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02x03 - Iron Sky

Posted: 04/03/24 08:08
by bunniefuu
- [HARRIS] Let's not.
- [g*nsh*t]


[g*n COCKS]


I'm telling you, Harris did something.

I'm not disagreeing with you.

Unfortunately, theories alone
don't convince juries.

[GRACE] Hey, I'm talking to you.

If you ever have kids,
I hope you remember today

and what you took from my son.

Karma can be a m*therf*cker, you b...

- [HERLITZ] Shh, shh.
- Are you recording me?

Chloe Tatlock was just found
dead at the Main Street Bar.

Shot through the throat.

So if we work together,

we can charge them for the
drilling and for right of way.

Looks like we got Landwell
in a pretty tough spot.

Doesn't fracking seriously
poison the land?

[RINNA] Mrs. Howland, may I see
the results of this water test

you two keep talking about?

We don't have it no more.

You never did have that test, did you?

It was clean, and now it's spoiled.

Landwell is a client of
the firm I work for,

so I can't, in good conscience,
tell you what to do.

But I will say this.

You have more power
than you think you might.


[BILLY] You've been hanging
onto it all this time?

[ISAAC] I was waiting for you
to tell me what we do with it.

[BILLY] I'll take care of it.
Just put it all out of your mind.

[RUSSELL] This can't happen again.

[RUSSELL] Can I help you with something?

It's really gonna be like this?

Landwell appreciates all your hard work.


[ANGELA] Know what Liam told him?

That his wife was having an affair.

Meet Marta Canter.

Professor of undergraduate poetry.

Please, let me report him.

I know you mean well,

but there's no way that I'm going to IA.

[ANGELA] He's going
to k*ll you, Cynthia.

[CYNTHIA] This is my life.

You still interested?
In being a part of it all?

I've just been waiting
for someone to ask.

You passed your test.

Welcome back to the brotherhood.

Welcome back.

You're a part of this?

[DORDT] It records up to 160 hours.

May I?

[MAN 1] Come on, jagoff.

- [GARN] So full of shit.
- [HARRIS] I'll get the f*ckin' Zippo back.

Besides, him having it
might be a good thing.

He's a wild mouth and a loose cannon.

And I happen to think
he could be the key

to cracking this thing wide open.


Your work keeps getting
better and better.

What the police chief's wife
does for the greater good.

Stop it.

You're turning me on.



I think the cabin needs
an extra light source.

Something could reveal itself.


Maybe more over here.

You see anything?

What I want to know is

where the hell did the
rest of that buckshot go?

[STEVE] Hmm...









[MAN] Breathe. Breathe into your back.


Let you breath fill every part of you.

Let it fill our hands. Your feet.

[ANGELA] I'm assuming you know
about Nell McKenna's husband.

[HARRIS] How he was m*rder*d
by way of a personal mail b*mb?

Kind of a tough way to go.

"Oh, what's this?

Did someone finally send me
those ergonomic slippers

I've been wanting for months?" Kablooey.

We know you were having an
affair with Nell McKenna.

We saw you entering her hotel room
in Morgantown, West Virginia.

[HARRIS] Yeah, even
those mid-level places

have serviceable surveillance systems.

I didn't have anything to do
with her husband's death.

How long have you been in a
relationship with Mrs. McKenna?

We've been seeing each other
for a little over a year.

Did you know the husband?

[HARRIS] Goes by Liam.

Yeah, I know his name.

I never met him.

[ANGELA] Did Liam McKenna
know about you and his wife?

I'm pretty certain he thought
we were platonic.

Were Nell McKenna and her
husband still having sex?

I honestly have no idea.

[HARRIS] Really? You've been
seeing his wife for nearly a year

and you never talked about
whether she was still f*cking him?

That's her business.

For me, it's mostly been casual.

You and Mrs. McKenna aren't exclusive?

[MARTA] No. I-I think
she'd like for us to be.

Do you know if Liam was cheating, too?

These days, who isn't cheating?

Everybody's f*cking other
people on the internet.

Or at the Stone Pines Hotel.

[ANGELA] Is that what
your poetry's about?


[MARTA] Some of it is.

I mean, someone's gotta
hold a mirror up, right?

