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02x03 - Eye Spy/Happy Harmony

Posted: 04/02/24 19:44
by bunniefuu
pbj ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj
pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪

oodle-ay !

♪♪ [ Humming ]

♪♪ [ stops ]

Um, good morning,
mr. Otter, sir.

Are you open yet ?

Why, flick. You're certainly
up early this morning,
aren't you ?

Um, yes. Uh--

Um, you wouldn't happen
to have the latest issue
of mallard man comics,

Would you, mr. Otter, sir ?

Just came in, flick.
Go on inside
and have a look.

Um, mr. Otter, sir,

Pbj wouldn't happen
to be inside, would they, sir ?

Nope. Sorry.
They're helpin' their mama
with the laundry this morning.

Oh. Now that is
just a crying shame.

but I'm sure they'll be
over here before long.

Oh ! Gotta hurry !

Ooh !

How come I have to be the one
who needs glasses
all of a sudden ?

Um-- ah !

Mustard man,
the muscle mice.

there it is !

mallard man !
ah, mine at last.

"High over the sunlit hills,
flew that fowl of fairness,

"The dashing
duck of daring himself.

The one and only
mallard man !

Wow ! What a duck !

"The feathered hero
was keeping watch...

Over the sleeping villages below
when suddenly--"

- Hi, flick !
- [ Screams ]

[ Nervous chuckling ]

What's the matter ?
Is something wrong ?

No. Why ?
Should there be ? Hmm.

Hey, flick, look.
It's a new issue
of mallard man.

Oh, flick.
Would you read it to us ?

Yeah. No one reads
mallard man like you do.

[ Gulping ]
no way.

Why do I always
have to read stuff to you ?

i'm outta here.

Wow. What got into him ?
He didn't even
buy mallard man.

- [ Giggling ]
- come on.

We better go find out
what's bothering him.

Oh. Glasses help me see
so much better,

But how can a duck
look cool in glasses ?

[ Laughing ]

Isn't this wonderful ?
This is fun !

[ All ]
help ! Help !

Somebody save us !

We need a superhero.

Yeah, someone
really cool.

Your orange juice,

Thank you, manfred.

[ Beeping ]

Huh ? Hmm.

- Ah ! Excuse me.
- Of course, sir.

Tah-dah !

- Help ! Help !
- Oh, no !

What will we do ?
Have no fear !

Here comes... Glasses boy !

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he's cool ♪

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he rules ♪

♪ Fearless, feathery fowl
fighting for right ♪

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he's near ♪

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he's here ♪

winging for us
bringing justice
right and might ♪

♪ With his super webbery feet ♪

♪ He stomps out evil
on land and sea ♪

♪ With a swoop and a plunge
he descends on grunge ♪

♪ Ever defending
truth and honesty ♪

♪ Glasses boy
glasses boy ♪
♪ he's cool ♪

- ♪ He rules ♪
- ♪ fearless feathery fowl
fighting for right ♪

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he's near ♪

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he's here ♪

♪ Winging for us
bringing justice
right and might ♪

♪ Just one quack
from his powerful beak ♪
quack, quack !

♪ Makes bad guys shiver
and run and flee ♪

♪ A flap of his wings
can do mighty things ♪

♪ Snatching victory
from catastrophe ♪

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he's cool ♪

♪ Glasses boy ♪
♪ he rules ♪

♪ Fearless feathery fowl
fighting for right ♪♪

- Wait !
- What's the matter ?

We don't wanna be
saved by you.

You don't ?
Why not ?

We wanna be saved
by a real superhero.

Yeah ! We wanna be
saved by mallard man.

Step aside, glasses boy.

Mallard man
will handle this.

Mallard man !
All right !

Mallard man.
Oh, why can't I be cool
like you instead of--

flick !
flick duck,
we're stuck !

Uh-oh !

Flick, what are you doin' ?
We've been lookin'
all over for you.

Cheese and quackers !
Can't a duck get a little
peace and quiet around here ?

"Peace and quiet" ?
You ? Now I know
something's wrong.

