime

But only if you get the gist
and learn this rhyme

Uh, okay.

Let's see if I have this straight.

Wax is here and dust is there

No, wax is there, you silly hare

Quicksand flips and frog slime flakes

Frog slime flips, for goodness sake!

That's it, lesson's over.

Because you refuse to get the gist

And learn this rhyme!

Wait a minute, Wormwood. Ow!

Come on, you can't quit on me.

How will I learn to be Sofia's helper?

WORMWOOD: I suppose someone else
will get the joy of teaching you.

Who else is there?

Come on, Wormwood.

What am I gonna do now?


That's lava paste, of course,
measured to a T.

You're really good at this.

You'd make a great animal helper.

It's just,
I don't really know you, Mr. Weasel.

I think I'd feel more comfortable
with someone I'm already friends with.

But everyone likes me,

and I'm a gem of an animal helper.

I'm sorry, but no.

Your mistake.

Good luck with these chumps.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Yo, how do you know
all that magic ingredient

and animal helper stuff?

Practice, that's how.

Years of practice.

I just wasted all this time

trying to learn a really hard
potion-making rhyme.

I need something easier,
and I need it fast.

I was kinda hoping you could

give me a few quick tips, you know?

You know, it may have taken me years
to learn everything,

but for you,
there may just be a quicker way.

[YELPS] Where'd you go?

[LAUGHS] Wow! How did you do that?

Are you magical or something?

Or something,

and that's the key to my plan.

I can hide out of sight
at the auditions,

and whisper to you
exactly how to make the dragon fire.

How will I hear you if you whisper?

I'll stay real close.

Close enough so I can steal...

Uh... So you can hear
everything I say. [LAUGHS NERVOUSLY]

Wow, you'd really do that? Why?

Because I have a hunch

you've got the chops it takes
to be a great animal helper.

I mean, really great.

Wow, you... You really think so?

Thanks. Let's go.

Okay, Clover, now,

I will need some lava paste.

Lava paste tastes like...

How'd that rhyme go again?

Don't hurt your brain remembering.

It's the last pouch on the left.

Oh, this? Here it is.

Last pouch on the left.

-You're welcome.
-Now, get the dried quicksand.

It's the big pouch. Chop, chop!

That's it, Clover.

Now all we need
is the lightning spark.

CLOVER: Whoa. Did we do it?

That's dragon fire, all right!


Come to me, dragon fire.

[STRAINING] It's like a ton of bricks.

Wow, Clover, you did great.

Lessons with Wormwood really paid off.

Uh, [STUTTERS] yeah.

It was... it was hard work,

but it was worth it.

Sure was. You can now be my helper.

I can?

Oh, yeah!

Sofia and Clover, together again. Ha!

Yep, starting with making dragon fire

for Mr. Merlin tomorrow.

Hey, buddy, you're gonna help me
at Sofia's school tomorrow, right?

You kidding?

I wouldn't miss it
for all the magic in the Ever Realm.

Twitch. What happened?

A little glitch in my plan.

But don't worry,
I'll get the dragon fire tomorrow.

You can count on
this wicked chameleon.

A delightful demonstration

of the tornado potion, Prince Desmond.

-Kudos to you and your animal helper.


Colorificus change-o!

Most well done,
Princess Hildegard. [LAUGHS]

You and your animal helper!

Thank you, Mr. Merlin.

Next up, Princess Sofia.

[EXHALES] Okay, here we go.

And what will you be attempting today?

My animal helper, Clover, and I

will try to make dragon fire.

MERLIN: Very complicated,
but impressive.

I hope so. Ready?

Let's get cooking.

Now, you get the dragon scales.

-Dragon scales are shaped like...
-TWITCH: Forget the rhyme.

Just take this pouch here.

Yeah, right.

Good. Now, the hurricane dust.

Right away.

TWITCH: This red pouch,
but not too much.

Good job, Clover.

Purple smoke. We're almost there.

Now, the most important ingredient
of all.

Lightning spark.

We did it!


Just brilliant.

[LAUGHS] Literally.

-[GASPS] Oh, no!

Swirling sorcery, what just happened?

Uh, I don't know,
but don't worry, I'll find out.

There it is.

Told ya I wouldn't let you down.

This is no time to brag. Hurry!

To the spindle. Nothing can stop us.

Then it will be one Wicked Nine down

and eight more to go.

Wait! Open up!

Oh, that was Prisma.

She's after one of the Wicked Nine.
I heard her.

The bird was working with her.

[GASPS] It had a diamond patch

just like the rat in Wei-Ling.

What was that bird
doing in class anyway?


You know something.
You have to tell me.

Okay, fine.

He was hiding and whispering to me
how to make the dragon fire.

Why? You said lessons
with Wormwood went great.

It was too hard
to remember everything,

-so I had to take a shortcut.
-You were cheating?

I just wanted
to spend more time with you.

But I know it was sneaky and wrong.

I'm really, really sorry, Sof.

[SIGHS] They must've needed
the dragon fire

to open the secret passage.

How are we going to stop them?

Can't you just make more?

I can, but I can't do it alone.

Don't look at me.

All I know how to do
is mess things up.

Come on, Clover,

Wormwood must've taught you something.

Dragon scales are shaped like... d-oh!

D-oh! I don't remember.

You can do it. Think.


Dragon scales are shaped like...


And hurricane dust is red as rust!

That's it, Clover.


Locket, the spinning wheel's not here.

Just this... organ?

I see it behind the wall.

But it is guarded by
another protection.

Another one?



[GASPS] We must have to play
a certain tune

to get to the hidden spindle.

We have dragon fire.

SOFIA: Good job, Clover.

Twitch, play that again.

[GASPS] Again!


Oh, the spindle!

I've got it!

Now give it to us, Prisma.

Ugh. Princess Sofia.

Why would we ever give it to you?

Because otherwise,
we'll have to take it.


-Give it.
-Toss it here.


Clover, get the spindle.

-Twitch, you get the spindle.

-Got it, Sof.
-Now take it to the fairies, quick.


The only way out of here
is through the fairies' office.

Don't be so sure, Sofia.

-Remember this?
-The necessi-key.

No one can catch me,
least of all you, Princess.

Come along, Twitch.

I can't believe they got away, Sof.

Well, at least they didn't get
the spindle,

thanks to you, Clover.

Children, I would like
to compliment all of you

on your wondrously wonderful displays

of advanced alchemy.

And we have a special prize

for the most wonderful alchemist

and her wondrous animal helper,

Princess Sofia and Clover!