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02x24 - In a Tizzy

Posted: 04/02/24 08:53
by bunniefuu

I'm happy you're here. [GIGGLES]

Oh, me too, Princess.

SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


I'm open.

Go long, Jade.

I got it. I got it.


I had it until it changed on me.

That's the thing about dazzleball.

You never know
when it's gonna change shape.

Jade, pass it to me.


Sorry. Guess I'm a little rusty.

We haven't played in so long.

Hear ye, hear ye.

The King's Cup
dazzleball challenge match

between the Royal Redhawks
and the Dunwiddie Ducks

will take place one week from today,

at the brand new
Enchancia Square Garden.

May the best team win.

Oh, I can't wait.

The way Sofia's been playing,
we could finally beat the Royals.

But Sofia is a royal now.

Does that mean
you won't play on our team?

You have to play on our team, Sofia.

You've always played on our team.

Of course I'll be on your team.
You're my best friends.

-All right!

Team cheer. Team cheer.

ALL: Quack, Ducks, quack!
Quack, Ducks, quack!

Way to go, Sofia!

We're gonna beat the Royals for sure.

-There you are.

It's time for dazzleball practice.

Are you excited to be a Royal Redhawk?

TOGETHER: Rah-Rah-Redhawks!

Um, actually, I'm going
to play for the village team.

-Sofia, you're a royal now.

You should be playing with us.

Well, I won't be playing.
Daddy made me the coach.

But you should be on our team.

I already told my friends.

Then just tell them
you changed your mind.

But I haven't changed my mind.

Oh, Sofia, you will when you see
what it's like on the royal team.

Play with us and you will see

All the things you'll get for free

A brand-new field with grass so green

The coolest scoreboard ever seen

Our uniforms are just divine

And by the way, they're my design

It's nothing but the very best

For those who wear the Redhawks crest

Play with us
Come and get it

Play with us
You won't regret it

Play with us and you'll be
treated just like royalty

Play with us
We're a trio

Yes, it's James and you and me

Oh, play with us and you'll be
treated just like royalty

When you're tired to the bone

Come sit upon your sideline throne

Servants will provide some shade

And serve you ice cold dazzle-ade

Playing with you sounds
just like a dream

But I said I'd be on my friends' team

Sisters and brothers
look out for one another

So we should play together

We should play together

Friends are nice but family is forever

Play with us
Come and get it

Play with us
You won't regret it

Play with us and you'll be
treated just like royalty

Play with us
We're a trio

Yes, it's Amber, you and me

Oh, play with us and you'll be
treated just like royalty

This equipment is top-notch

Our stands have room for all to watch

And when we win you'll feel the bliss

Those Ducks of Dunwiddie
can't match this

Play with us and you'll be
treated just like royalty

Play with us

You're right. We are family.

I'll be a Royal Redhawk.

-Let's do the team cheer.

TOGETHER: Rah-Rah-Redhawks!

[SIGHS] Just tell them the truth.

Ruby, Jade, guys,
there's something I need to tell you.

Sofia, you're here.

Wait till you see all the new moves
I've been working on.

-But I've decided...
-Here, Sofia, put this on.

-It's your new uniform.

TOGETHER: Quack, Ducks, quack!
Quack, Ducks, quack!

Let's get this practice started.

Everybody, break up into two sides.

Come on, Sofia. Let's play.


Get the ball.


I'm open.



Lucinda, there's no magic
allowed in dazzleball.

Sorry. Forgot.

Jade's doing her
super-duper spin kick.


You okay, Jade?

I don't know how I did that.

I've never missed a spin kick before.

Over here.

Pass it back.

-Nice shot, Sofia.

I'm sure glad you're on our team.

Hey, was there something
you wanted to tell us before?


No. Let's keep practicing.

Yeah. I could use it. [GRUNTS]

Oh. Nice try, Jade.

Trying isn't good enough.

I have to play better than this
if we're gonna win.


[HUMMING] The squirrel
passes to the rabbit.

A give-and-go. Back to the squirrel.
Look at that little squirrel move.

