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01x11 - CAT-astrophe

Posted: 04/02/24 10:37
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right ♪

The Spidey team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders ♪

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!



It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing…

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!



It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing…

Spidey and his amazing…

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Gwen] "CAT-astrophe!"

Today is the big day, Bootsie.

-[meowing, purrs]
-Our little-wittle kitty's first cat show.

Oh, I can't wait to show everyone
how pretty you are.

But first, we need to get you ready.

This cat show will have
some tough competition.

Aunt May?

If we want Bootsie to stand out,
maybe I could fluff up her fur a bit.

Great idea, Peter.

Good thing I packed
Bootsie's brush in my bag.

While you brush her,

I think I'll take a stroll and check out
the other kitties in the show.

Okay, have fun.

Now, where's that brush?



-That brush has to be in here somewhere.

[Doc Ock laughs]

All right, CAL,

with my new and improved Octo-Sizer,

I can make anything super small
or super big!

[chirping nervously]

Don't worry.
I'm not going to make you small.

It's why we came to this wide-open park,

so I can make you bigger than big!


[laughing wickedly]

Ah, found it.

[gasping] Bootsie?



Uh, where'd you go?


[CAL chirping excitedly]

Now, sit still, CAL.

Are you ready to get supersized?

[chirping menacingly]


Goodbye, little CAL.

Hello, super CAL!



Aah! That cat got in the way!



[meow echoing]

I can't wait to see the cat show.

I think my favorite cats
are those striped ones

that look like cute little tigers.

How about you, Miles?

Hmm, probably the ones
with white paws, like Bootsie!

Gwen! Miles!

Boy, am I glad to see you.

Bootsie ran off!

I could really use a little help.

-[distant meow]
-[gasping] Bootsie?

-[crowd panicking]

Did Bootsie grow since we last saw her?

How'd she get so big?


[heavy thud]

-[CAL trilling]
-[Bootsie meowing]

[CAL yelping]


CAL, come back!

[gasping] Doc Ock.

She must have something to do with it.

Yup. It's time to Spidey Swing!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!

Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day!


Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man



Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

[footsteps thudding]

[CAL squealing]


Hey, cat, leave him alone!

That's my little Octo-Bot.

Stop right there, Doc Ock!

What did you do to Bootsie?



I have a little CAL to catch,
so don't try to stop me!

[Spidey] After her!

Doc Ock used that device of hers
to make Bootsie big.

Hand over that gizmo, Doc Ock!


You'll never get my Octo-Sizer!

-[Ghosty] Huh?
-[Spidey] Whoa!

[Spin] Aah!

[growling angrily]

[Spin] Come on!

I bet that device Doc Ock used to make
Bootsie big can make her small again.

We'll have to get it from her to find out.

-[CAL trilling]


Okay, Ghosty and I can catch Bootsie.

And I'll catch Doc Ock.

Let's swing out!

[CAL trilling]

[purring, meowing]

[CAL screaming]

[grunting, grumbling]

Hey, where do you think
you're going, Spiders?

-Hand over that Octo-Sizer, Doc Ock!


I won't let you
or your pesky Spider friends

get in the way of me and my CAL
taking over the city!



[Doc Ock grunts]

I'll get you next time!

[Spidey] Hup!

[CAL trills]


Whoa! [gasps]

[Spin] Got it!

[Ghosty] Here you go!
I think you might have lost this.

[gasps] Thanks!



Bootsie, no littering!

[grunts] Come back!





[CAL warbling]

[Spin gasps]

Bootsie, put the tiny Octo-Bot down.

[Ghosty] Gently.


[Ghosty] Waah! Whoa!

[Spin] Bootsie!

[Doc Ock gasps] CAL!

Okay, Doc, hand over the Octo-Sizer
so I can fix this.

[groans] You Spiders are always in my way!

I'm coming for you, CAL!






[announcer] It's almost time
for the cat show to begin!

They must have walked over
to the show area.

Oh, I'll just go find them.

Or maybe I better just wait here.


[cars honking]


[CAL] Whoa. Whoa.

[Ghosty] Whoa, kitty!

She really loves to play, huh?

Too bad we don't have a giant cat toy.

Hmm, that's it!

We can make a cat toy.

What if I spin a giant web ball,

and we use it
to get Bootsie off the street

and away from these cars?

[web whirring]

Come on, Bootsie.



Okay, Ghosty. To that fire escape!

Let's make sure the web ball
leads Bootsie away from traffic.

[Ghosty] Come here, Bootsie, Bootsie!



Aha! There's that giant cat.

[Spidey] Hup! Got you!

[Doc Ock groaning, shouts]

Whoa! [straining]

-[grunts] Let go, Spidey!

-[grunting] Give it up, Ock!

[powering down]

You broke my Octo-Sizer!

Your Octo-Sizer
is what you're worried about?

That cat can't stay supersized forever.


Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

-Come and play!


[Ghosty] Oh, no!

Bootsie, come back!



Hang on, kitty. We're coming!


[Spin] Don't worry. We won't let you fall.

-[Spidey] Bootsie!


CAL is more important than that silly cat!

