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04x05 - The Mystic Isles pt. 1

Posted: 04/03/24 13:47
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: [SINGING] I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


Oh, isn't this fun?

There's only thing
I love more than decorating.


Could you move
the tapestry a bit higher?

An inch to the right.

An inch
and three-quarters to the left.

Uh! On second thought,
please hang it in the other room.


Hmm. Strange.

One pretty little tile,
all alone on that wall.




What in the world?

Where am I?

Is this...

Oh, a secret passageway?

[GASPS] Stairs?
Leading under the castle?

I can't believe
this was here all along,

and I never knew about it.

Oh, this would've been
the best hiding place

when I was little.

Oh, wow. What is this place?


Footsteps? Who could that be?

Oh, what do I do? What do I do?

[GASPS] Sofia?

What are you doing here?

Me? Amber, what are you doing here?

You're not going to believe this.

I was redecorating my room,

when I found a hidden door

behind a tapestry, and it led me here.

Well, you're not supposed to be here.

-You need to go back.
-But what is all this?

What are you up to down here?

I can't say.


Sofia, your amulet's glowing.

Is that a boat?

Wait a minute. Your amulet glows,

and now this boat appears?

Did your amulet do that?

Is your amulet magical?

I'm sorry, Amber. I...

I really don't have time to explain.

I really have to get somewhere,

and you have to go back.

Is that so?

[GASPS] What are you doing?

You don't actually think I'm leaving

now that I'm in this amazing
secret passageway,

and your amulet's summoning
magic gondolas, do you?

Amber, I'm asking you, please,
leave right now.

No, Sofia. I want to see everything,

and I want to know everything, too.

[SIGHING] Somehow, my amulet

decided that I was to
become the storykeeper.

Now it's my job to make sure

the stories in the secret library
get a happy ending.

PRINCESS AMBER: So your amulet glows,
and leads you here

to this secret library
which is filled with stories

that you need to finish?

I don't know why, it just happened.

Here comes a book now.


the Crystal Masters."

That sounds incredible.

the highest clouds,

past the bluest moon,

float the legendary Mystic Isles.

Mr. Cedric told me
about the Mystic Isles.

He said that all magic
comes from there.

BOOK NARRATOR: The Mystic Isles are
made up of countless floating islands.

Each one is home

to different magical
creatures and objects.

SOFIA: That must be
the Isle of Centaurs.

And that's the Isle of Unicorns.


BOOK NARRATOR: For centuries,

Crystal Masters
on the Isle of Crystals

have peacefully grown magic crystals

for wizards everywhere
to use in their scepters,

wands and amulets.

-I wonder if yours came from there.

BOOK NARRATOR: But one Crystal Master
has a wicked plan

to grow magic crystals
on the other Mystic Isles.

Doing this will drain all the magic

from the creatures
who live there, forever.

-Oh, no.

Where's the rest of the story?

Remember, it's my job
as storykeeper to finish it.

I have to go to the Mystic Isles

to stop that crystal master,

and give this story a happy ending.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go do some story fixing.

Story keeping.

[SIGHS] Amber, you can't go with me.

Why not?

Because I'm the storykeeper, not you.

So no one else
can have secret adventures

and magical amulets but you.

-Is that it?
-[SIGHS] I didn't say that.

It's just...

It could be dangerous.
I can't let you go.

Fine. I'll go back to my plain old,

very safe life, Sofia.

All I want is to go
to the Mystic Isles

and find an amulet of my own,

so I can have my own
special adventures.

I don't know, Amber.

Think about it, Sofia.

Is it fair that you're the only one
who has a magic amulet

and gets to do all
these special things?


No, I guess not.

Oh, all right.

You can come... this one time.

Oh, thank you.

As long as you remember,
we're going to the Mystic Isles

to help give this story
a happy ending.

Yes. Of course.

Now we just have to figure out
how to get there.

Or, maybe the library's
going to do it for us.

What do you mean?

I think it wants to take us there.

-Come on.
-Wait. What is this thing?

It's the enchanted elevator.


how high does this thing go?

SOFIA: Usually, it takes me
to the very top

of the secret library.

Sofia, where's this thing taking us?

Whoo! [CHUCKLES] Well, it's definitely
taking us somewhere.

That's funny. We're landing.

Why? The book said the Mystic Isles
are up, not down.