He could go all the...

Hey, you can't eat the ball.

Sof, what's wrong?

Oh, nothing.

Uh-uh-uh. Come on now.
You can't fool me.

I can always sniff out trouble.
Sof, what's the matter?

I told Ruby and Jade I'd play
on the village dazzleball team.

Eh, sounds like fun.

Then I told Amber and James
I'd play on the royal team.

Eh, sounds like a problem.

And now I don't know
which team to play for.

My family or my friends?

Yeah, that's a tough one.

Hmm. Well, you could always
forget about all of them

and play dazzleball with us.


You know, you're right, Clover.

I think I know a way to get out
of playing for either team

so no one will be disappointed.

I just need a bandage and some wood.

Now remember, there is no "I" in team,

but there is one in fashion.

So let's look good out there. Yeah!

Amber, do you know anything
about coaching dazzleball?

Of course I do.

I know that all wristbands
must be color-coordinated.

Oh, brother.

Well, do you have
any plays we can run?

-You know, Amber.

Plans that the coach comes up with.

That tell us where to go
on the field so we can score.

So we can win the game.

You can borrow my dazzleball
playbook if you like.

It's filled with
lots of good scoring plans.

Oh, thanks. I know just
what to use it for.

Can everyone see me better now?



-Oh, no!

What happened?

I... Ow. Ow.

Hurt my foot.

Looks like I can't play
in the big game.

-Oh, no.

Ugh. Really, Sofia.
You should be more careful.




Wow! I guess your foot
must be feeling better.

Oh. I, um...

I guess so.

-Then you can play.
-[SIGHS] That's a relief.

No. No, I can't.

What do you mean?
That was some nifty footwork.

-That's not it. I...
-Oh, don't worry, Sofia.

I'll make sure you look
fabulous out there.

Here. Try a blue wristband.
It highlights your eyes.

I'm guessing the fake
boo-boo didn't work.

No, it didn't.

I have to pick one team or the other,
and I don't have much time.

There's a practice game tomorrow.


RUBY: Thanks for coming
to the practice game, Your Majesties.

Of course, Ruby.

It'll be good to get in some practice
before the big game.

Sofia, you've got
the wrong uniform on.

Well, the thing is,
I'm playing on the royal team.

But you said you'd play with us.

I'm sorry. I tried to tell you before.

How could you do this to us?

I thought we were your best friends.

-RUBY: Yeah.
-You are my best friends.

I didn't think they'd get so mad.

But you made the right choice.

Come on. You'll feel better
when we start playing.

Listen up, Redhawks.

Today may just be a practice game,

but the most important thing
to remember

is to not get your uniforms dirty,
so they'll be pretty for the big game.

What about sharpening our skills?

Or working on our plays?

Oh, put that thing down.
You don't want to tire yourself out.


All right, everyone,
this is only a practice game,

but the rules are the same
as they will be for the real game.

Whoever scores the most goals
before time runs out wins.


I got it. Oh.

GIRL: Over here.



Great play.


-Good job, Sofia.
-Thanks, Mom.

-Out of my way.
-Sorry, Jade. I...


Jade, I'm open.



-Way to go, James!
-All right!

Excellent play, James.

Jade, you passed it right to them.

I didn't mean to.

It's bad enough Sofia
is playing for the other team.

We don't need you doing it, too.

That's not fair, Ruby.


LUCINDA: Pass it to me.


Illegal use of magic.
Royal Redhawks get a free kick.



-BAILEYWICK: Kick is blocked.

Timeout on the field.

Amber, do you have a play for us?

Ugh! Why does everyone
keep talking about plays?

Because a good one can help us score.


Okay. Here goes.

Kick it to me.

Quick, Jade, do your spin kick.


Over here.


Time's up.

Final score of the practice game,

Royal Redhawks three,
Dunwiddie Ducks zero.

We win!

TOGETHER: Rah-Rah-Redhawks!

I don't know what's wrong with me.

My spin kick used to work every time.

It was always my best move,
but now I keep missing the ball.

