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02x02 - Clueless

Posted: 04/03/24 17:00
by bunniefuu
[NICHOLAS] No comment. No comment.

No, she has no comment about John
going to space and she never will.

That's a trick question. No comment.

Wait, are you seriously asking
me out on a date right now?

Tha... That's so inappropriate.

[WHISPERS] Send a picture.

Okay. All the press
requests have been handled.

- Everything is taken care of.
- Oh, thank you.

I don't care what desperate
thing John does to get attention.

I'm going to rise above it

because we are on a real mission
that is going to help a lot of people.

Ooh! Morning bubbly?

Try again.

We just closed on the first
hotel for Space for Everyone.

It's a beautiful historic building

that can house over 600 people in need.

- Cheers to that. [CHUCKLES]
- [ALL] Cheers!

- What are you guys doing?
- We're celebrating.

No, we're not. We have
so much work to do.

Getting a hotel is just the first step.

It's been abandoned for years.

We need electrical, plumbing, permits.

There's enough asbestos
in there to k*ll an army.

Oh, my middle school had
asbestos in it and I'm "frine".

Did you just say "frine"?

We need to get rid of all of this

and get started on my priorities binder.

So, let's get to work.

- [SOFIA] Mmm.
- Oh.

[GASPS, STUTTERS] Those cupcakes
were actually for my birthday.

It's a big one. I'm turning 30.

The doctors didn't think I'd
make it past my 13th birthday...

This story seems like it's gonna be way

too long, Ainsley. You're out of time.

That's what my doctors
said too, but here I am.



Okay. Like right now for example...

Okay. Here is your folic
acid kale smoothie...

- Ah! Thank you.
- ... to rejuvenate you.

Mmm, this is more delicious than usual.

- What flavor is this?
- Gin.

That's it. That's what I'm tasting.

- But people came...
- [MOLLY] Ugh, I love Clueless.

- Can I just say something right now?
- Mmm?

You are totally Cher Horowitz.

Oh, my God. You're right. Keep talking.

I mean, think about it. You live in LA.

You have the best style of
anybody that I've ever known.

And you are on this
beautiful, selfless journey

to help the underprivileged
and the ugly.

- Oh, my God. You really see me.

Who needs real-life relationships?
They just all end shitty.

That's why I'm swearing off men.

With a rom-com, you know
you're gonna get a happy ending.


- Ugh, it's Sofia again.

- She sent me a PDF. What is that?
- I'll tell you what it is. It's v*olence.

Sofia really needs to calm down.

She needs to learn how to
relax after work like we do.

- She has such a bad attitude.
- So annoying.

What is a PDF?

- You know what PDF stands for?
- What?

Please don't f*cking be right all
the time about everything, Sofia.


And would you look at that?

This is going to be a wonderful space
for us. It has so much potential.

And so much history.

Did you know that Betty Ford pulled off

Liza Minnelli's wig in this very room?

- What time is the architect getting here?

Oh, Isaac? He kind of
moves at his own speed.

But he is the best there is.

He's redone four of my
properties, two of my planes

and he renovated Barbra
Streisand's underground mall.

Molly! I am so sorry about the tardy.

I was on my way here... [KISSES]
... and then I saw this old,

beautiful rotunda. I
had to take a picture.

- Oh.
- Oh, okay. Well, that

rotunda will still be
there after the meeting.

- You're kind of late.
- Yes, but the light won't be the same.

- [GASPS] Oh, my God. That is gorgeous.
- I mean...

[NICHOLAS] I have never seen
something more beautiful.

- I am so sorry about Sofia's personality.

Why don't we get going now?

Oh, sorry. I went too far back.
That's Jennifer Aniston's kitchen.

Wait, is that a chandelier
inside the freezer?

And it's hanging from one
of her old wedding dresses.

You, stop.

I won't stop. That's the problem.
I can't stop once I get...

- ... once I get started.

Shall we?

Yeah. We're coming.



[SIGHING] What is he doing
and what is taking so long?

He's getting inspired.
Let him do his work, Sofia.

