01x08 - Falling for Fall

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bear in the Big Blue House". Aired: October 20, 1997 – April 28, 2006.*
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Bear lives in the Big Blue House where he is a caregiver for his friends Ojo, a bear cub; Tutter, a mouse; Treelo, a lemur; otters Pip and Pop; and storyteller Shadow.
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01x08 - Falling for Fall

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the Blue House ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big Bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the House of Blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

Oh, hi! [giggles]

It’s you! It’s so good to see
you and you’re just in time.

C’mon in!



Wait a minute!
What is that smell?



[gasps] It’s you!

[sniffing] Oh!

Tell me, did you just take
a bite out of an apple?

'Cause you smell like apples!


Or do you smell
like apples all the time?

Bear! Bear! Come see. Come see.
Something wrong with Ojo!

-Hi, Treelo.
-Come see!

But, Treelo!

Bear, come see!
Come see! Come see!

-Okay, okay, okay.
-Something wrong!

Treelo wants us to see
something about Ojo! Come on!

Bear, come, come.

[guitar music]

See, see something wrong!

Yes, I do see her, Treelo.
I wonder what she’s doing?


Treelo and I were wondering.
What are you doing?

Can’t talk right now, Bear.
Can’t talk right now.

Oh! She can’t talk right now,

but she must be doing something.

-Let’s see um...


Well, there are leaves
on the table...

and she’s standing
really straight, like a tree

and her arms are up like...

[suspense music]



Boy, that’s hard work.
Are my branches ever tired.

-Are you OK? Ojo’s OK!

Yes I’m OK, Treelo.
I’m OK! Yeah!

Well Ojo, since you’re talking
again and I’m still so curious,

um tell me what were you doing?

I was just pretending
to be a tree, Bear.

A tree! Treelo loves trees!

Yeah and, Bear, I don’t know
if you know this but...

it’s hard work being a tree!

Oh! So, your arms
up in the air...

No, no, no, no, no.
They were not arms, Bear...

Branches! See?
You know what I mean?

-TREELO: Branches?
-Oh, OK!

So then,
the leaves on the table were...

Leaves, Bear.



Pretending to be a tree
with real leaves! Neat, huh?

Well, Ojo, I was wondering,
you wouldn’t happen to need

any more trees would you?

Because I happen to be
a very good pretend tree.

-Yeah! Yeah! More trees!
-Really? Really?

You want to join me?

Hey, we could be a whole forest!

Yeah! Yeah! Treelo loves
trees and forest.

Yeah, just show us how.

Ok, just hold your arms
out like this!

Oh! Hm...

Come on, join us. Just hold up
your arms like this!

-Okay Ojo, now what?
-Now? Now well,

now we just stand here...

Like a tree!

[piano music]

Hey, you know I think
I’m starting to really feel

like a tree already.


Yeah! Can’t you just see it now?

It’s springtime and buds
and leaves are just starting

-to come out.

[Treelo mumbles]

-Look at the buds.


And then it’s summertime
and branches are full of leaves.

Hey, look we have leaves!

Leaves! Ha! Ha! Leaves!

Yeah and then
the air turns colder

and the leaves change colors
and then they begin to fall!

Oooo! Colors!

[wind whooshing]

The leaves are falling. Bear,
I don’t want the leaves to fall.

Νο, nο, nο!
The leaves are falling. No!

Well, Treelo, they’re falling,
because it’s fall!

But I don’t want the leaves
to fall. No, leaves don’t go!

Treelo loves leaves!

-Leaves don’t go!
-It’s okay, Treelo. It’s fall.

Leaves always fall in the fall,
right Bear?

-That’s why they call it fall!

No, come back! Leaf!

-Come back!
-Treelo! Wait! It’s okay!

I don’t think Treelo
understands about fall.

We’d better go find him
and explain about the leaves.

-Ok, bye, Bear!
-Bye, Ojo!

Treelo? Treelo?

Well, he’s not in here.

I don’t think Treelo understands
why fall is so exciting.

The Fall is exciting because
it’s the time when everything



The leaves change
color and fall.

The air gets colder,
and it’s the beginning of fall!


It’s my favorite time of year.

Well along with spring,
summer and winter.

But in the fall, the air gets
nice and crisp and clean,

like the bite of an apple.


Apples are ripe in the fall!

And when you squeeze
them together

you can make apple cider.


I love a nice glass of cider,
don’t you?

Plus in the fall,
pumpkins get picked.

And they make great
Jack-o'-lanterns and...

pumpkin pie.


Plus in the fall,
kids of all shapes and sizes

go back to school.

But best of all,
I love all the colors!

I think I’m falling for fall!

