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02x09 - Save Oaky Oak Tree/The Duck Who Cried Wolf

Posted: 04/02/24 19:40
by bunniefuu
Pbj ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj, pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

[ Giggling ]

You're in trouble now,
lord gravy !

Oh, yeah ?
First you have to catch me,
commander casserole.

Tea is served.
Here's some for you.

we gotta keep a sharp lookout,
pirate munchy !

There could be enemy
pirate ships right nearby.
Arrr !

Gee, pirate peanut.
I can't see a thing.

Wait !
Try this !

Oh !
Thanks, pirate peanut !

[ Electrical whirring ]

four !

Not bad, ootsie.

Why, thank you, bootsie.

You know, when you want
to hit the ball really far,

There's nothing like
the blast-a-tronic
jet-powered driver 2000.

Twice as good
as the 1000.


[ clattering ]
[ gasps ]

Behold !

The ultra blast-a-tronic
jet-powered driver 2001 !

You got the upgrade !

[ Electrical whirring ]
let an old pro
show you how it's done.

Four !

"For" ?
For what ?

Ball !

Come on, pirate munchy !
It's pirate treasure.

[ All ]
I saw it first !

do not touch that ball !
repeat, do not touch the ball !

Huh ?

This should only take
a minute.

remember, bootsie:
you can't move the ball
or you lose a whole point.

I'm aware of the rules,

Stand back !

Well !
There's no way I can hit
the ball around this tree.

- You going to move the ball ?
- And lose a point ?
I don't think so.

- I'll cut down the tree.
- [ All gasping ]

Cut down oaky oak tree ?

You can't do that !

Yeah. This tree
belongs to everybody.

Oh, yeah ?
Father ?
[ Beeps ]

Could you please buy me
this silly old tree
I'm standing next to right now ?

Why ? Because it's
blocking my golf ball !

[ sobbing ]
what ?

Oh, okay.
Thank you, father.

Well, looks like father
just bought me oaky oak tree.

And as owner of
this stinking old tree
that's in my way--

[ Beeps ]
yes, is this
beaver tree removal ?

[ All gasping ]
beaver tree removal !

They're very good.

Yes, this is bootsie snootie.

No, I live on
the other side of the lake.

I need you to cut down
a tree for me.
Oaky oak tree.

You'll be here soon ?
Eight minutes ?

Can't you come any sooner
than that ? They won't
be here for eight minutes.

Seems like forever, bootsie.
Sure does, ootsie.

I can't believe it !
Bootsie's dad bought
oaky oak tree ?

- They're gonna cut down
our tree !
- In eight minutes !

[ Sobbing ]

Oh, don't cry, butter.
We'll think of something.

[ Yawns ]
how much more time, bootsie ?

Seven whole minutes.
[ Both yawning ]

- [ Together ] seven minutes !
- Peanut otter, you know
what time it is, don't ya ?

Time to look
for a new tree ?

Time for a noodle dance,
so we can think of ideas
how to save oaky oak tree.

I'll think,
but pirates do not dance.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

- I got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

We spray the tree
with instant rock spray
so they can't cut it down.

Great idea, except
we don't have any rock spray.

What if we buy the tree
back from them ?
That's a great idea !

Yeah. There's only
one little problem.

Where are we going to get
that kind of money ?

Yeah, jelly.
You think money grows on trees ?

What'd I say ?
What'd I say ?

That's it !

We make bootsie think
this tree is so special,
money grows on it.

Yeah !
She loves money !
She'll never wanna cut it down.

[ Cheering ]


[ Both snoring ]

[ Giggling ]

♪ Save our tree
save our tree ♪

♪ Can't you see
how much we love it ♪

♪ What a friend it has been ♪

♪ We'll defend it till the end ♪

♪ save our tree ♪
save our tree ♪
it's my tree house !

It's my teahouse !

can't you see
how much we love it ♪
great for puppets !

