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04x14 - Too Cute to Spook

Posted: 04/03/24 13:58
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

CHORUS: I'm so excited to be

Sofia the First

I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

Sofia the First

Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First



SOFIA: Griffin wings, check.

Tail, check.

Treat bag, milady?

Check again.

Now I'm ready to go trick-or-treating.

Did you say trick-or-treating?

Calista! Miss Cordelia!

Hello, Princess Sofia.

I'm heading out to meet
my witch friends for Halloween.

That sounds like tons of fun!

Where are you going?

We're on our way out to a party

at my friend,
Muldo the Magnificent's house.

Great goblin costume, Calista.

[GIGGLING] Get it?

I'm the Giggling Goblin
of Dreary Woods.

The famous Halloween legend!

Legend? I think
the Giggling Goblin's real.

Did you know his giggles
cast magic spells?

-They do?

And he loves candy so much,

he just giggles and it flies

right out of
the trick-or-treaters' hands

and straight to him!

You sure know your goblin stuff.

And my ghost stuff.

And my werewolf stuff.

Halloween is
my very most favorite holiday!

Every night, before she goes to bed,

Calista makes me read her
The Ghastly Guide to Halloween.

That's why I wish
I had somewhere fun to go tonight,

[WHISPERING] instead of
a boring grown-up party.

Well, why don't you come

with me and my friends?

Really? I'd love to!

If it's all right with your mom.

Please, Mommy? Can I go with Sofia?

Of course, dear.

Oh, you'll have a great time.

Thank you, Mommy!

This is going to be
the best Halloween ever!

I'll take good care of Calista.

My parents know every house
I plan on trick-or-treating at.

Wonderful. Have a lovely time girls.

-We will. Thanks, Mom. Bye!
-SOFIA: Bye!


Oh! When will we get to the village?

You're really excited
to trick-or-treat, huh?

I'm excited to do everything
with you and your friends.

I just hope they like me.

I know they will.


She's dressed as Carol of the Arrow!

CALISTA: And looky!
There's a ghost, a cat, and...

[SCREAMS] A really ghastly monster!

Oh. Those are my witch friends,

Lucinda, Indigo, and Lily.



I love your griffin costume.

Thanks, Lucinda. Watch this.

Whoa! Hello, everybody!

Hey, Sofia, who's the little ghoul?

Actually, I'm a goblin!

The Giggling Goblin of Dreary Woods.


This is Mr. Cedric's niece, Calista.

I invited her
to trick-or-treat with us.

And I'm so very excited
to spend Halloween with you all!

[WHISPERING] Don't you think
she's too little to come with us?

I am not!

My mommy says I'm tall for my age.

What Indigo's saying is that

Halloween is a super,
super special night for us witches.

And we want to cram in

as many thrills and chills
as possible.

You'll get scared or walk too slow

and hold us back
from all the spooky fun.

I won't get scared!

And I'll walk just as fast as you.

I promise.

I also know loads about Halloween.

I can tell you all about
the Mummy Knight

or the Zombie of Zoodrury Lane.

Calista reads

The Ghastly Guide to Halloween
every night.

I really do!

I'll be very handy
when it comes to spooking.

I'll prove it!



[SINGING] Won't you let me spend
this super spooky night

-Palling 'round with your witch crowd
-Witch crowd

I'm an expert on every kind of fright

-I promise I'll haunt you proud
-Do-doot, do-doot



You say you're a whiz

But did you know this?

When we trick-or-treat
we spook with a twist

and when someone opens the door

Scare 'em like
they've never been scared before

-Then you get a treat!
-She's right!

But what if your haunt
is a great big fail?

Then you get a trick like
something stinky or stale

We should let her spend
this super spooky night

Palling 'round with this witch crowd

She can pitch in
and help us with the frights

I promise she'll haunt us proud

But now who decides
on a trick or a prize?

Did you know the pumpkins
rate your tries?

CALISTA: Scare-o-meters

-Measure the frights

CALISTA: If you caused chills
the needle moves to the right

Won't you let me
spend this super spooky night

Palling 'round with your witch crowd

I can pitch in and help you

-With the frights
-Ha-ha! Boo!

I promise I'll haunt you proud

She promises to haunt you proud

She promises to haunt you proud

Gonna haunt you proud

So, can I spend Halloween
with you all tonight?

Can I?

Oh, I think she should stay.

Me, too. She's so sweet.


All right, fine.

I promise not to ruin your night.

I pinky promise it!

Great! Then let's start


First stop of the night,

the great Merlin's tower!

Ooh, fun, fun, funny fun fun!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
we got it after one "fun."

Let's be sure to be spooky
so we get treats.

Oh! I will!


Sofia, should we tell Calista

that her giggle is more cutie
than creepy?

Um, it might make her nervous.


Greetings, trick-or-treaters.


Oh, what a fine fright!


And my scare-o-meter agrees!


I am the ghost of Halloween Eve!


Oh, dearie!
[ LAUGHS] A delightful scare!


I'm shaking in my wizard boots!


Mighty fine frights, girls.

And so, treats for you all!

Thanks, Mr. Merlin!

[GASPS] My candy!