So you want CAL back,
and I want Bootsie back.

What are you getting at?

I don't have all day!

I think we have to work together here.

If I help you fix your Octo-Sizer,

you can shrink Bootsie back down to size,
like I want,

and it'll be easier for you
to get CAL back, like you want.


I can't believe
I'm about to agree with you,

but… okay!

Try to keep up.

[quietly] Once we shrink Bootsie,

I'm gonna take that Octo-Sizer
before you supersize anything else.

[CAL trilling nervously]


[CAL] Whoa, whoa!

[Spidey] We're here to help.

You brought Doc Ock here?

But… she's a villain!

Trust me. The Octo-Sizer broke
when I was trying to get it from her,

so she's gonna help fix it.

Then we can finally shrink Bootsie.

And I can finally get my little CAL back.

Well, our webs are holding Bootsie…



But not for long!

All right, Spidey,

we need something to stick
the Octo-Sizer pieces back together!

I have the perfect sticky solution.

My webs.

[slinging] That should hold it.


Oh, no, my web broke!

-[grunting] Mine too.

Without our webs,
she's losing her balance!

Bootsie! Hang on!

-[CAL] Whoa!


[Spidey] Okay, Doc Ock,
you shrink Bootsie, and I'll save her!

I'm coming, Bootsie!

This is for you, CAL!





-Aw… you're welcome, Bootsie,

and hey, looks like growing big
and shrinking back down

already made your fur nice and fluffy.

Yeah, yeah, isn't this nice?

Now let my little CAL go, cat!

-[CAL trilling]

CAL, come to me!

[laughs] Tricked you, Spider pests!

I only helped you
so I could get CAL back and--

Let me guess, supersize him using
the Octo-Sizer I just helped you fix?

Yes, exactly.

Not before CAL gets to say
goodbye to Bootsie.

-[Bootsie purring]
-[CAL muttering]

[meow echoing]



[Doc Ock] CAL!

No! Come back here!

I think this will be safer with us.

[growling] Oh, I'll get you
and my Octo-Sizer next time, Spiders!

[Spidey chuckles]

Thanks, team! You were a… huge help!

[all laugh]

Now, let's get this fluffy little kitty
to the cat show.

Aunt May! Hey!

Oh, there you are, Peter.

I was looking all over
for you and Bootsie.

I'm sorry I took off without telling you,

but Bootsie got out of her basket
and ran away!

Good thing Miles and Gwen
helped me get her back.

Thanks, kids.

Bootsie does get a bit curious.

[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to this year's Purr-fect Cat Show!

Oh, it's starting!

Are you ready, Bootsie Wootsie?

Oh, just look how fluffy you are!


Ha! Did you see Ock when Spidey
thwipped the Octo-Sizer away from her?

I know!

Can you imagine what would happen
if she still had it?

Thanks for all the help today.

That was almost a real catastrophe!


[Gwen] Good one, Peter.


[Gwen] "Swing With A Stomp!"

[bagpipes playing]


That kid is really rocking out
on those bagpipes, huh, Peter?

Yeah, Miles!

This "Make Your Own Music" Festival
is gonna be the best ever!

[Miles] I never knew bagpipes
could sound so cool!

So, Gwen, ready to play that drum set
your mom got you for your birthday?

Not without my favorite drumsticks.

Good thing I brought my headphones,
'cause my drumming gets loud!


-[pop, air hissing]
-Oh. Whoa.

[air hissing]


Hello, people. I'm Doc Ock!

-[crowd screams]
-[Ock laughs]


Oh, this drum will be perfect.


[gasps] Doc Ock just swiped my new drum!

Not cool! What's she doing here?

You lucky folks get to be
the test audience for my new sound,

The Doc Ock Hypno-Beat!


I don't like the sound of that!

Come on, team, it's time to Spidey Swing!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!

Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day!


Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man



Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

Soon you'll be doing everything I say.


[Ghosty] No way you're using that drum
for one of your evil plans,

so tentacles off!

Oh, you're just in time
for my drum solo, Spiders,

with my new invention!

Show's over, Doc Ock.

[all grunting]

Whoa! Whoa.

-[web snaps]



-[Spin] That's enough, Doc Ock!

Give us back that drum!

Oh, I think I'll keep it.


Once I put my invention on this drum,

I'll control this crowd
with my Hypno-Beat!

[playing beat]

[beat reverberating]

[tone warbling]


[tone warbles]


[tone echoes]


Now, let's see if it's working.

If you're all under my control,
then you'll do whatever Doc Ock says.

[all chanting] Do whatever Doc Ock says.


Huh? What did I miss?

I couldn't hear anything under there.

Now, let's play a game of "Doc Ock Says."

Oh, Doc Ock says,

"Toss me all your jewels
and other goodies."

Wow, it looks like she's controlling
the entire crowd somehow!


[CAL trilling]

[groans, growls]

Doc Ock did not say hot dogs!

As for you, pesky Spiders,

-Doc Ock says, "You're on my side now."

[together] We're on Doc Ock's side now.

Nobody messes with my friends,

or my drum.

Not so fast!

Looks like you forgot about me!


Oh, you must have missed my show.

