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01x05 - Excuse Me, I'm a Doctor

Posted: 04/02/24 11:14
by bunniefuu
[Henry] "Isambard Tulley
captured in Slough."

Devereux is in Newgate.

[Nell] He's only in there because of us.

Well, me. So I'm gonna spring him.

-No idea.

[prison guard] You obviously
know someone in high places.

Lady Eularia Moggerhangar.

Please know that I am this close
to calling off our engagement.

[George screams]

In two or three days, she'll be past
the point of danger, hopefully.

Then and we'll set off
for Uncle Jack's in Abingdon.

But Mr. Devereux said that was a bad plan.

Maybe, me and you was supposed to...
I don't know, do some disruption.

[Sofia] Poynton is going
to move in here with us.

I don't want him here.

I want to learn everything
you can teach me.

I need Jackson dead.

We'll do it together.

I never shot that toff.

[Nell] It was his own son that did it
after he shot my father.

My elder brother
is a magistrate in Oxford.

[Henry] You should look him up.

Mr. Tuplow?

-No, no, I didn't.

[suspenseful music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[horse neighs]

[child 1] Joseph's here.

Joseph's here!

-[indistinct chatter]
-Good to see you again.

-Let me get that out of the way for you.
-[baby cooing]

-[Jack] Morning, gents.
-Here we go. Too beef for you.

-There you are, my love. My turtle.
-Thank you.

[child 1] Joseph's here.

-[guest] Thank you.
-[child 1] Becky, Becky. Joseph's here.

[Jack] There is a well inside...

Joseph's here.


[carriage approaching]

[child 2] Becky, Joseph's here.

[Becky] Yeah, I can see that.

[upbeat music stops]

Where's Joseph?

He's tied up. He'll be with you next week.

Tied up? How?

[Becky] Oi.

-Is Mr. Trotter about?

-What's he tied up with?
-I don't know.

-These all your empties, love?

Can you tell your old man
I need a word with him?

Tell him to nip into the storeroom
and I'll see him in there.

Well, what's it to do with?


Free beer.

-[Jack] Okay, Joan was 12 then...

-Because I'm 3 years old at the time.

-[Jack] Seven tiny Trotters.

Dad. Dad.

This is the oldest one, Rebecca.

And then, as I say, six more.

All alive and in sound health.

We're blessed, me and Mrs. Trotter.

Fella in the storeroom
wants to speak with you.

-What fella?

-Where's Joseph?
-Tied up.

-What does he want?
-Something about free beer?



Free beer.

Tell him to come back when it's quiet.

Free beer? As if.

-I've heard it all now.
-[guests laugh]

[indistinct chatter]

You. Bumpkin.

He says to come back when we're quiet.


[Nell] Are you Rebecca?

Who wants to know?

[Roxy exhales sharply]

[Nell] This is Roxy.

I'll explain.

Roxy, that's...

[Becky] Are you...

Was that our Nelly?

[upbeat music playing]

[Jack] We travel all that way,
we get there,

-and the thing's only got three legs.
-[child] Dad. Dad. Dad.


Ma said you have to shake a leg
in the kitchen.

Only we're a man down
because Becky's going to see Joseph.

-All right. All right.
-[baby cooing]

Sounds like you'll have to excuse me,
ladies and gents.

[patrons] Aww.

Sounds like Mrs. Trotter needs company.
[chuckles, gasps]

I need to talk to you.

Don't I know you?

Yeah, you do.

Just a bit busy just now,
but if you wanna...

-[whispers] Nelly?
-[Nell shushes]

Don't call me Nelly.

-[Jack] Quick, in there.
-[Nell] Mm-hmm.

[Jack whispers]
Here, watch your step.

-It ain't safe for you here.
-I know that.

-You've grown.

People are crawling all over the shop,
asking after you.

What you gone and done to get yourself
a 40-pound reward on your head?

-You didn't sh**t that lord.
-No, I didn't.

I need you to help me.

