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02x08 - Mayor Flick/The Greatest Sleepover Ever

Posted: 04/02/24 19:39
by bunniefuu
Pbj ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj, pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

Yes, friends,
it doesn't matter
if you're feathered or furry.

If you pick me for kid mayor,
I'll solve all your problems.

I promise.

♪ Now gather round, folks
don't be shy ♪

let me tell you
the truth
i won't lie ♪

♪ Whether you got
feathers, furs or fins ♪

♪ If I'm your mayor
everybody wins ♪

[ Together ]
♪ everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

♪ I promise
each and every one ♪

♪ If I'm your mayor
you'll have more fun ♪

♪ A bike to ride, a water slide
a cardboard box
to play inside ♪

[ Together ]
♪ a cardboard box
to play inside ♪

♪ Yes, friends,
I'll say it again ♪

♪ If I'm your mayor
everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

♪ Everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

♪ I'll tie your shoes
paddle your canoe ♪

♪ Make the sun come out
when you want it to ♪

♪ I'll scratch your itch
and make you rich ♪

♪ You wanna play ball
I'll even let you pitch ♪

[ Together ]
♪ if he's the mayor
we'll say it again ♪

♪ Everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

♪ everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

♪ No more naps
no thunderclaps ♪

♪ No "I'll just pull
this oar" mishaps ♪

♪ I promise, friends
if you put me in ♪

♪ Everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

♪ Everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

- I promise !
- Yea !

All right !
Yea, flick ! Yea !

Thank you, flick. Okay,
who else wants to try out
for kid mayor for a day ?

Go ahead, jelly.
You said you were
gonna try.

No way, guys. Did you
hear all those promises
flick just made ?

He's gonna get picked
for sure.

No one else wants
to give a speech ?


Flick duck, looks like
you're kid mayor
for the day !

[ Cheering ]

If you need me,
I'll be fishing
down at crickly creek.

- Good luck, kid mayor !
- [ Peanut ]
congratulations, flick.

That's mayor flick to you.

Bet you wish you were
kid mayor for a day,
huh, jelly ?

Yeah, well--

Aw, don't take it
so hard.

Hey, you three
can be my assistants.

- [ Jelly ]
you mean it ?
- Yea !

Sure. You can start
assisting me right now.

Peanut, get me
some crackers.

start puttin'
cheese on 'em.

I don't know, peanut.
Something tells me we're
not gonna like this job.

[ munching,
gulping ]

[ Chuckling ]
mmm, mmm.

Oh, great.
[ Inhaling ]


Flick, our mother
doesn't let us put
our feet up on the table.

Of course not, but I'm
the mayor. I can do
whatever I want.

Hmm !
mayor flick.

mayor flick !
oh, now what ?

I don't know.
Maybe it's something about
all those promises you made.

"Promises" ?
What promises ?

mayor flick,
you gotta come
right away !

Munchy beaver,
can't you see that
your mayor is busy ?

But scootch just spilled
spicy pepper all over the place,

And pinch is sneezing
something awful !

So ?

"So" ?
You promised to solve
all our problems.

Yeah, you promised.

Uh, right.

But as mayor,
I get to decide stuff,
and I decided...

That I'm leavin'
all the problems
to peanut, butter and jelly.

Bye !

But who's gonna help pinch ?

Speak with my assistants !

[ Stammering ]
oh, wow. Oh, wow !

I'm so nervous.
I'm sorry, guys.
I gotta go chew on a log.

Well, I guess
it's up to us,
assistant mayor jelly.

I guess you're right,
assistant mayor peanut.

And you too.

[ Jelly, peanut ]
assistant assistant
mayor baby butter.

ah-choo !

ah-choo !
ah-choo !

[ Gasping ]
ah-choo !

- Bless you.
- Thanks.

Oh, that spicy pepper
sure is powerful.

Don't worry ! Don't worry !
I'll sweep it ! I'll sweep it !

Ah-ah-ah-choo !

- Aaah !
- Sorry. My fault.

well, pinch, looks like
your pepper problem is history.

[ jelly ]
yeah. No more pepper.

[ Crying ]

What's the matter now ?
I was making
finger food.

Spicy pepper
and peach jelly sandwiches.

I still don't see
the problem.

How can I make spicy pepper
and peach jelly sandwiches...

When scootch spilled
all my spicy pepper ?

[ Together ]
that's a problem.
[ phone ringing ]

pinch, aren't you
gonna get the phone ?

[ Crying ]
[ ringing ]

Pinch raccoon's house.
Assistant mayor
jelly otter speaking.

- [ Excited chatter ]
- oh, hi, ootsie and bootsie.

You can't find mayor flick ?
Why ? Do you have a problem ?