It's okay.
It was just a practice game.

The real game is tomorrow,
and we're going to win.


In case you didn't notice,
we just got creamed,

and our best player
is on the other team.

Good game.

Maybe for you.

Oh, Mom, I know I'm a royal now,

but part of me feels like

I should really be playing
on the village team.

You know what I love
most about dazzleball?

The way the ball changes
its shape all the time.

You never know what's coming next.

Life is kind of like that, too.

One day you're a simple villager.

The next day you're a princess,
living in a castle.

No matter where life takes you,

you should never forget
where you come from,

because that is a part of you, too.

You just have to be true
to yourself, Sofia.

Huh. I think I know what to do.
Thanks, Mom.

Just don't forget the most important
part of playing a sport.

What's that?

Having fun.

-Come and get it.


Okay, team, pay attention.

We're going to have a little surprise
for the village team today.

You drew up some new plays for us?

Even better.

I've designed
new headbands for the team.

That's your big strategy?

I am not wearing that.

You have to look like a winner
to be a winner, James.

Amber, we need a coach,
not a fashion designer.

Uh, Jun, really.

Why do we need a playbook
when we beat the village team

so easily in the practice game?

The problem isn't winning.
It's how to look good doing it.

Sofia, why aren't you in your uniform?

I'm sorry I'm doing this
at the last minute,

but I'm going to play
for the village team.

What? You can't. You're royal now.

I was a villager before I was royal.
I'm part of both worlds now.

And since I told my friends
I'd play on their team first,

I have to honor that.

What about us?

It's just a game, Amber.
We'll still be family when it's over.

Sofia's right. It is just a game.

All right.

If you want to play for the
losing team, Sofia, go right ahead.

But you're missing out on wearing
a spectacular headband.

Do I have to go out there?

We need you.

You saw how badly they beat us
in the practice game.

You've always been
one of our best players.

You mean I used to be.

Now I'm the worst.
I'll just stay in here.

No, you're playing.

If we're gonna have a chance,
we need everyone we've got.

SOFIA: Even old friends?

What are you doing here?

I came to say I'm sorry.

I should have stuck
with you guys to begin with.

No matter where I live,
I'll always be from the village.

And I'll always be your friend.

So I'd like to play
on your team today, if you'll let me.

Once a Duck always a Duck, right?

You think we should just welcome
you back after what you did?

I said I was sorry.

-Come on, Jade.

Give her a break.

Of course you can play with us, Sofia.

Here you go.

Come on.

TOGETHER: Quack, Ducks, quack!
Quack, Ducks, quack!

You may be back on the team,

but it doesn't mean
we're friends again.

And the Royals
are still gonna beat us.

Good afternoon,
ladies and gentle-squirrels.

Welcome to the King's Cup
dazzleball match.

It's a beautiful day for a game.

Okay, Redhawks, let's go out there
and show them who's in charge!


Okay, guys, this is it.
This is the year we win the big game.


Let's get ready to dazzle!


And the game is underway!

It's intercepted by Sofia.
Here come the Ducks.

Sofia runs upfield, passes to Jade.
Ooh! The catch is fumbled.

James picks it up.
Weaves his way through the defenders.


And goal!
Hooks the ball right into the goal!

The Redhawks score
the first point! Wow!

Whatever happens,
do not pass the ball to me.

It's okay, Jade.

Everyone misses
a catch once in a while.

Not Jade.
She was our best player last year.


CLOVER: Maya kicks off
for the Redhawks.

And it comes to Lucinda.

-Get it, Jade!
-CLOVER: Who passes to Jade.

-Got it.

No! How did I miss that?

I think something's wrong with Jade.

GIRL: Stop, Jun!

-Go, Jun!
-sh**t it!

I can't see! [GRUNTS]

CLOVER: Here come the Ducks.

Sofia sh**t! She scores!

Goal for the Ducks,
and it's all tied up.



I would have scored
if it wasn't for this headband.


If you really want to help us, Amber,
try doing some actual coaching.


CLOVER: Ruby kicks off for the Ducks.
Zandar catches the ball.

