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04x16 - The Mystic Isles: The Falcon's Eye

Posted: 04/04/24 11:16
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


You paying attention, Princess?

Because inside my hand

is one of the most powerful
Protector tools you'll ever use.

That teeny little key?

This is a Necessi-Key,
and it's a lifesaver.

I can't tell you how many times
I've been running for my life

about to get trampled by some cyclops,

when I take out this little number
and instant door.


You can make yourself a magical door
wherever and whenever you want.

But it only lasts a couple of seconds.

Can I try?

Thought you'd never ask.

Before you go through,
you might wanna...

-SOFIA: Whoa!


...take a look at what
you're stepping into! [LAUGHS]

Let me try that again.

Don't worry, Sofia.

Your number-one trainer
will show you how it's done.

Oh, this is ever so unfair.

I'm stuck here with the key
to my escape so close,

but so far.

-It's as if they're taunting me.

[GASPS] A rat?

RAT: What you in for?

A rat that can talk?

That's not all I can do.

What do you think of this?

You like this one?

And check out my favorite!


Who are you, and what do you want?

I'm Twitch, and I'm a strangeling.

Which means I can change
into any sneaky little critter I want.

Who are you?

I am Prisma.

Wait a minute. You can change shape!

Can you turn into
something really tiny?

Oh, yeah, the teeniest.

That's absolutely perfect!

Oh, Twitch, I have
a very big favor to ask of you.

Ask away. I can handle
the biggest favors.

You see that pretty locket over there
locked up in that big, mean safe?

Yeah. So?

PRISMA: That's the Locket of Vor,

and it's supposed
to be oh, so powerful.

Its magic might be powerful enough
to break me out of here.

TWITCH: Mmm. It looks like
it's locked up real tight.

It is. But it has a crystal lock.

My sister and I used to design
crystal locks just like it.

All you need to do
is slip inside the safe's keyhole.

Then I can tell you how to unlock it.

Why don't I just unlock your cell?

Ugh. Those infuriating Protectors
put a metal lock on my cell.

I know nothing about metal locks.

All right, let's go get
this locket of yours then.

PRISMA: Inside, you should see
three tiny crystal levers.

Oh, yeah! They're here.

Push the first one up,
the second one down,

and the last one in.



Oh, the Locket of Vor!

Oh, thank you, Twitch.

I promise I'll share
whatever powers it gives me.

At last, I am free.

What powerful creature has made it so?

Why, that would be me.

But you have no power.

Well, no need to rub it in.
My power was taken from me.

That's why I need your help
to get out of this tower.

So, go ahead, work your magic.

I am a piece of jewelry.
I cannot break down walls.

The power I can grant to you
is the power of knowledge.

Go on.

LOCKET OF VOR: I know where
you can find the Wicked Nine.

The Wicked Nine? Are those even real?

Nine powerful magic items

spread across the Mystic Isles
and the EverRealm.

Each once used
by history's most devious villains.

That's Jafar's staff.

[GASPS] And that's Ursula's necklace.

There are those who know
where to find one or two

of the Wicked Nine,

but only I know
where to find them all.

And you're going to tell me, right?

Oh, yes, my dear.

With my help,
you will gather these precious objects

and bring them to me.

And then we shall make history.

With but a few magic words,
I will harness all of their power

and give it to you,
a great and mighty version of you.

Ooh, now that's a good look for me.

With that kind of power,
I could easily break out of here.

You will be able to do
far more than that.

Oh, yes.

Only... I can't leave.
I can't get the Wicked Nine.

But your favorite strangeling can.

You would do that for me?

Oh, yeah. I've been waiting
for a powerful master to serve,

and you are it.

Oh, thank you. Thank you both.

The first of the Wicked Nine
is called the Falcon's Eye.

This gem is hidden inside a sword

once used
by the wicked warrior Shan Yu

against a hero named Mulan.

The sword can now be found
in the marketplace of Wei-Ling.

Not for long!

Go, Twitch, go!
And don't come back without that gem.

GUARD 1: Wait! What's going on here?
The safe has been opened.

The locket, it's gone!

I don't think she had anything
to do with it.

We must alert the other Protectors.

-Chrysta, Sofia.
-What's up, Chief?

I have bad news to report.

-There's been an escape.
-Not Prisma?

No. The Locket of Vor. It's missing.

The locket was sealed up tight
in a safe!

We fear someone has stolen it

and plans to use it
to track down the Wicked Nine.

What's the Wicked Nine?

Powerful objects that were once used
by big-time villains.

If all nine are brought together,

they can give the owner
unspeakable power.

We only know
where some of the nine are.

We're sending Protectors
to stand guard over those

and to catch anyone
who tries to steal them.

Looks like today I'm gonna show you
how Protectors catch a bad guy.

Great. So, which one are we guarding?

The Falcon's Eye in Wei-Ling.
It's a gem hidden inside this sword.

