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02x26 - Kid Court/A Frog Named Measles

Posted: 04/03/24 20:57
by bunniefuu
pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j, pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh
jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪
oodle-ay !

- [ jelly ]
yea !
- hmm ?

Yee-haw !

I'm done with my chores...

Just in time to watch
the cowboy otter tv special.

Ride 'em, cowgirl !

[ Chuckling ]

Yea !
Come on, everybody !

It's almost time to watch
the hoohaw ring toss relays !

Huh ?
[ butter giggling ]

- Baby lovey ! Baby lovey !
- [ Together ] uh-oh.

- Howdy, buckaroos !
- [ Peanut ]
thanks, jelly.

- It's just ten more
otter cowboy minutes until---
- [ clicks ]

- The hoohaw ring toss relays.
- Hey !

I have to see the ring toss
championships, jel.
It's the final round.

Well, I can't miss
cowboy otter.

Last week's show
ended with cowboy otter
lost in a creepy cave.

I have to see
how he gets out.

- No way.
- Peanut !

[ Arguing ]

[ sobbing ]
baby lovey !
baby lovey !

Well, we're not watching
baby lovey, that's for sure !

Yeah, butter.
You've made us watch that
a hundred times.

[ Crying ]

[ Together ]
mom ! Dad !

- Now, what seems to be
the trouble ?
- [ All arguing at once ]

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know what ?

I think you kids
should figure this one out
for yourselves.

- [ All ] huh ?
- Why, that's a wonderful idea,

After all,
you kids are very good
at solving problems.

If you need us,
we'll be in here,

But I'm sure you can work it out
all by yourselves.

Good luck.

Mama and daddy are right.
We can solve this problem
all by ourselves.

Yeah. Let's all watch
ring toss, and boom--
no problem.

Kidding. Just kidding.

So how are we going
to solve this ?

We ask flick
to decide for us.

No way. Flick'll just want
to watch cowboy otter.

How 'bout munchy ?

No way. Munchy will
just take your side.
Who does that leave ?

[ Together ]
pinch !

As your new queen,
I am creating a new holiday.

From this day on,

Today will be
all day tea party day.

Thank you.
[ knock at door ]

Huh ? Ah-ha !
More of my royal subjects.

[ Together ]
pinch, we have
a big problem !

See, we all want to watch
different tv shows.

At the same time.
In about
nine minutes.

So we kinda want you to be
the judge and decide who gets
to watch their favorite show.

So you want me to be
the judge, eh ?

Do I still get
to wear a crown ?

- Sure. Why not ?
- All right. I'll do it.

Yea !
Ring toss relay,
here I come !

Follow me.

Hi, guys.
What's going on ?

Pinch is going to play judge
and solve our problem.

- Oh, boy. Can I play too ?
- Sure.

Cheese and quackers !
Where's everybody going ?

And thanks
for not inviting me !

To our boat, flick.
Pinch is a judge.

We're gonna solve
our problems
all by ourselves.

- ♪ When we turn on our tv ♪
- ♪ we just can't seem
to agree ♪

♪ What's the one show
that we want to see ♪

- Ring toss !
- Cowboy !

Lovey !

♪ But we're on our own
when there're problems
we can solve 'em ♪

♪ we're on our own
we can do it in a flash ♪

♪ We're on our own ♪

♪ With just our friends
to help us ♪

♪ There's no doubt
we can work it out
we're on our own ♪

♪ We're on our own
there are no grownups
here to tell us ♪

♪ We're on our own
we'll show what we can do ♪

♪ We're on our own
together, a solution ♪

♪ There's no doubt
we can work it out
we're on our own ♪

♪ There's no doubt
we can work it out
we're on ♪

♪ Our own ♪

Pinch, you'd better decide
pretty soon.

Yeah. Our tv shows
are gonna start...

when that big long hand
points straight up and down.

[ pinch ]
just a sec. Gotta get
my judge's costume.

[ Together ]
ooh !

Hey, you're all supposed to rise
when the judge enters the room.

Pinch, uh, I don't want
to rush you,

But could you make
your decision right now ?

We're kinda running
out of time.

Peanut, there's no point
in playing judge...

If we're not
gonna play right.