What is it with you otters ?
There always has to be
something wrong.

There's nothing wrong with me.
I'm just like you, or peanut...

or baby butter.
[ giggling ]

Well, maybe not
baby butter.

But I'm just like
the rest of you.
I'm not different.

But, flick, nobody
said you were.

We just wanted to tell you
that you forgot your
mallard man comic book.

Yeah. You left it
in my dad's store.

So what if I did ?
It's not like I'm
hiding something.

Now leave me alone.

Something's really
bothering him.

Yeah. We better
see what's wrong.

Oh, hi, flick.
You know,

You forgot your copy
of mallard man
this morning.

Um-um, yes, thank you,
mr. Otter, sir.

I was, um, somewhat distracted
from my reading by-- pbj !

Flick, we've been
looking all over for you.

I, uh, just came by,
to, um,

Pick up my copy
of mallard man.

Wait, flick !
You took a muscle mice
comic by mistake.

Huh ?

Oh, yeah. So it is.
[ Nervous chuckling ]

Wait a minute, flick.
That's a mustard men
comic book.

- Flick, what's wrong ?
- Uh--

Hmm. Now where is
that tuna pepper ?

Jelly ! Have you
seen my glasses ?

- Here they are, mama.
- Oh, thank you, dear.

I can't read a word
without them.

Here we are.

Flick, do you need--
[ gasps ]
glasses ?

Uh-- all right, ya got me.
I need glasses.

I didn't use to,
but now I do.

- [ All ] oh.
- Go on. Let's
get it over with.

Make fun of me.
Call me names.

Is that why you've been
avoiding us all day ?

Well, sure.

I could just imagine
what everyone would say
when they found out...

That the coolest duck in hoohaw
needed reading glasses.

But there's nothing wrong
with wearing glasses.

My mom wears them.
And so does mayor jeff.

But that's different.
They're old.

Wait ! I have an idea !

Maybe we can make this problem
not a problem.

How can you do that ?
Time for a--

Hold on.
Not a--

Noodle dance !


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ solve a problem, it's
no strain, use your noodle
that's your brain ♪

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

I know ! We could
all wear glasses...

so flick wouldn't
feel like the only one.

[ flick ]
i know ! I could get
giant-sized comic books...

so I wouldn't need glasses.

[ peanut ]
i know !
we could all chip in...

and get you the coolest
pair of glasses in the world !

Yeah, but I still won't be
as cool as mallard man.

Hey, butter, peanut,
come with me.

I just got a great idea.
Wait right here, flick.

Daddy, can we borrow
some paper and crayons ?

Sure, honey. I just
happen to have 'em right here.

cover your eyes.

Can I look yet ?
No !
No !

- There.
- Here, flick. This is for you.

It's mallard man.

You guys made this
for me ?

Yup. Look.
It was jelly's idea.

In this picture, mallard man
is about to reach into
his utility belt.

[ jelly ]
and here he's saying,
"aha !

"good thing I have
my super-scanning, electron
micro reading glasses with me.

for without them,
i'd be powerless."

[ peanut ]
"but with them, I can see
anything I want to."

[ jelly ] "ja. these new
super glasses will make me
an even better superhero.

i can bring goodness
and justice to all."
[ baby butter ] glasses !

Well then, I guess
if they're good enough
for mallard man,

They must be good enough
for flick duck.

[ All laughing ]

- My story.
- How 'bout it,
o duck of steel ?

Okay, guys, come on.
I'll read the new issue to you.

That was good thinking,

Better watch out, everyone.
My new super-duper
reading glasses...

Are gettin' ready
to do their stuff.

[ All laughing ]

[ flick reading ]
"high over the sunlit hills
flew that fowl of fairness.

"the dashing duck of daring

the one and only
mallard man !"

Ready, lightning ?
Ready, speedo.

Ready, streak ?
[ Blowing raspberry ]

Vroom-vroom !

[ Peanut ]
and the crowd goes wild...

As team otter prepares to break
the world's land-speed record.

Go !

Whee !

[ Laughing ]

- We made it !
- Low five !