♪ what a friend ♪
for a pirate king !

♪ It has been ♪
it's my friend !

♪ We'll defend it
till the end ♪

[ Snoring ]

Well, what do you know ?

Oaky oak tree's
sprouting money !

- Huh ?
- Boy !

This is one special tree.

You wouldn't wanna cut down
a tree like this.

Why'd you tape all that
play money in the tree ?

Don't wake us up again until
beaver tree removal gets here.

- We're done for.
- How much time left ?

Four minutes,
twenty-nine seconds.

[ All ]
four minutes,
twenty-nine seconds ?

We need a new plan.

Don't worry,
oaky oak tree.

We won't let them
cut you down.

[ Giggling ]
whoa !
Baby butter.

I thought the tree
was talking to me.
That's it !

you've done it again !
I have ?

We pretend to be the tree, see ?
And we talk to
ootsie and bootsie.

Oh, wow !
Nobody will cut down
a talking tree.

[ erie voice ]
ootsie and bootsie !

[ Snorts ]
huh ? What's that ?

ootsie and bootsie !

do you hear a ghost ?
Why, yes I do, ootsie.

[ Both gasping ]

i am oaky oak tree,

The spirit of this
really special tree !

Uh, bootsie ?
Yes, ootsie.

I think the tree
is talking to us.

No way !
Trees don't talk.

yeah, they do !

What do you want,
old special tree ?

You are two very,
very bad poodles !

[ Giggling ]
were you thinking
of cutting me down ?

Well, yeah.

But that's before we knew
you were a talking tree.

huh ?

oaky oak tree ?

What ?
Are you ticklish ?

What do you mean ?

[ Laughing ]

- [ Grunting ]
- nice try.

Bootsie, you can't
cut the tree down.

Oh, yeah ?
Just watch me.

okay, guys, let's go.
you ordered tree removal ?

[ bootsie ]
right here.

[ All gasping ]
oh, man !

Take it down, boys.

Just don't touch my golf ball.

Um, sir ?
When you're done,
can I chew on the sawdust ?

[ All ]
munchy !

[ Gasps ]
we gotta think of something !

- We gotta think of something !
- Here comes mr. Snootie !
He'll make 'em stop.

We'll be there
in a second, daddy.

We just have to
chop down this tree.

Right, right.
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Yeah, uh-huh.

Well, jelly,
got any more ideas ?

I don't know, peanut.
I think I'm all out
of tricks.

What is ?

Maybe we shouldn't try
to trick the poodles.

Yeah !
Maybe we just tell bootsie
how we feel about the tree.

That's a great idea !
Yeah, let's do it !

bootsie snootie ?
i've been playing puppets
in this tree forever. See ?

yeah, and I use the tree house
for my dolly tea parties.

Yeah, and if you cut down
this tree, me and munchy
won't have a pirate ship.

[ All ]
we love this tree !

Please don't cut it down !
♪ save our tree ♪

It's my tree house !
♪ save our tree ♪

- It's my teahouse !
- ♪ can't you see ♪

I'm for puppets !
♪ How much we love it ♪

- ♪ What a friend ♪
- for a pirate king !

♪ it has been ♪
it's my swing !

it's our heart
part of everything ♪

[ beavers crying ]
huh ?

Gee, I didn't know you cared
about this rotten tree so much.

But it's not a rotten tree !

It's oaky oak tree.
It's our playground.

Well, what about
my game of golf ?

Oh, I know, bootsie.
You can hit the ball right
through that hole in the tree.


[ All gasping ]

Well, that was a bad idea.

No ! Wait !
That's a great idea.

What are you
talking about ?

I just thought of a way
you could play golf
and we can still have our tree.

All we have to do is--

Well, you were right, jelly.

i sure am glad we didn't
cut down oaky oak tree.

Me too.
Yeah !
Yeah !

all right, already !
we wanna play too, you know.

