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02x23 - This Little Light of Mine/Look Ma, No Hands

Posted: 04/03/24 20:52
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j, pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

♪ all around the sparks fly ♪

♪ watching lightning bugs ♪
[ bugs buzzing ]

♪ underneath the dark skies
watching lightning bugs ♪

♪ flashin' and a-winkin' ♪

♪ watching lightning bugs ♪

♪ dashin' around and blinkin'
watching lightning bugs ♪

♪ from grass to sky
from low to high
a-swirlin' and a-whirlin' ♪

♪ like a zillion little stars
a-twinklin' and a-twirlin' ♪

♪ now the twilight's
right for ♪

♪ catching lightning bugs ♪

♪ wow, a perfect night for ♪

♪ catching lightning bugs ♪

Man, catching lightning bugs
is a lot harder than I thought.

How many have you got ?
None. You ?

Zip. Don't worry, peanut.

We still have time
to catch a lightning bug
before mama calls us for bed.

[ opal ] pb&j !
[ together ] huh ?

- Time for bed !
- Oh !

- Hey, look !
- Baby butter, you caught one !

- Let's see, butter.
- Come on, butter !

I just wanna take
a little peek !

- [ Bug buzzing ]
- careful, butter,
you're gonna crush him !

yeah, butter.
you better let me and peanut
take care of him.

- Hmm ?
- There he is !

- Get him in the jar, jelly !
Get him in the jar !
- [ Squeals ]

[ jelly ]
got him !
huh ?

[ Laughing ]

[ laughing continues ]

[ Buzzing continues,
groans ]

Come on, peanut.
Let's take him inside.

[ Scoffs ]

No, butter.
Don't touch the jar.

[ Buzzes ]
wow !

I never saw a lightning bug
up close before.

It's like he has a flashlight
on his rear end.

okay, kids, lights out.

Do you want me to put on
the night-light ?

This little lightning bug
will be our night-light
tonight, mom.

- [ bug buzzing ]
- wow !

[ Snoring ]

[ Grunts ]

Oodle-ay, bug-bug.



Bug-bug sad ?

[ Snoring continues ]

[ Squealing ]

[ Grunts ]

Bye-bye, bug-bug.

[ Buzzing ]

- [ Buzzing continues ]
- bye-bye.

[ Together ]
our lightning bug !

Hey !
Who let
our lightning bug go ?

Baby butter,
did you open this jar ?

I can't believe it !
Butter let
the lightning bug go !

- But how come, butter ?
- Bug-bug !

[ Together ]
what ?

Well, that's that.
Butter let
our lightning bug go.

Yeah. But you know what
happens tonight, don't ya ?

- It gets dark ?
- Exactly !

And when it gets dark,
we can catch
more lightning bugs.

All right !
Yeah !

i'm gonna catch a hundred !

[ jelly ]
i'm gonna catch a million !

Hey ! What happened
to all the lightning bugs ?

I don't see a single one.

Hey, sweetheart.

These kids' whiskers
are looking a little droopy.
Anything the matter ?

It's just we were
hoping we could catch
some lightning bugs.

Seems there aren't any
flying around the yard tonight.

I saw plenty of lightning bugs
out on the lake.
You did ?

- Really ?
- hey, opal,

How about we all take
a little ride on the store-boat
before supper ?

- Sounds good to me.
- Yeah !

Let's go !
Come on !

Lightning bugs,
full steam ahead.

Seems like those lightning bugs
are scared of us or somethin'.

I wonder why.
Get 'em ! Get 'em !

Faster, daddy, faster !

Faster, faster !
They're getting away !

Why are you slowing down,
dad ?

Because there's a fog
rolling in.

So what do we do now ?

Are we just going to sit
in the middle of the lake
until the fog goes away ?

Good idea, peanut.
We'll just sit tight
until the fog goes away.

[ Grunting ]

daddy, if we don't
get home soon, we're gonna miss
the lake hoohaw happy show !

No way ! That's my
all-time favorite tv show !

Kids, I love that show, too,
but our safety comes first.

You mean we're gonna
miss the show ?

Afraid so, peanut,
unless we can come up with
a way to see where we're going.