My turn to spook.

I want a bat candy, too.



[CHUCKLING] Aren't you adorable!

No, I'm really scary!


Nope, still cute as a button.

So, since you did not scare me,

I must give you a trick.

Tremendously tart lemon sours!

A fun little trick for fun little you.

Goodbye, girls. Happy spooking!


Sorry you didn't get a treat, Calista.

-Want one of mine?
-It's okay.

But don't tell the other girls
I got a trick.

But we've all gotten tricks before.

Aw, Calista, did you get a trick?

What? No, I didn't.

I got candy just like you.

Lemon treats! See?

[GASPS] She can't talk!

And she's turning yellow!

Calista, spit it out!

[SPITS] Oh, yucky!

So, you did get a trick.

Don't worry.

I wasn't great at spooking either
when I was your age.

We'll just try again
at the next house, that's all.

Right! I just thought of a great spook

that'll show your friends
I can scare just as well as they can.

This is Professor Peculian's house.

Oh, I really hope we scare Mr. P.

Me, too.

He's famous for handing out
the best candy

to anyone who gives him
a really big scare.

And that will be me.

Just you wait.

You'll see how spooky I can be.

Well, hello, Halloween visitors.

What trick
will you treat me with tonight?

Caw, caw!



Oh! Shivers!

Up and down my spine!



How delightfully daunting!


We did it!

We all scared him! Especially me!

Yes indeed.

You were not excessively eerie,

but sufficiently spooky.

So, a sufficient-sized treat
for all of you.

Pumpkin pops!

-Thank you!

That dragon costume
was a fantabulous idea, Calista.

It was a great scare, wasn't it?

Oh! Look! They light up!

I'm having the best time!

I'm so happy, I could just... Oh!

-Watch out!
-Oh, no!


My pumpkin is toast.

Maybe they taste better crunchy?

I doubt it, Sofia.

This mess is all thanks to you.

I'm really sorry.

I forgot about my fire.

It's okay.

Everyone makes mistakes. Right?

Not as many as she does.

Haven't you had
enough Halloween, Calista?

What? No!

-I want to do lots more!

Because it's time
for the corn maze dash

-at Lucinda's house.

And we are all going to have
a great time.

-Come on, everyone.


No more flames, got it?

Got it. I won't mess anything else up.


I pinky promise it.

There's my mom!


You don't look too excited
for the corn maze dash.

I need to show your friends I'm not
some silly kid who messes things up.

you don't have to prove anything.

Just be yourself.

Hello, girls.

Are you little witchlets
having a good night?

-Sort of.

But it's only going to get better.


Ooh, more visitors!

Welcome, witch-a-dees,
to the corn maze dash.

The maze starts here.

Dash through,

and the first team
to reach the end gets the prize.

Gummy ghouls!

Gummy ghouls are my favorite!

Mine, too. So don't goof it up.

I won't.

In fact, I want to lead you all
through the maze.

You want us to follow you?

I feel awful I burnt
your pumpkin treats,

so I want to make sure
you all get gummy ghouls.

But what if you get us lost?

I've read the chapter
on corn mazes 16 times,

so that makes me a corn maze expert.

Sixteen is a lot of times.

And I really want those gummy ghouls.

[SIGHS] All right, Calista,
lead the way.

I hope you know what you're doing.

Remember, you don't
have to try so hard.

Yes, I do.

All right, you little charmers,

on your mark, get set,


Follow me, everyone!

The secret to beating this maze
is to keep going left.

Go left.

Go left again.

You're fast, Calista!

[GASPS] Stop! Stop!


-Watch out!


Oh, sorry. According to the book,
there shouldn't be a dead end here.

That's a Full Moon maze.

My mom always builds
a Crescent maze, like this one.


Yes, I knew that.

Go right, everyone!

Calista, if you're not sure
of the way,

just let someone else lead.

No, Sofia, I have to get
the girls their treats.

Follow me, everyone.

Go right.

Another right.

This is where we started!

The other witches are probably
close to the end by now.

Uh, then let's go back in again.

WITCH: Made it!

First to the gummy ghouls.


-We rule!

Oh, no, they beat us.

So long, gummy ghouls.

We never should've put Calista
in charge.

I'm sorry. I got turned around.

-It's not that big a deal.

Yes, it is, Sofia.

All we have to show
for Halloween so far

is a couple of bat candies.

Indigo, what are you doing?

It's past this kid's bedtime.

I wave this wand with force and might

to send this girl home for the night!


Undo that hex, Indigo!

No way. She was ruining Halloween.

She sort of really, really was.


Come on, guys,

you remember what it was like
to be her age

and how bad it felt
to be left out by the big kids.

It did feel pretty bad.

We can't do this to her.

Powers that be, hear this sound,

turn that girl right around!

Oh, no, you don't.


But remember how great it was
when the big kids included you?

Yeah. I was always so excited

to play broom tag
with my big sister and her friends.

You have to give her
one more chance. Please?

[SIGHS] Oh, okay.

But only one.

Oh! Whoa!

Oh! Ohh!

Aah! Ohh!

Thanks for bringing me back.

The witches are sorry
they sent you away.