Now, let's try it again.

And this time, don't forget
to stand up when I come in.

That's better.
Is everyone ready ?

- Ready for what ?
- Silence in the court !

So, uh, pinch, can I watch
my show or what ?

Jelly, please.
You must call me judge pinch.

That goes for everyone.

And now,
let our court begin.

I did it. I confess.
It was all my fault.

I'm sorry.
I'll never do it again.

Munchy, nobody said
you did anything wrong.

I didn't ?
Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Peanut and jelly
have a problem.

We're here to help them
solve their problem
fairly and squarely,

And, uh, fairly.

- Okay, who wants to go first ?
- Hey,

If you get her to say
I can watch my tv show,

I'll let you borrow
my bucky space beaver helmet.

Okay, but throw in
the space beaver suit.

That's my final offer.

Deal ?

Uh, pinch--
I mean, judge pinch--

By the way,
nice outfit.

I'm sure you know about
"peanut's law."

- [ Together ] ooh !
- Silence.
What's "peanut's law" ?

Well, that's the law that says
that if your name is peanut...

And the ring toss relays are on,
you, uh, get to watch it.

Hey, that's not fair !
You're making that up !

- Am not !
- Are too !

- Am not a hundred times !
- Are too infinity !

- Oh, she's good.
- [ Arguing ]

Pinch is supposed
to decide by herself.

Hey, I just thought up
another law !

Baby lovey !
Baby lovey !

[ crunching sounds ]
huh ?

- I'm sorry. I got nervous.
- All right.
I have made my decision.

Pinch has decided...

That you must go to jail.

- Why ?
- I can't stand
all this arguing.

It hurts my ears !
So I'm putting you in jail...

Until you can solve your problem
by yourself.

She's starting to sound
like mama and daddy.

Flick, munchy,
take them away.

Sorry, guys.
Judge's orders.

I don't believe this.

Me either. We're all gonna
miss our shows if we have
to stay in here.

- So what are we gonna do ?
- Something we should have done
a long time ago: noodle dance.

Great idea,
but we'd better ask
the judge first.

Hey, judge, can we do
a noodle dance ?

- You may.
- I'll use my noodle,
but no dancing.

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

solve a problem;
it's no strain. Use your
noodle-- that's your brain.

- I've got it !
- What ?
What happened ? What ?

We split our tv
into three pieces.

Then we can each watch
our own show !

[ Revving ]
[ peanut ] but wouldn't that
break the tv ?

Hey ! Why don't we
just go out and buy
two more tv sets ?

-We don't have any money, jelly.
-Yeah, but we could earn it--

Mow lawns, clean attics,
play the stock market--

We don't have time, jel.
Our shows start in--

oops. Our shows
already started.

Great. I missed the start
of cowboy otter.

Now I'll never know how
he got out of creepy cave.

And I'll never know
if billy otter hits
a ringer or leaner.

- Baby lovey !
- Uh-- don't cry, butter.

Jelly, there's only
one thing that cheers her up
when she gets like this.

Judge pinch,
we have reached our decision.

Guards, let them out
of jail at once.

Which show are you
going to watch ?

Yeah, is it
ring toss or cowboy ?
You'll see.

Jelly, you want to do
the honors ?

Hello, boysy-boys
and girly-girls.

[ pinch, munchy ]
aw !

Cheese and quackers !
It's baby lovey !

I love you,
and I love you too.

and I love you also !
and i--

Sounds pretty quiet
in there.
Let's go check.

Oh, hey, mom.
Hey, dad.

- Everything work out okay ?
- Well, I didn't get
to watch my show,

But I'm sure they'll show it
again sometime.

And there's always next year's
ring toss relays.

That's why we decided
to watch butter's show.

Oh, well, now,
that was very big of you.

I'm so proud of you,
peanut and jelly.

Yeah. We know how
you all feel about
baby lovey.

Psst ! Dad, I think
flick really likes it.

[ baby lovey ]
baby lovey says
raise your hands.

lower your hands.

Careful, now.
I didn't say "baby lovey says."

- Oops.
- But baby lovey says this--

Baby lovey loves you.

I love you too !

What ? What ?

