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04x03 - The Crown of Blossoms

Posted: 04/02/24 09:02
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was the girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


There. Your new garden is all planted.

Snacks any time I want them!

Thanks for this, Sof, you're the best.

It's a great way to celebrate
the Festival of Plenty.

That's what I'm talking about!

-Okay. Now... where are they?
-Where are what?

You know, the fruits, the veggies,
the yummy yummies.

It's been minutes
since we planted the seeds.


Gardens don't grow right away.

It takes a few weeks.

Ooh! Here comes the Crown of Blossoms!

Ooh! The Crown of Blossoms!
What is that?

The Crown of Blossoms

is why we have the Festival of Plenty
in the first place.

The Princess of Plenty,
who is always Amber,

wears it for the opening ceremony.

It's a big honor

because the crown
isn't just pretty, it's magic.


Wow! I've never seen
the Crown of Blossoms

up close like this. It's so beautiful.

Oh, I'm glad you like it because...

I told Daddy I thought you should be
this year's Princess of Plenty.

-Actually, it was Dad's idea.

Which I loved immediately

because it's about time
you had a turn. [SIGHS]

Which is [SIGHS] what Dad said.

Ah! I don't believe this!

I mean, I'd love to, but...

You'll do fine.

Especially if I coach you.

James, crown.

[GASPS] This is amazing. Thank you!

I'll go get my coaching whistle
and meet you at the stage.

Uh, what?

Being Princess of Plenty
is a big responsibility.

Someone has to tell you what to do.

And you know Amber
loves to tell people what to do.

Congratulations, Sofia.
You'll do great.

[GASPS] Thanks! Did you hear that?

I'm the Princess of Plenty this year!

Oh, That's fantastic, Sof.

Yay! So...

tell me more about
this magic crown you get to wear.

My dad's grandma found it
a long time ago in a far-off kingdom.

It was just lying
in a big strawberry patch.

No one knows who made it.

But what about the magic part?

Right, so when my great-grandma
planted a seed from the Crown,

all of the crops grew better, faster

and they tasted extra delicious!

And now each year
the Princess of Plenty...

this year, it's me...

drops a seed in one of the fields
to start the planting season,

and remind us to be thankful
for all we have.

Then we have a big party.

Mmm... If just one seed
could do all that,

imagine what two seeds could do.

I don't know.

But they're supposed to be
super powerful.

So, uh,

maybe you could hook a bunny up
with one of those magic seeds?

You know, to give my garden
a better-faster-delicious boost?


I'd love to,

but they're not my seeds
to give, Clover.

I'm sorry.

I better go meet Amber.

This is going to be so much fun!


-Just, uh...

-good luck tonight!

Thanks! See you later.

-I know, I know.

I should give these back to Sofia.

I mean, she did just say
I couldn't have any.


But she didn't really give them to me,

they fell off
and I happened to catch them.


What to do, what to do...

[SINGING] Give it back now?
Do I give it back now?


On the one hand, buddy

What's right is plain to see

Can't plant these tiny seeds

They're not my property

But on the other hand

I did not steal at all

The seeds dropped from the sky

And I just broke the fall

The hardest thing to figure out

The problem I just can't get through

What if the thing that you call right

Is just the wrong right thing to do?

Just the wrong right thing to do


Think it out now

-Okay, okay, what now, this...

Think about the veggies

Stacked straight up to the sky

Lettuce, kale and carrots
are the apple of my eye

All these seeds just waste away

Up in that blossom crown

Why don't I move 'em
right on down to garden town?

Huh! Well

So let's just take a little time

And look at this thing more logically

It could be what's wrong to you

Is just the right wrong thing for me

Just the right wrong thing for me


Come on, come on!

You can stop your little dance

I know ya think I shoulda told her

But they say the truth
is in the eye of the beholder

Now I gotta make a choice

Not just stand here getting older

'Cause this golden opportunity
won't get much golder

So this bunny's gonna step it up
and be a little bolder


Leapin' lettuce!