And Sofia picks up the ball again.
What a play!

No, no! Don't pass to me.

CLOVER: Sofia passes to Meg,
and Meg back to Sofia.

She sh**t! She scores!
And the Ducks take the lead!

Okay, Redhawks, huddle up.
I have a play.

Okay, Redhawks, huddle up.
I have a play.

-TOGETHER: You do?
-I do.

We have to score and score fast,
so this is what you need to do.

Jun, you act like you're going
to catch the kickoff,

but at last second James
will run in and catch it.

Everyone will be so busy chasing him

that you'll be able
to sneak right up the field.

CLOVER: The score
is Dunwiddie Ducks two,

Royal Redhawks one.

Oh, there's only
a few minutes left in the game.

The Redhawks need to make
something happen and fast.

Go get 'em!


CLOVER: Here's the kickoff.
And it's gonna be caught by Jun.

No, wait! James cuts in and grabs it.

He throws back to Jun,
who's wide open.

The Redhawks score
the tying goal! Oh-oh!

Coach Amber drew up an amazing play.

-All right, Amber.
-PRINCE JAMES: Great coaching.

-Not the hair. Not the headband.
-Thanks, Amber.



CLOVER: Lucinda grabs the kickoff,

zips it up to Sofia.
She passes it to Jade.

GIRL: Hey, Jade!

Do your spin kick, Jade!



Time out.

Ugh. Not again.

-Here's the ball, Baileywick.

-It's okay, Sofia.

I can't catch anything
without my glasses.

Huh. Maybe that's
what's wrong with Jade.

Oh, thank you.

Do you happen to have any
spare eyeglasses I can borrow?

Of course. Take your pick.

Jade, I think there's a reason
you're not playing well.

You need glasses.

No, I don't. Leave me alone.

Look, I know you're mad at me,
but we're on the same team.

And I really think they'll help.
Will you at least try them on?


[GASPS] Oh, wow!
Everything's so clear.

Okay, Jade, let's win this game.

CLOVER: It all comes down to this.

Under a minute left in the game,

and it's all tied up
at two goals apiece.

There's not much time.

And they still have the ball.


We need a good play.
What should we do, Coach Amber?


Well, Sofia's their best player,
so they'll probably give her the ball.

When she gets it,
everyone surround her.

We'll steal the ball, score and win.

I like it.

-Let's do it.

CLOVER: And the crowd is on
the edge of their tails,

waiting to see who will take home
the King's Cup.

Ruby fields the kickoff,
flips it to Meg.


-CLOVER: Who hands it off to Sofia.
-GIRL: Get Sofia.

Defense, defense!

CLOVER: Sofia races upfield,

but here comes
the entire Redhawks team.

They're swarming around Sofia.

-CLOVER: She has nowhere to run.

I'm open, Sofia! I'm open!

CLOVER: And Sofia passes
the ball to Jade. Whoa!

She's got the ball
with only seconds left.

-SOFIA: sh**t it.
-Go for it, Jade!


CLOVER: She sh**t!

And scores! Yes! That's it!

The game is over,

and the Dunwiddie Ducks
have won, three to two!

What? Yes!

We won!

You did it!

We won! Great kick, Jade!

TOGETHER: Quack, Ducks, quack!

Quack, Ducks, quack!
Quack, Ducks, quack!

You were right. I do need glasses.

I guess I'll see the doctor

and get my own pair after the game.

-Thanks, Sofia.
-Sure, Jade.

You're a great teammate
and a great friend.

-Good game.
-Nice playing.

-Good game.
-Good game.

-Good game.
-Good game.

You played a great game, James.

You played a better one.

But you had a great coach.

And I'm going to be
even better next year.

I really like coaching.

You tell people what to do
and then they do it.


That certainly was an exciting game.

Well done, everyone.

And it is my great pleasure
to present the King's Cup

to this year's dazzleball champions...

the Dunwiddie Ducks!

TOGETHER: Quack, Ducks, quack!
Quack, Ducks, quack!

Quack, Ducks, quack!