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03x27 - The Princess Prodigy

Posted: 04/02/24 08:59
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnit

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new fay

In a school that's just for royy

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First



Wow. They're really good.

Thank you, Junior Knight Academy

for your valiant performance!

Let's see how the judges scored


Oh, a nine out of ten.

-That's excellent.

And now, Crankle the Ogre.

[GRUNTS] Yeah, 14.

-Another nine. Well done.

And last but not least,

the most famous magical musician
in all the kingdoms,

Baron Von Rocha!

Most famous and most talented.

Now, Baron, how do you score the

With my usual combination
of flair and panache, of course.

I give them an eight out of ten.


I can't believe one of our judge
is Baron Von Rocha.

I've been to every one
of his magical music concerts.

Now, the final act to perform

at our school band showdown will

the Royal Prep Band!

It's your turn, children.1

Ready, guys?

ALL: We're the band
that sticks together.

Royal Prep's the best band ever!



That mandolin player,

she is truly talented.


Splendid job.

Judges, show us your scores.

That's an eight from Flambeau.

A seven from Crankle.

Baron, what about you?

Today, it was I who witnessed
the magic.

I give this band a ten!


Oh, [CHUCKLES] excuse me.

A perfect score from the baron.

How about that!

And now, the results
of tonight's showdown.

-In third place, Westloch.

Second place goes to Royal Prep.

And our winners are
the Junior Knights Academy!

Thanks to all the bands
who participated,

and we'll see you
at the next showdown.

Piccolo, did you see
how my magic almost failed me?

My adoring fans
expect me to be the very best.

I must replenish my magic,

and that girl who plays the mand

just might be the key.

Oh, children, I'm so proud of yo

Do you like the uniforms
I designed, Miss Merryweather?

Oh, they're lovely, Amber.

Did you see the special move
Sofia and I worked out?

We practiced it for weeks.

And it was very charming.

BARON: It certainly was.

Piccolo and I have found
your school band's performance

absolutely enchanting.

-Didn't we, Piccolo?

Oh, Baron Von Rocha,

having you here
has truly been an honor.

Yes, but what I came backstage t

is that you, Princess Vivian,

are a singular talent.

-Yes, you.

Would you perhaps be interested
in learning the art of magical m

Wow! I've always wanted
to learn magical music.

And I have always wanted to teac

My goodness, Princess Vivian.

What an incredible opportunity.

Um, Baron Von Rocha,

learning magical music would be
a dream come true for me,

but the thing is,
I'm a part of the band,

and we stick together.

Is there any way
you could teach all of us?

Uh, that was not quite
what I had in mind,

but yes, I could teach all of yo



Oh, wonderful!

Come to the school tomorrow,

and I'll make sure you have
everything you need.

I can't believe it.

We're going to learn magical mus
from Baron Von Rocha.

We are the luckiest band in the


Wow! Are you gonna teach us
to do that?

[LAUGHS] Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

That is an advanced spell
that only someone with

an enormous amount of musical ta
like myself, can do.

Well, we're all super excited
to learn anything

-you can teach us.
-We can't wait.

Excellent. Then let us begin.

You could make this artwork
spin around inside its frame

And then cause those sunny skies
to change into some rain

You all could learn
to play magical music

Strike up a spell
any time that you choose it

With my special sheets
you'll perform major feats

So pay close attention
for best comprehension

Then you can feel the magic

All the magic in the music

I'll teach you all you need to w

With help from my pal Piccolo

The lesson's just begun

So now let's have some fun

And feel the magic in the music


This old tune will let you float
so high up in the air

Play each note exactly right

For if you don't, beware

One tiny slip-up
will make your spell fumble

Then you'll be in for
a terrible tumble

But practice with heart
and you'll master this art

And soon go from frazzled
to razzled and dazzled

Oh, I can feel the magic

Oh, the magic in the music

BOTH: He'll teach us
all we need to know

With the help of good old Piccoo

And we'll both learn a ton

Together we'll have fun

Yes, you can feel the magic

Some fun

The magic in the music

And make chairs grow branches
like a tree

I'll help you set your talent fe

So just prepare to be stunned

Oh, yes, we'll have some fun

And feel the magic in the music

We feel the magic in the music

You'll feel the magic in the muc

The music


Now, before we begin,

I need to make a few adjustments

Since Vivian is clearly
the star of the group,

we must place her front and cent

I didn't know Vivian was the sta

Of course I'm not.
We're all in the band together.

I only meant that Vivian

has the most natural talent.

If Vivian's up front,

how will we do
our special spin move together?

It's our favorite part.

But Princess Vivian must have
no distractions from her solo.

