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02x28 - Carol of the Arrow

Posted: 04/02/24 08:56
by bunniefuu
I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


Ooh, listen to this.

"It appears that local do-gooder
Carol of the Arrow

"and her Merry Band of Helping Hands,

"once again saved the day

"when they rescued
a fisherman who fell into the river."


"If it weren't for Carol,

"'I would've gone over the falls
for sure," said the fisherman.

"'And I still caught my fish!'"

Carol's so amazing.

Last week, she built
a family a new house.

And stopped a runaway carriage.

I wish I could
join the Merry Band.

Then I could go all around the kingdom

doing good deeds with Carol.

BAILEYWICK: Your Majesties,

your royal coach awaits.

-Thank you, Baileywick.

Is everyone ready to go grape picking?


Tell me why we have
to pick the grapes again.

So we can make grape juice

with Inventor Gwen's
new juicing gizmo.

Yes, but why do we
have to pick the grapes?

Because sometimes it's fun
to do things yourself, Amber.

And it'll be nice
to spend time together as a family.

Well, I can't go
grape picking in this gown.

You're right.
Let's all change first.

Is it okay if I
bring Minimus, Mom?

-He loves the fresh air.
-I don't see why not.

MINIMUS: Oh, it is warm out today.

Good thing I have
this built-in cooling system.


-What's that?

-No, come back. Oh, my horses!

Help, help!

Oh, no, his horses got out.

Carol of the Arrow!

Don't you fret, kind sir.

We'll catch your horses.

Merry Band, you know what to do.


Whoa. Where do you think
you're going, fella?

Let's get you back to that corral.

Wow! They're incredible.

Thank you, Carol.
Thank you, everyone.

It's our pleasure, sir.

You can always
count on us to help,

'cause who are we, g*ng?

ALL: We're Carol
and the Merry Band

We do good deeds
all day

If you need help,
just give a yelp

And we'll be on our way


Come on, Minimus.
I just have to meet Carol.

Oh, wait. What should I say?

Well, you could
start with "Hello."

I bet that's what
everyone says to her.

Maybe I should tell her
what a big fan I am.

Or, ask for an autographed arrow.

Yeah, okay, that's what I'll do.

How do you
autograph an arrow?

Enchancia sure is lucky
to have you around.

Well, someone's gotta help
the folks of Enchancia.

You don't see King Roland
or the royal family out here

rounding up horses, do you?

Or saving fishermen.

Or stopping runaway coaches.

ALL: Uh-uh.

That's why I started up
the Merry Band.

A while back, my cousin Henry
got stuck in a bog,

and the royal coach
flew right overhead.

Didn't even stop.

Lucky for him, I was walking by

and pulled him out.

Huh. But the royals
are good people.

Maybe they didn't see him down there.

CAROL: Or maybe they just didn't
care enough to stop and help.

But the Merry Band and I
are happy to do what the royals won't.

-So, what happened?

Carol doesn't think
the royals help enough.

That's ridiculous.

I never would've flown
in the derby race

if you hadn't helped me face my fears,

which are still as real
today as they were then.

What am I going to do, Minimus?

As soon as Carol sees my tiara,

-she'll know I'm a princess.

Then you can tell her
all about the good deeds you do.

Prove her wrong about the royals.


Or maybe I should just hide my tiara.

And my amulet.

Look. Now I don't look
anything like a princess.

Sofia, I'm not sure
this is such a good idea.

Once, I said I was a unicorn,

and all it got me
was a hoof-full of heartache.

I'll just pretend to be
a villager for a minute.

But Sofia...

And do you mind
if I hide your wings?

Villagers don't have flying horses.

Oh, I guess.
If it's what you really want.

Hey, maybe we could hide
some of the belly while you're at it.

Thanks, Minimus.

Thank you very much, Carol,
for all your help,

and have a wonderful day.


Now remember,
I'm not a princess,

and you're not a flying horse.

Not a flying horse.

No wings, just legs, got it. Let's go.

Excuse me?

Miss Carol of the Arrow?

At your service.
How can I help?

I just wanna say that
I think it's so great

how you help others.

I know all your good deeds
by heart, and I'm a huge fan.

I don't need any fans.

-You don't?
-What I need

is more folks to join my Merry Band.

So, how about it?

You want me to join
your Merry Band?

Carol, I think
we have enough members.

Now, Jane,
it wasn't too long ago

that we welcomed you
into the Merry Band.

There's always room for
another merry helper.

That is, if you can prove
you have what it takes.

How do I do that?
Come with us.

If you can do a good deed
by the end of the day,

then you're in the Merry Band.

Really? Thanks, Carol.

-She does that.

Always on the lookout for good deeds.

Oh. Well, I'm Sofia.

Like the princess?
Not at all like the princess.