Yes !
We'll be there
as soon as we can.

Ootsie and bootsie
need us right away !

- [ peanut ]
we'll get dad to take us over.
- but what about my problem ?

-We'll work on your problem too.
-Yeah, pinch. That's a promise.

[ Sobbing ]
thanks, assistant mayor jelly.

[ Peanut ]
ootsie ? Bootsie ?

[ peanut ]
what's going on ?

Our lunch. It's--

It's ruined ! Ruined !
[ Bawling ]

Why ?

- We're out
of peach jelly !
- So ?

We're having peach-braised
medallions of tofu !

And they can't braise
without peach jelly !

[ Wailing ]

But look at
all this stuff.

There must be
some peach jelly
here somewhere.

[ Jelly ]
yeah. I thought
you guys had everything.

We do have

We have peach jam,
peach butter,
peach whip.

Peach pate,
aerosol peach spray,
peach mousse frappe.

[ Together ]
but no peach jelly !

Peach jelly.

are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin' ?

Go hide with flick ?
No !

Maybe we can solve
both problems at once.

Pinch could lend
some of her peach jelly
to ootsie and bootsie--

Yeah, and, ootsie and bootsie,
do you have any pepper ?

Ahhh !

[ Muttering ]

Regular ?
Or spicy ?

Yea !
Yea !
Yea !

Mmm. More peach jelly
for your braised tofu,
bootsie ?

[ Giggling ]
why, thank you, ootsie.
[ Barking ]

Mm. Mmm !

Problems solved !

Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh ! Ah !

[ All ]
ah-ah-choo !

[ All laughing ]

[ panicked muttering ]

What was that ?
I don't know,

But something tells me
we've got another problem.

- Munchy, what happened ?
- [ Gibberish ]

What'd he say ?
He said--
[ speaking gibberish ]

Sorry, munchy.
You'll have to speak up.

I can't understand you
with that log in your mouth.

[ Gibberish ]
you were chewing
on a log ?

- Was it that log ?
- Uh-huh.

- And then what happened ?
- My teeth got stuck in it.

[ Together ]
your teeth got stuck in it ?

- I can't get it off.
- [ Together ]
you can't get it off ?

- That's right.
- Well, jelly, there's no way
we're gonna solve this one.

We have to try something.
How about the noodle dance ?

You go ahead.
I'll catch up
to you later.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

- I've got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

We build a wood-eating machine,
and it will eat the log
right off of munchy.

[ peanut ]
how 'bout we get
a million termites ?

they eat wood.
[ loud belch ]

Great. Where can we
get a million termites ?

I have no idea.
What else do we have ?

[ murmuring, smacking lips ]

Well, we have pepper.
Hey. Yeah !

We could make
spicy pepper sandwiches,

And then we could
eat them, and--

Aw, never mind.
I thought I was
on to something.

That's it !
It is ?

Not pepper for eating.
Pepper for sneezing.

Yeah ! Munchy can
sneeze the log off.

Peanut, you're a genius.
And look.

We can use some jelly
to make his teeth all slippery.

Here, munchy. Sprinkle a little
of this pepper on the log.

Like this--
[ gasping ]
ah-choo !

- Bless you.
- [ Chuckles ]
thank you.

well, flick.
i heard our kid mayor
was real busy today.

- He was ?
- Heard a lot of problems
got solved.

- They... Were ?
- Sounds like you were
a great mayor, mayor flick.

- I was ?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, cheese and crackers,
mayor jeff. It wasn't me
that solved any problems.

It must have been...
Peanut, butter and jelly !

Sorry for ducking out
on you guys.

Aw, that's okay, flick.
We were glad to help.

I was wrong to make
all those promises.

Well, flick,
keeping promises
is real important,

But it takes
a mighty big duck
to admit he was wrong.

♪ Now gather round, folks
don't be shy ♪

♪ Let me tell you a lesson
and I won't lie ♪

♪ Whether you have
feathers, furs or fins ♪

♪ If you keep your promises
everybody wins ♪

♪ keep your promises
everybody wins ♪

♪ everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

♪ Make a promise you can't do
and you make a mess
of trouble too ♪

♪ I said it once
and I'll say it again ♪

♪ If you keep your promises
everybody wins ♪

[ All ]
♪ if you keep your promises
everybody wins ♪

♪ Everybody, everybody
everybody wins ♪

You said it !

[ kids ]
one, two, three, four !
one, two, three, four !

otters really
like to roar !

Roar !

Otters, halt !

Ooh !
[ All laughing ]

Oh, dear.
Look how late it is.

Enough of this fooling around.
Pbj, do you know
what time it is ?

Time to make
a peanut butter and jelly
nighty-night sandwich !

[ Peanut, jelly ]
yea !