- Bug-bug.
- [ Buzzes ]

I've got an idea !
Let's all do the noodle dance !

Yeah ! We can think of ideas
for how to get home.

Well, I like
the thinking part, son.
[ Chuckles ]

But I love dancing.

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ use your noodle
use your brain ♪
I've got it !

We take a big rope, see ?
A rope that's as long
as the lake.

then I lasso the dock,
pull the boat home !

Good thinking, jell. Dad,
do we have a rope in the store
that's as long as the lake ?

- Can't say that I do.
- Peanut and jelly,
you just gave me an idea.

Ernest, do we have
any extra lights in the store ?

Why, I've got a whole shipment
of flashlights.

Yea ! Cool !
All right !
Oh, yeah !

Only one problem:
no batteries.

What other lights
do we have on the boat ?

[ bug buzzing ]

[ Buzzing voice ]
[ Chuckling ]

[ Chuckling ]

Huh ?

Ernest otter,
am I seeing things,

Or is butter's diaper
glowing ?
Look at that !

[ jelly ]
she looks like
a little lightning bug.

[ Laughing ]

- [ All ]
a lightning bug !
- [ Buzzes ]

Hey ! Maybe the lightning bug
can light our way home.

I don't know, jelly.
I'm afraid that little light...

Just isn't strong enough
to cut through this fog.

But what if the lightning bug
called all his friends ?

That might work.
Hmm ? Maybe.

- Good thinkin', jelly.
- Would you ?

- Could you do that for us ?
- Mm-mmm.

He said, "no."

Hmm ?
He looks upset.

- Are you mad at us ?
- Mm-hmm.

- How come ?
- Bug-bug.

"Bug-bug" ?
Oh, I get it !
That's bug-bug.

Remember that stripe ?
Oh, yeah !

Mama, daddy,
this is the same lightning bug
we caught last night.

Jelly, that's probably
why he's so mad.
Why ?

Well, how would you feel
if he caught you in a jar ?

I guess that would
feel awful.

You must have been happy
when butter set you free.


Baby butter,
is that why you let
the lightning bug go ?

Because he was sad ?

You did the right thing,
butter. We were wrong.

You know what, peanut ?
I don't think we were so nice
to butter either.

[ Together ]
sorry, baby butter.
Sorry, bug-bug.

- Bug-bug, do you forgive us ?
- Mm-hmm.

- Butter, do you forgive us ?
- Okay.

Aw !
Come on, everybody.
Group hug !

[ All laughing ]

[ laughing continues ]
[ buzzing ]

hey, I think
he's gonna do it.

Yeah. I think
he's gonna get his friends.

Are you sure it's safe for you
to fly in this weather ?


I guess he's got
a flashlight with him,
batteries included.

[ All laughing ]
[ bug buzzing ]

Good luck !
Be careful !

[ Buzzing continues ]

Looks like
they're having a meeting.

Look !

Yea !
Whoo-hoo !

- [ engine starts ]
- ♪ flashin' and a-winkin' ♪

♪ watching lightning bugs ♪

♪ dashin' around and blinkin'
watching lightning bugs ♪

♪ From lake to sky
from low to high ♪

♪ They sparkle
through the night ♪

♪ helping us to find our way
like little stars in flight ♪

♪ Now the night's just right for
watching lightning bugs ♪

♪ Wow, a perfect night for
watching lightning bugs ♪

♪ [ orchestra ]

[ man on tv ]
oodle-ay, tv fans !

it's time for
the lake hoohaw happy show !

[ Together ]
yeah !
All right !

Hoohaw !
Hoohaw !

[ Chuckles ]
hoohaw !
Hoohaw !

[ Chuckles ]

Pb&j otter,
you've got mail !

Mail !
All right !

- [ Together ]
thanks, mrs. Racoon.
- Oodle-ay !

[ together ]
mail !

What can it be ?
Who's it from ?

Open it, mama.
Read it, mom.

Why, it's from
the snooty poodles.

- [ Barking ]
- wow !

A barking card ?
Fancy !

You are
cordially invited--

Along with the rest
of lake hoohaw--

To a fancy-schmancy
dinner party--

At our poodle mansion.

