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01x15 - Spin Rushes In/Bridge Bandit

Posted: 04/03/24 18:27
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!

-♪ Hoo-hoo!
-♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!

-♪ Hoo-hoo!
-♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Miles] "Spin Rushes In!"

All right, in position.

Hit it, Ghosty!

-[door whooshes]


And got him! Ha ha!

-All this training really pays off.
-You said it, Spidey.

-Time to glide.
-[TRACE-E chirping]





Cool moves, Ghost-Spider!

Now it's my turn.

I'm ready. Hit it, TRACE-E!

[TRACE-E chirps]

I sneaked right up on 'em,

and webbed 'em all.

Did you see that?

[chuckles] Well, I saw
the last part, anyway.

Your invisibility power is great.

It does come in pretty handy.

Now to practice my arachno-sting!


-Oops, sorry, TRACE-E. [chuckles]

I didn't know I was standing so close.

Well, at least the
arachno-sting doesn't hurt.

Yeah. She'll just be asleep
for a little while.

But I should have slowed down
and thought first before I made my move.

[alert blares]

[WEB-STER] Webs Up, Spidey Team!

-Aunt May alert! Aunt May alert!
-[Spidey] Where is she?

[WEB-STER] Back door, looking for you.

Peter? Miles? Gwen?

[sighs] Where are you?

-We should go see what she wants.
-Let's get out of our Spidey suits quick.

can you watch TRACE-E till she wakes up?

[WEB-STER] Will do!

Playing lullaby music.

-[music plays]
-[TRACE-E snoring]

Okay, sleep tight, TRACE-E.

[chitters, gurgles]

[Aunt May] Kids!

Kids, where are you? Oh, there you are.
I was looking everywhere.

Sorry, Aunt May,
we must have not heard you calling.

-Is everything okay?

Actually, it's Miles I'm looking for.

-Your dad is here.

I have come to right a terrible wrong.

Wrong? Oh no!

-What happened?
-You rushed out of the house without…

eating breakfast.

[chuckles] But don't worry, I brought
Dad's super-tasty-licious pancakes!

To the rescue!

Thanks! I was so excited to see
my friends, I guess I forgot to eat.

Breakfast is an important meal.
I would never think of skipping it.

After all, I can't do a good job
on a empty stomach.

[swallows] And your pancakes are the best!

Oh, I've got to get to work now.

So, come on, give me a hug.

Now, have fun with your friends.

-And stay out of trouble.
-I will!

-I'll show you out, Jeff.
-Bye, kids!

-Bye, Officer Morales!
-Have a good day.

[Aunt May] The kids are growing so fast.

-[WEB-STER] Webs Up! Spidey Alert!

Someone set off an alarm
at the old warehouse.

Let's go, webs, go!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends! ♪

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever ♪

It's time to Spidey save the day! ♪

Spidey! ♪

Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

-I don't hear any alarm.
-Me neither.


That's strange.

Let's have a look inside.

[Ghosty and Spin grunt]

[Spin] There's nobody here.

We'd better make sure.
I'll swing by those offices.

I'll search around those crates.

I'll see what's inside
that room over there.

[door creaks]

[gasps] It's Doc Ock!

What's she up to?

[chuckling] My plan
will be finished in seconds,

and there's no one here to stop me!

In seconds?

No time to call for Spidey and Ghosty.

I'd better move now.

Oh, there's someone here
to stop you all right, Doc Ock.

Me and my arachno-sting.

Well, look who's here.

It's Spin.

-[machine whirs]

Hey! What is this?

I knew you'd rush in
and try to save the day,

so I set a trap,

and now you've fallen right into it!

My latest and greatest invention!

I just put my tentacles here,

and I take your arachno-sting
powers away from you!


-[Doc Ock] Yes!

Your power is now mine!


Whoa-- [grunts]

Why, you…


Why, I just outsmarted you.



-[Doc Ock laughs]


[echoed voice] Miles?

Miles, wake up!

Are you all right?

I'm okay.

I just… need a second.

What happened?