♪ This morning when I woke up
and went outside to play ♪

♪ I just had to jump
around and shout ♪

♪ It's such a perfect day! ♪

♪ The air, it smells like apples
and leaves are on the lawn ♪

♪ And I can't stop
myself from singing ♪

♪ Cause fall is comin' on ♪

♪ Around the pond, the trees
are gold sweater's on-♪

♪ It's getting cold, let's go
outside and have a ball ♪

♪ You gotta love the fall! ♪

♪ I really love the fall ♪


♪ Before the winter,
after summer♪

♪ Right there in between,
we celebrate Thanksgiving ♪

♪ And dress up for Halloween ♪

♪ There’s pumpkins
with their smiling faces ♪

♪ Lined up on the ground ♪

♪ And they're grinning
like I’m grinning ♪

♪ Cause autumns all around ♪

♪ Around the pond,
the trees are gold ♪

♪ Sweater's on ♪

♪ It’s getting cold, let's go
outside and have a ball ♪

♪ You gotta love the fall! ♪

♪ I really love the fall ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ The days are getting shorter
but they're always so much fun ♪

♪ The wind makes
your face chilly ♪

♪ But it warms up in the sun ♪

♪ And I feel so doggone
happy and silly I believe ♪

♪ I'll go
and take a running jump ♪

♪ Into a big soft pile
of leaves ♪

♪ The trees are turning red
and gold our hats are on ♪

♪ It's getting cold
It’s an autumn free for all ♪

♪ You gotta love the fall! ♪

♪ I really love the fall! ♪

Boy, do I love
this time of year!

But what do you think?

What do you love best
about the fall? Hm?

What do you think?

My favorite thing about
the fall is the leaves.

The leaves fall off the trees
and it falls on the ground.

Sometimes you can collect leaves

and do collages with them.

The leaves change colors
like orange, red, yellow.

It’s not as hot as the summer.

-You have to wear sweaters.
-And jackets.

I like to eat apples.

You play soccer.

Hang on trees
and jump in leaves.

I like to throw leaves
in the fall.

Boy! You guys really
know a lot about...

[Treelo shouting]


[Treelo shouting]

Hey, did you hear that?
That sounds like Treelo!

Maybe he’s outside.

[playful music]

No, he’s not out there.

I know, maybe he’s upstairs
in the bedroom.

Treelo loves the bedroom.

[thuds and screams]

-Oh! It's Tutter!

Hi, Tutter,
it’s nice to see you!

Well, it’s nice to see you,
too, Bear, very nice,

but I don’t mean to complain
Bear, I don’t want to complain,

but your big old foot,
it’s kind of in my way!


Oh! Sorry.

[piano music]

Thank you, Bear.

Hey Tutter, I was wondering
if you’ve seen Treelo.

Treelo? Um? Nope, nope,

haven’t seen him, Bear,
not a hair, not even a feather!

But you know
he could’ve been here,

but I wouldn’t have
even noticed!

I’m so busy, busy, busy!

Yeah, I can see that Tutter.
What’s going on?

What’s going on?
Well, it's fall, Bear,

Fall! A mouse’s
favorite time of year! [laughs]

Really? I didn’t know that.

Hey Tutter, why is fall
your favorite time of year?

Well, for so many reasons, Bear!

fall is when everything changes.

I just love change.
Why, without change,

everything would be the same.

-Mm. True!
-Yeah, and when it’s fall

the air is so crisp
and cool and well, [giggles]

fall is the time
for pumpkin pie!

And this year it’s my turn
to make the pumpkin pie

for all my friends,

my turn!

And I make the very
best pumpkin pie ever!

Yeah, now if I can just get
this pumpkin in my mouse hole.

Bears love pumpkin pie.


You do?
Oh my, I don’t know Bear,

I don’t know if I’ll have
enough for a big old bear.



Hickory dickory! It won’t fit,
Bear. It's too big.

This time I’ve done it!
It’s all over.

The pumpkin’s too big! Oh, no!

Maybe if we both push it?

Do you think so, Bear?
Do you really think so?

Well, a bear and a mouse
make a pretty good team.

Well let’s go, Bear. Time’s
a wasting! Time’s a wasting!

Okay! One.. two... three!

Yeah! All righty!
The pumpkin is in!

[laughing] Oh!

Thank you, Bear!

[Bear laughs]

You’re welcome, Tutter.
Oh! And by the way,

if you see Treelo...

I’ll tell him you’re lookin'
for him! I’ll tell him! Oh!

Bear! Stop by later,

I might have a little, teeny,
tiny something for you! Okay?

Oooh I sure will!

Ok Bear, well I gotta go now!
I’ve got a lot to do,

lots to do! Goodbye!!

[piano music]


That’s what I love about Tutter.
He’s always up to something.

A pumpkin pie party.


We’ll have to come
back for that one!

Now let’s see? Yes! Let’s see
if Treelo’s in the bedroom!

[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

[guitar music]

Treelo? Treelo!

He must be up here somewhere.
Maybe under the bed.

[Treelo shouting outside]


Did you hear something?
I thought I heard something.

Well, maybe he’s in the hallway.

Treelo? Treelo? Treelo?

Hey! You know I was
wondering if Shadow’s around.

Hmm, maybe if we look
real hard and sing her song

together she’ll appear!

♪ O where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can shadow be? ♪


Can you see Shadow?

Hey, you fuzzy old bear!!

