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04x01 - Day of the Sorcerers

Posted: 04/02/24 09:01
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was the girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


Oh, here we are, Sofia.

The first ever Conjurers' Conference.

Have you ever seen
such a magical sight?

It looks like every sorcerer
from every kingdom is here.

And already ahead of us in line.

Oh, hush, Wormy.
It will be worth the wait.

They've all come to Hexley Hall

to share new spells,
pow-wow over potions,

and hobnob over hexes.

I'm excited to be
your apprentice again.

As you should be.

You shall get the honor of helping me

demonstrate my latest
feats of sorcery.

The world will finally see what makes

Cedric the Sensational
so, well, sensational.

Watch it, fumble feet.

Oh, you watch it, grumpy wizard.


Oh, do you think Grimtrix
will be here?

Yes, no doubt,
but not to worry, Sofia.

He wouldn't dare go after your amulet

with all these wizards around.


Such mesmerizing magic.

Wand tune-ups.

Get your wands in tip-top shape.

Shrinking lessons over here.

Come over here
if you wanna get shrunk.


What are you painting?

This, my dear girl,

is the land where
all magic comes from.

The Mystic Isles.

Wow. I've read about
the Mystic Isles in stories,

but I didn't know they were real.

Oh, very real.

It's a land filled with the most
mystical, magical creatures.

Oh. Amazing.

If only the Mystic Isles
weren't so hard to get to,

perhaps we'd go there one day.

Jun, I didn't know you'd be here.

Hi, Sofia. I'm helping
Wu-Chang with his demonstration.

To some, a paper kite is child's play.

But add a little magic,
and it's everyone's play.


Oh, my.

Oh, what was that?

And what is this?

An invitation for
Cedric the Sensational.

Let's see what it's for.

"Please join us in
the Enchanted Portrait Parlor

"for a secret meeting of
the greatest sorcerers in the world."

Did you hear that, Wormy?

Someone considers me one of
the greatest sorcerers in the world.

Oh, I'm flattered,
I'm flabbergasted, I'm...

Wasting time.

We must get to this
very important meeting right away.

Yes, of course.
You're right. Let's go.

Pardon me. Make way.

Very important sorcerer
coming through.

Jun, have you seen Mr. Cedric?

We're supposed to demonstrate
his new spells.

Oh, over there. There he is.

[GASPS] That's Grimtrix's weasel.

Excuse me.


Cedric, old chum.

You made it.

Grimtrix? You invited me here?

Is that Morgana? What is this about?

Have a seat and find out.

The last time I saw you,

you declared yourself
No More Mr. Nice Sorcerer.

That's still true,
so if it's nice you want,

you should leave now.

But a powerful sorcerer
such as yourself

may want to stick around
and hear my plan first.

Powerful, you say?

And I have a way for you
to gain even more power.

So have a seat, won't you?

-Let us begin.

Friends, wizards,
and sorcerers, I ask you,

aren't you tired of useless royals

always telling us what to do?

How many times have we been forced

to use our magic
to entertain at silly banquets?

More times than I can count.

How often has our magic gotten a king

out of some pickle,

only for him to take all the credit?

Yeah. I'm tired of being overlooked.

We wizards are wiser than royals.

We are magical, for Merlin's sake.

We should rule the kingdoms.

What exactly
are you proposing, Grimtrix?

That you join me in a special group

I shall call the Order of the Wand.

And together, we shall take over

all of the kingdoms.

All of them?

Exactly how are we
supposed to do that?

With these Medusa stones.

The legendary Medusa stones?

I didn't think they existed.

SORCERER: What do they do?

Once you put
a Medusa stone on your wand,

you can cast an unbreakable spell

that will freeze anyone in place,

and make them still as stone.

And then?

And then, with no one to stop you,

their kingdoms will be
yours for the taking.

Fantastic plan, Grimtrix.

But how can you be sure
these stones will work?

He can't, which is why
I want no part of this plan.

Go ahead, friends.

Try and break the spell.

Animata momenta!

Animata momenta!

Animata momenta!

Moovius groovius!

Hmm. Potent indeed.

Once we take over our kingdoms,

the Order of the Wand
will control the world!

ALL: Yeah!


-Hear, hear!
-The world!

No king, queen,
prince, princess or jester

will tell us what to do!

So if you really want
to show the world

how great you are, gather round.

Your Medusa stone awaits.


[GASPS] Sofia?

Quick. Over here.

[GROANS] I can't believe what
Grimtrix is doing.