Doc Ock was in here. She said
that she was planning something big,

so I ran in to stop her.

You should have called us
on your comm-link to come and help.

I know I should have waited,

but she trapped me
in that machine hidden in the roof

and took my arachno-sting power,

and when she was done,
she used my own power against me.

-That's not good.
-We've got to find her!

Who knows what evil thing
she's doing with it?

Time to swing into action!



Well, now we know
what she's doing with it.

[Spidey] Yup.
She's using Spin's arachno-sting

to make everyone fall asleep,

and I bet she's probably taken
their stuff too.

[citizens continue snoring]

[Ghosty] Ugh, this is awful.

Yeah, people are asleep everywhere.

[gasps] Look over there! It's my dad!

Aw, if I had just waited
for my team to help me,

none of this would have happened.

Sorry, Dad.

He looks like he's okay,
and it was just a mistake.

The important thing right now
is to find Doc Ock and fix this together.

How are we gonna do that?

-She could be anywhere.

We'll just follow the snores.

We're coming for you, Doc Ock!


I'll take this,

and that too.


[murmuring] …ketchup, sauerkraut…

Mmm, chili dog.

Would I like extra onions?

Don't mind if I do!

Thanks for not asking.

Stealing Spin's arachno-sting power
was my most brilliant idea yet.

I can take what I want,

and no one can stop me!

Anyone who tries, nighty-night.


Your snoozing spree is over, Doc Ock!

Oh, well, if it isn't the Spidey crew.
How was your nap, Spin?

Need more rest?

No, I need to get my arachno-sting back,
and to stop you!

Let's web her up!

[grunts] Nothing like a sturdy umbrella

to keep icky Spidey webs away.

-Look out!

Ah! [screams]

Oof! I'm okay!

[laughs] Oh. Aw. Huh?

Nobody's going to sleep now, Doc!

Not because of you, anyway. It's over!

Silly spiders.


-Always rushing in to save the day.
-[both grunting]


[gasps] Ah!

[both groaning, snoring]


[gasps] Spidey! Ghost-Spider!

Are you two okay?

What's the matter?

Lose your arachno-touch?

Oh yeah, you did.

To me! [laughs]


Gotta stop Doc Ock!

[gasps] Wait!

She did take my arachno-sting power,

but what if I took it back?

I can't just rush in this time.

I'll make her rush
into my trap for a change.

Hey, Doc Ock!

You can't get away from me that easily!

Whatever your little game is,

it's over!

Hmm, big deal.

You snuck away.

I'll take that phone. Thank you.

Hey, give that back!

Oh, cut that out!

Look who's getting outsmarted now.

No one outsmarts me!


Wrong again!

Mmm! Extra onions make a chili dog delish!

[growls] I'll get you!

-[Spin] It's time to swing!
-Get back here!

That was my chili dog!

Ah, and it was so good!

I can't forget to pay
the nice hot dog vendor for it.

[grunts, groans]

You won't be so quick

once I arachno-sting you
to sleep again! [grunts]


You're gonna have to catch me
if you want the rest of this stuff back!

My pleasure.

[grunts] Enough hide and seek!

I demand you give me back
everything I stole!

No way you're getting this stuff!

It's not yours,
and it needs to be returned.

Returned to me, you mean.

Silly spider!

What? Where did he go? [groans]

You thought you could catch me
with my own arachno-sting,

but you forgot I have another superpower
to defeat you with.

-My cloaking power!


Let me out! Let me out!

Not until I take back what's mine.

[machine clicks]




All right!

[groans] Need to get away…

Not today, Doc!

And now it's time to take your nap.




[snores, groans]


Huh? What?

-What's happening?
-Making sure you're okay, sir.

-Doc Ock made you go to sleep.
-[gasps] Doc Ock?

Don't worry, we caught her.
And returned everything she stole.

Whew! Thanks, Team Spidey!

No problem, Officer Morales!

Oh, I almost forgot!

-I gotta go!
-Where are you going now?

I owe the hot dog guy
for the chili dog I ate.