Well... Well, well, how?

Pa's dead.


[Nell] Yeah, the news sheets
never reported it.

I'm sorry.

[solemn music playing]

[Nell] Roxy and George will fill you in
on all what happened.

I'm sorry, Uncle Jack, but I don't want
to linger longer than I have to.

But I did not do it.

And the same person that done it
k*lled Pa.

Here's the thing.

Uncle Jack.

Can they come here?

Roxy and George?
Can they live under your roof?

Can you and Auntie Mary look after them?
Can you feed them?

Can you bring them up nice
just till I sort a few things out?

They ain't got nowhere else to go.
[breathes shakily]

And George...

she's been shot.

-George has... Baby George?
-Well, she's eight now, but, yeah.

She took a b*llet in her shoulder.

I can't imagine Sam dead.

And who was it that k*lled him?

Roxy will fill you in, but it's a mess.

George is on the mend,
but she needs rest and quiet work.

Roxy can work behind the bar.
She can pull the weight for both of them.

[Nell] She's quick. She's strong.

So can they stay here...
[breathes shakily]

...'till I sort something out?

Well, uh, what sort of...
Of course, they can.

Thank you.

What sort of time frame
were you thinking of?

Yeah, well, I got to go up to London
to help out this friend, this idiot.

Friend. Idiot.

Who's gone
and got himself in a spot of bother,

but he did it trying to help us, so...

[Nell] And then I'll leg it back this way.

I'll say my goodbyes, then on to Bristol,
sneak onboard a ship, sail to America,

and set myself up in a business.

And then I'll send an address...

where they can come and find me.

So that'd be a few years of a job then.


You have to be careful
how you sneak them in.

There's people crawling all over the shop,

offering all sorts of silly money
for information about where you are.

Bounty hunters, newspaper hacks,
all the regulars asking after you.

-I don't trust anyone anymore.
-I know.

They'll blend in, won't they?

Yeah. Roxy will.

[quirky music playing]

Is it true that Nelly slew a giant
on a giant horse

like it said in the news sheets?

Well, yeah, she did.
But she doesn't eat babies.

[Roxy] I think they make things up.

-[indistinct chatter]
-[upbeat music playing]

[townspeople cheering]

[kid] It's the traveling players.
Dad, look, they're here!

It's Japhia!

[townsperson] Hello, Japhia! Hey!


[suspenseful music playing]


[Japhia] Hello!

What should we do with them?

I don't know, Mrs. Trotter. I don't know.

I think we need to keep our wits about us
and have eyes in our articles.

Let's sneak them upstairs one by one,

and then let's have a think
about the best way to handle this.

So hang on.

If Nelly never did this thing,
she needs to talk to the magistrate

and make it known it was this other fella.

-She did.
-Because this lad that k*lled Sam...

needs to be brought before the courts.

-She went to another magistrate.
-In Oxford.

That was in the news sheets.
Two days since.

-"Magistrate m*rder*d by Nelly Jackson."
-[Roxy scoffs]

Someone was reading it out.

See, these news sheets
love all these lies,

and it's not fair because she never.

There's other magistrates.

Yeah, but Lord Blancheford
was a magistrate,

so there's not many of them
likely to want to listen

to Nell's side of the thing, are there?

That's why no one's ever going
to get brought to justice for k*lling Pa.

They just all lie.

The toffs with the lolly,

and the news sheets
just print whatever sells,

and the likes of us
has to suck up the consequences.

[George] Except, Nelly refuses to do that,

and that's why she always ends up
in a big, steaming bother.

[clicks tongue]

I think it's her laugh.

Or maybe it's her eyes.

They just sparkle
when the light hits them right.

And she's got her wits about her,
and she is funny.

Some guard you are.

Uh, no, he's still tied up.
Aren't you, Joseph?


-He's a good listener.

Well, young Joseph.

Now you can tell people

Nell Jackson delivered
one of your deliveries for you,

gave you a chink of the old rhino,
doesn't have horns, doesn't eat babies,

and has a very,
very personable accomplice.