[CHUCKLES] I'm just
a regular girl from Dunwiddie.

And I'm second
in charge around here,

so I'll be keeping an eye on you.

Oh. Okay.


I see a need for a good deed.

I'm ready to go, Carol.

Great, Jane. Come on, Sofia.

Let's go see what you're made of.


Sorry, kids. The lemons
are just too high for me to reach.

So we can't make lemonade, Daddy?

I guess not, boys.

We'll get the lemons
down, kind family.

Whoa, it's Carol of the Arrow!

And my Merry Band
of Helping Hands,

ready and at your service.

Wow! Thanks, Carol.

What's it like being
in the Merry Band?

I'm not part of the band yet.

Oh, but she will be,

after she does a good deed
and sh**t down some lemons.

But I don't know how to sh**t.

I'll show you.

Hold steady.

Take aim.

Let it fly!

[LAUGHS] This is how you do it.

Right, Carol?

Mmm, not bad, Jane.

Now Sofia, don't worry.

-You'll get the hang of it.

I hope so.
Sure, you will, Sofia.

Doing a good deed isn't always easy.

ALL: Thanks, Carol.

But it's always
worth it in the end.

When I was just a little lass

I saw something amiss

So I picked up
my bow and said

How can I help with this?

I drew my arrow back

And watched it fly
so far astray

But I did not give up
Oh, no

I didn't run away

See, problems pop up
left and right

So if there's one
you're viewin'

Don't just stand there,
lend a hand

Wherever trouble's brewin'

It may be harder
than you thought

To save the day
from ruin

But any deed
for those in need

Well, that's a deed
worth doin'

ALL: Any deed
for those in need

Well, that's a deed
worth doin'


So whether it's a simple act

Or feat of derring-do

It just takes one
to earn your way

Into our merry crew

But look how great
we're doing

We don't need somebody new

We always need
an extra hand

Well, here's an extra two


ALL: 'Cause problems
pop up left and right

So if there's
one you're viewin'

Don't just stand there,
lend a hand

Wherever trouble's brewin'

It may be harder
than you thought

To save the day from ruin

But any deed
for those in need

Well, that's a deed
worth doin'

-Yes, any deed
-For those in need

ALL: Well, that's
a deed worth doin'



I'd say we have enough grapes.

Let's make juice.

can you find Sofia

and tell her it's time
to make the juice?

Right away, Your Majesty.

James, these are for juicing.

-Hey, what's that?

Oh, James!

So you see, there hasn't
been much rain lately.

And if my vegetables
don't get some water soon,

I could lose the whole crop.

Well, kind farmer,

there's a stream over yonder.

We can all fill those buckets up
with water from that stream,

and carry them over to your garden.

Good thinking, Jane.

But that would only help for one day,

and the crops
need to be watered every day.

And I don't think
I could carry buckets of water

all that way every day.

Any other ideas?

What if we use
those wagon wheels and rope

to make a pulley system?

Then you can pull
the buckets to the stream,

fill 'em up, and pull 'em back.

You won't have to lift a thing.

Great idea, Sofia.

If this works, your good deed
is as good as done.

Okay, team, let's get to work.

That should do it.

I really hope this works, Minimus.

Okay, we're all set.

Ready, Jane?




So, all you do
is pull the rope.

Like this.

The buckets scoop up water,

and bring it back to your garden.

Hmm. I'd like
to see the royals

come up with something this clever.

You're about to.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay, Sofia.

It was an accident.

The rope came undone.

That's weird.

I tied it just how I learned
in my Buttercup Troop.

Oh, no, it didn't work?

Don't worry, Carol.

I'll help you come up
with an even better plan.

Oh, that was
my big chance,

and I blew it.

Aw. I thought it was a good idea.

Thanks, Minimus.

But a good idea that doesn't work

won't get me in the Merry Band.

BAILEYWICK: Princess Sofia!

Oh. Baileywick.

BAILEYWICK: Princess Sofia!

Minimus, if they see me
with Baileywick,

they'll know I'm a princess.

I have to make him go away.

Okay, but you better hurry.

Over here, Baileywick.


There you are,
Princess Sofia.

Your mother sent me to find you.

It's time to make the juice.

Oh, okay.

I'll go get Minimus
and then we'll head back. Bye.

I am happy to wait
and escort you.

I think we're
going to fly back,

but it would be a big help
if you took my grapes.

-Do you mind?
-Well, I suppose not.

Okay, great.
Thanks, Baileywick.

I'm gonna have to do
a good deed quick, Minimus.

Mom wants me back right away.

Maybe you could still
help that farmer.

Why, that's easy as pie.

Thanks, everyone.

Anything I can do, Jane?

No, I took care of everything.

Oh, too late.

They already helped him.

Then maybe we should
just head back.

GIRL: Mommy! Help, Mama, help!