Look. These are the same flowers

that are on the enchanted elevator.

There must be a way
to get to the Mystic Isles from here.

-Let's hope so. There goes our ride.

What are we even
supposed to be looking for?

I'm not sure.

Maybe a flying coach

or a magical creature or a...

-[GASPS] Oh, my.

[SIGHS] I do hope
I didn't startle you.

Oh, that crystal looks so familiar.

It's magical, isn't it?

Uh, yes. How did you know?

Oh, I know an awful lot
about magic crystals.

You see, I'm a Crystal Master.

At least, I was once.

What do you mean, once?

My terribly unkind sister Azurine

took my crystal powers away.

She turned my beautiful crystal self

into the regular girl
you see before you.

I had to flee our home
in the Mystic Isles,

and now, I'm trying to get back.

Oh, we're headed to the Mystic Isles

to stop a mean
Crystal Master right now.

That must be your sister.

You think so?

Oh, do let me come with you.

Then, if I get my powers back,

I can help you stop Azurine.

Well, we could always
use another hand.

Sure, we'll take you with us.

Oh, thank you. Thank you ever so much.

I'm Prisma, by the way.

Princess Sofia.

Princess Amber.

Ah. This must be my lucky day.

I've been wandering this field

waiting and hoping for the unicorns.


Yes, to come fly me back to the Isles.

But now, your amulet can summon them.

You simply must ask it.

Really? It can summon unicorns?

Oh, you see why I want an amulet?

Okay, I'll try it.

Um, please send some unicorns.



Who summons the unicorns
of the Mystic Isles?

Uh, hi.

I'm Sofia of Enchancia,
and this is my sister Amber.

Do you wish for passage
to the Mystic Isles?

Yes, please. Wait!


I can understand unicorns?

[CHUCKLES] Yes. Every creature
from the Mystic Isles

can magically talk to others.

Quickly, girls, hop on.


-SOFIA: Wow!
-It's so beautiful.

We're not there yet.
We must climb even higher.

PRISMA: Welcome to the Mystic Isles.

Oh, how wonderful it is to be back.

So, on all your
storykeeper adventures,

your amulet's been leading
you to places like this?

I've never seen any place like this.

-SOFIA: Dragons!
-That's the Isle of Dragons.

And that's the Isle of Wishes.

SOFIA: This place is amazing.

to that Isle of Wishes?

I'd like to wish
for a certain something.

I'll give you a hint.
It rhymes with "pamulet." [SQUEALS]

Maybe after we stop Azurine.

Right. Of course.

Oh, let's ride a unicorn there.

Yoo-hoo, unicorn!

Oh, Amber, I'm sure my sister
will be watching the skies,

and would see us
flying in on unicorns.

I'm afraid we must go on foot.

-Oh. I guess you're right.

Cleary on path! Quick as a lick!



Are you okay?

Fear not, kind maiden.

I was merely testing my new wings.

New wings?

Flying unicorns get their wings
when they reach a certain age.

Specifically, my age.


Perhaps a touch of assistance.

Of course.


You're really stuck.



Oh, sweet freedom.

Thank you ever so muchly.

And to repay you for freeing me,

by the magic of my horn,
I, Skye the unicorn,

vow to accompany you... You...

Princess Sofia.

Princess Sofia, and serve you

as your loyal and eternally
devoted helper,

now and forever.

We're heading to the Isle of Crystals,

and like I said before,

we can always use another hand.

Or hoof. Come with us.

[GASPS] It shall be my honor, my lady.

Wonderful. Now we
must go lickety-split.

We're in quite a rush.

I shall lead you to yon path ahead.




Perhaps I should walk.

It's okay. We can walk together.

Maybe you can point out
some of the sights along the way.

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Yes, we shall walk.

It would be my honor
to give you a guided tour.

Look all around.

Feast your eyes as we explore
the magic of the Mystic Isles.

[SINGING] Come with me

Right this way

Let's walk, no, let's run

For this is the place

Where all magic comes from

Every isle that you see

Is called home sweet home

By all magical creatures

From griffin to gnome

Take it in

This is where

All magic begins

Behold, the Isle of Wishes

Every dream is granted there

And on the Mermaid Isle

Girls with fins splash everywhere

Eyes up, the Isle of Dragons

Where those creatures roar with flair

And on the Isle of Centaurs

Men are part horse, women mare

The magic goes on for miles

The magic of the Mystic Isles

Behold the magic

Of the Mystic


So, did the dragons and mermaids
in our world come from here?