-I get a solo?
-But of course.

Ooh, uh, this looks really trick

Which is why we must devote
the rest of the class

to practicing it.

Now, give it a try.


Baron Von Rocha, um,

what are we supposed to be doing


You're supposed to
please not distract Vivian

while she's working on
her very important solo.

Let us try it again from the top

It seems like Von Rocha
only wants to teach Vivian.

-I'm sure he'll get to us soon.

At least, I hope he does.

Oh, boy, this is really stuck.

I'll never get it out.

Sure, you will. Here you go.

Oh, thanks. Oh, wait a minute.

[LAUGHS] My amulet lets me talk
to animals.

Oh. Well, to be honest,
I'm not much of a talker.

I'm more of a singer.

-You sing?
-Oh, I used to.

I was once a true songbird
with the most gorgeous voice.

But now... [SQUAWKS] It's gone.

But the baron promised

he's working on a spell
to get it back.

And Piccolo, stop your squawking

and give me a hand.

Oh, the baron needs me.
I've got to go.

We are done for today.

But you lucky children will enjo

lots more practice time with me

Oh, he means
his favorite student, Vivian, wi

Uh, Baron Von Rocha,
can I talk to you for a minute?

It's about my solo.

I'm not sure I should do it.

I think my friends feel left out

and I don't want
to hurt their feelings.

[SIGHS] Princess Vivian,
you must stop worrying about

the other members of your band.

They are only holding you back.

Just imagine this.

At the next band showdown,

when you play the special solo
I picked out just for you.

The entire audience will see
how talented you are.

They will all burst into applau,

and it will be just for you.

That would be incredible!

But none of that will happen

unless you rise above the others
and master that solo.

-I will.
-Just remember, you are the star

I am the star.

All right. Thank you, Baron Von

Ah, Piccolo, making Princess Viv
the star of the band

will drive away
her annoying and talentless friend

so she can focus on

-learning that solo.

And as soon as she plays that so

it will cast a magic spell

that gives me
all of her musical talent.


Yes, yes. Just like I borrowed
your songbird talent.

You know I had to do that.

Taking your musical talent
gave my powers a boost.

But now, they're fading again.



Do not worry, my blaring birdy.

As soon as I have Princess Vivia
magical talent for my own,

I shall return your singing voic


Quickly, students. Everyone insi

Let us begin practicing right away

It is time for Vivian's solo.

Okay, here it goes.

-I wonder when we get to play.
-I don't know.

Oh, I messed it up again.

[GROANS] Because you guys
were doing all that talking.

We barely made a peep.

I really need to concentrate.

Of course you do.

You are the star of this band.

That's right, I am.

Perhaps we should all take
a short break,

so that Princess Vivian
can regain her focus, hm?

Why is Vivian acting so cranky?

I don't know.

But I do know something
that always cheers her up.

Hey, Vivian,
wanna practice our special move?

I thought we could add something
to the ending.

Like this.

Ooh, let me try.


Princess Vivian, what are you do

Our special spin.

It's our favorite part
of being in the band.

This is an unnecessary distracti

You must pour all of your attent

into learning your solo.

Right, right.

Sorry, Sofia, but could you
please leave me alone?

-We're all done with the spin fo

Can't you see this solo
is really hard?

If I'm going to learn it
in time for the next band showdo

I don't have time to do
silly dance moves with you.

To the back, please.

Sofia? Ah, there you are.
Is everything all right?

Not really, Mom.

-Vivian and I had a fight today.

She started acting like
she was the star of our band.

Like she didn't even need
the rest of us.

I'm sorry, honey. That must've h

I don't think I want to play
in the band with her anymore.

See, that's the thing
about music and friends.

You can choose to play alone,

or you can play with others
and make an even more beautiful

You and Vivian have been friends
for a long time,

and friends should stick togethe
don't you think?

Why don't you give her
one more chance?

Okay, Mom. I will. Thanks.

Oh, good, you're all here.

I wanted to tell you
about a few changes

the Baron and I
wanted to make to the band.

What did you do to your uniform?

The baron thought it would be be
if mine was bright red.

That way, I'd really stand out.

You're already gonna play
in front of all of us.

Won't that make you stand out en

Oh, that's one of the other chan
we made.

Now you guys will be
way, way in the back,

over in that corner,

so I definitely won't get distra
during my solo.

We'll barely have enough room
to play over there, Vivian.

Oh, that's okay.

The baron says everyone
will be listening to me anyway.

Oh, and one more thing.

Please. No more things.

Yeah. I've heard enough.

If you think you're so special,

you can play by yourself, Vivian

I'm quitting the band.