Thanks, bootsie.
Thank you, jelly.

[ All chattering ]

"Once upon a time, there was
a little otter shepherd.

"One day,
the little otter shepherd...

"was watching over a flock
of sheep near a village.

"when suddenly,
the little otter shepherd
began to cry, 'wolf' !

Wolf !
[ Bleating ]

"the villagers all came
running. And guess what ?
[ all ] what ?

There was no wolf."

[ otters ]
no wolf ?
no wolf.

[ All sighing ]

"the little otter shepherd
laughed and laughed.

[ Laughing ]
"'fooled ya !'
he cried.

"the villagers were angry that
he played a trick on them.

"and what do you think
happened then ?

"the little otter shepherd
played the same trick
all over again.

"and the villagers
were even angrier.

"then one day,
a real wolf came...

"to chase the little
otter shepherd's flock.

"'whoa ! Whoa !'
cried the little
otter shepherd.

he was scared,
but nobody came to help him."

Why not ?

- They didn't believe him, not
after he lied so many times.
- So, what happened ?

"that big, bad wolf chased the
shepherd's whole flock away.

The end."

Can anyone guess what
the lesson of that story is ?

- Don't grow up
to be a shepherd ?
- No.

- Don't trust villagers ?
- No.

Ah, cheese and quackers !

Mrs. Otter,
I think the story shows...

That lying is bad
and that no one
should ever lie to anybody.

Flick duck,
that is exactly right.

Well, it's time for bed.

[ Kissing sound ]
don't let the fishies bite.
Who's worried about fish ?

There could be
wolves out there !
Or badgers !

- Or... Bears !
- [ All ] bears ?

Oh, now, I wouldn't worry
your furry little heads
about any bears.

I've never seen a bear
around lake hoohaw.

And anyway,
I hear they're very nice.

Hey ! Are you kids ready
for your front yard camp-out ? bet,
mr. Otter !
Yes, sir !

Well, good night, then.
And remember:

Mama and I
will be in that tent
right over there.

You kids
going to be okay ?

Sure !
Bye, mama.

Okay, then.

[ all ]
good night !

[ Moans ]

[ Snoring ]

This is gonna be great !
Here it goes.

Peanut !
Peanut !
Huh ?

Bear ! Scary bear,
right outside !
[ All gasping ]

Where ?
I can't see it.

[ flick laughing
hysterically ]
huh ?

[ laughter continues ]
[ together ]
flick !

You should've seen
the looks on your faces !

Don't you otters have
a sense of humor ?

That was mean, flick.
You scared baby butter.

Ah, come on, butter.
It's okay.

Let's get back to sleep.

Nighty-night !

I'm such a tricky duck.
[ Snickers ]

[ thud ]
[ all ]
hmm ?

[ flick ]
bear ! Bear !

[ All screaming ]
huh ?

[ Growling ]

What ?
Can't you take a joke ?

Oh, you otters are
the lamest bunch of--
kids, something the matter ?

Oh, hello,
mr. And mrs. Otter !

Just, uh,
taking in the night air.
Isn't it lovely ?

Ooh, look !
A sh**ting star.
Make a wish.

Flick said there was
a scary bear.
[ Whimpering ]

Oh, there's nothing
scary out here.

But if you kids want to go
back inside the house--

We'll be okay.

Uh, good night.

Good night.

[ Yawns ]
oh, man.
I gotta get some sleep.

[ Yawns ]
me too.

But how are we gonna keep flick
from tricking us again ?

I know !
Let's do a noodle dance...

And come up with
a whole bunch of ideas !

I'll think,
but I won't dance.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

- I got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

We close our eyes.

That way, flick can act
like a scary bear
but we won't see him.

but we'll still hear him.

[ Growls ]

Flick, can you be quiet ?
We're trying to think here.

There's no way
you can shut me up.
Na-na-na-na !

I know !
Maybe we should sing a song
so we don't hear him.

