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04x10 - The Mystic Isles: The Mare of the Mist

Posted: 04/03/24 13:53
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle
with my new family

In a school
that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
Is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the first

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the first

Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


-MINIMUS: Here we go.
-Great trick, Minimus.

-Can you do it going down?
-Let's find out.


Oh, hold on, Sofia.

Sufferin' saddlebags!

-What was that?
-I don't know.


-It's Skye.

That's Skye?

Oh, I missed you.

And I have missed you,
My Princess.

Huh. That's a long hug.

Hi. You must be Skye.

Heard so much about you.

Skye, this is Minimus,
one of my best friends.

My apologies, sir,
for the near-collision.

Oh, that's okay. Sofia told me
that you're new to flying.

-Right, so, anyhoo...

I was, my good man,

but since I last saw her,
I've become quite accomplished.

Ah, here you are, Princess.

-Chrysta, hello.
-Good to see you.

What happened? I saw you
almost hit that flying donkey,

and then you were gone.

Flying donkey? Wait a minute.

So, is it time
for more Protector training?

Today you get your Which Way Bow.

-This little beauty

can get you out of a lot of jams.

Tell it where you wanna go
and boom,

a magical arrow guides you there.

Watch. Which way is the castle?

That's amazing.

It is one of the most
important tools of a Protector.

Go ahead, Sofia,
give yours a try.

Flick your wrist and quickly
bring your hand into position.

Straight up and snap it.


But mine doesn't have
a bowstring.

Of course
there's no bowstring, Princess.

You gotta get it
from the Mare of the Mist.

-The who and the what?
-The Mare of the Mist.

One thing at a time.

First, we gotta get you
to the Isle of Unicorns.

-Oh, right. I forgot.

See, since you're non-magical
and wingless,

you're gonna need a flying steed

for Protector assignments
like this.

And I have humbly volunteered
for the job, my princess.

-Oh, that's so sweet, Skye.
-Wait, what?

I have volunteered to be
Sofia's Protector steed.

Great. Now that we've got
that out of the way...

But Sofia already has a steed.

-Oh? Where?
-Right here. Me.

Because I also volunteer to...

To do the thing.

You want to be a Protector steed?

-Sure. Why not?
-Wow. I am impressed.

I mean, it's not often
a Protector in training

gets two offers like this.

So who's it gonna be,
the unicorn or the flying donkey?

Again with the flying donkey?

-So I have to pick just one?

And I don't mean to rush you,
but we really gotta get moving.

Chrysta, could I talk to you
in private for a moment?

-[SIGHS] Okay. Sure.
-Excuse me, guys.

You want me to choose
between an old friend

-and a new one?

But how am I supposed to do that?

Pick the one
who'll help you the most.

I'd go with the unicorn.

But, you know, that's just me.

-Can't I take both?

Is that a rule?

Well, no,
it's more of a guideline.

Good, because I really feel like
I should take both.

-You can't do that.
-Why not?

Because even a princess can't fly
two horses at the same time.

Yeah, but, how can I tell

who will be
the better Protector steed

if I don't try them both out

-I guess that makes sense.
-I'm glad we're in agreement.

Good news, guys. We're all going.

BOTH: Great! What?

Think of it as a try-out.

Whichever one of you
does better on this assignment

will get the job permanently.

I think it's pretty obvious
who that's gonna be. [CHUCKLES]

Indeed it is,
but do not feel bad.

After all, I am a unicorn.

I meant me.