Proper poodle manners
are a must.

A dinner party !

Well, isn't that nice ?
[ Sniffing ]

Mmm. I can smell that
fancy poodle food already.

Sweetheart, those are
my double-cheese clam
pizza bites...

And finger-licking
tuna sticks.

- I made 'em for pb&j
as a special breakfast treat.
- Yea !

- Come on !
- Let's go !
- [ Together ] mmm !

[ knocking on door ]

excusez-moi, otters.

We wanted to see if you were
coming to our fancy-schmancy
poodle party, and--

[ Screams ]
oh, jelly !

Are you eating
with your pinkies down ?

How else do you eat
double-cheese clam
pizza bites...

And finger-licking
tuna sticks ?

- [ Scoffs ]
with poodle manners !
- That means pinkies raised !

Pinkies ?

At a fancy-schmancy
poodle party,

One must always raise
and wiggle the pinkie.

It's the polite way to eat.

Wow ! Being polite
and having poodle manners...

Is a lot harder
than I thought.

[ Giggles ]

Oh, dear ! Oh !
Butter's drinking from
a baby bottle ! Oh !

[ Both screaming ]

Kids, what was that
all about ?

Mom, they said we have
to wiggle our pinkies
when we eat or drink.

-They're makin' that up, right ?
-That's poodle manners.

And since we're going
to be at the poodles',

You better start wiggling
your pinkies.

[ All ]

Hmm ?
Uh, are you kids okay ?

We're just practicing
for the fancy dinner tonight.
Say, mayor jeff.

There aren't any other
fancy dinner manners we don't
know about, are there ?

Hmm ? Come on.

Let's go check out
my complete set
of manners for mammals.

After you.

Let's see. Penguins,
pelicans, polar bears--

Ah, here we go--

Whoa ! Whoo !

Boy, that poodle book
is a tad weighty.

Peanut, how are we gonna learn
all these poodle manners
by tonight ?

One poodle rule
at a time, I guess.

Rule number one: pinkies
must be raised and wiggled
when you eat or drink.

Rule number two:
never ever, ever, ever
drink from a bottle.

Wow ! They're strict !

I think I'm getting
the pinkie thing.

See ? Huh ?
Not bad, right ?

you're spilling !
Whoops !

[ Laughing ]
[ together ]
whoa !

- Sorry.
- [ Laughing continues ]

Don't worry, butter.
You'll get it.

Mmm ! That's good log !
Hmm ?

[ Chuckling ]
what's wrong
with your pinkies ?

Very funny, munchy beaver,
but we're practicing
poodle dinner manners.

Yeah, munchy.
You better practice, too,

So you can follow
all the rules at the party.

[ Gasps, spits ]

There are rules ?
How was I supposed to know ?

Oh ! Why didn't you tell me ?
I'm gonna stick out like
a beaver at a poodle party !

[ Yells ]

[ Muttering nervously ]

[ Whimpering ]
munchy, munchy, relax !

We've got the rule book
right here.

You can practice
with us.

Oh ! Thanks, pb&j.
I love you guys.

[ All slurping ]
ahh !

We did it !
We learned rule number one !

I'm getting hungry.
Me too.

my mom was baking
something this morning
that smelled pretty tasty.

Maybe we could practice
our manners on it.

My, you kids sure look down
about something !

We're just a little hungry,
mrs. Beaver.
I can fix that.

there's a whole tray
of cinnamon-salmon cookies
on the kitchen table.

[ peanut ]
rule number 209:

Don't eat until
everyone else is eating.

After you.
No, after you.

No, no, after you !

You first.
No, you first.

[ Together ]
after you !

- This isn't working.
- At this rate
we're all gonna starve.

I've got it ! What if we all
reach for the cookies
at the exact same time ?

That way no one goes first.

Okay. Go.

I don't think that's what
the book had in mind.

[ Burps ]
[ together ]

[ Chattering ]

♪ [ classical ]
this is some place.

[ laughter ]

I hope you've improved
your poodle manners
since breakfast.

pinkies up, up, up !

[ Laughing ]

you guys ready ?

Oh, I'll never get
all these manners right.
Never !