Or their parents did.

You see, my princess,
if not for the magic here,

there would be no magic anywhere.

I must do all that I can

To keep the magic here in this land

On these isles, there's gotta be

A rare enchanted jewel
that's just for me

For me

Look left, the Isle of Memories

Go re-live a déjà vu

And if you like flying carpets

Have I got the isle for you

Hey ho, the Isle of Beanstalks

Tallest plants that ever grew

And on the Isle of Fairies

The cutest things that ever flew

ALL: The magic goes on for miles

The magic of the Mystic Isles

SKYE: Behold the magic

ALL: Yes, the marvelous and mystical

The majestic, magnificent magic

ALL: Of the Mystic


Okay, what's next?

All we have to do is cross this isle,

then we shall get to
the Isle of Crystals.

Onward. Through
the Isle of Dancing Deserts.

I don't understand.

How is this a dancing desert?

These wondrous magic sands
will show you

anything you want them to.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Good sands, show me a dragon.



Back, O sandy reptile.

You are frightening my princess.


That's amazing.

Can I see a castle?

It looks just like our castle.

Oh, look, there's my room.

I know this is all
so very magical, Sofia,

but the magic will soon be gone

if we don't hurry up and stop Azurine.

Sands, please show us the way
to the Isle of Crystals.


I didn't get to ask
the sands for anything.

[CLEARS THROAT] Show me a magic jewel.

Oh! There's nothing there.

We really should press on anyway.

There must be magic jewels over there,

or why would the sands show it to us?


Where are you, little jewels?


So sparkly.

I told you.

Oh, I bet you're magical,

just like Sofia's amulet.

I wish to be invisible.


Oh, I want to grow really big.


Why won't this work?

Please, Amber, we must be going.

Okay. [GRUNTS] Coming.

PRISMA: Just over this bridge
lies my beautiful crystal home.

Can you give me the power to fly?

Um, can you give me that power, too?

Oh! What is wrong with this jewel?

Why won't it work?

-The bridge!
-Amber, what have you done?


SKYE: We have to get off this bridge.



Thank you. You saved us.

Who are you? What are you?

And where do I get
a magic bracelet like that?

My name is Orion.

I am a wind walker,

and a Protector of the Mystic Isles.

A Protector?

The Protectors keep everyone
in the Isles from harm's way.

That is, of course,
when I am not available.

Well, that broken bridge
could've caused a lot of harm.

You should talk to whoever built it.

It's your magic stone
that caused the trouble.

That is a shatter stone.

If you strike something
with it three times,

this powerful rock
will magically shatter it.

But I found it in the sand,
looking so harmless and dazzling.

Actually, shatter stones
come from another isle.

We Protectors thought it
safest to store them here

in the Dancing Desert.

Sand cannot break
since it is already broken.

Sounds like you have to
leave the stone here, Amber.

Oh, fine.

Goodbye, shiny friend.

Now I must go.

There is a dangerous
Crystal Master on the loose,

and I have to find her.

We're looking for her, too.

I'm the storykeeper,
and it's my job to try and stop her.

Of course. The storykeeper.

I wondered what you beings
from the Ever Realm were doing here.

The Ever Realm.

That's what we of the isles
call your world.

We are bound for the Isle of Crystals,

my good man,
to search for this villain.

I have just come from that isle,
and did not find her there.

But please, keep a lookout.

This Crystal Master presents a grave
threat to our isles.

Be safe, my friends.


SOFIA: I don't understand.

If Azurine isn't
on the Isle of Crystals,

where could she be?

[SIGHING] My sister is cunning.

She must've hidden from Orion,

or tricked him somehow.

I'm sure she's on
the Isle of Crystals.

We must hurry.

Ah! But wait. This bridge is gone.

Oh, Amber!

I just wanted
a special jewel of my own,

like your amulet.

We shall have to find
some other way there.

SKYE: Noble sands, please show us
another way to the Isle of Crystals.

Oh, that looks really far away.


It appears we must cross
yet another isle

before we get to the Isle of Crystals.

We better hurry then.

Yes, the longer we delay,

the closer my sister gets
to taking over the Mystic Isles.