-Me, too.
-Me, three.

And by the way,

the uniforms look nicer in yello

[HUFFS] I can't believe
the way they're all acting.

Vivian, I can't believe
how you're acting.

I'm just trying to do
what Baron Von Rocha says,

and learn magical music
the best I can.

But you're also being
really selfish and...

and a terrible friend.

You're quitting, too?

Yes. Now that the band has a big

it... it just isn't fun anymore.

Sofia, wait.

Now, let us get started.

Baron Von Rocha, I have bad news

I'm so sorry, but everyone else
just quit the band.

You do not need the band.

Now we can practice
without distractions.

I guess you're right.

Then let us begin.

Oh, Piccolo,
it's finally going to happen.

She will at last
play the entire solo correctly,

and the spell will give me her t

[SIGHS] I'm really going to miss
playing with Vivian.

And I'm going to miss
wearing these fabulous uniforms.

[SIGHS] Come on, Sofia, let's go


That's it. You're so very close
to finishing the solo.

Just a few more notes.

It's really tricky.

I did it! I did it!
I finished the solo!

-You most certainly did.

That's strange.
It didn't cast any magic spell.

-Yes. How odd.

Why don't you play it again?


Oh, that sounded terrible.

It's... It's like I've forgotten
how to play.

You are just tired, dear princes
You must go and rest.

Okay. Right. Rest.

Uh, rest up. Goodbye. Bye-bye.

I've done it, Piccolo!

Her talent is gone,
and that means it is now mine!



You can stop your screeching, Pi

I know what you want.

You want me to return
your songbird voice.

-Isn't that right?

Well, as it turns out,

I did write a piece of magical m

that will give you back
the talent I borrowed.

But then, why should I?


I have changed my mind.

I shall keep the talent
I stole from Vivian

and from you, my dear Piccolo.


Princess Sofia, I need your help

Baron Von Rocha cast a spell

that took away
Vivian's musical talent.

Come see.


[SOBBING] What is wrong with me?

Why would Von Rocha
do something so awful?

He wanted her talent for himself

-He uses magic to steal it.

He did it to Vivian.

He did it to me
when he took my songbird voice,

and he's done it to many others.

Each time his powers start to fa
he has to do it all over again.

There must be a way
to get Vivian back her talent.

There is. This spell.

If you play this
in front of Von Rocha,

it will give back
all the musical talent

he's ever stolen.

I've got to go play it right awa

Von Rocha is too powerful
for you to face alone.

But I have to do something.

Then let me tell you
the secret of magical music.

If you play together, as a group

the magic is far more powerful

than any one person playing alon

I'll get the band.

Vivian is heartbroken
and we have to help her.

I don't know, Sofia.

After the way she treated us.

Von Rocha was using her
the whole time.

He made her act that way.

That may be true,

but is it really our job to fix

Of course it is.

She's our friend, and she needs

We've got to stick together.

You know what? Sofia's right.

Okay, let's go.

Oh, okay.

-SOFIA: Vivian, come with us.

-SOFIA: Vivian, come with us.

Uh, where are you all going?

We'll explain on the way. Come o

We know what you did
to Vivian, Baron Von Rocha.

You took away my talent.

And we're gonna take it back.

Come on, guys.


Ah, I see what you are trying to
you traitorous bird,

but it won't work.

These amateurs are no match
for a musical genius such as mys



SOFIA: Everyone start playing.

Just follow the musical spell.


I heard an awful commotion in he

What's going on?

Baron Von Rocha, he cast a spell

He stole my musical talent.

Baron Von Rocha, you won't get a

with such a despicable act.


Miss Merryweather, help us.

If we can get through
this magical tune,

we'll get Vivian's talent back.

Say no more.

Keep playing.

We've almost finished the piece.


What's happening?

All of the talent he stole
is going back where it belongs.


[GASPS] Yes!


No, no, no.

The great Von Rocha
is no longer great.

All my talent is gone.

And I'm going to make sure
it stays that way forever.

Your musical thievery is over, B

That is what you think.

-You haven't heard the last of..
-I think we have, buster.

BARON: Whoa! You musical menace!

This is not the kind of... Whoa!

You have not seen
the last of Von Rocha!

I'm sorry.

I wish I could take back
all those terrible things I said

We're just glad
you got your talent back.

And just in time
for tomorrow's band showdown.

Oh, right.

Uh, that is, if we're
still in the band together.

That depends.

Is it going to be how we were be

Yes. All of us together as a team

What do you say, guys?

I have just one thing to say.

ALL: We're the band
that sticks together.

Royal Prep's the best band ever!