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04x13 - Ivy's True Colors

Posted: 04/03/24 13:57
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First




-Hey, Sofia.
-[GIGGLES] Whatcha doing?

I've got a snack for Clover,

but he won't wake up from his nap.

Come on, Clover,
don't you want your snack?

Fresh veggies.

-SOFIA: Clover?

Clover isn't waking up for food?

Have you been trying long?

Yeah, for a little while.

He usually wakes up if I just
walk in the room with veggies.

What's wrong?

[GASPS] Oh, no.
It's come to Enchancia.

What has?

The deep sleeps.

[SHUDDERS] It's a mysterious sickness
that makes animals just fall asleep.

Fall asleep? For how long?

No one knows for sure.

Hey, I can't get Rex to wake up.

Oh, no, he might have
the deep sleeps, too.

I heard Dad say something about that.

He said there's a fairy
working on a cure,

but he hasn't found one yet.

I better go check on the horses.

We have to do something.
It really spreads fast.

-Okay, so...

[GASPS] My amulet. Why is it glowing?

Oh, no. There she goes again.

Well, I guess
it's up to us to... [SIGHS]

[GASPS] Mia! Well, now I guess
it's up to me to...


What happened? Where are we?

-My amulet.

You're right, Whatnaught,
it did this once before.

It sent me to help
Princess Charlotte find out why

-she turned into a hairy beast.

We must've been sent here
to help a princess.

But who?

What a strange place.

Is everything black and white?


[GASPS] No. It can't be.

Princess Ivy.

Princess Sofia?

It wasn't enough to send me back here?

You had to come see for yourself?

Your sister banished you, not me.

It was you, Sofia.

All I wanted was a kingdom of my own,
but you ruined everything.

By stopping you from
taking over Enchancia? I had to.

Well, because of you, I'm back on
this horribly colorful island.

So, why are you even here?

My amulet sent me, to help a princess.

Well, I certainly don't want
or need your help.

Truth be told, she could use
some help with her butterflies.

What about your butterflies?

They're fine.
Why would you even ask that?

Uh, her butterflies are missing,

but she's too proud to admit it.

What do you mean, they're missing?

[GASPS] How did you know that?

My amulet, it lets me talk to animals.

That amulet is infuriating.

Roma, don't tell her anything.

You're being a very bad skunk.

You're the only princess here, Ivy,

and, I can't believe I'm saying this,

but I must've been
sent here to help you.

Well, that's a shame,
because I don't want your help.

I want you off my island.

Well, that's a shame,
because I can't leave till I help you,

and I need to leave so I can help
my animal friends back home.

Uh, what's wrong with the animals?

They have the deep sleeps.

So, Ivy, you and I
are stuck together till I help you.

[GROANS] Fine.

If it's the only way
to get you to leave,

then yes, my butterflies are missing.

What happened?

I let them out this morning

to deal with that
horrid patch of green,

but instead, they flew off,
and now I can't find them.

I need them back.

Whatnaught, would you
go up in the trees

-and see what you can see?


I think he sees... butterflies,

on the far side of the island.

Well, I have to go there
and get them back.

You helped, now you can go away.

Wait, Ivy.

She's really not so bad.

She's just worried
about her butterflies.

If you say so.

Wow! This is where Ivy lives?

Yeah. Pretty nice, huh?

I live here, too.

See, Princess Ivy
took me in when I was hurt.

She fed me, put a roof over my head,

scratched that part
on the back of my neck

that I couldn't reach by myself.

I mean it, she's just swell.

Move out of the way, Roma.

What are you still doing here, Sofia?

It's not that simple.
I have to really help you,

and isn't that cage a little small
to hold all those butterflies?

It's enchanted.

It can hold thousands of butterflies.

Now if you'll excuse me.

We're coming with you.

The sooner I help you,
the sooner I can go home

and help my friends.

Ugh, do as you like.





Move yourself,
or face the consequences.


Don't you growl at me.

No. What are you doing?

This is the only pathway
to the other side of the island.

I'm going to stun this bear
so I can get around it.

Now move aside.

Sofia, I'm warning you.

Wait. Wait.


Leave me alone, little girl.

Hi. I'm Sofia. What's your name?

It's Gruff.

Gruff, my friend thinks stunning you
is the best way to get by.