Aside from the sex part,

I actually think their marriage
was pretty functional.

They took great care of their daughter.

Kept a nice house.

Money was never an issue.

So, what was in it for you?

You know, she has
really beautiful hands.

Hands are my thing.


- Fifteen minutes.

- How's the crowd?
- Good.

It's really filling up.

- How are you doing?

I'm a steel rod of charm
and intelligence.

Bring on the lightning bolts.

I'm seeing big things ahead.

Big things indeed.

That's what we like to hear.
State attorney general.

And then...

The governor's mansion.

But first thing's first.

Yes, of course.

Let's get you re-elected.

- Go get 'em.

Stand with Sue.

Stand with Sue.

Stand with Sue.




- Can I help you?
- Hi.

I was wondering if I could see your
records for the new water tests

that have been done for this
county in the last 20 years.

Really? It's late, sweetheart.

I'm investigating an important case

for the state attorney general's office.

- It's somewhat of an urgent matter.
- Hm.

I could get him on the
phone if you'd like.




- [THUD]
- Ten minutes, then I gotta lock up.

Thank you.

[GOSSAGE] I may not have
held public office before,

but I am a graduate of Harvard Law,

I've sat on high-level boards

in both the community
and corporate sectors.

And I truly want what's best for
the citizens of Fayette county.

I'm fully aware of our
recent opioid issue,

and I plan to make it
my personal business

to keep these terrible
dr*gs off the streets

and out of our schools.


And I also want to say this.

Given the promised economic boom

that horizontal drilling

has brought to towns like
Buell and Brownsville

and Uniontown,

I want to make sure these
communities remain safe.

Fayette county will harbor
what I'd like to refer to

as "hamlets of hope."

For me and for you,

the citizens of this great county.

Being elected your district attorney
will be a beacon of promise

of things to come in
southwestern Pennsylvania.


- [MAN IN CROWD] All right!
- Ms. Herlitz?

[HERLITZ] I'll be blunt.

My opponent is in the pocket
of Landwell Energy.

Do you really want
your district attorney

putting a gas company first?

Is that what you want?

- I certainly don't.

And according to the polls, well,
the numbers speak for themselves.

To be clear, I have
nothing against fracking.

I know there are sound
arguments for and against it.

It's not my job to politicize
or opine on any industry...

- Opine?
- ... that may come into the area.

[HERLITZ] No matter how
potentially lucrative it may be.

But as your district attorney,

I put law and order first.

I put you,

each and every citizen of
this great county, first.

Clearly, Mr. Gossage here

has been strategically
pushed onto the ballot

to protect Landwell
Energy's best interests.

I work for you.

I stand for you.

And what I am asking is for you all...

- ... to stand with Sue.
- [MAN IN CROWD] Yeah.

- Stand with Sue.
- [MAN] That's right.

- [WOMAN] Yeah!
- [MAN] Woo!

- [HERLITZ] Stand with Sue.

- [HERLITZ] Yup.

[GRACE] No, no, don't touch!

Is this on?

[GRACE MUTTERS] I don't... Okay. Just...

f*ck it. Look, I'm sorry.
I just can't take this any longer.

That woman has the gall to talk
to you about standing for you?

Each and every one of you? I'm sorry.

Excuse my f*cking French.
It's horseshit.

Sue Herlitz, that clown,

sent my son to a chaotic,
overcrowded prison,

where he was nearly m*rder*d

waiting for a trial that
never should've happened.

She didn't even have the
decency to let him post bail.

And after he got out, after
he barely survived a coma

and had to teach himself
how to walk again,

she f*cked him even worse

with a settlement that
wasn't worthy of a raccoon.

[SCOFFS] Stand with Sue?

Stand with f*cking Sue.

The only time you are standing
with anyone other than yourself

is when you are screwing
them up against the wall.

- Okay, Mrs. Poe, you've made your point.

They clearly have you
in their pocket as well.

- [MAN IN CROWD] Yeah, Grace!
- "They" meaning Landwell Energy.

- [WOMAN] This ain't your turn, Grace.
- I'm done.

- [WOMAN] Oh, come on.


[CROWD CHANTS] Sue! Sue! Sue!