I know Wei-Ling.
My friends live there.

Go quickly,
and keep the Falcon's Eye safe.

-Is it always this crowded?
-It must be market day.

They hold one here
at the palace once a month.

[GASPS] That's where the sword is.

We found it, all right.

Now we gotta make sure we catch
anyone who tries to steal it.


[GASPS] They've got Enchantlets.
They must be Protectors.

Oh, I gotta make sure
they don't spot me.

CHRYSTA: I've seen pedestals like this
that hold valuable objects.

They almost always have
some sort of booby trap built in.


Ah-ha! I knew it!

All we have to do is set the trap...

And whoever tries to steal
the sword will fall right in.

That's incredible, Chrysta.

[GASPS] I know something else
we can do to catch the thief.

Ask my friends for help.

Jun! Jin! Over here!

CHRYSTA: What are you doing?

Hi, Sofia.

Sorry. Where are my manners?
Chrysta, this is Jun and Jin.

We're on the lookout for a thief.

-Oh, right.

Someone might be trying to steal
an important jewel, and...

Sofia! You can't just tell
these kids what we're doing!

These aren't just any kids.
They're my friends.

And they might be able to help.

Yeah, we know everyone in Wei-Ling.

Thank you,
but this is Protector business.

I don't see how them helping us
could be a bad thing.

Princess, who here is the trainee?

-And who is the trainer?

[SIGHS] You are.

Uh, sorry, guys,
but I think you better go.

Okay. Let us know
if you change your mind.

We're around if you decide
you need help.

Sorry about that, Sofia,
but we gotta stay focused.

Come on. Follow me.

Gather round, everyone!

Who is this character?

That's Kai. He's one
of my friends, too.

Time for a one-panda
dance party. Go Kai! Go Kai!

Of course he is.

Now's my chance.

Go Kai! Go Kai!


Princess, I found us
the perfect hiding spot.

It offers plenty of cover
so we won't be seen,

and it's got a great view of the sword
so we can see who's coming and going.

Go Kai! Go Kai!

That is, it would've been a great view
if it wasn't being blocked

by a dancing panda.

I'll go ask him to move.

Oh, and, Princess,
please don't invite him to help us.

I won't. I promise.

Go Kai! Go Kai!

Hi, Kai. Nice dance moves.

Princess Sofia!

Oh, how I have missed you!


Oh, er, thanks.

I missed you, too.

It's just, right now my friend Chrysta
and I are doing a little project...

Ooh, what kind of project?

Um, I can't really tell you right now.

But maybe I can help.

Uh, I'm sure you could,
but the thing is...

It's something
we need to do on our own.

And if you could dance
just a little to the side,

over there,

that would really help us out.

I can do that,
and keep a beat at the same time.

Thanks, Kai. You're the best.

Later, Sofia!

I love market day.

So many people.
So many dances to do for them.

That's right. Don't get help
from that dancing fool.

[CHUCKLES] The less people
on the lookout for me, the better.

Don't worry.
I didn't tell Kai anything

about protecting the Wicked Nine,
and we should have a clear view now.

-[GASPS] Let's go!

Now, let's see who our jewel thief is.

-A skunk?

You don't think it could be trying
to steal the sword?

No, but as you can see, Sofia,

there are always surprises
when you're on a job.

That was a close one.

I gotta create some kind of diversion
so I can do my sneaking in peace.

Chrysta, what should we
be keeping an eye out for?

Some kind of wicked wizard
or a warrior,

and probably wearing
the stolen Locket of Vor.

So, they're looking for
a bad guy wearing a locket.

I think I can give them that.

Rings! Bracelets! Lockets!

All the finest quality!

Finest quality? Not so sure
about that, but they'll do.

Just keep your eyes peeled,

and if a thief shows up,
we'll be ready.

[GASPS] Sofia, look!
He's wearing a locket!

And he's headed toward the sword.

CHRYSTA: Stop that man! He's a thief!

Hold it right there!

[GASPS] Emperor Quon?

Ah, Princess Sofia,
how nice to see you.

Oh, I'm so sorry
to bother you, Emperor Quon.

I didn't recognize you.

Please, do not apologize.

I always enjoy a quiet walk
through the market.

You never know
what you will come across.

Why, just now, I have found

this beautiful medallion
on the ground.

And you know what they say

about finding medallions
on the ground?

Hang them from your neck
and enjoy many compliments.

It's lovely.

Well, I'm off to enjoy
the many compliments coming my way.

Sorry! False alarm!
Nothing to see here. Move along.

Hmm. A rat holding a gem.

You don't see that every day.

And you really don't see
that every day.

[PANTING] Okay. Flying out of here
with this heavy gem is not gonna work.

Good thing I got
a million other plans.

There is no way the Emperor
could be trying to steal the gem.

We made a mistake, Chrysta.