Oh ! [ Laughing ]
[ kissing ]
nighty-night, peanut.

Night, dad.
[ Kissing ]
nighty-night, butter.

[ Butter giggles ]
[ kissing ]
nighty-night, jelly.

[ Kissing sound ]
now, that's yummy.
Night, daddy.

[ phone ringing ]
[ dad ]
hmm ?

Hello. Oh, hi, georgina.
Hi, opal.
It's georgina.

Oh, no, it's not too late.
Pbj were just going to bed.

What are you doing home ?
I thought you were going to
that "up with poodles" retreat.

Well, our baby-sitter
took sick.

[ Gasps ]
oh, no !

Their baby-sitter
suddenly took sick.

Could ootsie and bootsie
stay with you this weekend ?
What's that ?

They want to know
if ootsie and bootsie
can sleep over.

[ Peanut ] oh, please ?
[ Jelly ]
yes ! Say "yes," mama !

[ Together ]
yes ! Please ?

- "Pease" ?
- Well, I guess that
would be okay. Sure.

Ernest, we better pull out
pbj's old bed.

Looks like we're gonna have
some sleepover guests today.

[ Peanut ]
we're having a sleepover !
We're having a sleepover !

[ jelly ]
oh, boy !

We'll play
sleepover games.
Eat sleepover snacks.

[ Peanut, jelly ]
sing sleepover songs !

[ jelly ]
i think this is gonna be
the greatest sleepover ever !

[ Yawning ]

[ Yawning ]

[ Both yawning ]

[ Pbj ] sleepover !
Sleepover ! Sleepover !
Sleepover ! Sleepover !

- [ knocking ]
- [ peanut, jelly ]
huh ? Poodles !

mr. And mrs. Snootie.

[ peanut ]
hey, ootsie, bootsie !

Yeah, welcome to
the greatest sleepover ever.

perhaps we should
check into a hotel.

Oh, now.
[ Chuckling ]

They're worried about
causing you any trouble.

Oh, no.
It's no trouble at all.

As you can see,
pbj are pretty excited.

Yea, yea, yea !

Well, that's the last
of your overnight bags.

[ Together ]
thank you, father.

mrs. Otter has the phone number
at the "up with poodles"
retreat lodge.

- If you need us, just call.
- [ Together ] yes, mother.

Mummy and daddy
will miss their little
poody-woody-poo-poo-poo !

- [ Together ] mother !
- [ Chuckling ] sorry.

Bye-bye, now.

[ opal ]
well, children,
it's very late.

Can we do another
nighty-night sandwich ?

Yeah. A nighty-night
otter and poodle sandwich.

All right. Time for one
more sandwich. Come here.

[ Pbj ]
daddy !
[ Both gasp ]

In our house,
we shake hands good night.

And then we wash
our hands thoroughly.

Oh. All right.

I guess one sandwich
is enough for tonight.

Hey, come on.
Let's show ootsie and bootsie
where they're going to sleep.

Yeah !
[ Laughing ]

I guess I'll start
bringing up their bags.

[ Chuckling ]
I'll give you
a hand, honey.

[ Laughing ]

You guys
get to sleep
on our old bed.

Yeah, and we're going
to be right over here
in our new beds.

I don't think so.
Do you, bootsie ?
No way, ootsie.

But, but,
but, but--

Those are our beds.

You don't expect us
to sleep on old beds, do you ?

[ Ernest groaning ]

Ootsie and bootsie,
what's in all these bags ?

- Just a few overnight things.
- Why do you ask ?

ootsie and bootsie
took our beds !

Tell them they can't
sleep in our beds !

they are company.

- Yeah, but--
- and you're the hosts.

You wanna make 'em feel
as comfortable as possible,
don't you ?

[ Together ]

Well, children,
it's mighty late.
Everyone needs to go to sleep.

Including us. Your father has
to be up extra early tomorrow
to make some special deliveries.

[ ernest ] we wanna hear some
serious snoring coming from
this room in about two minutes.

[ Together ]
nighty-night. Sleep tight.
Don't let the fishies bite.

[ Together ]
don't let the fishies bite.

Well, I guess
we should go to sleep,

Unless you guys wanna have
some sleepover snacks.

Yeah, or play a really fun,
cool sleepover game.

- Ehhh !
- Ooh, sorry.
Wrong answer.

[ All muttering ]

[ Yawning ]

Hmm. Ahhh !

Aha ! Look, ootsie !
[ Laughing ]

- What ?
- You sleep with a--

[ Barks ]
with a dolly !

It's not a dolly !
It's bucky space beaver !
It's an action figure !

Yeah, and you guys
have dollies too.
What's the big deal ?

These aren't dollies !

[ ootsie ]
they're poodle pillows !