[theme music playing]

[horse neighs]

[soft gasp]

[solemn music playing]

[wind blowing]

[tense music playing]

[ominous music playing]


[buzzing continues]

[tense music intensifies]

[Sofia gasps]

[approaching footsteps]

-Good morning.
-Good morning, my Lord.

[Sofia] You seem better.

The queen has been rather shaken
by Herne's appearance.

[Earl of Poynton]
She sees Jacobites everywhere.

[Sofia giggles]

Godolphin leads the hound.

-Would that be a problem?
-[Earl of Poynton] No.

In fact, I think it can all be turned
quite nicely to our advantage.

[Earl of Poynton]
I'll go to London tomorrow.

And if you like,
I'll look in on Thomas as well.

Thank you.

I saw you earlier.

Your abilities have progressed
quite remarkably.

I want to learn more.

I'm ready.

I think I've identified a series of spells
that will not only locate Nell Jackson,

but wherever she is,
and trap her in her surroundings.

It's complex and it's not infallible,

and it will, if successful, exhaust you.

But I will be there to pull you out
if it's becoming dangerous.

When can we do it?

We need a private space
as subterranean as possible.

And we need to acquire something
of Nell Jackson's.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Japhia] Ye elves of hills, brooks,
standing lakes, and groves.

And ye that on the sands
with printless foot

do chase the ebbing Neptune,
and do fly him when he comes back.

You demi-puppets

that by moonshine
do the green sour ringlets make,

whereof the ewe not bites.

And you whose pastime
is to make midnight-mushrooms,

that rejoice to hear the solemn curfew...

by whose aid, weak masters though ye be...

[George] Roxy, it's Japhia
and the strolling players.

[Japhia] Call'd forth the mutinous winds,
and 'twixt the green sea...

[Jack] I brought you up
some dinner, girls.

Too excited to eat.

They come every year.

They're very good.
They always draw a crowd.

We always make a tidy sum
with Mrs. Trotter's pork and walnut pies.

Always give them a few quid
on their last night.

It's not great life
being a traveling player,

and they give so much pleasure.


[Japhia] Grave at my command...

Better get back down there.
Queuing up three deep at the bar.

You all right, Uncle Jack?

[dramatic music playing]

Yeah. Yeah.

-[Roxy] Sit down, Uncle Jack.
-It's just...


[Jack] When we were boys,
he looked after me.


I think he'll live well in the memory.

-Oh, Uncle Jack.
-[George] Uncle Jack, don't cry.

Eat a pork pie.

You're just like him.

And you're just like her. Your mom.

Isn't nature lovely?
The way it can do that and console us.

[indistinct chatter]

[classic music playing]

[indistinct chatter]


Billy Blind.

I am not helping you. Not with this.

Yeah, but why, though? Why not?

I'm not helping you spring
some nasty grubby highwayman

-out of chokey.
-He helped us.

He got you into a fix in the first place

because he wanted
to cheat money out of those toffs.

-Yeah, but he...
-This is where a fella like that belongs.

-So apparently, Nelly...
-Listen, Nelly.

Nell. I'm listening.

At 12:00 noon, all the toffs line up
to pay to get inside,

to get a look at Isambard Tulley.

-Do they?

Five shillings a pop,
hundreds of them a day.

-But he is still behind bars in leg irons

and they only get to look at him
through a tiny window, so...

[Billy] This isn't what I was sent
to the planet for.

Well, what were you sent
to the planet for?

-[Billy groans]

You do what you have to do,
and good luck with it.

But you're on your own.

Oh, for crying out loud.

Look, I'm just trying to...

You're being a bit weird.

What's the plan?

Ah.. Don't know.

Thought when we got here,
something would suggest itself.

[townsperson] Ally up.

[indistinct chatter]

Well, that's one way out.

So, like...



Well, we done due diligence.

