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03x28 - One for the Books

Posted: 04/02/24 09:00
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


Hi, Vivian. How was your summer?

It was great, Sofia.

I went to a music festival,
an opera, three ballets,

and made you
a floating friendship bracelet.

Oh, thanks.

Welcome back to Royal Prep, children.

A most exciting
new school year awaits.

New classrooms, new teachers,

new challenges.

So, let's get started right away.

New students,

please report to
the Noble Novice classroom.

And for those of you
moving up to the Regal Rotunda,

come this way.

And for those special students
starting the new year

in the one and only Majestic Hall,

line up and follow me.

Oh, I can't believe
we're finally in Majestic Hall!

Exactly the right place
for me to be. [CHUCKLES]

It just means
there's gonna be more tests

and harder homework.

I know. Isn't it great?

Uh, not for me.

Don't worry, James.
I'll still help you with your homework

-whenever you need it.
-Thanks, Desmond.

And here we are.

Majestic Hall.

Welcome to
your new classroom, children,

and please meet your new teacher,

Professor Pecullian.

Call me Mr. P.

I can already see that you are
quite the curious collection

of inquisitive young minds.

This will be a wonderful year
of wondering wonderful things.

So we won't delay.

Take a seat.

Or squat on the floor.

Or on the ceiling,
if you can reach it.

Off you go.

Have a great first day, my dears.

Book, book, pencil,
sharpener, backup pencil,

more books, brand-new eraser.

I treated myself.

[SIGHS HAPPILY] I'm ready to learn.

Students, this is a big year,

and so, I want everyone
to look at things,

[CHUCKLES] differently.


My books!

What is happening?

Just shaking it up a bit.

Expanding your views,
and hopefully, your minds.

I don't like it.

It is different, but kind of fun.

I think it's brilliant.

[GASPS] Look. I never noticed that
the floor tiles form a picture.

My point exactly, Princess!

With every new view,
you have new insights,

and new out sights.

Mr. P., is class always
gonna be upside down?

I'm so glad you asked. No.

Sometimes it will be sideways.

-Oh, please, no.

Or diagonal.


Can't we just learn right side up

like every other class
I've ever been in?

ALL: Whoa!

-My book!
-Allow me.

[SIGHS IN RELIEF] Thank you.

Ha, but today,
we won't be using books.

The books are wonderful, of course.

They're bounded blocks
of boundless information.

But right now,
we're going to learn by doing

-instead of reading.

Excuse me. I don't understand.

How do you learn without books?

Allow me to explain.

Books are really great
for learning facts

For finding out
the who, what, when and why

But sometimes, you have to
push aside the stacks

And take a step into the world outside

If you want to feel
the thrill of the ocean

As a mermaid guides your ship
through her realm

You will never know
the surge of emotion

Until you climb aboard
and step up to the helm

You gotta live it to learn it

You gotta dive in and do it

You gotta show that you know it

And work your way through it

You can read about
King Arthur's knights

A book will tell you
every tale and plot

But if you want to witness
their true might

Well, try shaking hands
with Sir Lancelot

If you want to grow a beautiful flower

Dig into the dirt
like a gnome or an elf

Can't tell if a fruit
will be sweet or sour

Till you take a bite
and find out for yourself

You gotta live it to learn it

You gotta dive in and do it

You gotta show that you know it

Just work your way through it

Some of you look uneasy.

[LAUGHING] Maybe even queasy.

That's natural.

My methods are entirely new to you.

So remember,
if you're ever lost in the woods,

don't be afraid to ask for directions.

Woods? What woods?

I don't understand
anything he's saying.

I think he means that
we should ask for help if we need it.

I think I wanna ask
for a different class.

[SINGING] You gotta live it to learn it

You gotta dive in and do it

So don't sweat it 'cause you'll get it

Just set your mind to it

-You gotta live it to learn it
-STUDENTS: Live it to learn it

-You gotta dive in and do it
-Dive in and do it

-You gotta show that you know it
-Show that we know it

-Just work your way through it
-Live it to learn it

Now then, students,

let's talk about
our first class assignment.

It is going to be a gardening project.

Finally something I know how to do,
and that I'm good at.

You're good at everything, Des.

Yes, but I'm especially good
at enchanted gardening.

Ah, well, then I've got
some important news for you.

It's not enchanted gardening.

-It is mystery gardening.
-What is that?

Why, it's a mystery,
of course, young prince.

Pop. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.

And pop, pop, pop, pop.

Oh, hello.

Spiky. I like it.