-Do you hear that, Minimus?
-All the time.

It's usually me saying it, though.

It sounds like
someone needs help.

Come on. I'm gonna
prove myself once and for all.

You can do it.
Jump across the rocks.

I can't!

I'll help your
baby, Mrs. Raccoon.

She can talk to animals?

Yeah, and she's
a good listener, too.

SOFIA: Those rocks are too far
apart for me to jump out there.

But, if Carol can sh**t
a rope into that log,

I can pull the log over to the bank.

Come on, Minimus.

And then, I can just
pull the log over.

Good thinking, Sofia.

But I guess Jane beat you to it.

Everyone grab the rope.

Now, pull.



Hang on, baby.

Hold up, everyone.

The log won't budge.

We have to find another way.

Oh, what if I tie that rope
to my horse?

He's strong.

He can pull the log over easily.

He can? I can?

That's using
your noodle, Sofia.

-You okay, Minimus?

Never been thinner.

Can I have
the rope, please, Jane?

-Of course.

This time, I'll tie
an even tighter knot.


Nice horsey.

Good horsey.

We're all set.

Okay, Minimus, pull.


The log's moving!

Yes! Keep going, Minimus.


What happened?

-Minimus, your wings.
-My wings!

A flying horse?

The rope!

I've got it.


What's a girl from the village

doing with a flying horse?

And a jewel necklace?

Hey, you're not a villager.

You're Princess Sofia.

She's Princess Sofia?

Sofia, is this true?


Why did you lie
about who you are?

I just... well...

I heard you say that
royals don't help much,

and I wanted to show you
that royals can do good deeds, too.

I say we forget about
Little Miss Princess

and save that raccoon ourselves.

I'm sorry, Carol.

Sorry, everyone.

Let's go, Minimus.

Sofia, wait.


SOFIA: Hi, Mom.

Ah, you simply must try
this grape juice, Sofia.

We made it ourselves.

No, thanks.

Sofia, is something wrong?

No. I'm okay.

Baileywick found
your tiara in your basket.

Is there a reason you took it off?

I met Carol
of the Arrow, Mom.

-You did?

But she doesn't
think the royals help enough.

So, I pretended I wasn't
a princess to be in her band.

Oh, Sofia, you should
always be proud of who you are,

no matter what anyone else thinks.

I know.

But I really wanted
to be in the Merry Band.

Well, if you can't
be yourself around them,

then maybe they're
not the group for you,

especially if they can't see what
a sweet and helpful person you are.

-CAROL: Sofia.

ALL: It's Carol of the Arrow!

How do you do, Your Majesty?

Do you mind if I have
a word with your daughter?

I don't know, Carol.

What you said about our family
doesn't sound very merry.

And I'm sorry about that.

I've never met a royal before now.

I thought you folks
didn't care as much as I did

about helping people.

But Sofia proved me wrong.

So I owe you an apology.

I owe all of you an apology.

It's okay, Carol.

And if you wanna
give it another try,

there's still room for
you in my Merry Band.

I don't know.

I keep messing up.

Hey, doing a good deed
isn't always easy, remember?

But it's always worth it.

That reminds me.

Is the baby raccoon okay?

Jane, be careful.

Don't worry, Allie. I got this.

-Oh, no!
-Jump off the log, Jane.

I can't swim. Help!

Help! Help!

That's Jane. She's in trouble.

I'll take Minimus.
It'll be quicker.

I'll meet you there.

Go, Minimus.

ALLIE: Grab the vine.

-Hold on.

SOFIA: I'll get you.

Take my hand.

Hold on.

There you go.


Oh, thank you
for saving him.

You're welcome.

CAROL: Jane.

Thank goodness you're all right.

I don't know what I would've done

if something had happened to you.

Really? I thought with
Sofia and all her great ideas,

you didn't need me anymore.

Are you kidding?

I need you more than ever.

You're my family, Jane.

You all are.

Well, maybe the more
members we have in the Merry Band,

the merrier we'll be.

Thanks for saving me, Sofia.

I'm just glad
you're okay, Jane.

I'm sorry I tried to keep you
from getting in the band.

What do you mean?

I untied the knots
on your buckets,

and loosened the buckle on your horse.

[SIGHS] Jane, how could you?

I thought Sofia
was trying to take my place.

But now I see
there's room for both of us.

There is?

You did your good deed, Sofia.

Welcome to the Merry Band.

I'm in the band?

Yes. You're in the band.


Is everyone all right?

CAROL: You're just in time.

Sofia has earned the right
to join our Merry Band,

and come out to do good deeds
with us any time she likes.

I think this calls for a celebration.

How would you all like to join us

for some fresh grape juice?

We'd love some.


ALL: We're Carol
and the Merry Band

We do good deeds
all day

If you need help
Just give a yelp

And we'll be on our way