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02x07 - Tub O' Butter/El Dorado, Seat of Gold

Posted: 04/02/24 19:38
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj
pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

it's a high fly ball
to center field.
[ mom ] pbj, bath time.

Bath time
for my three little otters.

Yeah, yeah, yeah !

Aw, mom,
can't I play for just
one more minute ?

Just a little more ?
Oh, please, mama !
Pretty please !

[ Cooing ]

Pbj, I'm sorry,
but it's time for your bath.

Oh, please, mama.
Can't we play
for just one more second ?

Oh, pleasey,
pleasey, please !
[ Cooing ]

If you don't
take your bath now,

You won't have time
for your bedtime books.


[ Both pleading,
overlapping ]

You know what ?
I'm going to put you in charge.

you have 30 minutes till bed
and no books till you're done
with your baths.

You decide
when you're ready.

Thirty whole minutes
for playing ! Yea !

[ peanut ]
all right ! Whoo-hoo !

[ baby butter giggling ]

[ Chattering, overlapping ]

Wow ! What a great game
for jelly. Yes !

Twenty minutes left
till bedtime !

Yeah, all right.
Twenty minutes.

[ peanut ]
hey. You know, jelly,
this is a good glove.

I wonder if baseball players
have to take baths.

So, I guess you all decided
to give up...

Your bedtime books tonight
and just take your baths.

No way !
We have time for both.
Don't we ?


There's only 15 minutes left
till bedtime, kids.

- That's barely enough time
for your baths.
- Oh, no !

How can we go to sleep
without bedtime books ?

Peanut, are you thinking
what I'm thinking ?
We hide mama's watch ?

No. I'm thinking that
we better take our baths
really, really fast.

Me first, mama !
No ! Me, me, me, me !

♪ [ Humming ]

[ all laughing ]

Oh, my !

♪ A bath is nice and hot ♪

♪ I jump in just like a shot ♪

♪ Rub my fur and splash a lot ♪

♪ Is there something
you forgot ♪

♪ Oh, yeah
I splash water on my face ♪

♪ Dunk my head in
just in case ♪

♪ Jump right up
and shake off clean ♪

♪ But you left out
just one thing ♪

the soap ♪
♪ oh, yeah
I've got to soap up ♪

♪ Scrub up
lather up in bubbles ♪
yes !

♪ Scrubba, dubba
rinse off on the double ♪

♪ Soap up, scrub up
lather up my furry ♪
again ♪

♪ Scrubba, dubba
wash up ♪

♪ Rinse off in a hurry ♪

Give me a hug,
you clean thing.

Ta-da !

My ! I think that may be
the fastest bath in the history
of lake hoohaw.

Oh, yeah ?
Well, you haven't seen
anything yet.

whoo-hoo !
time me, mama.

Ta-da !

You beat peanut
by three seconds.
Way to go, jelly !

Well, looks like you kids
might get to hear some
bedtime books after all.

You have
ten whole minutes left.
All right !

[ laughing ]

[ jelly ]
butter, wait !
where are you going ?

Jelly, we forgot
one little thing.
What ?

We forgot how hard it is
to get baby butter
to take her bath.

♪ [ Humming ]

butter !

Come over here !
Come on ! Come on !
Hurry ! Come on !

Whoa-ho-ho !
Pbj, what's going on ?

Pbj are in charge
of their own time
this evening.

Butter ?
Butter, come back !
[ Giggling ]

Butter !

Come on !
Yeah. And we have to get
butter to take her bath, or--

[ Together ]
we won't have time
for our bedtime books !

- How much time
do we have left ?
- Here, I'll show you.

When this big hand points
straight up and down,
it's going to be 8:00.

So you have one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven more
minutes for butter's bath...

And your bedtime stories.

- Oh, that's not much time,
is it ?
- Mm-mmm.

Hmm ?
I've got an idea !
You do ?

Yep ! It's time
for the noodle dance
to drum up some more ideas.

- Noodle, noodle.
- Oh, no.