I'm going to name you Piney.

Each mystery tree is unique,

just like each of you is unique.

And the mystery you must solve

is to figure out
what your little tree needs to thrive.

And remember,

each one will need
something different.

How will we know
when our tree is thriving?

Excellent question.

It's thriving when it grows fruit.


And it gets yummier.

When every tree has sprouted fruit,

we will make magical mystery jam.

But, Mr. P.,

how do we figure out
what our trees need?

By doing. Go outside

-and experiment with them!

Look, listen, touch,
taste if you have to.

Just do whatever you need to do

to discover what
your particular tree needs.

Time to start doing.

And going!

Des, are you coming?

You guys go and do.

I'm just gonna look for
the right book.

I've gotta have a mystery
gardening book in here somewhere.

Oh, I doubt that,

because there aren't many books
on mystery gardening.

No books?

'Fraid not.

But do you have any questions,

because I am here to help.

And here, and here, and here.

No, that's okay.

I don't need help with school.

Never have, never will.

It's true. He's the one
who helps everyone else.

You must be so busy.

But for now, out you go.

Go forth and make fruit!

What do you need,
my little green sprout?

Are you warm? Cold? Are you thirsty?

Do you like cheese?



[LAUGHS] Don't blame you.


Yes! You like pudding.

My favorite, too.

Check it out. My plant is thriving

on pudding!

Well done.

It's our first fruit.

I finished first?

I... I never finished first
at anything in school.

I'm first in the class.

Boom goes the cannon.


Why isn't mine growing?

Maybe a little water.


-Oh, oh, I got fruit.


Sofia, my tree thrives
when I hum to it. Look.


-I figured mine out, too.

It grows a fruit
whenever I give it a compliment.

Allow me to demonstrate.

-You are so adorable.

[SQUEALS] And you have
the prettiest fruit.


You are the best little tree
in the whole world!

Hm. I still haven't figured out
what mine needs.

Whoa! How'd you get it to do that?

I don't know.

-It did it again.


[GASPS] I think my tree
likes being next to other trees.

-That's it!

It thrives on friends.

How sweet.

Look at that.

Answers are popping up everywhere.

Phooey! Everyone else found answers.

Why can't I?

Wait a second.
Everyone else found answers.

So, maybe their answers
will work for me.




Hm. Guess that's the wrong answer.


Ah, maybe pudding will work.

Here you go.


-You are so adorable.

[SIGHS] Fine.

You are so adorable.

Oh. Sorry, Des.

I just wanted to see how you're doing.

Still figuring it out.

Do you need any help?

'Cause Mr. P.'s right over there.

No, I do not need any help.

This is a school project, Sofia,

and school is what I do best.

I'm gonna solve this my way.

In the library.

With a book.

There has got to be some kind of book

with some kind of information
on mystery gardening.

Enchanted Gardening,
Enchanted Gardening,

Very Enchanted Gardening.

[GASPS] Mystery Gardening.


It's a mystery! [YELLS]

Desmond, you really don't sound okay.


What are you talking about?

I'm... I'm... I'm not okay at all.

I've never had
this much trouble at school.

I've never had any trouble.

I used to be really, really,
really good at school,

and now I'm struggling
just to finish our first project.

You know, sometimes even
the best students,

the smartest kids, need a little help,

and it's okay.

No, it's not.

I shouldn't need help,

especially when no one else does.


Mr. P.?

What are you doing here,
and how are you doing?

We are great.

Totally great.

-Don't say anything. Please.

Everything is really good.

That must mean fruit is fruiting.

Oh, yeah. Got lots of it.

Jolly green good.

That means everyone has fruit now,

so forth we go then
to the next project.

-Making mystery jam.

-Gather up your fruit.

No. Now's way too soon.

Oh, great.

I mean, I'm completely ready now,
but later's okay, too.

Oh, good. We're on the same page then.

So, how's five minutes from now?

We'll meet back in the classroom.

Um, Desmond.

are you sure there's not something
you want to ask Mr. P.?

Nope. Nothing. See you soon,

with lots and lots of fruit.

What have I done?

You've given yourself five minutes

to make your tree grow fruit.

I'm doomed.

I could try to help you.

Or maybe James could.

He seems to really understand
this project.

I do not need help from James,

or anyone else.

[SIGHS] I'll be fine, okay?

I think I know what to do now.


Yes. See ya in class.
Bye. Thanks. Buh-bye.

Okay, bye.

I need answers somewhere fast.

Let's see.