Well, what do you say ?
Do we give up
and run for it ?

- No way ! Guys,
it's time for a noodle dance.
- We need to solve this problem.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ use your noodle
use your brain ♪

- I've got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

So how do we
solve this problem ?

That's just it.
We don't have a problem.

What do you mean,
"we don't have a problem" ?

Look, we think we have
a problem because we don't know
all the poodle manners, right ?

- Right.
- But I bet only the grown-up
poodles have learned them all.

So there really isn't
a problem,

'Cause we're not grown-ups,
and we're not poodles.

hey ! Yeah !

It takes time to learn stuff,
and we only had one day.

So do I wiggle my pinkie
or not ?

We all just do
the best we can.

[ Chattering continues ]
♪ [ continues ]

[ Bell ringing ]

Thank you all for coming
to our very fancy-schmancy
poodle party.

In case any of you
aren't familiar
with poodle manners,

We've provided a handy
reference guide next to
soupspoon number four.

Ready ? Begin !

Uh, must have wood.

[ Slurping ]
no, silly !

After the first three sips,
you finish the soup, like so.

[ Slurping continues ]

And I stepped
on the ping-pong ball.
[ Chuckling ]

[ Barks ]
[ mrs. Snooty ]
well, I never !

of all the nerve !
[ scoffs ]

Uh, would you excuse me
for just a moment ?

Listen, I've gone to
the best finishing schools.

Please, madam snooty,
let me do my business.

But tofo diablo
should be served with
extra hot sauce !

Sir, you may be the world's
finest poodle chef,
but my wife knows her tofu.

[ Scoffs ]
very well, then.

Extra hot sauce it is !

[ mrs. Snooty ]
give me that !

I'll show him how to make
tofu diablo.

- [ Sizzling ]
- uh, honey--

Crepes suzette !
It's going to blow !

Is it hot enough
for you now ?

[ Beeps ]
hello. Do you deliver
fancy-schmancy food ?

Oh, you're out
of fancy-schmancy food.

Well, what kind of food
do you have ?

[ Clinking ]
excuse me ! Excuse me !

There's been a slight change
in the menu.

Instead of fancy-schmancy,
we've decided to go with
more of a finger-food theme.

[ Chuckles ]
how do double-cheese clam
pizza bites...

And finger-licking
tuna sticks sound ?

[ Stammering ]

Whoops !
[ Chuckles ]
[ clinking ]

Poodle manners
have been suspended for
the rest of the evening.

No poodle rules.

- I'm free !
- All right !

[ All cheering, chomping ]
all right !

[ cheering, chomping
continue ]
[ muttering ]

Yummy. Delicious.

- Why, here,
let me give you a hand.
- [ Chuckling ] oh.

♪ We love finger foods
finger foods ♪

♪ We'd rather that you
serve us finger foods ♪

♪ Finger foods
finger foods ♪

♪ We're all in the mood
for some finger foods ♪

♪ There is food that is sour
and food that is sweet ♪

♪ There's food that's spicy
or bland ♪

♪ But no matter the treat
we love to eat ♪

[ Together ]
♪ food that you grab
with your hands ♪

♪ We love finger foods
finger foods ♪

♪ Yes, we could survive
without forks and knives ♪

♪ Finger foods
finger foods ♪

♪ Don't mean to be rude
we want finger foods ♪

♪ There's food that you cut
and food that you sip ♪

♪ There's fancy food
eaten precisely ♪

♪ There's food that you slice
and chew in small bites ♪

[ Together ]
♪ but the best foods
aren't eaten so nicely ♪

♪ Finger foods
finger foods ♪

♪ We'd just as soon
get rid of the spoons ♪

♪ Finger foods
finger foods ♪

♪ We're all in the mood
for some finger foods ♪

[ All cheering, laughing ]

So you kids
were really worried about
your manners tonight, huh ?

I wishe haknow
rbwe cld htoeering, laughing ]

Trying your best
is all we can ever ask.

Yeah, and we can still learn
these poodle rules.
Just not in one day.

[ Gasps ]
oh, butter,
be careful with that water.

[ Slurping, burps ]

Excuse me.
[ Laughing ]