Anybody want me to get you one
while I'm there?

Can't do a good job
on an empty stomach, am I right?

That's what I always say,
and sure, I love those veggie chili dogs.

-I'll take one too!
-Me three!


I'm on it!

[Gobby] "Bridge Bandits!" [giggles]

-I know this looks like

a lot of food to make, Bootsie.

But don't worry, I've got lots of time.

Aunt May took the bridge into the city,
so she won't be back for a while.

All I've gotta do is--


Well, I thought I could handle it.

-[Gwen knocking] Peter?
-In here!

We figured maybe you could use some help.

I thought I could make Aunt May
surprise dinner all by myself,

but I guess not. [chuckles]

Well, like my dad says,

big problems get a lot smaller
when you work on them together.

-I'll mix the veggies for the salad.

I'll make the dressing.

I'll finish up the pasta salad.

That's more like it.
Now we just need to clean up

-and set the table.

[WEB-STER] Webs Up! Spidey Alert!
There's trouble in the city.

-Setting the table will have to wait.
-Let's go see what's up.

To WEB-Quarters!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends! ♪

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever ♪

It's time to Spidey save the day! ♪

Spidey! ♪

Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

WEB-STER, what's going on?

The trouble is at the midtown bridge.

Here's live video of what's happening.

-[car honking]

What's green, has ten fingers,

and is taking over
your precious little bridge?

This guy right here!

-Ugh, Green Goblin.

[honking horn]

-[tires screech]

And who's big
and is working with that guy?

It's me, Rhino!


This is our bridge now!

If you want to drive across,
you gotta pay us first!

-All your money. [cackles]
-We'll be so rich!

-[Rhino laughing]
-Green Goblin and Rhino?

Not my favorite combination.

Looks like they're working together again.

[laughs] Traffic will be
backed up for miles!

Everyone will be so wonderfully annoyed.

And if anyone tries to stop us…

they'll get slimed!

[both laugh]

[WEB-STER] The midtown bridge
is on the other side of the city.

Pulling up a map.

This is your quickest route.

Huh. We'll need our vehicles
to get there fast.

TRACE-E, are they ready to go?



-Ha ha! Time to ride!

[Spin and Spidey grunting]




[mechanical hum]

[engine hums]

[engine revving]

[engine roaring]

[all] Team Spidey!

[Spidey] Rollin' out!

[Ghosty] There's traffic ahead.
We've got to get to that bridge.

Good thing my Web-Crawler can climb walls!

Excuse me! Spidey Team coming through!

Whoo-hoo! [laughs]

Nice! What about you, Spin?

[giggles] I can just zip between the cars.

-[Ghosty] Whoo-hoo!

Next stop, Gobby and Rhino.

[onlooker] Oh, watch out!

Whoa! Hey, hey, man!

You're not moving till I get my money!

-[driver yelps]

And you're not moving till I get my money!

Nobody's movin' till I get my money!

Aw, relax, Rhino.
Now that we've stopped traffic,

we've got all the time in the world
to wait for everyone to pay us.

-[engine revving]
-[gasps] What's this?

Okay, team, let's quickly put a stop
to Rhino and Gobby,

so we can get home
and finish that dinner for Aunt May.

Ooh, I spy with my little eye

three little spiders here to ruin our fun.

Please, do me a favor and get rid of them.

You got it!


Wait, is Rhino…

Stomping right toward us?

It sure looks like it!

[laughs, grunts]

[Rhino grunting]

Let's shake things up! Hyah!


Hold on tight!


Uh-oh, here comes Gobby!

-I'll go after him with my Ghost-Copter.
-I've got Rhino covered!

-And I'll sneak in from up high!
-[engine roars]

Okay, little spider.

Let's see how you slide!

Uh-oh, slime!




It's super slippery. Careful up there.

Copy that. Thanks.


I see you, Spidey!


[Rhino grunting]

Stop moving!

Not a chance.

-Then I guess I'll just super-slime you!

[Rhino cackles]

[grunts] Whoa!


-[Spin] Look out, Spidey!