Enchanted gardening can't be
that different from mystery gardening.

Fruit, fruit, fruit, fruit... Ah-ha!

To make an enchanted tree bear fruit,

add three pinches and half a smidgen
of enchanted plant food.

Done. Then add two ladybugs?


That should do it.

Yes. Finally, something is happening.




Stop! Not that! Slow down!




What's wrong with you?





Des? What's wrong?

I, um, I think I might need,

[SIGHS] help.


I don't know what happened.

I did exactly what
the book told me to do,

and then the tree started shaking,

and then... and then,

it turned into
some kind of little tree monster,

and then destroyed
the entire greenhouse.

Oh. Yikes.

Um, where is it?

PRINCE DESMOND: I locked it in.

Or I thought I did.

Des, is this the book
you used on your tree?

An enchanted gardening book?

I thought it would make that tree grow
just one piece of tiny fruit,

not turn it into an unfruiting fiend.

Oh. You must've not gotten
to the last page in the chapter.

No, because it came after me first.

Well, it says,

"Never, ever, ever use
enchanted gardening

"on a mystery plant. Ever."

Oh, no. Please tell me
there's another page

that says how to undo it.

Actually, there is.


"Sprinkle two heaps of blue anti food,
spin, re-pot."

We have to find that thing

before Mr. P. does.

Hm, I think it went that way.

At least it's not hard to follow.

Over there.






-PRINCE DESMOND: Come back here!



How about you go that way,
I go this way

-and we corner it?
-Sounds good.






I got it, I got it!


Anti food. Now spin it.

I thought I was.

I think it's just spinning you.


[SIGHS IN RELIEF] It's fixed.


What's... what's happening?

I don't know.

Oh, now it's even worse than before.

It's like the saddest
little tree in the whole universe.

I am not the best student
in the class anymore.

I'm not even in the middle.

I'm at the bottom of the bottom.

Des, it's okay.

It's not over yet.

Really? Because to me,
it looks pretty over.

Well, you could still ask Mr. P.
for help.

-Come on.

What's the worst that could happen?

Hello, my fellow students.
Need help with anything?

Plucking, peeling,
squishing, squashing?

No, thank you, James. We're good.

You sure?

'Cause I was first in the class
to get fruit,

so I really know what I'm doing.

Um, excuse me, Professor Pecullian.

Ah, my last two students.

Do you come bearing fruit?

Not exactly.

Then do you come bearing explanations?

Okay, so the thing is,

well, I need help.

Desmond needs help?

What? I don't believe it.

Yes, I actually do need help.
A lot of it.

Well, I so admire a student
who can ask for help.

Let me tell you a secret.

-Even I need help

every once in a while.

Like, um,
I just can't get this jar open.

Little help?

Uh, sure.



As I pointed out earlier,

sometimes when you're stuck,

it helps to look at things
from a new way.

You mean in a new way?

No. From a new way.

Now, let's see if you can't solve
your mystery

with a few clues.


There's one. Princess Vivian.

Her tree responded to music.

I already tried that on mine.

[SHUDDERS] Did not go well.

And James' tree,
it's responded to pudding.

Yeah. Tried that, too.

Yes, but think about what
these solutions all have in common.

The answer to the bigger mystery
of mystery plants,

lies in what connects them all.

Ah, here's one more.

Princess Amber's
responded to compliments.

Your fruit is unbelievably delicious.



Oh! Vivian really likes music,

and her tree thrived on music.

James really likes pudding,

and so did his tree.

And Amber really likes compliments.

I feel a breakthrough coming.

Let's hit the ground.

So, each tree
likes what each of us likes.

I bet that's why your tree

was going after
all the books in the library.

Yes. It must like books.

Because you like books.

Now, test your theory.

"Jack and the Beanstalk."

Keep going, keep going.

"Once upon a time,

"there was a young boy named Jack."

-Yes! Yes! Yes!

All right, Desmond!

You finally got that tree
to grow some fruit.

You certainly did.

-And you know what's what?

This entire class
succeeded in growing fruit,

but only you solved
the greater underlying mystery

of the mystery plants.

That each plant was matched precisely
to each one of you.

Ah, I guess that's true!

-Great job.

-Congratulations, Desmond.

Wait. So does that mean I'm not
the best in the class anymore?

You, James, are thriving.

Eh, I'll take it.

Well done, me.

All right, class,
there's just one more stop

on this magical mystery tour.

It's time to make mystery jam.

-In here?
-No, no, no.

In the jam-nasium.

Let's jam!