- Oodle-ay, munchy !
- Oh, hey, pb&j.

Hey, munchy, wanna come
on a hike with us ?

Yeah. We're gonna
wade real deep
into crookly creek...

And hunt for
crawfish and mussels.

And frogs too.
You'll love frogs.

Oh, no.
I can't do that.
No, no, no, no.

- [ Together ] why not ?
- I just got over the measles.

I don't want to get sick
all over again.

Munchy, you had the measles
two months ago.

Yeah, remember ?

You had spots all over
your body, and you had
to stay in bed.

- Shh ! Don't remind him !
- [ Teeth chattering ]

Oh, sorry.
Come on, munchy !
It'll be fun !

I don't know.
It's getting cloudy.

it might rain.
[ peanut, jelly ]
cloudy ?

Anyway, I think I'll skip
this hike, if you don't mind.

Okay, if that's
what you want.

Have fun !

[ Giggling ]

Oh, man.
What a hike !

- Yeah.
Too bad munchy didn't come.
- That beaver worries too much.

♪ Sometimes you gotta
kick back, relax ♪

♪ And let yourself go
with the flow ♪

♪ you gotta take time
unwind ♪

♪ go slow and just
enjoy the show ♪

♪ There's nothing wrong
with skippin' stones ♪

♪ Or hummin' a song
while you're skippin' home ♪

♪ Or layin' around
on a new-mowed lawn ♪

[ both ]
♪ watchin' the clouds
roll on ♪

♪ You gotta sit back
relax ♪

♪ And let yourself go
with the flow ♪

♪ you gotta take time
unwind ♪

♪ Go slow and just
enjoy the show ♪

♪ Wanderin' upstream
with a splash and a dream ♪

♪ Or climbin' a tree
just to see what we can see ♪

♪ A butterfly
flutters by in the sky ♪

♪ So what's the hurry ♪
lose your worry !

♪ Kick back
relax ♪

♪ And let yourself go
with the flow ♪

♪ You gotta take time
unwind ♪

♪ Go slow and just
enjoy the show ♪

♪ Go slow and just
enjoy the show ♪

[ Giggling ]
not so fast !

Gotta make it last.

Take it easy, greasy.
We got a long way to slide.

Hey, peanut, I thought
we were gonna look for crawfish
and mussels and stuff.

Oh, yeah.
Maybe later.

[ Giggling ]

- Hi.
- Ribbit. Ribbit.
- Ooh !

Look ! Look !
Whatcha got there,
butter ?

- Hey, it's a frog !
- a really cute one too.

With all those spots,
he looks like he has measles.

Measles the frog.
I like it.

you know,

we have a friend, munchy,
who really likes frogs,

But he's kind of feeling
all nervous lately.

So would you like to go play
with him and cheer him up ?

Great !

Oh, man. Munchy's
gonna be so happy !

Munchy, why don't you
go outside and play ?

It might rain.
I don't want to catch cold.

Oh, now, munchy,
seems like ever since
you had the measles...

You've been
worrying an awful lot
about getting sick.

A beaver can't be too cautious.
Munchy, I don't think
it's going to rain.

And even if it did,
it takes more...

Than a little rain
to catch a cold
or make you sick.

It does ?

Mom, can I go
to the otters' house
and play ?

Thanks, mom.

Have fun !

Mom, dad, look what
baby butter found.

a frog !
a very cute one too.

- Ribbit. Ribbit.
- Oh, now, look ! Isn't he
the sweetest little thing ?

Mom, we want to show him
to munchy.

Do you have
a little cardboard box
we could carry him in ?

There are some boxes
in the kitchen that I was
getting ready to recycle.

Don't forget
to put holes in the lid

For the air to get in, son.

I sure hope peanut,
butter and jelly are back
from their hike so we can play.

[ peanut ]
i can't wait to give
measles to munchy.

- [ jelly ] me neither.
- what ? No, no, no.
I must have heard wrong.

Boy, munchy's going
to be so surprised
when we give him measles.

-He sure is !
-I didn't hear wrong at all !
They're gonna give me measles !

come on !
let's go.
ohh ! Here they come !

I spin like a top.