Our long and famous history

Will show that
I'm the one you need

And there can be no mystery

For I am your Protector steed

They counted us out
when they knocked us down

But we gave it another try

Then we beat them all
and we won the crown

'Cause that's just how we fly

We're like arrows through the sky

Pick me

Do I need to mention

We've been side by side

To the kingdom's end
and back again

It fills my heart with pride

Pick me, do I need to mention

I'm a unicorn

I'm the noblest steed
I am what you need

A rose without a single thorn

And I got a horn

I don't get lost, I don't get mad

On that you have my sacred word

And I would add, I'm a unicorn

In case you somehow had not heard

With me as your guide
we will never fail

We'll be poetry in flight

Well, if he's a poem
we're an epic tale

With chapters left to write

Hey, there's no need
to pick a fight

Just pick me

Do I need to mention

There's no time to lose

'Cause your job depends on
how all this ends

And who you choose to choose

Pick me

Do I need to mention

I'm loyal as can be

As your friend, I'm sworn

But I'm a unicorn

BOTH: The answer's obviously,
pick me

BOTH: Pick me, pick me!

Hey, over here. Look at me.
Pick me!

-Pick me
-Pick me!

BOTH: Pick me

Welcome to the Isle of Unicorns.

This area here is called
the Veil of Mist.

Is this where we find the mare?

It is, but it's
not gonna be easy.

She's skittish,
and she moves quick.

I can keep up. I'm really fast.

Yes, but can you see her
in the mist?

Guys, please.

Okay, you gotta get
the Mare of the Mist

to give you a single strand
from her mane.

That's going to be the bowstring
for my Which Way Bow?

Correct. Two things though.

Number one, she'll only give you
the bowstring,

if you're true of heart.

There's no one more true of heart
than Sofia.

On this, we agree.

But prithee, what does
"true of heart" mean exactly?

That you do
what you know is right,

no matter what anyone else says.

Oh, yes,
that is definitely my princess.

Then there's
nothing to worry about,

except number two.

The mare only comes out
one day a year,

so you gotta do it by sundown.

Sundown. Got it.

Okay then,
I'll wait for you right here.

-Off you go.

Who should I ride?

I did come here on Minimus.

And it was pretty perfect, right?

Yes, but Skye
hasn't had a chance yet.

Listen, Princess.
A Protector doesn't mess around

when they're in a hurry, saying,

"Oh, maybe I'll do this,
maybe I'll do that."

No, a Protector decides
what to do and does it.

Okay, I'll go with Skye
this time.

Sorry, Minimus.
You follow behind us?

Uh, sure.

Climb aboard, my princess.

Good luck.

Was there something you wanted?

Nope, just keeping an eye out,

making sure you're both okay.

Thank you. We are fine, sir.


Look. Is that her?

SKYE: 'Tis she.

So beautiful.

Chrysta said she's skittish,
guys, so let's be quiet.

You got it, Sofia.

And if you decide
to fly the rest of the way,

-I'm your guy.
-That's okay.

I'm going to
walk up to her slowly

so I don't scare her off.

Besides, it's still my turn.

-She just rode you.
-Only for a few minutes.

-Guys, quiet! Remember?

She's right. You stand thither,
I'll stand yon.

Thither and yon.

I got it, I got it, I'm yon.

-No, you're thither.
-No, you're thither.

-No I'm yon.
-Get your thither outta my yon.



-We're fine.
-Yep, we're fine.

Your arguing scared the mare off.

You're supposed to be helping me.

Hey, how you doing?
Got your bowstring yet?

Um, not yet, Chrysta.

We found her, but we may have
scared her off.

Sorry about that.

-I blame myself. And him.

Okay, two things. Number one.

I told you taking both of them
would be trouble.

And number two...

Hurry up. You have
a job to do, Princess!

So, what should we do?

Well, first, the two of you
have to try to get along better.

BOTH: Agreed.

And we have to find
the mare again.

Is that her yonder, in the sky?

-MINIMUS: It's just a cloud.
-Methinks 'tis she.

Well, methinks it's a cloud.

Guys, she ran off this way.

She left tracks.

Told you it was a cloud.

She must've taken off right here.

Look. Way up there. It's her.


See? It is her.

Who shall you ride, my princess?

I'll go with Minimus,
because he's faster. Sorry, Skye.

As you wish, my princess.