This glasswork is such an amazing
example of the art deco style.

The came strips are probably zinc.


But it's this hierarchy
of space that I love.

It's this feeling that we've
gotta bring into every single room.

Well, I would love for the rooms to have

all of their own bathrooms
and locking doors.

Can we do that? Where does that
fall in the "hierarchy of space"?

I think these residences can be
both beautiful as well as functional.

The people who will be living here have

gone without basic
needs for way too long.

I think we need to prioritize...

So you think that the people living here

don't deserve beauty in their lives?



That's not what I said at all.

[INHALES DEEPLY] Okay, look. You
can put in gargoyles or whatever.

But let's at least
concentrate on the necessities.

Gargoyles? I like it! I'm
gonna put that in my journal.

I'm sure you do have a
journal. It's probably leather.

- It's not. Because I'm vegan.
- Of course you are.

I'm surprised it took this long
for you to even bring that up.

Shall we continue the tour?

Okay, um, vibes much?

Yes. Wow.

I mean, the tension, the arguing.

I mean, it is the first
scene of a rom-com.

Oh! Yeah, so exciting.
And thank God too,

because I thought we were gonna spend

all day talking about an old building.

- And I was gonna f*cking k*ll myself.
- Yeah, no.

- There he is. A-frame! [LAUGHS]

Listen. Now you know how you're going

through this totally
pathetic midlife crisis?

I wouldn't call it "crisis."
But yeah, that's accurate.

Amazing. Well, I have an
incredible opportunity for you.

I am on the ground floor

of an exciting new
cryptocurrency called Kraig Qoin.

That's Craig with a K, coin with a Q.

And I can get you, let's
say, five coins for $10,000?

Howard, is everything okay?

need really some extra money.

It's so embarrassing
living with Cousin Molly.

- Aw.
- You know, I used to have dreams

of being the CEO of my own company.

And now, I can't even
afford my own place.

You know, I'm just... I'm just
feeling desperate right now.

Ugh, gee whiz, man.

Can we not do the white slang
right now? I am already feeling bad.

No, you got it, partner. Sorry.

Well... [SIGHS] ...
maybe I can help you out.

I am an accountant.

You know, maybe I can take a
quick look at your finances.

Now, that's a white characteristic
I can get behind. [LAUGHS]

- Okay, brother.
- [GASPS] No.

- No? Not okay.
- No.

- No.
- Not okay. Not okay. Got it.

Oh. Hey, Molly. Did you have any
thoughts on the PDF I sent you?

I refuse to learn what that is.

We're here to talk about
something way more important.

- The vibes.
- What are you guys talking about?

- You and Isaac?
- What about him?

- He's pretty great, isn't he?
- Intelligent, talented, single.

But not that kind of single where
it's been too long and you're like,

"Hmm, what?"

Okay, I see what's going
on here. I'm not interested.

How could you not be interested?

- He is so handsome.
- Agreed.

- Okay, sure. He's objectively handsome.
- See? I knew it.

And also kind of pretentious
and a little bit of a jerk.

But so are you! You're a
jerk. That's why it's perfect.

Okay. I don't want to talk
about this. I'm too busy.

I have a meeting. You two should go.

Sofia, I could tell that you liked
him. You were getting all flustered.

You touched your hair.

It's exactly how I act when I
watch Stanley Tucci eat a cannoli.

Get out of here now.


- Hey.
- [MOLLY] Oh, Sofia.

Yeah, I'm headed to the roof
of the hotel. Where are you?

- I brought the plans you needed.
- Yeah, that's why I'm calling.

- I'm actually not gonna make it.
- What do you mean?

You told me to cancel all of my meetings

and to come here immediately. What...

This looks totally
different. What's happening?

- Why is there a bar set up?
- A bar?

I don't know. Why don't
you have a drink and relax?

Oh, my God. This is a setup.
You're setting me up, aren't you?

I gotta go, Sofia.
Put on a little lip gloss.

- The waiter has some.
- No, no, no, no, no.