-I guess.
-We are.

I'm sorry about the maze.

I promise not to mess up
any more Halloween fun.

It's time for the haunted hay ride!

There's no driver!

Here I am. Cheerio, Princess.


Dax lives in my castle's attic.

Scared you, didn't I? [CHUCKLES]

I believe I'm getting better

at this whole "ghost business."

Now, it's time for an eerie ride

past the Dreary Woods.

Climb aboard one at a time, please.

Thanks ever so much.

Let's go.

Indeed. Tally-ho!



So, how is this a haunted hay ride?

[LAUGHS] Oh, just wait.

Soon you'll experience
the spirits of the holiday.



Your friends look really scared.

They're just fun scared.




Oh, are you sure?

They look truly frightened to me.

I'm sure.




I'll protect you, girls!

Calista, wait, what are you doing?

There must be a way
to make the ghosts go away.

Uh, here it is.

Stink sockio!


-It's foul.


Calista, don't do that!

But I need to get rid of these ghosts!

I don't want your Halloween
to be any worse

than I've already made it.

Ghosts hate smelly things,

but what really scares them is...

-Don't do it!

CALISTA: Illuminorit!


GHOST 1: It's so bright!
GHOST 2: I can't see!

The light! Away!

GHOST 1: Oh, it's so bright!
GHOST 2: Oh, my eyes!

Dax, don't go.

Ever so sorry.

Take the reins, Princess.


I can't stop it!

Hold on!

GIRLS: Whoa!


Is everyone okay?

-I am.

I'm fine.

What were you thinking, Calista?

I'm sorry. You all looked so scared,

so I tried to drive
the ghosts away, but ended up...

Ruining the haunted hay ride?

The way you also ruined

And the corn maze?

This Halloween has been one big bust,

thanks to you.

I just wanted us
to all have a fun Halloween.


I think we're in the Dreary Woods.

Isn't this where the Giggling Goblin's
supposed to live?

Yes, it is.


Do you guys hear something?


Hiya, hiya, hiya! [GIGGLING]

[GASPS] The Giggling Goblin!

-Everyone, let's fly.

Wait, whoa, whoa!

Was it something I said? [GIGGLES]

-My broom!


His giggles do cast magic spells.



SOFIA: Oh, no, we're trapped!


Ooh, yum, yum, yum, yum!

Halloween's just the best.

So much scrumdiliumptious candy
to steal!

Stay calm, everyone.

Let's try and think of a way
out of here.

What if we used our wands

and made bats fly at him?

Then he'd be scared.


[GASPS] I just thought of a way
to get us out of here.

Really? What is it?

Oh, forget it. It's silly.

It'll just make things worse

like every other idea
I've had tonight.

LUCINDA: Everyone ready?


Vats and vats of flying bats!



Frightening flappers? Fun!


Here, witchy wands. Come here.


Now what do we do?

[STRAINING] I can't fit.

Wait. Calista has an idea.

Go on. Tell us.

No, I don't want to say.

You may be little,
and you may make mistakes,

but you know what? We all do.

I drove our coach
into the woods, remember?

Well, yes, but...

And the witches
just got their wands taken away.

CALISTA: I guess that's true.

SOFIA: Big girls can do
a lot of great things,

but so can little girls.

So can you.

Okay, this is what I was thinking.

Your Giggling Goblin costume.

[INHALES] Here I go.

Who are you?

I, um... I'm your biggest fan.

I even dressed like you for Halloween.


-A fan? No one ever likes me.
-Well, I do.

And I know how much you love candy,

so I got you some.

You got me some candy? Really?

[GASPS] The lemon sours.

That's actually a good idea.

Yum, yum, yum. Thanks a whole bunch!

I can't giggle.

Your wands and brooms. Hurry!

[GULPS] Wait.

Let's get out of here, fast.


[WAILS] You tricked me.


But you trapped us.

Well, I had to trap you
to get your candy.

It's the only way for me
to ever get yum, yum, yum treats.


You could've just asked.

[SNIFFLING] And then
people will just give me treats?

That's basically
what happens when you trick-or-treat.

In fact...


Ah, second chance spookers.

Back to try a bigger scare, I see.



-Mm, more "eh" than "ahh!"

What a ghoulishly great costume.

Costume? [GRUNTS] This spook is real.

[GIGGLING] Hiya, hiya, hiya!


[SCREAMS] Terrifically terrifying!


The best scare of the night!

And so...


Oh, so much delicious candy.


Oh, happy day! [GIGGLING]

Anyone want my Spooky Swizzle?

-Trade you for a Moody Marshmallow?

This turned out to be
a really great Halloween.

One of the best.

-Thanks to Calista.

You know, I wasn't sure
about you at first,

but I got to admit,

you really showed us your stuff
in the end.

None of us came up with that idea
to get out of the goblin trap.

But you did.

You may be little,

but you saved Halloween, big time.

Thanks, everyone.

Does this mean we're friends?

-Of course, Calista.

You know it, kid.

You'll trick-or-treat
with us next year, right?

Yes, I definitely, definitely will!

And me, too, right?

Yes, you, too, Mr. Giggling Goblin.