Great idea !

♪ John jacob
jingle otter breath ♪

♪ His name is my name too ♪
[ indistinct ]

♪ When we dive in the stream
the people always scream ♪

♪ There goes john jacob
jingle otter breath
na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ John jacob
jingle otter breath ♪

- ♪ His name is my name too ♪
- ♪ I can sing louder
than you can ♪

♪ when we dive in the stream
the people always scream ♪
♪ [ flick singing, indistinct ]

♪ There goes john jacob
jingle otter breath
na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪

Still here !
Well, that didn't work.

[ flick eating loudly ]
[ groaning ]

Hey !

This pillow
blocks out the sound.
Good thinking, jell.

- Huh ?
- I said, "good thinking !"

Hey, that's not fair !
Hello ?

[ No audio ]

I'll show you that
you can't ignore flick duck !

[ Grumbling ]

[ Gasps ]
bear !

A bear !

What ?

A bear !

A real, live, lip-smacking,
duck-eating bear !

Oh, please.
Not again.

[ Together ]

Okay. Don't say
I didn't warn you.

[ Growling ]

[ Swallows, screams ]

[ Panting ]

What have I done ?

What kind of duck am I ?

[ All ]
flick and his jokes !

[ Growling ]
[ all ]
huh ?

[ All screaming ]

Cheese and quackers !
I gotta save pbj !

Mom ! Mom ! Wake up !
Pbj are in big trouble,
and it's all my fault !

Oh, honey.
I'm sure it wasn't your fault.

No, I think it really was.
Come on !
Whoa !

[ Panting ]
what's this all about ?

[ Chuckling ]

Oh, no !
We're too late !

The bear's probably
pouring gravy all over
the little otters.

Wait a minute.
Come on.
[ Screams ]

I can't look.
I can't look !
The horror !

Hey, shirley.

Mr. Bear, this is mrs. Duck
and her son, flick.

So, you're flick duck.

Uh-- can I get back
to you on that ?

But what's going on ?
You were all growling
and scary before.

Come on and join us, flick.

What was all the fuss about ?

Let me get this straight.
[ Growling ]

This lip-smacking,
duck-eating bear
who was chasing me...

Is not a lip-smacking,
duck-eating bear ?

- [ All ] nope.
- I guess I did growl a little.

but that was because
i stubbed my big toe.

someone left a big tin
of cheese and quackers right
in the middle of the yard.

But I still don't get it.
Why were you coming over
in the first place ?

Well, I kept hearing someone
calling my name.
Bear ! Bear !

Oh, yeah.
That was me.

Well, better get going.
Thanks for the smores
and whatnot.

You never told us
what brings you to lake hoohaw,
mr. Bear.

The family and me
are on vacation.

Got the rv parked
just up the hill.

[ Horn honks ]

Good-bye !
[ All ]
bye-bye, mr. Bear.

[ Growling ]

[ All gasping ]
uh, sorry !

Flick, what did
you think would happen...

When you cried "bear"
all those times ?

Umm-- I thought
it would be funny ?

It wasn't funny, flick.

I don't think you learned
a lesson from our
bedtime story tonight.

If you keep lying
to everybody,

Then they won't believe you
when you need them to.

I'm sorry, everybody.

And don't forget:
you bothered that nice bear
for no reason.

All right, already !
I've learned my lesson.

Well, I guess
that wraps things up.

Not so fast, flick.
You're coming home.

But what about
our front yard camp-out ?

And no cherry pie
for a week.

How about boston cream ?

Boston cream ?

But definitely no cherry.

Wow !
What a night.

Anybody sleepy ?

Good !

♪ John jacob
jingle otter breath ♪

♪ His name is my name too ♪

♪ When we dive in the stream
the people always scream ♪

♪ There goes john jacob
jingle otter breath
la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ john jacob
jingle otter breath ♪

♪ his name is my name too ♪