But I think there's a better way.

I'm hungry,

and I just want to get
to that cake fruit up there.

Oh, is that all?
We can help with that.

How long is this going to take?

Just a second more.

Whatnaught, will you please
climb up that tree,

and get that cake fruit for Mr. Gruff?


Oh! [EXCLAIMING] Oh, thank you!


Oh, sweet!

See? You get more flies with honey.

Ooh, you have honey?

No. It's an expression
my mom taught me.

It means that if you're nice,
you'll make more friends.

The bear was just hungry.

Ooh, try some of this, guys.

It's real good.

Thank you, Mr. Gruff.

Wow, it tastes just like cake.

Well, I suppose
that's why it's called cake fruit.

Now can we go?

I just wanna get my butterflies back.

If you'd have let me stun that bear...

Wait, look!

There's one of my butterflies.

It's Aloysius.

Ally. Aloysius.

Come here right now!


Come on. That butterfly
may lead us to the others.

And then, we can
get off this island and go home.


Oh, the color!

Down there. Can you see them?

But why aren't they
turning the flowers black and white?

Turn those flowers black and white!

My lovelies. Come.

Butterflies. Come.

I'm not asking, I'm ordering!

Look. The butterflies
are changing color.

IVY: Oh, no. It can't be.

Get in this cage right now, please.

Come on, Whatnaught.
We're supposed to help.

Butterflies, follow me.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Oh, finally, you're back. Ta-da!


I suppose I should thank you, Sofia.

Using the flower that way was clever.

I suppose you're welcome.

Whatnaught, I think
that means we're done here.

The amulet should send us home now.

Nice to meet you, Roma.

We have to get home
and help our friends.

Good luck.

And here we go.

Here... we go.

Any minute now.

Oh, come on. Send me home.

I have to help my friends. Come on!

Why are you still here?

I don't know.

It should've sent me home
as soon as I helped you.

So, what am I supposed to do now?

Uh, yes, see, that's what I call
a "not me" problem,

which is another way of saying
it's your problem.

My sweet butterflies.

I'm never letting you
out of my sight again.

ROMA: Bye, Princess Sofia. Good luck!


The amulet sent us here,
we helped a princess,

so what am I missing?



Hey, I saw this guy earlier.

Oh, no. The deep sleeps are here?



Princess Sofia?

Miss Nettle?
I can't believe you're here.

You were in Freezenberg,
tending to your nettle drops.

That's right, and now,
I'm tending to these beauties.

Why are you here, dear princess?

My amulet sent me.


Did it send you to admire
my soon-to-be renown Wake Upsy daisy?

It's my greatest creation.

My Wake Upsy daisy
cures the deep sleeps.

These cure the deep sleeps?

Yes, they do indeed.

You're the fairy they said
was working on a cure?

Yes, I am.

Oh, I'm so glad
you've decided to be good.

Yes. Good and famous.

Well, as long as it cures
the deep sleeps,

because look, it's here now.




Oh, it's amazing, all right.

But where are my butterflies?

Your butterflies?

I didn't pick this island

out of all the islands
in the EverRealm

just for the climate.

Oh, no, the flowers are wilting.

They need the magic
of those butterflies to bloom.

Where did they go?

-Princess Ivy took them.

Princess Ivy. She lives
on the other side of the island.

The butterflies belong to her.

I thought my amulet sent me here
to help her get them back.

But it must've sent me
for something else.

Well, of course, it's something else,

because no butterflies, no cure.

Then we have to get them back.

I'm coming with you.

It's all black and white.

Strangest thing I've ever seen.

And I've seen
some pretty strange things.

SOFIA: Ivy doesn't like color.

Wait here.

Are you still here?

Oh, what is that hideous
splotch of color?

SOFIA: That's Miss Nettle,
a very well-known enchanted gardener.

How wonderful for her.

But I don't see what
this has to do with me,

so I will say goodbye. Goodbye.

The butterflies were helping
Miss Nettles' flowers grow.

Without them,
my beautiful flowers will die.

And the flowers
are the cure for the deep sleeps.

Why would I care about that?

It's come here, to your island.

Soon, all the animals
on the island will be asleep.

-You have to help.

Oh, no.

Oh, the deep sleeps.

But we can't cure it until
someone shares her butterflies.

And someone keeps trying
to make this my problem.