This is the best carrot
I've ever had! Ever!

[GASPS] The seeds really do create
the best-tasting veggies ever.



This right here, my man

Oh, it's the right wrong thing to do

[LAUGHS] Gotta say it!

It's the right wrong thing to do



Yeah, yeah, yeah!


Have a radish, pal.
You won't believe how good they are!


Right? Hey, let's try the celery!

It's... Oh, wait,
but don't tell Sofia, okay?

-All right.


Bouncin' blueberries! I knew it.

I knew I smelled magic vegetables!

Malachite! Come here!

[GROANS] Are you
smellin' things again, lad?

Look. That's a garden made with seeds
from the Crown of the Gnomes!


They do smell like magic vegetables.

And there's magic pollen.

Oh! Jiminy-jackfruit! You're right.

Well done, Fig.

There's no doubt.

That garden was
grown by a seed from...

the Crown Of the Gnomes.

Taken from our strawberry patch
so long ago.

Can it be that
our endless quest is at an end?

Ugh, can we finally say goodbye
to tiny tomatoes and squishy squash?

Perhaps. But for that to happen

we must bring
the crown home to the gnomes.

That rabbit must have the crown.

So we must get it from him.

Let's go introduce ourselves
to that rabbit.

All right, Sofia,
first thing in the ceremony,

All right, Sofia,
first thing in the ceremony,

the Princess of Plenty must curtsy
and greet the audience.

I've seen this festival before, Amber.

I remember pretty much everything.


Maybe you should take notes?


Curtsy. And greet. Got it.

Then you come over here.

Step into the field,
take a seed from the crown,

drop it and say "I plant this..."

"I plant this seed in the hope
there will always be plenty"?


Oh, so close! It's "plenty for all."

Huh. "For all." Thank you.


Stop! [GROANS] The crown is crooked.

Hey, what's this design in here?

Really, Sofia, I have no idea.

That's not what I'm here to teach you.


Yo, this is all that's left?

I can't believe
I'm running out of veggies already!

Ah, ah, hold it!

Put the radish down.


Don't you [IMITATES CHATTER] me!

You had lots already!

I don't wanna have to put
a fence around these veggies.

ROBIN: What's going on, Clover?

MIA: Oh, nice garden!

Sorry. Don't have enough to share.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Huh. Rude.

Double rude.

Huh. Didn't notice that before.

Wait a minute.

Who are you?
And why are you in my garden?

Good day, sir, I'm Malachite,

-the hungry one over here is Fig.

We are lovers of fine fruits
and veggies, and these...

are spectacular.

This garden wasn't by any chance
grown with magical seeds, was it?

Magical seeds? What? No!

Magical seeds? I planted this garden.
I have a green paw.

I don't have any magical seeds.
No, never heard of it.


Aye, 'tis.

Your tasty veggies
won't last long, my friend.

You've eaten at least
half of them already.

Soon these rare,
mouth-watering veggies will be gone.

That's true. Oh, man.

You know, we could help you with that.

How would you like us
to make it so your garden's supply

of delicious veggies
never ever runs out?

You can do that?

You heard of
the Hanging Gardens of Galdiz?

The Tangu Tomato Terraces?

You guys planted those?

Uh, no, but we enchanted them.

And we can enchant your garden, too.

We just need one little magic seed.

Just one?

That's right. We enchant it,

you plant it, and quick as a wink,

you get never-ending, incredibly
delicious fruits and veggies.

Oh, never-ending fruits and veggies.

Can we do that? I'm very confused.

Shh, of course not, lad.

I'm tricking the rabbit
so we get the crown back.

Oh, aye.

But you don't have
a magic seed for us to enchant,

so we can't help you.

And you, running out of delicious,

impossible-to-replace veggies...

so sad.

Wait! What if I told you
I could get a magic seed?

Well, borrow one, anyway.

Would you still do that
garden enchanting thing for me?

It would be our pleasure.

Excellent! I'll get it. You stay here.