- I do not want to be set up. [SIGHS]
- Oh, hey. What's going on?

Molly told me to come upstairs.

Said there was an
architectural emergency.

I'm not sure what that is.
I don't think those exist.

Um. [STAMMERS] I just spoke
with Molly. Uh, she's not coming.

And she did the same thing to me.

- Oh, wow. [LAUGHS]

This... This is what I think
it is... This is a, um...

- Yeah. It's... It's a setup. [SIGHS]
- Setup.

Hey, I just wanna stress to
you that this was not my idea.

Oh, okay. Well, you really
hit the "not." [LAUGHS]

Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that Molly
has a tendency to constantly...

Surprise you with awkward,

but very luxurious situations
that you hadn't planned for?

- So you've worked with her for a while?
- Oh, yeah.

[WAITER] Drinks?

I mean, you probably have to go to work.

I can't say no to a
free glass of Bordeaux.

So, you know that's Bordeaux
just by looking at it?

- Mmm. It's the... It's the bouquet.
- Ah.

And the fact that it says
"Bordeaux" on the bottle.

- Oh. [LAUGHS] I didn't...
- There's the... [LAUGHS] No, that's...

Well... [STAMMERS] ... I
guess we can have one glass.

Then we'll be done and
maybe Molly will stop.

Oh, wow. Okay.


- Sounds like a plan.
- Yeah.

- After you.

Okay. So, it looks like you're
spending 96% of your paycheck each week.


So, let's see if there's
anything we can cut back on.

Okay. Well, I need some
tough love. So, do your worst.

Okay. On first glance, you're paying for

Correct. Now, let's get
to the things I don't need.

Okay. You're still paying
for couples counseling

even though you and
Tanya broke up months ago.

Well, her and Jared are going
through a real rough spot right now.

You're going to three
Beyoncé concerts this year.

For my health.

Well, if you can't cut
back on your spending,

then maybe you should
take a look at your assets.

I don't have assets, Arthur.

I don't own any property.
This is the whole issue here.

No. Assets can be anything.
Cars, artwork, stuff like that.

We could go look at my old storage unit?

Okay. That sounds promising.

Well, I hope things
go a lot better there

than they have here, 'cause so far...

not impressed.



- Wow.
- What?

[STAMMERS] You have to hand it to
Molly, she thinks of everything.

This is one of my favorite
songs. Toni Braxton. Oh, my God.

[LAUGHS] What part of
New York are you from?

Um, what makes you
think I'm from New York?

Take it from the guy with an
accent. You've given yourself away.

Well, I'm not from New York. I'm
from somewhere way better, okay?

- Oh, yeah? Where's that?
- Newark, New Jersey.

Newark, New Jersey? That's
better than New York? Newark?

Um, hell yeah. Brick City all day.
We have the Newark Museum of Art.

- We have Rutgers University.
- All right.

And it's the birthplace of Whitney
Houston and Jason Alexander.

Case closed. What the
hell does New York have?

You make a very good case for Newark.

It might be the first
time that's ever happened.

- [SOFIA] Okay. [LAUGHS]

- Where are you from?
- I'm from Wembley.

It's like the Newark of England.

- Okay. What's in Wembley?
- What's in Wembley?

We have culinary
delights, let me tell you.

Burger King. KFC. We've
got a Taco Bell. [GROANS]

Can I be honest with you?
I love a chain restaurant.

- Can I be honest with you?
- Mm-hmm.

Basically, every building
that I've ever designed

was in part inspired by
the TGI Fridays in Wembley.

[CHUCKLES] I'm sorry,
that is the cheesiest...

Can I pour you another glass?

I mean, I'll have one if you have one.

Sure. [LAUGHS]

- [STAMMERS] That's good.
- Okay.

Thank you. [LAUGHS]

Oh. Sofia getting coffee.

Looks like someone was
up too late last night.

What? No. I went to bed at 9:00.

Oh, but you didn't sleep, right?
Because Isaac was all up in the...

Oh, no. Stop. Stop.

First off, Molly, don't ever pull shit

like that on me. I hate surprises.