Here's an encore!

[beat reverberating]

Can't hear you! Ghosty's got headphones.

-[tone warbling]


Doc Ock says, "Stop Ghost-Spider!"

[together] Stop Ghost-Spider.

Hey, team!

You guys okay?

Uh, guys! What are you doing?

It's just me!

Your friends will keep you out of the way
while I head to the radio tower,

to control the rest of the city
with my Hypno-Beat!


I can't let her get away.

-[Spidey and Spin] Stop Ghost-Spider.

[Ghosty] Hey! What is up with you two?




You can run now, but soon
you'll all be doing whatever I say!

[CAL cackles]


why aren't you preparing my throne
atop the radio tower?


Why yes,
I will need a comfy cushion on my throne.


Of course I want a party!

What's a victory without a party?

Just be sure to wait for my signal.



You guys, snap out of it!

It's me, Ghosty, your crime-fighting pal.


Doc Ock says, "Stop Ghost-Spider."


Hey! We stop baddies!

We don't help them!

Doc Ock says, "Stop Ghost-Spider."


Wait! I'm your friend!

[together] Stop Ghost-Spider.

[groans] These two won't quit!

I have to figure out a plan
to bring the team back together!


-[Spin] Stop Ghost-Spider!



[clanging echoes]



[Spin grunts]

I've got two web sh**t,
and I'm not afraid to use 'em!

It's me! Are you okay, Ghosty?

Oh, I'm cool, but what about you?

Okay, I guess,

but… but… but weren't you
gonna play your drums in the park?

And how did we get into this alley?

You mean you're not under
Doc Ock's control anymore?

Wait, I was under Doc Ock's control?

Yeah, and your eyes
were glowing green, too,

until I crashed into those trash cans.

It even had a cool rhythm to it.

-[knocks lid]
-[gasps] That's it!

That sound must have
snapped you out of it!

I gotta try it on Spidey!

Why? What's up with Spidey?

[gasps] Is he under Doc Ock's control too?

-Oh, yeah, I see it now.

Time to remind our pal
that he's a superhero.

Stop Ghost-Spider.

Hit it, Ghosty!

[drumming on lid]

[beat reverberating]

[Spidey groans]

Oh! Hey, Ghosty!

Hey, Miles!
What are we doing in this alley?

Yes! It worked!

Long story,
but the short answer is Doc Ock.

[sighs] I am so glad to see you guys
back to your old selves.

And Gwen even found a way
to save the city from Ock's evil plan.

That's great! What's your idea?

I need your help to get my drum back.

If I can play my new rhythm super loud,
we can save the city.

I'll explain on the way
to the radio tower.


[Spin] Hmm, so you're saying that once
Doc Ock reaches the top of that tower,

she'll play her Hypno-Beat on your drum?

[Ghosty] Yes.

Then everyone in the whole city
will hear it and fall under her control.

Well, Ock's solo act is no match
for a trio of web slingers.

Let's sneak in and take her by surprise!

[Ock cackles]

[both cackling]

Soon I'll be playing "Doc Ock Says"
with the whole city!

My Hypno-Beat's gonna get ya!

But what bad deed shall I ask them
to do for me first?

It's gotta be really good.

I mean… evil.

Perhaps they could paint my face
on every tall building!


Ah, no, too show-offy.

[gasping] I know!

Change all the ice cream flavors
to my favorite!

Stinky gorgonzola!


No, making them do a robot dance
is just silly, CAL!

I can be way meaner than that!


Ha! Got the drum back.

How did you sneak up on me?

A good drummer has good timing,

and I just happen to be
a really good drummer.

You may have that drum,

-but that's my Octo-Gizmo!

Plus, you forget your friends
are still under my control.

Okay, Spiders, Doc Ock says, "Get her!"

What do you think, Spin?

Whose side should we be on?



Well, Ghosty's a superhero
with super rhythm, so I'm on her side.

I couldn't agree with you more.


Sounds like you need to hear
my Hypno-Beat again.

[tapping on gizmo]

Oh, drat, no drum!

You may have your team back together,

but at least I still have
my hypnotized fans to follow my orders!

[all chanting] Do what Doc Ock says.

Do what Doc Ock says.


Not for long!

I think it's time we wake them up
from your Hypno-Beat

with my new Spidey-Sound!

And I'll be taking this in the meantime!

Hey, give that back! That's mine!


-You stay put, little guy.
-Whoa! [growls]

-[Doc Ock groaning]

Looks like you're all out of rhythm,
Doc Ock!

[beat reverberating]




[beat reverberating]

Not my hypnotized fans!

We could have done so much evil together!

I had a list!

Hey, how about we wrap up Doc Ock's show?

Let's do it!

-[groaning] You ruined my plan!
-[Spidey shouts]





[CAL trilling]

[Ghosty] Nice work, team!

The city is safe
from Doc Ock's Hypno-Beat for good!

Now, let's get this drum
back where it belongs.

-[crowd cheering]

Wow! The crowd is loving it!

Rock on, Gwen!

Ah, yeah!

Gwen's drumming is a huge hit!

[playing Spidey theme on bagpipes]