Right. We'll just have
a tiny nibble while we wait.


On second thought,
you guys come with me.


[SIGHS] Curtsy, greet,
walk, say the words,

drop the seed, don't fall in dirt.
See? I've got this!


What? What did I forget?

Nothing. But...
The gown's on backwards.



BOTH: The Crown of the Gnomes!

What's going on? Hey, put that back!

We're taking the crown, rabbit.

You can't!
Sofia needs it for the festival.

But it's ours.

-Did you hear that?
-Hear what?

I'm going to check.


You are not leaving with that crown!

MALACHITE: Oh, yes, we are.


[GRUNTS] Is this right?

Oh, yes. But it's almost time
for the festival to start.

So, let's see
what it looks like with the crown.

Um, Amber, I appreciate your help,

but please don't
blow the whistle again.


[GIGGLES] Clover? What are you doing?

Sofia. What brings you here?

Have you seen the Crown of Blossoms?

It was right here.

Crown? Crown? Crown?

Mmm, uh, gotta run, bye!

How does it look with the crown?

I can't find it!

It was here, but now it's gone.

Oh, don't be silly!
It's right here on the...

Where's the crown?

Gone! Like I said!

Oh, this is no time for jokes, Sofia.

It's not a joke, Amber!

Oh, oh, it is gone!

Alert the guards!

No, then everyone will find out.

It's my first time
being Princess of Plenty,

and I've already messed it up.

Can you just help me
get it back, Amber?

How? I don't know anything
about finding crown thieves!

How can you be Princess of Plenty
without the Crown of Blossoms?

-What will happen to the festival?

Okay. I'm better now.
Thank you for that.

[SIGHS] Of course I'll help you.

What if I stall
the start of the festival,

and you get the crown back?

Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Amber.



Do you know anything about this?

Well, uh, I, uh...

Well, I, uh...

How did your garden
grow so many veggies so fast?

It's almost like...


It's a really funny story, really.

Not funny like "ha ha."

Clover, I know you know something.
Tell me!

Well, see, some seeds
fell out of your crown.

I thought, what harm could there be
in using them for my little garden?

And it worked!

One seed did all this?

Well, it was more like three.

-I know.

So then these gnomes
showed up and they told me

they'd make my garden grow
never-ending delicious veggies,

but instead they stole the crown.

So really it's their fault
when you think about it and...

Okay, okay!

[INHALES] It was my fault.

I lied to you.

I stole the seeds
and I let the gnomes steal the crown.

I let you down, Sof.

Not just me, Clover.

The Crown of Blossoms
is important to everyone.

[SIGHS] Where did those gnomes go?

Um, that way.


Toys, toys, toys!


Hello, toys!





Eh, nice one!

MIA: Gnomes? What gnomes?

ROBIN: We haven't seen anything
since a certain rude bunny

wouldn't share
his garden veggies with us.

Sorry about that.

You should be.

I really need your help finding them.

They are somewhere in the castle
or on the grounds.

ROBIN: Sure, Sofia.

MIA: We're on it!


I-I can help, too.

No, thanks. You've helped enough.


Before the Princess of Plenty appears,

Prince James and I
would like to present to you

the amazing, uh,
"Dance of the Saplings."

A little dancing music, maestro.


Just do what I do. It's for Sofia!

There's the way out!


Aww. Isn't he a cute little critter?

Oh! I take it back!


What did one ocean say to the other?

Nothing. They just waved!
[CHUCKLES] Ah. Get it?

We can't keep this up much longer.

Where is Sofia?


Did they come out this way?

Nope. Not this way.

And they didn't cross the bridge.

Good. That means
they're still here somewhere.

We need a plan B.

[CHATTERING] Whatnaught!

He saw the gnomes!

That's one of their hats!

Clover, what are you doing?

This is all the veggies
I have left from my garden.

Gnomes can't resist 'em,

and I know how we can use 'em
to get the crown back...

If you'll let me help.

[SIGHS] Okay. What's your plan?