- Sue! Sue! Sue!
- [MOUTHING] Thank you.


You always order sh*ts on a work night?

As far as I'm concerned, every
night's a work night, so...

what's the difference?

So... There's something I've
been meaning to ask you.

You want to know how it's possible

that I maintain such a
relentlessly trim waistline.


I want to know why you left the
Pittsburgh PD ten years ago.

- Oh, that old yarn.
- I'm serious.

We've been partners for
like four months now,

and you've never said a word about it.

You really want to know?

I do, yes.

Things got complicated.

- [BARTENDER] Get you guys anything else?
- In what way?

Let's just say I was going through
what might be classified

as a good old-fashioned
existential crisis.

Like a midlife thing?

I was longing for a few shaggy
acres, clean air of the woods.

Felt like my life was shriveling
up here in Pittsburgh.

You know, sometimes you wake
up and realize you need oxygen.

So, why come back?


I missed it.


- Like, the cases?
- The cases, the streets,

the camaraderie.

The Classic Kielbasa and Cheese
at Primanti Brothers, you know?

You never know what you
got till it's gone, right?

Cheers to that.

Another thing I've been
meaning to ask you.

What was Vic Walker
like back in the day?

Not much different than he is now.

Always a bit of a hothead,
ambitious, looked stupid.

On his best day, he's always
been a decent cop.

And on his worst day?

Like a drunk hockey fan.

Who loses his car keys.

And who likes to hit women.

Vic Walker?

No shit? I had no idea.

Cynthia's really good with makeup.


Really good.

I didn't know what to make of it
the first time I saw the grab marks.

I thought maybe they were just
having rough sex or something,

I don't know.

But now it's getting worse.

I have a mind to go to IA.

You really think Cynthia's
in serious danger?

I can't see things getting any better.

And look, I know this shit is
seriously, deeply ingrained

in the culture, and for some people,

it's okay to sit back and say nothing,

but that's not me. No way.

You know how things can go in
internal affairs. It's all red tape

and monkey bars, you know?

And it can be a serious time suck.

Trust me, I just went through it
with the Chuck Castellanos stuff.

Fisher's still coming after me about it.

The thing you've gotta
ask yourself is this.

Does Cynthia have the luxury
of that kind of time?

If it's as serious as you say.


Well, that's not at all creepy.

Where'd you get this?

I ripped it from Cynthia's phone
while she was in the bathroom.

This guy's a class-A f*cking psychopath.

I'm pretty confident that taking
action sooner than later

is in Cynthia's best interests.

Well, I-I support you.

Whatever you wanna do, I got your back.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.



Two Jägers, please.

Must have gone well tonight.

- You want bombs or sh*ts?

sh*ts, please.

- Put those on the house, Jo.
- You got it.

You run a very kind house,
Mr. Poe. Thank you.

My pleasure. You just remember
this moment if you get re-elected.

Oh, but there shall be so
many moments to remember.

- [JOELLE] Cheers.

Go, girl.

- To victory.
- To victory.

[EMCEE] ... first up for tonight's
karaoke extravaganza,

Sue Herlitz. Sue Herlitz, everyone.


I think it's time to offer up
a big round of applause

for the woman who's sure to remain

district attorney of Fayette county.

Let's give it up for Sue Herlitz!


[CHANTING] Sue! Sue! Sue!

Sue! Sue! Sue! Sue! Sue!

Sue! Sue! Sue! Sue! Sue! Sue!



Thank you, Ramona.

[SLURRING] Okay, let's do this.

- All right.

♪ All you ladies ♪
♪ Pop your p*ssy like this ♪

♪ Shake your body ♪
♪ Don't stop, don't miss ♪

♪ All you ladies ♪
♪ Pop your p*ssy like this ♪

♪ Shake your body ♪
♪ Don't stop, don't miss ♪

♪ Just do it ♪

♪ Do it ♪

♪ Do it, do it, do it now ♪

♪ Lick it good ♪

♪ Suck this p*ssy just like you should ♪

♪ My neck, my back ♪
♪ Lick my p*ssy and my crack ♪

♪ My neck, my back ♪
♪ Lick my p*ssy and my crack ♪

- ♪ My neck, my back, lick my p*ssy ♪
- ♪
And my crack ♪

♪ First you gotta put
your neck into it ♪

♪ Don't stop, just do it, do it ♪

♪ Then you roll your tongue ♪
♪ From the crack back to the front ♪



[HERTLITZ MUTTERS] My neck, my back,

lick my p*ssy and my crack.