High five !

Hey, jelly,
why didn't you low-five ?

Why didn't you
high-five ?

Jelly, everyone knows
you're supposed to low-five.

Correction: everyone knows
you're supposed to high-five.

- Low-five.
- High !

low !
high !

low !
watchbird alert !
Watchbird alert !

Peanut and jelly are arguing
about whether you should
high-five or low-five.

- I know the answer
to that one.
- Right, connie. High five !

Nice one, captain.

Now how 'bout a low five ?

High !
High !
Low ! Low !

hold on there, kids.
what's all this hubbub about ?

He thinks you're
supposed to low-five...

When everyone knows
you're supposed to high-five.

Everyone knows
you're supposed to low-five.
Right, mayor jeff ?

Hmm. You know,
this argument of yours...

Seems to remind me
of something.

- What do you mean, mayor ?
- Hmm.

Let me see now.
What was it ?

It happened so long ago,
and, um--

Oh, yeah.
Now I remember !

What is it, mayor ?
What took place
a long, long time ago ?

- My story.
- Story.

Yup. It happened
right here on the lake...

A long, long time ago.

- What happened, mayor jeff ?
- The great hoohaw battle...

Over high and low.

[ Cawing ]
good morning.

[ Chattering ]

[ mayor jeff ]
it all started one morning
when old waldo otter...

was working
in his barber shoppe boat.

Mornin', mr. Otter.
Mornin', mrs. Duck.

Beautiful day,
isn't it ?

[ mayor jeff ]
now not only was waldo
the town barber,

but he was also
one of the finest singers...

♪♪ [ Vocalizing ]
in all of lake hoohaw.

on a summer, his low voice
could be heard
all over the lake.

♪♪ [ vocalizing echoing ]

[ mayor jeff ]
but on one particular morning,
waldo got into an argument...

with his best friend
edwina otter.

Listen to this, edwina.
I've learned a new song.

[ Baritone voice ]
♪ down in old hoohaw
where the noodle nuts grow ♪

♪ the sun shines bright
the air's just right and the
butterflies flit to and fro ♪

♪ and when evening calls
and the gentle winds blow ♪

♪ The otters swim
the waters sing
with stars aglow ♪

♪ if you're
feelin' kinda weary ♪

♪ and life is lookin' dreary ♪

♪ I've got a little tip
you just take a little trip ♪

♪ down to old hoohaw
where the noodle nuts grow ♪

♪ the air's so sweet
the folks you greet are the
friendliest you'll ever meet ♪

♪ And when evening falls
and the whippoorwills call ♪

♪ The fireflies wing
the crickets sing
a melody for all ♪♪

No, no, no. That's not how
it's supposed to be done.

You're going
about it all wrong.
Wrong ?

You've got to sing it high,

From way up here
in your chest.

[ Soprano tone ]
♪ oodle-ay ♪

No, no, my dear edwina.
That's not the way.

It should be sung low
and come from way down
in your belly.

Like this:
[ baritone ]
♪ oodle-ay ♪

Surely you jest,

The correct way
is clearly my way.

Low. Low !
High. High !

- And then what happened ?
- Oh, that's when things
got really bad.

Low !
High !

low !
high !

[ mayor jeff ]
the argument kept spreading
until pretty soon...

everybody on the lake
was arguing about the right way
to sing the song.

why, the folks who sang it low
stopped talking to the ones
who sang it high.

the ones who sang it high

didn't want to have anything
to do with the ones
who sang it low.

Low !
High !

Low ! Low !
High ! High !

Low !
High !

[ mayor jeff ]
those were dark times
on the lake.

finally, edwina challenged
waldo to a singing battle...

to decide whose version
of the song was better.

Waldo otter,
I challenge you
to a singing battle...

To decide whose version
of the song is better.
Singing battle ?

The loser has to move
to the swampy side
of the lake... Forever.

[ All ] forever ?
Okay. How about a week ?

[ All ]
oh !

We've been friends
for a long time, edwina.

Are you sure that's
the way you want it ?