See, I figure they have
to cross the bridge

to get out of here, right?

So if we place a few tomatoes there...

All we've gotta do
is get across this bridge

and we're home free!

Great! Let's do it!

Ooh. [SNIFFS] What's that?


Oh, marvelous! And magical!

-Oh, that is nice.

Look, Malachite! Another one!

Careful, lad. Something's fishy.

Fishy? More like yummy!

Oh, wait. There's more. Much more.

Fig? Hold up now, laddie!

Creamed cauliflower!
We've hit the jackpot!

Wait, lad. This could be a trap.

Look at these juicy, red tomatoes!

Pull yourself together, man!

There's no time to snack!

Ooh! But it looks so good.

[SNIFFING] And it smells even better!

Oh, I can't help myself!



Got it!

Hello, gnomes.

Hello, rabbit.

That was quite the trap.

But I believe you have
something that belongs to us.

That crown belongs to Sofia
and her family.

That's right.

And now
I have to get it to the festival!

Well, before you go, Princess,

just know it's not
the Crown of Blossoms you're wearing.

It's the Crown of the Gnomes,

taken from our strawberry patch
many years ago.

That's not how I heard the story.

Well, give a listen, dear ones,

and I'll tell you
the true tale of the crown.


A gnome loves a sad story.

The Crown of the Gnomes,

'twas the pride of our people
for many a year,

our fields were filled
with fruits and vegetables.

We don't have good land
like you do here.

FIG: We need the crown
to make our crops grow well.

On that fateful day so long ago,

the gnome in charge of the crown

lay down in a strawberry patch
for a nap.

But when he awoke, the crown was gone.

For years, we've searched for it.

From Rudistan to Khaldoun.

MALACHITE: But today,
luck was on our side.

We came to your Festival of Plenty
and found our beloved crown at last.


[GASPS] It's the same
as on their hats.


Maybe they are telling the truth.

I think they are.

I guess the crown
really does belong to them.

I'm so sorry. Here.

Thank you, Princess.

And you, rabbit.

And I hope you can
forgive us for tricking you.

Ah, it's okay.

You got... Oh, Sofia!

What about the festival?

[SIGHS] There isn't going
to be a festival, Clover.

Some Princess of Plenty
I turned out to be.

You're a plenty great
Princess of Plenty.

It's my fault. I'm a rotten friend.

You gave me a garden,
but was I thankful? No.

[SIGHS] I am so, so sorry.


If you hadn't given up your veggies,

we'd never have learned
the truth about the crown.

But how am I going to tell
everyone about this?

Don't worry, I'll be right beside you
when you share the bad news.

Share... Did you say share?

Clover, you're a genius!

Eh, what?

There's a way for everyone to win.

Malachite? I have an idea.


Oh! Oh, stop!

Stop the music, please!

[PANTING] Finally.

Oh, you couldn't find the crown?

It's okay, Amber.

Just introduce me.

If you say so.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please welcome to the festival

the Princess of Plenty!


Good evening, everyone.

Sorry I'm so late,

but it turns out there's
been a misunderstanding.

You see, the Crown of Blossoms
doesn't really belong to us.


But I don't understand.

Who does it belong to?

The gnomes. This is Malachite and Fig.

Guys, meet my dad and mom,
King Roland and Queen Miranda.

Your majesties.

We haven't seen gnomes
in Enchancia for ages.

You are most welcome.

Why, thank you, King Roland.

The gnomes lost
the crown a long time ago.

And we found it by accident.

It really belongs to them.


They could have just taken
the crown back with them,

but instead they agreed to share it
with us once a year for our festival.

[LAUGHS] As long as
we can come with it.

We love a good festival!

Gentlemen, we are grateful
for your generosity.

The gnomes will always
have a friend in Enchancia.

And you will always
be welcome at the party!

Well, that's great.
'Cause I'm starving.

Welcome to the Festival of Plenty!


I plant this seed in the hope
there will always be plenty...

for all!