There! We're gaining on her.

Where'd she go? Can you see her?

-Minimus? Are we lost?
-It's possible.


-Where is the mare?
-We lost her in the mist.

Perhaps I might be of assistance.

Skye, that's fantastic!

We can use your light
to find her.

-Hop on, my princess.
-I'm sorry, Minimus.

Skye's horn can light the way.
I'm going with him.

-All right, but be careful.
-I will.

Here I come, Skye. [GRUNTS]

Onward, my princess.

We shall find
your elusive quarry.

Stay close, Minimus.

-Was that the mare?
-Nay. 'Twas a Highcliff Hawk.

-Are you sure?
-This area is home to them.

Ahead there. Do you see?

Yes. That's the mare.
Good job, Skye.

I shall get you to her,
My Princess.

Not if I get to her first!

ALL: Whoa!

You missed her, Skye.
The mare went this way.

-Follow me.
-Wait, Minimus.

That's not the mare.

Shall I follow him,

or the Mare of the Mist?

Um, I don't know.

Come on, Sofia,
think like a Protector.

Okay, let's follow Minimus.

I don't want him
to get lost in the mist.

As you wish, my princess.



-Hey, how we doin', Sof?
-Great. Super. Almost done.

Good, 'cause, uh, tick-tock,
you're runnin' out of time.

Sorry. Have to call you back.

-I'm right behind her.
-But Minimus...

Whew, that was close.

Is everyone okay?

-I am unharmed.
-I think so.

-You don't look so okay to me.
-Chrysta, how did you find us?

You kidding me?
With all the noise you're making?

So, what happened?

We, uh, we...

We lost the mare.

-We followed a hawk instead.
-We didn't follow a hawk.

I did. It's my fault.

-It's not your fault.
-You're right.

It's your fault, Sofia.

This happened because
you couldn't pick just one steed.

[SIGHS] I know.

It's just so hard
to choose between my friends.

I'm sure it is, Sofia,
but this is your job.

If you wanna get your bowstring
and be a Protector,

you gotta make a choice.

Right now.

Minimus, you're one
of my best friends, but...

But Skye's better at this.
I get it.

He does know the Mystic Isles.

He knew about those hawks,

and you heard Chrysta.

I have to pick.

Whatever you say, Sofia.

See you back at the stables,

if you ever happen
by that way again.

Oh, Minimus.

Okay, that's settled.
Now you need to get back to work.

[SIGHS] This doesn't feel right.

Trust me, you have
a better chance

of finding the mare now.

And you learned
a couple of things.

Number one, always listen to me,

and number two... Hmm, okay,
there is no number two.

I shouldn't have made him go.

Minimus, come back!

Princess, there's no time
for that.

You're running out of daylight.

Come, my princess.

I will help you
complete the task.

[SIGHS] Okay.

Next time I see you, you'll have
that bowstring, right?


[GASPS] Look. There she is.

My name is Princess Sofia

and I'm training to be
the Protector of the Ever Realm.

Yes, I know who you are.

Mare of the Mist,

may I please have a hair
from your mane,

so I can string my Which Way bow?

-No, you may not.

Only those who are true of heart

are worthy
of a magical bowstring.

Wait! Come back!


I don't understand, my princess.
You are completely worthy.

No, I'm not.

I have no bowstring,
the mare is gone,

I'm apparently not true of heart,

and my friend is probably lost
out there in the mist.

So, what shall we do?

What we should've done before.
We're going to get Minimus back.

But what about the Which Way bow?

That doesn't matter
right now, Skye.

If being a Protector
means sending my friend away,

then maybe I'm not
supposed to be a Protector.

As you wish, my princess.

Ow! Yep,
ran into that rock before,

a couple of times.

Ow. And the hawk's nest again.

I'm going in circles.
Story of my life.

[STRAINING] Oh, I'm stuck.

-I'm never gonna get outta here.

Minimus, where are you?