I float like the wind.
I leap like a--

[ Yelling ]

Oh, sorry, pinch.
I should have looked
where I was going.

- Are you okay ?
- I'm fine.

But where are you going
in such a big hurry ?

- Ohh ! It's too awful !
- What is ? What is ?

Peanut, butter and jelly--
they're trying to give me
the measles !

They are ? No way.
Why would they do that ?

I don't know,
but if you don't watch out,
they'll give you measles too.

That's just silly.

♪ La, la, la-la, la ♪

How's measles doing,
jelly ?
I'll check.

- How you doin'
in there, measles ?
- Ribbit.

He's doing just fine,

Hey, pinch.
Have you seen munchy ?

Why, yes, I have,
and he said
the strangest thing.

He said you want
to give him measles.

Hey, how'd he find out ?

It sure is hard
to keep a secret
around here.

You mean it's true ?
You have measles ?

Yeah, and we want to share
measles with everyone.

[ Gasps ]

I guess
she doesn't like frogs.

[ pinch ]
munchy, wait !

You were right.
They want to give me
measles too.

[ Both screaming ]

[ Panting ]

Hi, munchy. Hey, pinch.
See how great I am
at kite-flying ?

Aw ! See what
you made me do ?

Sorry, flick.
Can't stop.
Gotta hide.

- Hide ? From who ?
- Peanut, butter and jelly,
that's who.

Yeah. They want
to give us measles.

- Pb&j have the measles ?
- Uh-huh.

If I were you,
I'd keep away from them.

Cheese and quackers !
That's the silliest thing
I ever heard !

Even if pb&j have measles,
they would never try
and give it to us !

- [ peanut ] hey, wait up !
- we have something
we want to give you.

Waah !

Flick ?
This is getting
really weird.

Come on !

Flick ! Pinch !
Munchy !

- There they are.
- [ Chuckling nervously ]


Why are you all
running away from us ?

Why ? You want
to give us measles,
that's why !

- That's right.
- Aw, who spoiled the surprise ?

Ohh ! How can you be
so mean ?

I thought you were
my friends.

Mean ?
Huh ? What's he
talking about ?

I already had measles.
Once was enough !

[ Together ]
ohh !

Wait a minute.

We don't want to give you
that kind of measles.

You don't ?
No !

We want to give you
a frog named measles.

See ?

- Ribbit.
- A frog ?

Measles is a frog.

I knew that.

Isn't he cute ?

He sure is !

You can come down now,

Oh, I don't know.
I'd better not.

- What's the problem now ?
- Look at those spots.
I think measles has measles.

Ribbit ?

[ All groaning ]

There has to be a way
to convince munchy...

To stop worrying
about getting sick
with the measles.

Why don't we do
a noodle dance ?

Oh, I love
dancing !

Not me. But I'll do
some thinking.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

- I've got it !
- What ? What ? What ?

We fly in three
of the world's top
measles experts.

and then they can
calm munchy down.

Wait a sec. We've got
a measles expert right here.

[ All ]

Munchy, tell us everything
you know about measles.

Well, let's see.
I know it can give you
a fever... And bumps.

And you can only get it once.
And it lasts for, uh, almost--

Wait a minute.
Did you just say
you can only get it once ?

- Uh, yeah.
- But munchy, you had
the measles two months ago.

Well, yeah, but--

Peanut, you're right.
I can't catch it again.

[ All exclaiming ]

Aw, look at that.
Isn't he cute ?

But if it's okay with you,
I'm gonna change his name
to spot.

Hello, spot.

I should have known
you would never do
anything bad to me.

I guess I just
wasn't thinking.
Are we still friends ?

Of course.
Of course
we're friends.

♪ So what's the hurry ♪
lose your worry !

♪ Kick back, relax ♪

♪ Gonna just go
with the flow ♪

♪ Gonna take time, unwind ♪
[ spot ]
ribbit, ribbit.

♪ Go slow
just enjoy the show ♪

♪ Go slow and just
enjoy the show ♪

Take it easy, measy.
We got a long way to slide.

[ jelly ]
mama, daddy, look !
we found another frog !

Well, I'll be.
That one looks like
he has the chicken pox.

Chicken pox ?

Oh, no.
Here we go again.