Yes, waldo. Even though
someone has to lose,
there's no other way.

You go, edwina !
You show him !

Show 'em, waldo !
Yeah, yeah, you show 'em !

Well, okay, then.
I accept your challenge.

And may the better singer win.

[ All gasping ]
aw !

But, waldo, if you lose,

You'll have to
leave lake hoohaw
for a whole week.

I know.
And if edwina loses,
she'll have to leave.

But edwina's
your best friend.
I know.

What will you do, waldo ?
What will you do ?

I'm not sure, but I'd better
think of something.

Did waldo have to move
away from the lake,
mayor ?

It was edwina,
wasn't it, mayor ?

Well, it was quite a problem
those two had to solve.
I can tell ya that.

- So what did they do ?
- Well, they just up and--

They just--
I mean, I think they--

Hmm. Now what was it
they did ?

- You mean you don't remember ?
- Well now, kids, you know,

It was a long time ago.

Oh, no !
Aw, man !

Then how are we ever
going to find out
what happened ?

Noodle !
Yeah ! We could
do a noodle dance...

And try to think up
a whole bunch of ways...

Waldo and edwina could have
solved their problem.

- A noodle dance ?
- Good thinking, jelly.

One of your noodle dances
would be a hoohaw of an idea.

Right now ? Aw, come on.
This is no time for dancing.

It's the only way
we can figure out
how this story ends.

Well, I'll think,
but I don't feel like dancing.


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I know ! Instead of singing,
edwina and waldo...

could listen to the song
on a really good
audio system...

with built-in digital
sound chips and a four-inch--

Good start, jel,
but none of those things
had been invented yet.

Oh, yeah.
I forgot.

[ Giggling ]

Hey, I know !
Maybe they just decided...

To stop singing

Or maybe they decided to keep
singing it their own way
and to take turns.

Wait, jel,
that gives me an idea.
Maybe waldo and edwina...

Could keep singing their own way
but at the same time.

Yeah, peanut.
Like when mama and
daddy sing to us.

♪♪ [ Vocalizing in harmony ]
mama's voice is high,
and daddy's voice is low.

and together it sounds great.

Very good, kids.

That's called
singing in harmony.

Now I remember
how the story ends.

High !
Low !

High !
Low !

high !
low !

Now, now.
If we can have quiet.

Waldo, you won
the coin toss.

you have the right
to sing first.

♪♪ [ Whistling ]

[ Baritone ]
♪ if you're
feelin' kinda weary ♪

♪ And life is lookin' dreary ♪

♪ I've got a little tip
you just take a little trip ♪

[ In harmony ]
♪ down to old hoohaw
where the noodle nuts grow ♪

♪ the air's so sweet
the folks you greet are the
friendliest you'll ever meet ♪

♪ And when evening falls
and the whippoorwills call ♪

♪ The fireflies wing
the crickets sing
a melody for all ♪♪

♪♪ [ crowd singing chorus ]
[ mayor jeff ]
waldo and edwina decided...

that both ways of
singing the song were good,

and that they sounded
even better together.

and that's how lake hoohaw
discovered harmony.

We were right !
We figured it out !

Low five.
High five.

Good job, kids.

Now why was I
telling you that story ?
I must have had some reason.

Because you
like to tell stories ?

Or because...
We've been arguing
just like--

[ Together ]
waldo and edwina !

And if we could figure out
what to do about their problem--

Then we can figure out
what to do about ours.

Like how to high-five
and low-five--
at the same time !

[ Together ]
high five, low five, hip bump,
on the thumb, in your tum !

Thanks for the story,
mayor jeff.
[ Baby butter ] thank you.

Come on, jelly. Let's
see if we can break
our land-speed record.

Yeah. Maybe we can do
four hills this time.

[ peanut, jelly ]
one, two, three, go !

[ Laughing ]

[ Peanut, jelly ]
high five, low five, hip bump !

[ All ]
high five, low five, hip bump !

Take it easy, pbj.
Now easy.

[ all ]
high five, low five, hip bump !

[ all laughing ]