We came, we had a look.
Our hearts were in the right place.

Do you want a cup of coffee before we go?


[Rasselas] Thank you.

[indistinct chatter]

While I've got you,
there was something I was wanting to ask.

The answer is no.

You don't even know what I'm gonna say.

No, I do.

-I would like to ask your permission...
-No. ask Roxy...
-No, Rasselas. be my sweetheart.

Oh, you should have said.


[Nell] First off,
you're old enough to be her uncle.

Second, I don't have time
for that mush and truck. I'm...

It's not you I'm asking out though, is it?


Just leave her alone, all right?
She's too young.

[door opens]

Is there a doctor in here?
Any of you gentlemen a doctor?

-I'm a doctor.
-I'm a doctor. What's the matter?

-I'm a doctor.
-He's a doctor.

-Yes, I'm a doctor. What's the problem?

[gaoler] Over the road. In a very bad way.

And needs a leg amputated.

No, no, no. There's no amount of money
he can pay for...

-His family has money.
-[patron] Good luck with that.

He's not scum.

You'll be paid!

-[indistinct chatter]

[uplifting music playing]

What are you doing?

[Nell clears throat]


[indistinct chatter]


[Nell laughs]

[Nell] Excuse me, I'm a doctor.

[gaoler] Oh, thank goodness. Come with me.

-[door opens]
-Excuse the smell.

[Nell grunts]

[Nell gags]

Hope you haven't just eaten.

It's not pleasant.

Fella got hold of a bread knife

and started to cut his own leg off
to try and escape his chains.

[prisoners yelling]

-[prisoner] Hey. Let us out!
-[gate clanks]

-[prisoner] You gonna let us out or what?
-[distant screaming]

-[banging on cell]
-[prisoners clamoring]

Help us. Please! Come on.

-[indistinct shouting]

[screaming in agony]

[screaming continues]

-[keys clanking]
-[prisoner] Get me down!

[screaming in distress]

-[rat squeaks]

[faint screaming]

Uh, is it... Is it true that
Isambard Tulley is in here at the moment?

-[child prisoner 1] Please, doctor.

[child 2 prisoner coughs]

-[gaoler] Yeah.
-[child prisoner 2] Doctor, please.

-[gaoler] He's upstairs, on display.
-[child prisoner 2] Help us.

[indistinct shouting]

The toffs like to come in
to goggle at him.


[door clanks open]


Are we too late?

[bread knife clanks]

[prisoner coughing in distance]

[prisoner shouts]
Damn them all!

[gagging, wheezing]

Was he delirious when he did this?


[prison guard] Keep it down.

[faint shouting]

They've got typhus. All of them.

I've seen it on the b*ttlefield
in Blenheim.

Typhus. What is that?

It's jail fever.

You need to check how far it spread.

Seriously, what you need to do is you...


I need to check on your man Tulley.

If you've got the quality coming in
and gawping at him,

you don't want them
going down with it, do you?

If word gets out
you've got typhus in here,

your revenue would dry up overnight.

Let's start with him, shall we?

And then I'll take a squint
at everyone else.

-How about that?
-[tense music plays]

[indistinct chatter]

-[lock clanks]
-[door opens]

Doctor visiting. Outbreak of jail fever.

All inmates must,
without exception or complaint,

submit to a full medical examination.

Stand up!

-[prison guard] What? Come on...
-[prisoners clamoring]

[Charles grunts]


[gaoler] Here he is, in all his glory.

The infamous, terrifying, Isambard Tulley.

[Nell] Okay.

[Nell clears throat]

[dramatic gasp]

He has the spot in his eye.

I'll, um... You going to...

Yes, I'll do what I can for him.
Could you give me 60 seconds?

[Nell] Thank you.

[door clanks, slams]

-You need to pretend to be dead.

-I'll pronounce you dead.

You might have to spend a bit of time
in a coffin, but I will get you out.

-Sit down.