My neck...

... p*ssy and my crack.


♪ Let me tell you one thing ♪

♪ Before you move along ♪

♪ I'll sing you a love ♪
♪ I think you've never had ♪

♪ I'll always sing
I love you in the morning ♪



- ♪ I'll always sing I love you ♪


You have got to be kidding.



♪ I'll always sing
I love you in the morning ♪


♪ I'll always sing I love you... ♪

Oh, Officer, there's no need for that.



♪ I'll smile for you ♪
♪ And I'll cry for you any... ♪


- Dispatch, pulling up now.







- Morning.
- Hi, Lee.

[LEE] I just wanted to tell
you how impressed I was

by the way you handled the Howlands'
deposition the other day.


- Well, thank you.
- [LEE] It was inspiring.

I'm really glad to hear that.

I'll have those new deposition
summaries to you

- by the end of the day.
- Fantastic. Thanks, Lee.






Eighteen pushups.

- Pretty damn good.

- I want 25.
- Oh, you'll get there.

You said it yourself the other
day. Your body is relearning.

Your nervous system is rewiring.

- Here.
- No, f*ck that.

Fine, then get your ass up.



- Then get up without it.

[ISAAC] Come on. Do it. [CLAPS]


There you go.



[ISAAC] We're good. All good.

- You did it. You did it.
- Yeah, we did.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Hey, that's... that's okay.

I'm sure it happens.

Better get ready for work.

[GRACE] So no more cane?

- Not for now.
- And how's the balance?

- It's getting better.
- Hm.

Uh, are you Grace?

- I am, yeah.
- [WOMAN] Oh, hi, Grace.

My name is Lanie Rankin.

And I understand you just went
into business with my son Drew

and my daughter-in-law.

- Lucy.
- [LANIE] Yes, exactly. Lucy and Drew.

They teamed up with you
on your Landwell contract.

- Right?
- Mm-hmm.

[LANIE] Great. It's so nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you.
This is my son, Billy.

Oh, nice to meet you, Billy.

- Nice to meet you.
- I just had a quick question.

- I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
- No, not at all.

Well, I'm over in Monessen,

and after Drew told me about
the deal that you guys made,

I decided to go into business
with Landwell, too,

and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind

taking a look over my contract.

Lucy says you're very well
versed in all the legal stuff.

Yeah, but no.

Um, I-I don't... I don't... I don't know

if I'm really the person to...



- Sure.

Um, just leave the contract
off at your son's house,

and I'll take a look.

[LANIE] Thank you so much, Grace.

I really appreciate it.

- Bye now.
- Have a nice day.

[LANIE] Mm-hmm.

Side hustle.

[NEWS ANCHOR 1] And now a
breaking story out of Fayette county.

[ANCHOR 2] An investigation is
underway after Fayette county...

- Thank you.
- [GRACE] Mm-hmm.

... district attorney Sue Herlitz
was found dead in her car.

She was discovered earlier this
morning by Chief Park of Buell PD.

At this time, a cause of death
has not been determined,

but police tell us they are
not ruling out homicide.

According to the Sheriff's office,
there are no current suspects.

Up for re-election
for district attorney,

Herlitz debated challenger
Ron Gossage just last night.

She was last seen leaving local
bar Snarly sometime after midnight.

Though she was leading in recent polls,

we'll never know who would've
persevered in Tuesday's election.

- Ms. Herlitz...
- Mom, what the hell is going on?

[ANCHOR] ... Fayette county's
next district attorney.

[ORR] We've already been through this.

[WALKER] You know I'm right.

The f*cking guy is a scumbag.

He's gonna be in Erie.
I have solid intel.

- I'll go do it myself.
- It is not a good time.


It's not happening.



- f*ck.
- Easy.

You need that hand for police work.

All this f*cking guy does
is sh**t me down.

Hey, have you, uh, though
about my invitation?

Come out to Buell tonight.