-Look out! [screams]

-[both yelling]

-[sighs] Whew!
-[engine warbles]


[grunts] Hyah

-You can't get away from my Ghost-Copter!

-Give it up, Gobby!

Your Ghost-Copter

is no match for my Goblin Glider,

and its extra slimy surprise!


[groans] Uh-oh!

All of this slime

is making my engine malfunction!

Oh, no! Ghosty!




Thanks, guys!

You lose, Team Spidey!

The bridge is ours.

I thought I had Gobby beat,
but he totally surprised me.

Yeah, and I thought
I could capture Rhino easily

with my Techno-Racer.

-This is a bigger problem than we thought.
-Stopping those two could take all night.

So much for your Aunt May's
surprise dinner.

Hey, wait!

Aunt May's dinner! That was a bigger
problem than I thought it would be.

-When we worked together, it got easier.
-You're right!

So we just need a plan

for all three of us
to work together on this.

We'll outsmart Gobby and Rhino
at the same time.

I can spin the tires on my Techno-Racer
and make a bunch of smoke.

Hey, yeah! That could help me
sneak in closer to Rhino

to stop him sh**ting all that slime!

Perfect! And I'll distract Gobby
so that he doesn't see you.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of this.


This plan isn't working out
like I thought it would.

Let's just take everyone's stuff
and destroy the bridge!

Oh, I like money,

and I love destroying stuff!

-Wait, stop!

We take everyone's stuff first,
and then we destroy the bridge!

Oh, right.

[Ghosty] What's that, Gobby?
It's hard to hear you from way up here.

[scoffs] Never mind!

I'll handle this!

[grunts, growls]

Okay. I've got Gobby chasing me!
Spidey, are you in position?

I'm in position. Spin, it's go-time!

[revs engine]

Ready, Spidey.

My turn to distract Rhino.

[Rhino] Oh, no, you don't!

Get any closer, and I'll slime you!

Okay! I guess I'll just
spin around right here.

[tires screeching]

Hey! Where'd everything go?

Looks like your sliming fun
is over, Rhino.


-I've got the hose!

-[both grunt]
-[engine warbling]



Whoa! [screams]


-Aw, drats.
-[grunts] I told you

-I should have been in charge.
-Get away! Don't touch me!

You two should know by now

-that Team Spidey will always stop you.

-[gasps] Whoa!

Good luck stopping the bridge

from falling apart!

-Huh? [screams]
-[people screaming]

[metal strains]

All Rhino's stomping has made it crumble.

Oh, what fun.

It's not over yet! Right, team?

Yeah! Let's swing!

We've got a bridge to save.

Way to go, Ghosty!


[sighs] That should hold
the cables together.

[engine roaring]

Time to get this slime truck
out of the way.

[slime sloshes]

Teamwork for the win!

Now let's get everyone across.

[groans] Where's the fun in that?

-[cars honking]
-[driver] Thanks so much!

Aw, we didn't even get any money!

[Spidey sighs]
We got the bridge fixed just in time.

Speaking of time,

we better hurry back and get dinner set up
before your Aunt May gets home.

Let's go, webs, go!

-[pedestrians] Thank you, Team Spidey!
-You're the best!


-Plates and napkins?

Aunt May?

Huh. Aunt May's pretty late.

[door creaks]

-There she is.

I'm in the kitchen with Gwen and Miles!


You made dinner?

-For me?
-We all did.

-I couldn't have done it without my pals.
-Oh, how sweet. [chuckles]

I'm sorry I'm home so late.

Traffic was terrible.


Green Goblin and Rhino
blocked off the bridge.

Oh, yeah.

We heard about that too.

Well, thank goodness
Team Spidey took care of it,

and you took care of dinner for me.

What a wonderful surprise.

Ooh, this looks delicious.
What do you call this dish?

Well, I was going to call it

Peter Parker's Perfect Pepper Pasta Salad,

but that's a lot of work
for one mouth to say.

So let's just call it dinner.

-[all laughing]
-[Aunt May] Oh, Peter.