Got it. Still learning about you.

I will say, we actually had a nice time.

You were right. Isaac is a good
guy. He's funny too. [SIGHS] But...

- He does have a good butt. Continue list.
- [MOLLY] Mmm.

- But nothing is going to happen.
- What do you mean nothing is gonna happen?

That was a Bachelorette-level setup.

Isaac never asked me for
my number or anything.

I don't think he's interested.

Come on. If you're interested,
then you need to ask him out.

Oh, no. I've never had to do that.

What? You've never asked anyone out?

Absolutely not. I mean, look at me.

k*ller cheekbones,
winning smile, legs, hair.

You get it. So, I've always
been the one being asked out.

I completely understand.

I mean, look at everybody
standing in the kitchen right now.

- We're all gorgeous.
- Mm-hmm.

In fact, let's take a moment to

appreciate how gorgeous we actually are.


I like our personalities,
but I love our looks.

- Mmm. Amen.

- This is technically sexual harassment.
- Oh. Oh.

But it's really nice to hear.

Even us gorgeous people, we have
to take initiative sometimes.

Just text him.

- It's the easiest thing in the world.
- No.

Here. I will give you his number.

You know what? We shouldn't even
be talking about this at work.

Excuse me.


- I love your mouth.
- I love your mouth.


Whoa. What is all this stuff?

Oh. Actually, you don't
need to worry about that.

This area's off-limits. This is...

the wrestling memorabilia

- I've been collecting since I was a kid.

That's amazing.

No. If you wanna touch,
I have gloves available.


... I feel like this stuff
could be worth a lot of money.

Don't you even go there.

This is the stuff I
love most in the world.

I would never tell you
to sell your daughter.

And I've had this stuff way
longer than you've had her.


I know this is tough, but
if you wanna build capital,

you need to start
making some sacrifices.


'Cause I'm an adult, I'll do it.

But you are not touching
my Macho Man Funko Pops.

Got it. I will not touch
your Macho Man "Fungal Top."

Macho Man Funko Pops!

Macho Man "Fungal Top."

I think we're saying the same thing.




Good morning, everyone.
Let's jump right in.

Okay. First topic. Did
you text Isaac last night?

- Oh. [CHUCKLES] I can't remember.
- You can't remember?

I might have sent him a few
texts. He didn't respond. Whatever.

It's no big deal. We
should probably finish...

just say, "a few texts?"

Yeah, a few texts. Maybe a handful.

- Potentially several. [SIGHS]
- Oh, no. No, no, no.

Give me your phone right now.
I have to assess the damage.

- I'm putting this up on the screen.
- No, no, no. You probably...

- Oh. Dear, God, no.

It's green. It's all
green. What did you do?

"This is Isaac, right?

I got your number from
Molly. Molly Wells.

From work. Are these
texts going through?"

- [GROANS] Oh, boy.
- I feel physically ill.

[MOLLY] "Have you heard of Macklemore?

He's not bad. How old are you, BTW?"

Waving hand emoji? "Thursday
more like Thurs-yay!"

Then a Bitmoji of you with bangs

crawling in front of a calendar
that says, "Is it Friday yet?"

[LAUGHS] I think we... we get the point.

[MOLLY] "OMG, watching Frasier.
That dog is pretty funny."

You have to disappear.

- You have to flee the country.
- He's right.

You guys put me in this position.
I told you he wasn't into me.

I think you need to find him
and you need to speak to him.

- Nope. Let's let it go. It's over.
- No!

It's not over!

I don't want that. You're...
[STAMMERS] ... good people.

Nice people.

And you'd make a really nice
couple. And true love is real, okay?


True love is real!


I'm so sorry.

- I'm texting Goran.
- Who's Goran?

He's from my security team.

He can find anyone,
anywhere in the world.

Don't worry. He was in
the Slovenian military.

I do worry about it. That is
a gross violation of privacy.

- Why would she even...
- [STAMMERING] We don't need to do that.

How long is this gonna take because
we have to get going with this...