We'll feed you. Drink some bourbon.

Smoke a few cigars.

That actually sounds like a great idea.

What time are you thinking?

I don't know, eightish.

Stay the night.

In the morning, we'll go look
for that eight-point buck.

That's really nice of you
to think of me, Harris.

Eh, well...

You know what? Count me in.

Good. Looking forward to it.



Shut the door.

That was just Jeannie-nie what's
her name from the mayor's office.

- Mail-b*mb m*rder?
- Yeah.

Now we got them breathing
down our necks, too.

Hey, can I ask you something?

[HARRIS] Yeah, of course. What's up?

You distracted?
You seem distracted lately.

Do I?

[BOLT] I'm just being honest.

Everything okay at home?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Because you and Burgos haven't
brought in squat on this thing.

Get your shit together.

We're out there beating the
bushes, Chief, we really are.

[BOLT] Please don't
let it get to the point

where this thing becomes embarrassing.

We brought you back here for a reason.


[ANGELA] Hello, sir.
Sorry to bother you.

I'm Detective Angela Burgos
from the Pittsburgh PD.

This is my partner, Detective Harris.

How do you do, sir?


Wha-what's this about?

Could we have a word with your daughter?

Nell left a few minutes ago.

Do you know where she went?

I'm afraid I don't.

[GIRL] Mommy hasn't left
for her trip yet, Grandpa.

She's in the backyard.

- Hey!





What do you think?

I think we let her cook for a bit.

Copy that.



Does he always take your
bank card like that?

He'll give it back in a few days.

It'll appear on top of the
toilet t*nk or something.

Does he spend a bunch of your money?


It's just this weird thing
he'll occasionally do.


Has anything else happened?

- Besides...
- No.

What would you say to coming and
staying with me for a little while?

Ang, really?

[ANGELA] At least for the weekend.

You can have the guest room.
Just for a night or two.

It's been so long since we've done that.


And it... might give you
a little perspective.

Things with Vic have actually been
pretty good these last few days.

Is that why your lip is swollen?
Because things have been "good"?

Will you at least go to IA with me?

Just in case something serious happens.

This way you will have
lodged a formal complaint,

and they'll have it on record.

I'm not going to f*ckin' IA.

[ANGELA] I wish you could
see what I'm seeing.


[WHISPERS] He's in the bathroom.

[LOUDER] Those mustard
greens smell great.

Hope he likes 'em spicy.

Oh, he'll eat anything.
I'm pretty sure he's part jackal.

[QUIETER] Well, then we shall
have to earn the jackal's trust.

We shall indeed have to
earn the jackal's trust.

The all-important serum.



One of the greatest.

[WALKER] My dad used
to listen to this record.

- Michigan, right?
- Yeah, Tuscola, Michigan.

Little town on Saginaw bay.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- ♪ If you waste your time a'talkin' ♪
- That's it.

♪ To the people who don't listen ♪

♪ To the things that you are sayin' ♪

♪ Who do you think's gonna hear? ♪

[RUSSELL] So, how does a guy like you

wind up taking a job as a laborer?

[ISAAC] A guy like me?

[RUSSELL] I mean no
offense, it's just...

you know, you seem so much...

smarter than the other local hires.

Most of them haven't even
finished high school.

Well, there was a minute there

where I thought I would go to college.

I had good grades,
impressive test scores.

Why does that not surprise me?

- You think I'm smart?
- I do.

Yeah, you're smart.


There are a lot of parts
of you that I like.


Name two.

- I like your eyes.
- What about them?

They're... kind.

And tinged with the
slightest hint of mischief.



That's one.

Well, you have two eyes.


Very clever, Russell Wolff.


So tell me what happened.

Why not do college?

I guess I lost interest.

That's it? You lost interest?

Maybe no one really ever believed in me.

I don't know.

One of the things that comes
with growing up in Buell

is this unspoken contract that
everyone makes with themselves.

- Which is what?
- Don't leave.

No matter how bad things get.

I think part of me just...

never believed I could actually
make something of myself.


In, um... In Russia,
they call that the iron sky.

You've been to Russia?

No, but I've read some books.
Dostoevsky writes about it.

Oh, I think my...