Hi, Shadow!
What have you been up to?

Oh! I was playing
with the sunlight and the leaves

on the forest floor.

Well, Shadow, I was wondering
could you tell us a story?


Let me see what I can fancy.
Just watch!

[flute music]

♪ Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater ♪

Yo, Boy
do I love eatin’ pumpkins.

Pumpkin pie...
Pumpkin pizza... Yeah...

Pumpkin shakes...
Yeah... yeah... yeah...

Pumpkin sandwiches...


And just plain old pumpkin...

SHADOW: ♪ He had a wife ♪

I love my wife.

♪ But couldn’t keep her ♪

Peter, Peter,
Peter all these pumpkins.

When will it end?

Next we'll be living
in a pumpkin house.

Hey, that’s a good idea.
[laughing] Yeah.

♪ He put her
in a pumpkin shell ♪

-After you, dear.
-Me and my big mouth.

♪ And there he kept her
very well ♪

Well, it's not so bad.

It’s got a television.
I wonder what’s on.

Hey look here,
it’s the pumpkin channel.


You know I’m beginning
to really like these pumpkins.


Wow, thanks, Shadow!
What a great story!

You’re welcome, Bear!

By the way, you haven’t seen
Treelo have you?

Why I saw him chasing
a golden leaf through the trees.

And I think you'll find him
"monkeying around"

with the Otters
out by The Otter Pond!


Well the Shadows are short
and I must fly! See ya!

Thanks, Shadow! Bye-bye!

Come on. Let’s go find Treelo.

[upbeat music]

-More leaves!
-More leaves, yep!

Here we go!


BEAR: Hey, Pip! Hey, Pop!

PIP AND POP: Hello, Bear!

Um, I’m curious, guys, um...
What are you doing?

We’re helping Treelo, Bear!

Yeah. We’re helping him.

Treelo? Where is he, where?


There he is!


Hi Treelo!
Um, what are you doing?

Hi, Bear!
Leaves, leaves, Bear, leaves!

Yeah, I see the leaves
but what are you doing?

Treelo fix trees.

Fix trees
so leaves won’t fall off.

Yeah. He’s fixing the trees.

Yeah. He’s gluing
the leaves back on!

Yeah and we’re helping!!!

[all laugh]

-My. Um, Treelo. Can we talk?
-Yes, Bear?


Um Treelo, there’s nothing
wrong with the leaves.

Leaves okay?

Yes the leaves are okay,
they’re supposed to fall off.

Leaves fall off okay?

Yeah, that’s right because
if the leaves didn’t fall off,

there wouldn’t be any room for
the new leaves in the spring.

Really? The spring?
Treelo loves the spring!

Yeah, Treelo loves spring!!
Leaves okay!

Yeah we love spring!
Hooray for leaves!


Isn’t playing with leaves fun?


Have fun!

[upbeat music]

[cricket chirping]

[partying sound]


Sounds like Tutter is
having a great party.


That mouse sure loves the fall.



And the pumpkin pie
smells grand.

What a great day. I think
it’s time to go up to the attic

and visit Luna. C’mon.



Look! It’s a piece
of pumpkin pie for me!

wasn’t that nice of Tutter?


Mmm… It smells delicious!

I think I'll save it
for later on as a little snack!

It will taste great
with a big glass of milk!

Come on,
let’s go up now and see Luna.

[soft guitar music]

Ah the attic. Isn’t it great?

Sometimes I like
to just come up here

and look out at the stars.

It’s also where I come
to talk to a special friend.

Let’s go see if we can find her.

Aha! There she is! Hey, Luna.

Hello, Bear. I was just

well, mooning over the beautiful
fall evening we’re having.

How was your day
in the Big Blue House?

Well Ojo, Treelo and I made

a pretend forest
with real leaves.

And, you know,
it's not easy being a tree.

Ooh I know that very well, Bear,

some of my best friends
are trees.

Oh! And Tutter had
a pumpkin pie party!

Yes, I can smell the pumpkin
pie from all the way up here!

And Treelo had fun with leaves.

You know he didn't understand
that leaves turn colors

and fall from trees to make way
for new leaves in the spring.

Sometimes it's hard to watch
things change, I know.


But, fall is such a great
season. And it comes every year!

From up here,
I see the seasons come and go

and fall is the season when
the earth turns so beautiful.

[both sigh]

The colors...


Well, Bear, it sounds
like you had a great fall day.

-You know I like fall,

because it's the time of year
when I get to come closest

to the earth and all my friends.

Well, we like that. Right?

Well, it’s time for me
to get back up in the sky.

I don’t want anyone wondering
what happened to the moon!

Hey, Luna. Would you join me
in a song before you go?

Of course, Bear!

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's okay ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon,
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow,
just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear,
and the Big Blue House♪

♪ We'll be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye, now.

[guitar music]

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

I hope you had fun!

[light off sound]

I almost forgot,

[light on sound]


I guess it’s time for me
to make like a tree, and leave!


Have a nice fall! Bye-bye!


[theme music]
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