I'll use my noodle,
but no dancing.

♪ [ pop ]

♪ Noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ Noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

I've got it.
I've got it.

What ? What happened ?
What ? What ?
Hey, butter,

What about if peanut and I
take you up to your bath
together ?

- Wouldn't that be great ?
- No !
- Now what ?

What if we take away
rubber crawfishy...
[ Crying ]

And we don't give it back
unless butter takes a bath ?

Bad idea ?
[ Whimpering ]

Hmm ? Hey, how about
we take her outside
in the rain ?

That's as good
as a bath, right ?
Yeah !

Just one thing missing.

[ Together ]

Wait a minute, peanut !
I think you're on
to something.

What do you mean ?
What if we gave butter
a bath in a new place ?

Maybe she'll like it.
Hey, yeah ! But where ?

Too small.

Way too small.

Nah, too potatoey.

hmm ?

I've got an idea !
[ Whispering ]

[ whispering continues ]

- Yeah !
- [ Giggling ]

you have to excuse us.

We have this really
interesting project.

Yeah, butter.
You wouldn't be interested.
It's a grown-up kid thing.

Dad, can we
use this bucket ?

Yeah. We need it
for a really, really
fun, special project.

[ Gasps ]

A "special project," eh ?
Sure, why not ?

[ Together ]
oh, boy !
just as soon as i...

Put these here potatoes
in the freezer.

We're gonna have
frozen potato pops
for breakfast tomorrow.

[ Together ]
we'll help you.
Well, thanks, pbj.

[ Both laughing ]

Boy, everything takes
so much longer than you think.

Yeah. If we had just done
what mama told us to do
in the first place,

We could be reading
bedtime books by now.

How much time, mama ?

- Let's see. Five minutes.
- We're running out of time !

Next we fill the bucket
with nice warm soapy water.

Let's form a line
and pass cups of water
to each other.

a bucket brigade !
good thinking, jelly.

[ Gasps ]

Now we have to add
rubber crawfishy.

Hmm. It's still missing
something, jelly.

You're right, peanut.

- This bucket needs
one more magic ingredient.
- [ peanut ] what could it be ?

[ Together ]
hmm. Huh ?
[ splash ]

[ All laughing ]

Thank you, mama.

♪ Soap up, scrub up
lather up in bubbles ♪

♪ Scrubba dubba
rinse off on the double ♪

♪ Soap up, scrub up
lather in a flurry ♪

♪ scrubba dubba ♪

♪ Wash up
rinse off in a hurry ♪

We did it !
Whoo-hoo ! Yeah !
Hooray !

Now all we have to do
is dry her off, comb her fur
and put her in her slippers.

And it's bedtime books
for everyone !

Okay, baby butter,
time to come out.

[ Laughing ]

You can come out now.

Butter, you have to get out
of this tub right now.

What ?
We're doomed !

Butter, you didn't even
want to take a bath
in the first place, remember ?

Yeah, we begged you
to take a bath.

And you said,
"no, no, no, no !"
No, no, no.

No ! Butter, get out
of that bathtub right now !

How much time ?

Let's see.
Two more minutes.

[ Together ]
two more minutes !

[ Laughing ]

Jelly, come with me.
Let's start reading
our bedtime books.

Huh ? Oh, yeah !

Gee, this book
sure is great !

Yeah. It's really,
really great.

[ Together ]
ooh ! Wow !

Cool !
Oh, man !

Huh ?

Oh, wow !
Unbelievable ! Oh !

[ Together ]
all right !

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]


[ together ]

[ Together ]
ta-da !
Ta-da !

Good job, kids.
I didn't think you could
get your bath done so fast.

How much time ?
How much time left,
mama ?

Let me check.
Oh, you've got one minute left
for bedtime books.

One minute left ?
We better hurry.

Man, getting ready for bed
is a lot harder than I thought.

[ Yawns ]
I'll say.

Okay, kids.
There's time for just
one book, and then--

Hmm ?