-Nelly, Nelly, Nelly.
-[Nell grunts]

-Yeah. Don't call me "Nelly."
-[Charles] Nelly.

-[prisoners screaming]
-[prison door clanks]

[prisoner 1] Please, lady, please!

[indistinct chatter]

[prisoner 2] Help! Please help me!

[prisoner 1] I ain't done nothing wrong,


All righty.

[Nell] Oh, this is a bag of tricks.

Is it?

What do you fancy?

Oh, so you've been on the sauce.
You don't need any of this other sort.

What is this place?

Nelly, it's mad.

-Is this prison?

Well, it's where you go
if you've got the lolly.

They chuck you in the grungy bit

with the lost souls and the riffraff
to begin with.

But then, when you show them
you got the lolly, you get this.

That window up there,

that's where the toffs file past
to gawp at me.

I should get a percentage.

And if you ain't got that lolly?

Misery, squalor, starvation, diarrhea.

Standing room only.

I've seen.

So where did you get the lolly from then?

-Friends in high places.

[Nell] All right. Hmm.

Oh. I'm gonna give you this.

Swallow it. It's what we gave them
on the field when a body has had more pain

-than a soul can endure.
-What is it?

Just herbs, spices,
all fermented up and such.

You'll drop into a deep sleep.

Your pulse will slow right down,
and then I'll pronounce you dead.

They'll take you out feet first
in a wooden overcoat,

then hundred yards down Fleet Street,

we, um...

We'll sort something out.

How? Who will?

We'll snatch you a coffin.
Me and a colleague.

Oh, but it will depend
on your friends in high places,

making it known they want your corpse,
if you can give me their names.

How will you... What colleague?

I'll come up with something. I always do.

Never mind, though.
You're just going to have to trust me.

-What if I get buried alive or anatomized?

Sold to a surgeon
and butchered for my specimens?

No. I won't let it happen.
And if you stay in here, you'll hang.

-You're a good soul, Nelly
-Down in one.

But I'm halfway through a better plan.

-[Charles] You're amazing.

You're clever and brave and... Oh, Lordy.

Nelly. Nell. But...

You've got a better plan.


So, a friend of mine
has hired the very best lawyer in London,

Sir Kit Appleby.

-[Charles laughs]

-You've heard of him.

Well, in court,
he will simply plead the truth

that I am Charles Devereux.
So how can I possibly be Isambard Tulley?


Yeah. Well, you don't need me then.

Well, perhaps if the first plan fails
for whatever reason,

we can resort
to your more desperate measures.

Yeah, but that will involve me
sneaking in again.

It was hard enough this time,

so don't think
that's something I'll be up for.

[Lady Eularia] He's been segregated
from the filth for over a week.

Now open the door.
Listen to me and open this door right now!

[indistinct chatter]

Who is this?

It's my... My...

-My, um, my, my, my...

-She is my...

-So, she is my...
-[Nell] Your?

-I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, your intended?

I'm betrothed.

You are?

-You are?

Who to? Oh, no, no.
How? No, I mean, who to?

[door opens]

[Charles grunts]

-[Nell] Can you feel that?
-Lady Eularia Moggerhangar.

Good news, Charles.

Sir George Horner
has agreed to represent you in court.

-Oh, I thought Sir Kit Appleby?
-No. Kit's gone off the record.

-No reason. Probably had a better offer.

-Does he not believe me?
-[Lady Eularia] Oh, these things happens.

Sir George is your man now.

If he doesn't, others won't.

[Lady Eularia] Oh, it barely matters.

The only thing that matters
is what the hoi polloi think.

And then the jury.

And that's not usually a problem I find.

-Now, who's this?

You're absolutely right, Lady... Um.

Uh, Moggerhangar.
Lady Eularia Moggerhangar.

Widow of Sir Xerxes Moggerhangar
and daughter of Mr. Random Tattle Esquire,

the late newspaper magnate.

Yes, well, this man,
this prisoner doesn't have jail fever.