Princess Ivy, you have to help us.

This is my island,
and I don't have to do anything.

What are we going to do?

If she won't give them to us,

we'll just have to
take the butterflies.

But they don't belong to us.

Don't you want to help
your little squirrel friend?

Of course.

He wouldn't even be here
if it wasn't for me.

Uh... We don't have
to take the butterflies.

What if we just set them free?

Right, yes!

For a good cause.

Don't ruin this for me.

I don't see anything.

How are we going to get inside?

[GRUNTS] Okay, I'm in.

Now where are those...


That was close. Okay, send me down.

What are you doing?

We're trying to help Whatnaught.

Oh, okay. Follow me then.

You're gonna need Ivy's butterflies.

Thank you, Roma.

Feeding time, my lovelies.

[GASPS] My butterflies.


Uh... Huh.

It was Sofia and that...
That gardener.

Did you help them?

What? After I took you in,

gave you a warm bed, fed you?

I thought you
were on my side, but you're not.

You are a bad skunk.

I am on your side, Miss Ivy.


Oh, no. Mr. Gruff
has the deep sleeps, too.

We need to hurry.

SOFIA: The flowers look terrible.

It's all right.

They just need
the magic of the butterflies.



Shoo, shoo, dragonflies!

Ivy, we just need
the butterflies for a little while.

No, Sofia.
Get them back in the cage right now,

or I'll send
my dragonflies after you, too.

SOFIA: What's going on?

I'm sorry, Sofia,
but Ivy takes care of me.

I owe her this. Bye.

Dragonflies, come.

Oh, Roma, thank you so much.

I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier,

but... Roma?


No. No, no, no.

It's the deep sleeps.

But how long will he be asleep?

I don't know.

Oh. Oh, what...

Why... Why is my face wet?

Well, you're crying.

I'm what?

What is this lump in my throat?

What's going on here?

[SINGING] Why's a tear
running down from my eye?

I've never felt quite like this before

And I don't know why it makes me cry

To think he might sleep forever-more

Oh, what is this I'm feeling?

What is this ache inside of me?

Everything is reeling

Through these misty eyes

I just can't see

What is this feeling

I'm feeling in me?

You are feeling this way
'cause you care

That's why it seems like
your world may end

It feels new
but you shouldn't be scared

You're aching because

You miss your best friend

Oh, I know how you're feeling

Losing a friend will make you blue

So help us with his healing

And you'll feel a whole lot better too

Embrace the feeling
you're feeling in you

In your black-and-white world

You can no longer hide

If you care for your friend

Won't you please
let some color inside?

At least won't you try?

I'll embrace this feeling

Let go of the way I used to be

Friendship is revealing
and it makes me see

A brand-new me

I like this feeling I'm feeling

I know the feeling you're speaking of

The feeling that you're feeling

Is love

Now I understand why
you let the butterflies go.

This feeling.

Yes. I was worried about Whatnaught
and the other animals.

Like Roma?

I thought it wasn't my problem,
but I care about Roma.

So his problem is your problem.

Go! Go quickly! We have to help Roma!

For the squirrel, Sofia.

He's been asleep the longest.

Thank you, Ivy.


It's okay, Whatnaught.
Ivy's helping us now.

Whoa... What? Where am I?

Oh, it worked!

Welcome back, my little stink b*mb.

I'm so glad you're all better.

Well, what are we waiting for?

We have a whole island
full of animals to cure.

I would like to...

apologize to you, Sofia.

You see, I never had
a friend before Roma,

so I never knew how it would feel
when they were in trouble.

Now I'm going to help Miss Nettle
with her Wake Upsy daisies.

Oh, it made me feel
so good to help him.

But what about the color?

Oh, look. Miss Nettle
made these for me.

Miss Nettle,
have you two become friends?

Don't make a big deal out of it,

but yes, I suppose we are.


Ivy, I think the animals
made something for you,

to say thanks.

IVY: It's... beautiful.

All I wanted was a kingdom of my own,

but I guess I had one all along.

Even better, you have friends.

Maybe that's why the amulet sent me.

To help you see that.

Look. Time to go, Whatnaught.

Thank you, Sofia.

Good luck... again.

So long, princess.

Bye, everyone.



-He's fine.
-Totally fine.

Oh, Clover.