[ All snoring ]

What's going on,
mayor jeff ?

Yeah, what are you doing,
mayor ?
Oh, hey, pbj.

Today is a proud day
in the history of
the lake hoohaw museum.

Oh, yeah ? Why is that ?
[ Coos ]
what's going on ?

Today is the grand opening of
the museum of old toilet seats.
[ toilet flushing ]

Ooh !
[ Cooing ]
wow !

Yep. I've got toilet seats
in every color of the rainbow.

At the end of the day,
I'm gonna show off my most
prized toilet seat of all--

The inflatable,
imitation gold-plated, rubber
el dorado, seat of gold !

[ Together ]
ooh !

Well, kids,
you'll have to excuse me.

I have to go get ready
for my show.

Can we look ?
Can we help ?

Can we see el dorado ?
Yeah, can we ?

Wow !
Whoa !

[ together ]
wow !

is that el dorado ?

This ? No.
This is nothing special,
just old blue.

this is
el dorado, seat of gold.

Oh. Oh !

It's so... Flappy.

It doesn't look like
anything now, but wait.

[ Inhaling, blowing ]

el dorado, seat of gold !

[ Together ]
wow !

Well, back to work.

[ Together ]
ooh !

Wow ! This would make
a great cushion
for my skateboard.

yeah !

[ peanut ]
or, it could be
a cool ringtoss.

[ baby butter ]
[ giggling ]

Say, peanut,
maybe we could borrow it ?

No way, jelly.
You heard mayor jeff.
He needs it for his show.

- That's not until
the end of the day.
- Yeah, but--

Come on. Maybe he'll
let us play with it
for a little while.

Ask him, peanut.
Hey, you ask him.

Yes, peanut ?
You wanted to
ask me something ?

I was just wondering.

Is it okay
to borrow that seat
for a little while ?

- That one ?
- Yeah, that one.

Sure, no problem.
You kids have fun with it.

- You're sure, mayor jeff ?
- Absolutely. Have fun, kids.

Hoohaw !
[ Giggling ]

Thanks, mayor jeff.

We'll have the seat
back in time for your show.
I promise.

It's okay, kids.
I trust you.

No problem you
borrowing old blue.

Now, el dorado,
that would be a problem.

Huh ? Oh. I guess
pbj didn't want to play
with old blue after all.

Please don't do that, jelly !
Please don't do that, jelly !

Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh !

[ Gasps ]
[ splashes ]

Huh ? She did it.

[ Laughing ]

- Again, again.
- No way !

We have to be careful
with this thing.

Aw, would you relax.
Mayor jeff said
we could play with it.

Jelly, it could get
all dirty and scratched.
And ?

Jelly, what if it was
your commander casserole doll ?

You wouldn't treat it
like that, would you ?
Yeah. I guess you're right.

Anyway, it's my turn !
Huh ?

[ Laughing ]

Hey, that's not fair.

If you're gonna play with it,
then I can play with it too.

Me, me, me, me, me !
Easy. Don't !

You're gonna pop it.
[ Grunting ]

♪ [ classical ]

this is so boring.
You said it, ootsie.

When are you going to show us
el dorado, seat of gold ?

I'm saving that
for the big finale.

Here, jelly.

I got it !
Here, butter.
[ Giggling ]

Hey ! Cool rubber thing.

Give it back, flick.
What is it, anyway ?

It's mayor jeff's,
and we're giving it
back to him right now,

Before anything bad
happens to it !

- Okay, okay.
Just tell me what it is.
- It's lots of things.

- It makes a great hula hoop.
- Skateboard cushion.
- "Thwim."

Cheese and crackers,
don't you guys know anything ?
It's a boomerang.

Boomer-- what ?

Oh, am I the only one
around here with a noodle ?

A boomerang is this cool thing
that you throw really far
and it comes right back to you.

- Here, I'll show you.
- Uh, flick.

No ! No, please !
Flick, no !
Don't throw it !

Hey ! Trust the flickster.

I'll throw this thing that way,
and it will circle around
and land right here at my feet.