I merely saw a shadow in the man's eye
and mistook it for the spot.

A spot?

The spot a man has in his eye
when he has jail fever.


This man here is as fit as a flea.


Of course, he is.

[clears throat]

Very well said.

What a charming young man.

I do like a fellow
who's quick to admit when he's wrong.

Such a rare find in the more tedious sex.

Don't lose that quality ever.


Well, I'll leave you to it,

and I'll go and see
what I can do for the others.


-[door slams]

What's the matter?



-The others are down here.

Do you know it's the damndest thing.

I've come here without my opthalmamatic
buttress-headed syringe.

I'm going to have to nip back
to the surgery and get it.



Has that doctor given you happy pills?



[in French]
My angel.


-Is he a woman?

That doctor. Is he a woman?

Is he?

How? How would that work?

He is a woman. It was a woman.

Was it? God, I-I don't...

Are you sure?

Why would a woman
disguise herself as a doctor?

To get in here, to get inside the prison,
to get inside this cell, to see you.



Was that Nelly Jackson?

Sorry, was that young doctor
Nelly Jackson?


Go and tell the guards
that that doctor is Nelly Jackson.

Yes, that's it.
Go on, you lightweight nitwit.

Knock yourself out.
Make a fool of yourself.

Well, who was it then?
And don't speak to Valerian like that.

I don't know. You're the one
making stuff up. Extraordinary.

-What is?

[imitates Eularia]
"Oh, Nelly Jackson. Nelly Jackson."

Well, if it wasn't her,

why were you looking so gormless
and vacant when she was in here?

-And was that an impression of me?
-"He". When he was in here.

He's a doctor. He's a he.
And I wasn't looking gormless.

-[Lady Eularia] You were.

Yes, yes.

That same giddy, vacant,
empty-headed look I've seen before

when you were crawling after totty.

[Lady Eularia] You're transparent.

And just to think, I believed you.
I forgave you.

I paid for you to be in here

when you should have been down there
with the dirt.

[leg irons clanking]

You are jealous of things
that don't exist, my love.

I am not jealous, Charles.

It's taste.

I don't want to be married
to someone who dangles with filth.

But why would I bother with someone
as grubby as Nelly Jackson

-when I have you?
-Although nothing sells better than filth.

Maybe I could get
an exclusive interview with her.

Uh, go. Go!

[thrilling music playing]

-[door opens]

[Valerian] Ahoy there. Good day.


But that was Nelly Jackson.

What was Nelly Jackson?

That doctor...

was Nelly Jackson disguised...

as a doctor.

[tense music playing]

Was it?

Excuse me, doctor.

There's one more inmate
we need you to attend to

before you can leave.

A little girl.
You can save her if you come quickly.

I'll show you the way.

[prisoners shouting]

[Billy] I do not like this, Nelly.

You should leave.

[gaoler] Just down here.

-[prisoner] Please! Open one.
-[gaoler] She's in here.

-Stand back! Do it! Now!
-[child prisoner screaming]


[cell clanks]

She's just in here.
God bless her tiny soul.

She's just down the back there.
Can you see her?

Just down there,
a little girl at the back.

See her? That one there. That one.

You're Nelly Jackson!
I got her. I got her. I got her, fellas!

Forty pounds! Forty pounds!

How do I get it?

Oi. Who do I speak to
about getting the 40 pounds?

She's gonna bend the bars back.

She's bending the bars!



[prison guard] Keep trying, Nelly.
Keep trying.

-You're nearly there.
-[indistinct jeering]


[gaoler laughing]


[suspenseful music playing]

[ominous music playing]

[in Latin]
"Possess each mortal thing upon the..."

[in Latin]
Possess each mortal thing upon the...

"Dull earth dwelling."

Dull earth dwelling.

"Possess each mortal thing upon the..."

Possess each mortal thing upon the...

"Dull earth dwelling."

Dull earth dwelling.


[Nell] I am not Nelly Jackson.