-Sorry. I'm trying.


-SOFIA: Minimus!
-What was that?

-I could swear I heard...
-SOFIA: Minimus!


Sofia? Sofia!

She's looking for me.
Sofia, I'm over here.


It's him. It sounds like
he's in trouble.

Go, Skye!

I shall fly
like the gale of a hurricane.

Oh... Oh, hurry, Sofia.

SOFIA: Excuse us, hawk family.

Pardon me. I'm just trying
to get to my friend.

Minimus, follow us!

I'm so glad to see you.

I was, sort of, completely lost,

and then, there were
the hawks, and...

I'm sorry, Minimus.

It was wrong of me
to choose between you two.

You both are important to me.

Oh, no, it was my fault.
I blew it.

I don't blame you
for choosing Skye.

I must apologize as well.

My conduct toward you
was unbecoming of a unicorn.

Oh, no, no, it was me.

I was jealous of you
the minute I saw you.

Jealous of me?

But Sofia chose you
over the Which Way bow.

What? No, you didn't. Sofia?

You're my friend. I should
never have told you to leave.

You are right.
'Tis I who should go.

Minimus is your brave
and loyal friend.

If you were true to yourself,
Princess Sofia,

you would've chosen him
as your Protector steed, not I.

-Skye, you're absolutely right.
-Farewell, my princess.

May you and Minimus
have a joyous partnership.

No, no, no, not about that.
About being true to my heart.

Minimus, while you were gone,

the mare refused to give me
a strand of her mane.

What? She thinks
you're not true of heart?

Well, I'm gonna give her
a piece of my mind.

No, she was right.

Chrysta said being true of heart

is doing what you think is right,
no matter what.

And when I told you to go,

I wasn't doing
what I thought was right.

That's why the mare
didn't give me the bowstring.

Well, maybe she'd give you
a strand of her mane now.

Do you think we can find her?

BOTH: The day's not over yet.
We said that at the same time.


Come on. We have to hurry.

You must take Minimus.
He's faster.

Oh, but Skye's glowing horn
would light the way.

-Go with him.
-Even better,

we'll work together.

Skye, a little light, please.

Let us soar, good Minimus.

SOFIA: There she is!

Excuse me, Ms. Mare.

It's me again. Sofia.

When I saw you earlier,
you were right.

I wasn't true of heart.

I picked a new friend
over an old one,

and I knew it wasn't
the right thing to do.

But I hope you'll see
I've learned.

Mare of the Mist,

may I please have a hair
from your mane?

Princess Sofia, you have indeed
shown yourself

to be true of heart.

-Thank you.
-May you use it wisely.

-You did it!
-Well done, my princess!

Light her up, Skye.

Let's go find Chrysta
and tell her the good news.


Would either of you
perhaps recall

-where she might be?
-Don't ask me.

I couldn't find her
with four hooves and a map.

Wait. The Which Way bow!

BOTH: Why didn't I think of that?

String the bow, pull it back.

Whoa, okay. Take us back
to Chrysta, please.

[CHUCKLES] Looks like someone
got her bowstring.

And look who's back.

I couldn't have done it
without them.

Both of them.

So, you followed your heart,
no matter what anyone else said.

Even me. Nicely done.

But you still gotta answer
one last question.

Who's going to be
my Protector steed?

Right. Who's gonna fly with you
on all your future assignments?

I know exactly who to choose.

-I am honored.

But would you not be
better served

by the noble Minimus?

No one could serve me better
in the Mystic Isles

than you, Skye.

But back home, in the Ever Realm,

no one can serve me better
than Minimus.

Oh, hmm. Interesting.

BOTH: Sounds good to me!

it's never been done before,

but we've never had
a Protector like you before.

So I can have both?

Sure. Why not?

We make a great team.

Ahem. Yeah, that's really sweet,

but can you use that
Which Way bow to take us home?

I sure can.

Which Way bow,
show us the way home.