My dad was my iron sky.

Tell me more.

Henry English, Irish Catholic.

Former steelworker.

Married my Mexican mother.

Spent the last several years
of his life in a wheelchair.

Machine fell on him when he
was working in a gravel pit.

- Oh.
- It was an extra job.

He was in a lot of physical pain.

Constantly on medications for it.

He died a couple months ago.

How'd he die?

He committed su1c1de.

Took a bunch of pain pills and
drank a half a bottle of whiskey.

He didn't think much of me.

There was a lot of
unfinished stuff between us.

With your mom?

She drowned in the Mon
River about five years ago.


Hard to say.

Probably not.

Jesus, Isaac, I'm sorry.

It's okay.


f*cking grief, right?

It follows you around like
some half-starved dog.

Turn around and it's always there.


You don't get to choose
your parents, right?

Definitely not.

The truth is...

I like my life now.

I have a reliable job.

- I make my own money.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, never in a million years would
my dad understand this. [LAUGHS]

- This?
- You and me.

What's he like?

Herschel Wolff is your
classic Houston oil man.

He's just a genuine wildcatter
who built a life out of nothing.

Basically, he lucked into
impossibly rich parcels of land

and became wealthy and powerful

in less time than it takes most
people to drive cross country.

Men like that, they don't...
understand guys like us.

I think that's why I struggle with...

letting us get seen in public.

I'm cool with keeping
it on the down low.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

For a while anyway.

I appreciate that.


Have you witnessed
any of this firsthand?

No. But it's obvious.

He knocks her around on a regular basis,

and it's emotional abuse, too.

He does crazy shit like take her
bank card just to control her.

But the proof is on her flesh.

She covers it up with makeup
before she comes into work.

You don't see it, but I do.

How long has this been going on?

How long? Too long.

In a situation like this one,

it's best if the victim comes forth
and files a formal complaint.

Well, that's precisely why I called you.

She won't come forward.

She's obviously all mixed
up about the guy,

and he sends her these...
creepy photos as like threats.

What kind of photos?

f*cking dead bodies.

With accompanying threatening texts.

You've seen these?

I've seen one firsthand, yes.

Where? She showed you?

Do you know who these dead people are?

What does that matter?
They're dead people.

And he's threatening her.

Walker's f*cking creepy.

I'm worried for her life.

- These are serious allegations.
- I know.

If Officer Frazier's not willing
to come forward on her own,

then I'm gonna need more proof.

Can you just walk up
to her and look at her?

She's a total mess.

Isn't that proof enough?


Then maybe this is.


[WALKER] Thank you so much,
Grace. It was so, so good.

[GRACE] You are very welcome.

[WALKER] I mean, the m...
the mashed potatoes? Mm!

A-And the filet.

How do you get it charred
on the outside like that?

Grapeseed oil.

That's the secret. Grapeseed
oil and an old iron skillet.

Grapeseed oil and an old iron skillet.

I'm gonna have to share
that with Cynthia.

She makes a decent steak.

This was next level.

Oh, Cohibas!

Yeah, these are definitely Cohibas,

and we shall definitely smoke 'em.

- [WALKER] Mm.

I was just telling Grace here how...

I'm gonna have to get Cynthia
to up her steak game.

Cynthia's a cop.

Oh, yeah?

Did you two meet on the job?

[WALKER] Mm-hmm.


We did.

It was love at first sight, I think.

At least for me, it was.

It was her first day.

I saw her in the bullpen.

And I was just immediately smitten.

It was like, uh...
[EXHALES] I don't know.

[CHUCKLING] Like a...

Like a... like a bone went
missing from my chest.

Like I couldn't breathe
right without her.

I mean, it was that
intense that immediate.

- Is that... Is that crazy?

No, it's not crazy.
It's how it should be.

[WALKER] Cynthia has so
many great qualities.

She's so sweet it almost kills me.

She really cares, you know?


[WALKER] I've had more than
a few pretty big relationships,

and none of them worked out.

So many of them just couldn't understand

what it is to do what we do.

But Cynthia, she gets it.

Because she is it.

In all honesty, I...

I had almost given up. I just...

just didn't think it was gonna
work out for me, and then...


There she was.