I'm Lieutenant Dr. James Delaney
of the Fifth Dragoons.


[Billy] Turn around.


[Billy] Look.

[indistinct chatter]

[child prisoner coughing, sniffing]

[Billy] What have they done?

What are they in here for?

[soft music playing]

What are you in here for, nipper?

She lifted a roll of bread
to feed her little sister

and got two years.

This one lifted a blanket
to keep her and her little brother

from freezing to death
in the middle of January,

and is sentenced to be hanged.

What a brave little nipper you are.

Your sister must be very proud of you.

She's with Jesus now.

Are... Are you really Nelly Jackson?


-I think this is it.

This is what we were sent
to the planet for.

[Billy] Not to get that chump Tulley out,
but for these poor souls.

This is wrong.
No one should have to live like this.

[suspenseful music playing]

Let's try bending those bars again, Nelly.

[dramatic music playing]

I'd start running if I were you.

[prison guards laughing]

[indistinct chatter]

[prison guard] Oh, here we go.

[dramatic music playing]




[prisoners laughing]

[prisoner] Get it now.

[Nell] Everybody out. Let's go.



[Nell] Come on.


[Nell] I'll see everyone here. Let's go.


[in Latin]
"Come, blind furry..."

[in Latin]
Come, blind furry...

-"And cut the fickle boundaries..."
-And cut the fickle boundaries...

-"Of this thin-spun life."
-Of this thin-spun life.

[Nell] Come on. Right.

[Nell panting]

-I'm coming. All right.
-[loud bang]

That's it, let's go.

[grunting, exclaims]


[Sofia in Latin]
Fill the air with barbarous dissonance.

Here. Help. Help.

Come on out. Come on!

[gaoler] Oi! Hey! What are you doing?

[loud bang]


[Nell] Go.

[indistinct chatter]

[muffled banging]

[muffled shouting]

-This way! Here. Go, go, go!
-[clamoring, screaming]

Move. Out of the way. Quickly.

[Sofia in Latin]
Rot upon rot.

[Nell] Everybody out!
Come on, that's it! Let's go, quickly!

[Sofia in Latin]
Rot upon rot. Rot upon rot.

[Sofia grunts]

[Nell panting]


[Earl of Poynton] Ready?

[in Latin]
"Fill the air with barbarous dissonance."

[in Latin]
Fill the air with barbarous dissonance.

-"Ruin upon ruin."
-Ruin upon ruin.

[gasps, pants]

-[Rasselas] Nelly.
-[Nell] Hang on, what are you doing?

-Looking for you. What's happening?
-I'm letting everyone out.


All they has ever done
is steal bread and blankets

and things that keep
body and soul together.

-[Nell grunts]
-[chain clanks]

-[Nell yelps]

Let's get out of here.

[loud rumbling]

"Rot upon rot..."

Rot upon rot...

"Confusion worst confounded."

Confusion worst confounded.


[Nell panting]

[Sofia in Latin]
No human face. No human face.

-"Divine, but cloud instead..."
-Divine, but cloud instead...

-"And ever during dark surround you."
-And ever during dark surround you.

[Rasselas screaming]

[grunts, groans]

You're going to die, Nelly Jackson.

[Sofia] You're going to die.



-[Rasselas] Nell!

-[Rasselas] Nell!
-Rasselas? Rasselas!





[Billy] It's an illusion. Run.

Run through the wall.

It's only an illusion.

How do you know that?

[loud bang]

[tense music playing]

[exclaims, grunts]

[Earl of Poynton gasps]





I got her.

I had her.

And then it...

It stopped.

[muffled clamoring]


[loud clamoring]


[dramatic music playing]







[Japhia whispers]




[George] Mr. Japhia?

I really, really, really liked your play.

Aw! Bless. Did you?


Hmm. Good stuff.

Now, then...

[shotgun clicks]

...where's the other one?

Uh, I don't know.

Oh, well...

you'll do.

[tense music playing]

[closing theme music]