We have to stop him.

Stop him? Well, um...

And why did he think
you would be part of

such an awful plan?

Oh, I haven't the foggiest idea.

Oh, just tell her, Cedric.

Tell me what?

That I intend to stall Grimtrix

and his evil friends

while you fetch all the good sorcerers

to stop him.

Oh. Oh! That is a great idea.

Yes, and make sure you get
as many as you can.

Take your time. I can hold them off.

You're the best, Mr. Cedric.

Yes, I am.


You cannot let
that goody-goody princess

ruin a perfectly wicked plan.

I'm not ruining anything, Wormy.

I only said all those things
to get Sofia to leave.

Then you're going through
with the plan?

Yes. Probably.

Oh, I just don't know.

What is there not to know, Cedric?

All these years,

I've yearned to take over Enchancia,

but something seems... Different now.

[SINGING] When I was growing up
and they all made fun of me

I vowed that I would show them
just how evil I could be

But now the day has come
and the kingdom can be mine

So why am I so gloomy

When I should be feeling fine

My evil dreams were my friends

When I was all alone

My evil schemes made me feel

Like I had a home

But now it seems that I've changed

I don't know what to do

My evil dreams could come true

But I'm not sure I want them to


The princess may be nice to you

But what about the rest?

All those who point and laugh at you

Must see that you're the best

I've always had so much to prove

I cannot hesitate

It's time for me to make my move

And be Cedric the Great

My evil dreams are my friends

When I am alone

My evil schemes make me feel

Like I have a home

My evil dream, nothing's changed

I know just what to do

My evil dreams will come true

Not that I'm sure I want them to

And then at last, yes, at last

My evil dreams will finally

Come true

Jun, have you seen Wu-Chang?

He went to the library with
a bunch of the other sorcerers.

What's going on, Sofia?

Mmm. I'll explain on the way.

-Merlin? What happened?

The magical library Shusher
led us here,

and trapped us inside.

Grimtrix must be behind this.

We need to get the Shusher
away from the door.

-But how?
-By getting him to shush us.

[SHOUTING] Be as loud as you can be!

-[SHOUTING] Like this?
-Even louder!


-Like this loud!

I can be that loud!

See? Hear how loud I am?


We have to hurry.

Grimtrix is giving Medusa stones

to all the evil sorcerers so they can
take over everybody's kingdoms.

There's no need to panic.
All you have to do

is remove the Medusa stones
from the sorcerers' wands,

and any spell cast with them
will be broken.


No! There they go.

It's up to us to stop them.

Wizards, to your kingdoms!

I guess Mr. Cedric
wasn't able to stall them.

I hope he's okay.


Have fun taking over
Enchancia, Cedric.

Don't you mean King Cedric?

Oh, of course.

King Cedric.

Mr. Cedric!

-Princess Sofia.
-What are you doing?

Oh, it's not what it looks like.

Oh, it's exactly what it looks like.

He's taking over
your kingdom, Princess.

That can't be true.

Tell me that's not true, Mr. Cedric.

Or you could tell her
about all the times

you tried to steal her amulet

so you'd have the power
to seize the throne.

From the moment you arrived
at the castle, by the way.

Enough, Wormwood.

It is true, Sofia.

Everything he said is true.


Because, my dear Princess,

once I am king,
everyone will finally see

what a great sorcerer I truly am.

I... I thought you were my friend.

it appears you were wrong.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have a kingdom to overthrow.



-Can I borrow this?
-It's a free sample. Take it.

Thanks. Whoa!

There it is, Wormy, my future castle.

My destiny.


Cedric, did you enjoy
the Conjurers' Conference?

More than you can imagine,
my good man.

Zippety zap.
Now take my cloak.

He's put a spell on
the steward. Stop him!

Not likely.

This will be easier than we thought.

Yes, I should say so.

And now, to the throne room we go.



I wouldn't get too comfy
in those thrones

if I were you.

[CHUCKLES] They're really not
as comfortable as you'd think, Cedric.

Oh, that is not what I mean.

You are looking at the new
king of Enchancia.


That's a good one, Mr. Cedric.

Oh, king!

the joke may be on you.

There you are. Heads up.


Ooh, hold that pose.

Stay put.


Can you believe it, Wormy?

Oh, at long, glorious last,

I can seize the throne
and no one can stop me.

Well, don't just stand there. Seize.

SOFIA: [GASPS] He really did it.

He froze everyone.

And now for some redecorating.

The wand. I've got to get his wand.