Think she might be the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

And... I keep messing up in stupid ways.

How so?


I let my temper get the best of me.

I've seen him break a mug.

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

But I'm working on it. I really am.

[GRACE] Well... that's
all we can do, right?

Yeah, we're all miraculous
works in progress.

[WALKER] Who said that?

- Did somebody say that?
- [HARRIS] I said it.

[WALKER] Really? Wow.

I like the way that sounds.

"Miraculous works in progress."

You know, Vic, if you ever want
to talk about any of this stuff,

feel free to reach out.

She's a wise woman.

[WALKER] Thanks, Grace.

Hey, do you mind if I...
bring up a work thing?

You want to talk about Mike Orr.

[WALKER] No. f*ck Mike Orr.

Forgive my French, Grace.

Oh, don't mind me. French away.

f*ck Mike Orr.

I want to talk about Fisher.

What about Fisher?

I can't stand that smug son of a bitch.

So pompous, so unimpeachable.

His ideas are always the best.

You know, it's-it's these...
it's these young guys.

They think they're so f*ckin'
smart, so ahead of the game.

I'd like to show Fisher a thing or two.

Rub his nose in it a little, you know?

You want to unseat him.

[WALKER] What I'd like
to do is... [LAUGHS]

... is depants the m*therf*cker,
duct tape his ankles together,

tie him upside down,

and throw poison darts at
his skinny little ass cheeks.



[WALKER] Could you ima... [LAUGHS]


- Could you imagine?
- [HARRIS] Yes.



Is this okay?

What about this?

And this?



- Hey.
- [LEE] Hey.

Uh, this is my sister, Lee.

Nice to meet you, Lee. I'm Russell.

Nice to meet you, Russell.

And this is Billy.

- Hey, Billy.
- Hi, Russell.

Well, we were just gonna
head upstairs for a second.


Well, see you around.

See ya.


- I'd give him a seven.
- Don't be mean.

- Seven point two?
- [SHE LAUGHS] Stop.




Billy, wake up.


Billy, wake up!




- [THUD]

- What happened? What happened?
- It's okay. It's okay.



- [HARRIS] You were fantastic at dinner.

I think he's starting to trust you.


Tomorrow's a big day.

Fisher has veto power.

I need to get Walker talkin' about it.

- He will.
- Yeah.

I still need to swap out his lighter.

I wanted to at dinner, but...

he had his hands all over it.

Let me do it.

- Really?
- Yeah.

When I said goodnight to him,

I saw it on the floor next to the couch.

You sure?

I'm very light on my feet.

You tryin' to say I'm
not light on my feet?

I'm like a f*cking hummingbird.

- Do hummingbirds even have feet?


The green beans.

Green beans.

No olives.


- [WALKER] Hey.


Come here, Cynthia.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

Feel that?

Feel that big, hard cock?

[SNORES] That's the T-Rex.

Yes, the greatest of all time.

Say you want it.

You want it. Say you want it.

- Say you want it.
- I want it.



The green beans.

Not the olives. No olives.
I don't want the olives.


I don't know.

Is any of this connected?

We just have to keep looking.




- ... you.
- [MAN'S VOICE] Grace.

- [GRACE] I'm talking to you.

[GRACE] You know, if you ever have kids,

I hope you remember this day

and what you took from my son

'cause karma can be a
m*therf*cker, you...

- Are you recoding me?
- [HERLITZ] Yes, Grace, I am.

- [GRACE] f*ck you, you stupid...
- [MAN] Okay, okay, okay.

Let's not go there. Let's not go there.

- Let's not go there.
- [GRACE] God damn it!



[HARRIS] Poker night's comin' up.

Pitch it around the table.

I'll back you all the way.

[NARRATOR] Next on
American Rust: Broken Justice.

[LEE] Why is it still here?
Why is it in this house?

Allow me. It's Grace?

- Can I call you Grace?
- Who are you?

[HARRIS] You got to be smart.
Smarter than the people

- that you work with.

[ROARS] It's good to step out
of your comfort zone a little.

- [MAN] Where's Vic?
- [FISHER] The f*ck should I know?

Am I my brother's keeper?

[HARRIS] He'll eventually
get what's comin' to him.