He's at Marty's. Downtown.

He's at what? He's just at a bar?

You mean to tell me this man is
celebrating after I sent him 40 texts.

Oh, no! Uh-uh. [LAUGHS]
No one does this to me.

I am going to go find

Ainsley, you are in
charge. Run the meeting.


Oh, wow. Okay.

Let's start with an icebreaker.

If you could be any kitchen utensil...

I'd be a whisk.



Can I just say that I
am really digging this.

I mean, those costumes, the
crowd. It's just wall-to-wall fun.

Arthur, I love that basic energy,

but I need you to be careful
when handling these replica belts.

Oh, my God! Truck Harrison!
Oh, back up, it's the Truck!

- Yeah! What's up, brother?

- No. Come here. Oh, man. I love you!

Oh, I'm biggest fan.

Oh, I've seen all your
matches when I was a kid.

I was even there in 2004,
San Pedro, Fisherman's Hall.

When they couldn't get that
hawk out of the building?

Who are you wrestling tonight?
Who's getting struck by the Truck?

[GRUNTS] I haven't had a
booking in a couple years now.

What? But... The people love you.

I mean, frankly, you got one of
the best bodies I've ever seen.

Thanks, man. [INHALES SHARPLY]
But you know these promoters,

they say I've aged out. They don't
want to see us old-timers around.

Sounds like my daughter and her friends.

- Arthur!

Please do not embarrass
me in front of my hero.

Hey, Truck. More autographs. All right?

Hey. Nice to meet ya.

- A pleasure, Truck.
- I gotta get back there.

Who do I make this out to?


Oh. Mmm.

So you gonna act like you're in
some kinda beer commercial right now?


[ISAAC] Listen, listen, listen up.

It's amazing to see so many of us here

on what would have been
Danny's 35th birthday.

Five years ago we lost one
of the best men I ever knew.


But that doesn't mean
that we can't celebrate

one of the dopest guys I ever met.


He was and is in my heart, a brother.


Pretty sweet, right?

mint on card. [CHUCKLES]

Okay. I guess I'll take it.

Not with that attitude
you won't. Get out of here.

Howard, come on. You've
gotta start selling things.


Man, I can't believe I don't get
to see the Truck wrestle tonight.

He's a SoCal legend.

He obviously still has a lot of fans.

Guys like me, we'd pay
anything to see him wrestle.

I spend hours on Reddit
just talking with my friends

about all the old greats like him.

Excalibur, B-Boy, Ricky
Reyes, Human Tornado.

I mean, just leaving a guy
on the sidelines like that,

what a waste of talent.

Those promoters are dumb. They're
just leaving money on the table.

Hello, sir.

Can I interest you in buying some
of the inner workings of my heart?

And I can't drive down that
street in Pasadena... [SNIFFLES]

- ... without thinking about Danny.
- Mm-hmm.

- And that one purple jacket. [LAUGHS]
- Mmm. [LAUGHS]

You guys know the one I'm
talking about. [LAUGHS, COUGHS]

Mm-hmm. Oh. [CHUCKLES]

f*cking miss you, dude.

Oh. Um. [SNIFFS]

- I don't know if it's my place...
- No, please, please, please.

Danny would want everyone
to share something.

- Right? Right, everyone?
- [GUESTS] Come on. Yeah.


Uh. Hello. Uh.

Well, what can I share that
hasn't been shared already?


The story about that
jacket... [STAMMERS]

I loved that. I agree with
that. What a time that was.

What I really miss most about him is...

[CLICKS TONGUE] ... uh, just everything.

The total package.


- Those Pasadena times.
- Yeah.

Wow. Amazing stories
from everyone. Everyone.

But Danny wouldn't want us
chitchatting and boo-hooing all night,

- would he? He'd want us to party. So...
- Right. [CHUCKLES]

[INHALES SHARPLY] Let's rage for Danny!


Hey. Hey. I am so sorry I crashed
your friend's memorial birthday.

Are you kidding me? Danny
would have loved that.

- Whatever it was... That whole thing...
- Oh.