Watch and learn !
[ Grunts ]

[ peanut ]
uh, flick ?
when does it come back ?

Uh. Must be busted.

Gotta go !

Oh, man !

Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time for the big finale.

I give you
el dorado, seat of gold.

Hmm ?

Gone !

I can't believe we waited
all this time for nothing.

But where ? How ?

I was just wondering.

Is it okay to borrow that seat
for a little while ?
[ Echoing ]

Oh, no !
They took the wrong seat !

Please, folks !
Don't go away.
I'll be right back.

Pbj ! There you are !
[ Chattering ]

When I said you could
take a seat,
did you take el dorado ?

Uh, yeah.

Oh, thank goodness ! Listen,
I need it back right away.
Everyone's waiting.

[ Together ]

Nothing, uh,
happened to it, did it ?


Well, please go get it,
or I'm gonna be in big trouble.

Great. Now what
are we gonna do ?

We just gotta find a way
over this fence.
Here, peanut, give me a boost.

Jelly, you can't climb
over this fence.
It's too tall.

Well, we have to try.
Give me a boost.

Ready ?

[ Both ]
whoa-oh-oh-oh !

[ thump ]

You know what ?
This fence is too tall.

We're sunk. We're sunk.
We're sunk.

I've got it !
Let's do a noodle dance.

Jelly, you know how I feel
about dancing.

noodle, noodle.

♪ [ pop ]

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

- I've got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

We strap on our
antigravity hover boots
and zoom.

We jump right over
the fence, then we--

I like it, but we don't have
any antigravity hover boots.

Okay. But what do you
think of my plan,
other than that ?

What if we got cap'n crane
and connie crane to fly over
and get the seat for us ?

Pbj ! Please hurry !

We're doomed !

No, peanut.
We're just going to have to
solve this one ourselves.

- But how ?
- Hole, hole.

Nice, butter.
Yeah, that's a hole.

Wait a minute !
We can crawl under the fence
through that hole !

Way to go,
baby butter !

It landed over there,
but I can't reach it.

I'm too big.
You try, jelly.

[ Grunting ]
I'm too big too.

it's up to you.

Go get the seat.

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ]

[ giggling ]

[ Laughing, gasps ]

Oh, no !
The seat's too big
for the hole !

We're really
going to get it.

Maybe we can make
the hole bigger
by pulling on it.

Maybe we can make
the hole bigger
by getting some termites.

Maybe we can make the hole
bigger by getting munchy beaver
to chew on the wood.

Great ideas.
But we don't
have enough time.

[ Both ]
there's no way we can
make the hole bigger.

- [ hissing ]
- what's that sound ?
- Look ! It's butter !

you're a genius !

We can't make the hole
bigger, but we can make
the seat smaller.

All right !
[ Laughing ]

[ Grunting ]

Now we just blow it back up.

[ Blowing ]

[ Blowing ]
perfect !

We're saved !

- [ Groans ]
- [ poodles ] hmph !

That does it.
I'm going home, bootsie.
Me too, ootsie.

Wait, everybody !

Huh ? Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time for the big finale.

I give you
el dorado, seat of gold !

[ Together ]
ta-da !

♪ El dorado, all behold ♪

♪ El dorado, seat of gold ♪

genuine rubber
everywhere ♪

the toilet seat
beyond compare ♪

el dorado
what a find ♪
ooh ! Ooh !

♪ Puffy cushion
one of a kind ♪

♪ Inflatable wonder
of golden ring ♪

the toilet seat
fit for a king ♪

[ Crowd applauding,
cheering ]

So mayor jeff thought
we borrowed old blue.

Sounds like it was
just a simple

But you guys used your noodles
and got it figured out
in the end.

Hey ! I wonder if flick
ever found a boomerang
that wasn't busted ?

[ flick grunting ]

[ splash ]

[ Grunts ]

[ splash ]
[ Groans ]

What's a duck gotta do
to get a boomerang
around here ?

[ Squawks ]