Oh, yes, much better.


Your throne awaits you, Your Majesty.

All hail me.


Don't do this, Mr. Cedric.


Quick, quick. Freeze her.

Stop where you are, Princess.

Mr. Cedric, please.

Think about what you're doing.

Zap her.

Mr. Cedric, please.

I know you don't want to do this.

This is all I want.


-Got it!
-Cedric, what have you done?

-Give that back.




Guards, seize him!


Merlin's mushrooms.

You said it, Wormy.


Here's his wand.

Cedric, how could you?

I never thought you were
capable of something like this.

You never thought I was
capable of anything.

No one did.

I remember those days
when your father was the king,

and mine was the royal sorcerer.

Everything he did
was the greatest thing ever.

But did anyone notice
when I did something right?


They only noticed
when I made a mistake.

And you made a lot of mistakes.

So did you.

And so did my sister.

But neither of you could do
any wrong in our parents' eyes.

I, on the other hand,
could only do wrong.

All I wanted was for
someone to finally see

that I am a great man.

Then maybe you should've
tried doing something great.

Take him away.

Dad, this is a mistake.

I don't think he really
meant to do this.

He could've zapped me with that spell.

He was pointing the wand right at me,

but he didn't do it.

[SIGHS] Sofia, you always want
to see the best in people,

but sometimes,
there is no best to see.


Joyous day.

Greylock has Rudistan.

Ooh. And, look,
Von Rocha took Zumaria.

I don't see Cedric.

No surprise there.

Come, Wriggley.

An evil sorcerer's work is never done.


Hello, Mr. Cedric.

Oh. What are you doing here?

I'm really mad at you.

You lied to me,
you tried to steal from me,

but the worst thing you did...

I know, I know.

I tried to take over the kingdom.

No. The worst thing you did

was say we weren't friends,

because I know that's not true.

You helped me save Royal Prep.

You helped me beat Princess Ivy.

You even let Morgana catch you
so I could get away.

Only a great sorcerer
could do those things.

And a great friend.

Sofia, I'm... I'm so sorry.

An evil wizard's
attacking the castle! Hurry!

It must be Grimtrix.

I have to go.


Excellent. Grimtrix will
get us out of here.

No, Wormy, we will get
ourselves out of here.


What are you doing?

-No! Oh! [CAWS]

Get the keys.

All right, I'll get the keys.



Now that I've frozen the royal family,

where oh where is King Cedric?


Why, hello, Princess Sofia.

Lovely to see you again.

Now goodbye.



Ah, Cedric, there you are.

Now all you have to do
is zap the princess,

and the kingdom is yours.

Greatness awaits for King Cedric.

Mr. Cedric, no.

The zap's on you, Grimtrix.

Mr. Cedric, you did it. Thank you.

Well, that's what friends are for.

Let's unfreeze the others.

Get ready.
Grimtrix shall unfreeze, too.

Guards, seize that sorcerer.

Not Mr. Cedric.

He saved us.

Why would you do
such a dreadfully noble thing?

Because unlike you,

he's a truly great sorcerer.


So very, very, very, very, very,
very, very, very sorry.

And it won't happen again.

I appreciate the apology, Cedric,

but that doesn't change what you did.

But then he saved us from Grimtrix.

Yes, and that is why
he's not locked up.

But how can I let him be
the royal sorcerer again?

How are we ever supposed to trust him?

Dad, when I first got to the castle,

Amber did some things
that weren't so nice,

but I gave her a second chance,

and ever since then,
she's been the best sister

-I could hope for.
-Oh, Sofia.

We should give Mr. Cedric
a second chance.

And maybe this time,
we could all be a little nicer to him.

I agree.

From what Cedric told us
about growing up,

it sounds like he could've
used a little more encouragement.

[SIGHS] That is true.

Growing up in the shadow
of a famous father

is no easy thing.

All right, Cedric.

I will reinstate you
as royal sorcerer on one condition.

Anything, sire.

I want you to remember that,
if it wasn't for Sofia,

you would've been on
the next carriage out of the kingdom.

Worry not, King Roland.

I shall never forget

all that the princess has done for me.

I am forever in her debt, and yours.

Then I believe this belongs to you.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

And thank you, Princess Sofia.

PRINCE JAMES: Hey, Mr. Cedric.

Now that you've got your wand back,

will you put on a magic show for us?

-Gladly, my prince.

I have some marvelous new spells.

But I cannot do a show
without the help

of my trusty apprentice.

That's me.