- That thing you just did.
- Mm-hmm.

That would have been Danny's
favorite part of the night.

Well, I am glad I honored his memory.

So, listen. Not a problem,
but... why are you here?

Well, I wanted to talk about, um,
the texts that I sent you last night.


Oh, you must have text my work phone.

- Is... Is everything all right?
- Oh.

Oh. No, no, no. Everything's
all right. There's no problem.

But you probably wanna throw away
your work phone and get a new one.

[STAMMERS] In fact, why
don't you just give it to me?

I'll get rid of it for you.

- Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.

Okay. Okay. Well, this is stupid.

- Um, I sent a few texts.
- Mm-hmm.

More than a few. I thought we
really hit it off the other day

and I was kinda thrown that
you didn't wanna keep talking.

I had an amazing time. I had a...
Like the be... I was gonna text you.

And then I was, like, she probably
wants to keep it professional.

And so... Which is cool with me.

Wait. You were respecting my boundaries?

Wow. Where did you come from?

I told you. The Newark of England.

[LAUGHS] Right.

Hey, guys. Let's do some
singing for Danny. Huh?

- Oh. You're doing karaoke?
- Yeah. Danny loved karaoke.

- Hmm.
- So... Do you wanna stay?

[COLLECTOR] I wanna put these
guys in my basement to watch me.

Oh, yeah.


You know what? I think
I'll take the whole lot.

You wanna take everything? All of it?


- [TRUCK] All right.
- [FAN] Thanks, Truck.

Howard, stop. Wait. Don't
sell your collection.

- You're the one who told me to sell it.
- I know. I know. I was wrong.

Don't sell it.

That's all I needed to hear.

Sale's off. Get out of here,
you f*cking pervert. Jesus.

Howard, I wanna give you some money.

Oh, no. You do not. I
do not take handouts.

No. It's not a handout. It's an
investment. In your new company.

What are you talking about?

You should start a wrestling league

for Truck Harrison and
all those other guys.

Let them start performing again.

Oh, okay. So, you just want
me to start a whole league?

You want to be an entrepreneur?
This is your chance.

You are the best person to do this.

You know this world better than anyone.

You are so passionate. And
you can make this happen.

[STAMMERS] I mean...

- I guess it's possible.
- Yes.

All I really need to do is rent a VFW

hall and let people know in the forums.

- Yes.
- And then I could write the story lines.

[STAMMERS] Story lines?

Okay. We have a lot to talk about but,

you know, this is
gonna be a little risky.

Are you sure I can do this?

Listen. Part of my sad midlife "journey"

is learning to go with my gut.

And my gut says to bet on you.

That's very sweet.

In that case, I'll be glad to have you

- and your gut on my board.
- Yes.

- Which does not come with voting rights.
- No. I get it.

Okay. Now help me pack this stuff up.

We gotta get this out of here before

more of these sex perverts come here.

- You get a hug. Okay. [LAUGHING]

You can't... You can't hug Truck
like that and not give me one.


♪ Don't make me close one more door ♪

♪ I don't want to hurt anymore ♪

- ♪ Stay in my arms ♪

- ♪ If you dare ♪
- Yeah!

♪ Must I imagine you there? ♪

♪ Don't walk away from me ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no ♪

♪ I have nothing, nothing, nothing ♪

♪ If I don't have you, you, you ♪

Whitney Houston, Brick City's
queen. Come on, everybody.


- ♪ You see through ♪
- Oh.

♪ Right through the heart of me ♪

♪ You break down my walls ♪

♪ With the strength of your love ♪


♪ I never knew ♪

♪ Love like I've known it with you ♪

Sofia asked Isaac out and he said yes.

- Yes! We did it. We are so good at this.

I mean, especially you.

Helping the masses, helping
your friends. Good job, Cher.

- Thank you. I feel very good about it.
- And you should. And you know what?

To celebrate, I'm gonna make
us some more gin smoothies.

- Yay!
- He's not?

[CHER] No.

Are you saying you care about me?

Oh, Josh.