Maybe, or somebody wanted us
to think he was the thief

so we would be distracted
while they... [GASPS]

Someone's tampered with it.

Did they get the gem?

Yes. And I don't see any footprints,
just animal tracks.

Well, that's because
an animal took it.

[LAUGHS] It was the craziest thing.

A rat running around with a gem?

Why didn't you stop him?

Huh? Was I supposed to?

Yes! That's the whole reason
we're here. To stop a jewel thief.

Well, I didn't know that.

I was going to tell you,
but my trainer wouldn't let me.

Well, all right,

maybe I should've listened
to you about that.

Tell us more about this rat.

Ooh. He had a cool diamond pattern
on his chest.

[GASPS] We saw
the same thing on that skunk.

And he still had it when
he turned into a bat and flew away.

The rat turned into a bat?


And it was probably that skunk, too.

I think we got ourselves
a strangeling.

A what?

Ugh. It's a nasty little critter
from the Mystic Isles.

It can change into different animals.

-Which way did it go, Kai?
-That way.

A strangeling is going
to be impossible to find.

It could be anywhere. Or anything.

Well, maybe if I get
my friends, we could...

[SIGHS] Never mind. Forget it.

Now, Sofia,
I should be listening to you.

I thought since I was the trainer,

I could be the only one
with good ideas,

but it's time to listen to yours.

In fact, you wanna help us, big guy?

Absolutely. What's the plan?

-Let's start by getting more backup.

Okay, does everyone know their part?

I search the gardens
while you search the market.

And I give Kai an overhead view.

And if anyone sees
an animal holding a gem...

Give a shout and alert the others.

Right. That means
we all gotta listen up.

It's time to stop a thief


From dishing out the grief

So keep an eye out, yeah, yeah

Keep an eye out

He's over there!

CHRYSTA: I finally learned the truth

We work better as a group

So keep an eye out, yeah, yeah

Keep an eye out

Look! By the plum blossoms!

I'm guessing this here strangeling

Didn't realize he'd be tangling

With a team of friends


CHRYSTA: Gonna get that gem!

SOFIA: He turned into a rat!

CHRYSTA: Listen up to
what friends say, say, say

Together we can save the day, day, day

We've got him five to one, one, one


CHRYSTA: His stealing days
are done, done, done

If we just listen up

If we listen up

He's in the market!

CHRYSTA: The tips are coming fast

This critter is outclassed

Stay on the lookout, yeah, yeah

-On the lookout
-ALL: We're on the lookout

CHRYSTA: He could turn into a bat

But he'll always be a rat

So keep an eye out, yeah, yeah

Keep an eye out

ALL: Keep an eye out

I'm guessing this here strangeling

Didn't realize he'd be tangling

With a team of friends

Gonna get that gem!

Go, Sofia, go!

ALL: Listen up to what
friends say, say, say

Together we can save the day, day, day

We've got him five to one, one, one

His stealing days are done, done, done

CHRYSTA: If we just listen up

If we listen up

We gotta listen up

So listen up

Listen up!

Stop! Give back that gem.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

It's too tall. I can't...

Yes, I can.

You think you can stop me?

I'm the greatest,
the fastest, the best...

PRINCE JIN: Down the alley!



Ha! Got it. Who are you?

Apparently not
the greatest or the fastest,

but I am the sneakiest!

-Come back!

You got the gem!

Yes, but the rat got away
with the Necessi-Key.

[SIGHS] That's not good.

[SIGHS] But the important thing is
we have the gem, right?

Right, and at least now
we know who's after the Wicked Nine.

Chrysta, I think we should take this

to the other Protectors
for safekeeping.

That's a very good idea, Trainee.

Thank you, Trainer.

Let's get going.

Bye, Sofia.

Thanks for your help! We mean it!

PRINCE JIN: Bye, Chrysta!

How could you get my hopes up
and then return without the gem?

Prisma, when life closes a window,

sometimes it opens a door.

[GASPS] Is that... a Necessi-Key?

Only the shiniest, best Necessi-Key
you've ever seen.

At last, I'm free!

Yes, free to realize
your true potential,

to gather the Wicked Nine
and gain unlimited power.

Yes, and not even
that pesky Princess Sofia

will be able to stop me!


I don't understand.

Now Prisma escaped
from the Terrible Tower?

We believe she may be behind
the Locket of Vor's disappearance.

And behind the creature we saw
trying to steal the Falcon's Eye?

Yes. But thanks to you,
it is now safe with us.

Maybe we should bring the other
Wicked Nine objects back here, too.

At least the ones
we know where to find.

That is an excellent idea, Sofia.

My trainee has lots of great ideas,

and from now on, I'm going
to listen to every one of them.

Protectors, go forth
and retrieve the Wicked Nine.

Bring back as many of them
as you can find.

Sofia, we have some work to do.

Let's go!