- [ Together ]
dollies !
- Poodle pillows !

[ ernest ]
quiet down there, you kids !

Well, I guess we all
oughta go to sleep.

I guess so.
Now, let's see.

We brushed our teeth.
We did our nighty-night

- We just gotta do
our good night song.
- Yep.

[ Together ]
♪ night-night, sleep tight
it's time to turn out lights ♪

♪ Slip into bed
and rest our furry heads ♪

♪ Fishy-wishy night-night ♪

♪ The sunlight is done
and nighttime has begun ♪

♪ We've had such fun
but now it's time to run ♪

[ Together ]
♪ night-night, sleep tight
it's time to turn out lights ♪

♪ Slip into bed
and sail into the night ♪

♪ Fishy-wishy night-night ♪

♪ Fishes are wishes
our wishes are our dreams ♪

♪ They swim in our heads
as we float upon our beds ♪

♪ Fishy-wishy night-night ♪

[ ootsie ] t-time out !
[ bootsie ]
hold it ! Ho !

There is no way we can
go to sleep with that noise.
Am I right, ootsie ?

A hundred percent, bootsie.

- The only way to fall asleep--
- is with the "woof-woof" song !

[ Together ]
the "woof-woof" song ?


[ Both howling, singing ]
♪ when nighttime comes
and throws a stick ♪

♪ We yawn and stretch
and fetch it quick ♪

♪ Woof, woof, woof
then we dance
and prance well-bred ♪

♪ Don't let the little fleas
bite us in bed ♪

- ♪ Woof, woof, woof ♪
- [ all ] stop !

You're hurting
my ears !

♪ Night-night, sleep tight
it's time to turn out lights ♪

[ Howling ]
♪ slip into bed
and rest our furry heads ♪

What is going on, kids ?

They made fun
of my bucky space beaver !

They made fun
of our poodle pillows !

Well, they wouldn't let us
sing our good night song.

Oh, yeah ?
Well, they wouldn't
let us sing "woof-woof."

I see. Ootsie and bootsie,
it sounds like you have your own
special way of going to bed,

And so do you, pbj.

I suggest each one of you
go to your bed in your own way,

And do it now !

Good night !

Jelly, is it just me,
or did mom really seem annoyed ?

- Annoyed.
- I was afraid
you'd say that.

So what happens now ?
We go to sleep.

♪ Night-night, sleep tight
it's time to turn out lights ♪

♪ slip into bed-- ♪
when nighttime comes
and throws a stick ♪

we yawn and stretch
and fetch it quick ♪
[ growling ]

woof, woof, woof ♪
it's no use.

I can't sleep
without a good night song.

Me neither.
[ ernest ]
you kids, quiet down !

We gotta figure out
a way to get to sleep.

There's no time to lose.

But there's
always time
for a noodle dance.

Jelly, no !
Come on !

We can noodle up
a bunch of ideas
how we can go to sleep.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

- I've got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

We build
another houseboat.

That way you can go
to sleep your way, and
we'll go to sleep our way.

[ ootsie, bootsie ]
hey, that's a great idea !

Yeah, I like it.
Only one little problem.

We don't have time
to build a whole other boat.

Oh ! They're coming !
We're going
to get in trouble.

We're going
to get in trouble !

I guess you were right,
peanut. We shouldn't
have done a noodle dance.

Noodle, noodle, noodle !
But it was kind of fun
all dancing together.

together, together.

- That's it, jelly !
- Huh ?

What if we put
our songs together ?
Then we can all go to sleep.

[ All agreeing ]

Great thinking, peanut.

One, two, three.

♪ When nighttime comes ♪
♪ night-night, sleep tight ♪

♪ And throws a stick ♪
♪ it's time to turn out lights ♪

♪ We yawn and stretch ♪
♪ slip into bed ♪

♪ And fetch it quick ♪
♪ and rest our furry heads ♪

[ ernest, opal ]
♪ you kids, pipe down ♪
♪ fishy-wishy night-night ♪

♪ Then we dance ♪
♪ fishes are wishes ♪

♪ And prance well-bred ♪
♪ our wishes are our dreams ♪

♪ Don't let the little fleas
bite us in bed ♪
♪ they swim in our heads ♪

♪ As we float
upon our beds ♪
♪ you kids, pipe down ♪

♪ When nighttime comes ♪
♪ night-night, sleep tight ♪

♪ To scratch our ears ♪
♪ it's time to turn out lights ♪

♪ Just three words
we like to hear ♪
♪ slip into bed ♪

♪ And sail into the night ♪

♪ Woof, woof, woof ♪
♪ fishy-wishy night-night ♪

[ ernest ]
♪ you kids, pipe down ♪

- Huh ?
- [ Snoring ]

[ opal ]
good night, kids.