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01x24 - Merry Mousemas

Posted: 04/01/24 20:27
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties.

But when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Superkitties!


When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry
Don't despair

Evil doers best beware

They're SuperKitties


They're brave, they're smart

They're strong, they're kind

And with their talents combined

They're SuperKitties


BITSY: The SuperKitties
and the Merry Mousemas.


[SINGING] Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way


-There. [GASPS]

These cookies are for Santa.


You cuties
should head to bed.

It's Christmas Eve.
Santa's coming.

-I'll see you tomorrow.

Merry Christmas.

Yeah, I'm tired.
Gonna head straight to bed

before Santa gets here.

-Nighty night, kitties.
-ALL: Good night!

I don't know
how anyone could sleep.

It's almost Christmas!
It's almost Christmas!

I love Christmas!

I love Christmas!

Me too. I love
all the decorations,

like the lights
and ornaments.

And the cookies
and the music.

And the Christmas tree.
And I love Santa.

Santa is the best!

But you know
what I super love about Christmas?


Santa's presents!


And I'm really hoping
he brings me...


The Kitty Castle.

The ultimate in kitty play.

And kitty nap time.

And when I'm in it,
I shall be the kitten queen

of the purr and play.

-Queen Bitsy.

If I get this castle,

it'll be the most
"purr-fect" Christmas ever!

You know,

there's more to Christmas
than just presents, Bitsy.

I know! Like I said,
there's Santa and cookies and...

And Christmas is also

about showing kindness
and love to others.

And most importantly,

it's a special time
for us all to be together.



When I hear those bells jingle

I feel a little tingle

'Cause I know just what they mean

-Yeah everyone's delighted
-'Cause everyone's invited

To get all decked out
in red and green

Santa is a comin'

So everybody's humming
about their favorite time of year

Fa la la la la we got
the Kittydale Christmas cheer

And the one very
merriest thing about this

Season of chilly weather

Is that we get to spend it
with those we love

And share our Christmas cheer together


So hang that stocking
It's time to start rocking

-We got presents on the way

We're dancin' and we're prancin'

The lights are enhancin'

The holiday vibe
we can't help but sleigh

So grab some jolly holly
You know by golly

It's our favorite time of year

Our favorite time of year
is finally finally here

Falalalala we got
the Kittydale Christmas cheer

Ho ho ho ho falalalala

We got the Kittydale
Christmas cheer


[SIGHS] I love Christmas.


I think we're all ready for bed.
Let's head upstairs.

Please, please, please, Santa.

This kitty castle
is all I want for Christmas.

You coming, Bitsy?

Yeah, right behind you.


MAN: Ho-ho-ho.



Santa Claus!


The cookies are gone.

Santa's been here.
That means...

My castle!
My kitty castle!

It's here!

Oh, thank you, Santa Claus.


It's the SuperKitty call!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match you see

They're felines
who fearlessly respond to the call




I love my castle,
I love my castle. I love...


[CHUCKLING] Oopsie kitty.

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up
the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.


SuperKitties, I've got a big,
big problem.

-Someone just stole all our presents.

I only saw his shadow
but he looked a lot like...

Ooh, Santa Claus!

No way.
Santa wouldn't do such a thing.

That's what I thought,
then I raced to the window

and I saw him
at the house next door.

He had no presents going in,

but a whole lot of presents
going out!

Don't worry, Boomer,
we'll get your presents back.

We need to find those presents
and get them back to Boomer.

Paws in, SuperKitties.

-We're holly.
-We're jolly.

-We're merry.
-And bright!

ALL: SuperKitties go!


Don't worry, Boomer,
we'll get your presents back.

Let's hunt for clues, team.

Looking for clues
for clues, for clues

Falalalala, clues-clues



Whoa, it's a Santa hat!

That's not mine.

Hmm, I never knew Santa Claus
had such a small head.

You're right, Buddy. This hat
is too small to belong to Santa.

So then it must belong
to a Christmas thief, not Santa.

-SuperKitty Kit, meow.

I'll use our clue recorder
to keep track of these clues

and we'll catch our thief
faster than you can say Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.

Well, it might take
a little longer than that.


Capture image.

And save.


That clue has been recorded.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

[GASPS] Another SuperKitty call!

Activate call.


Chibi! what's wrong?

SuperKitties, you gotta help us.

Someone took
all our Christmas presents.

[SNIFFLING] They're all gone.


Oh no.
More presents are gone?

This is not good.
Not good at all.

Chibi, hold tight.
We're on our way.

Please don't worry,
we'll get your presents back.

-BUDDY: I found some presents!


Look, Christmas booties.

Hey, those booties aren't
Christmas presents.

They're not even booties.

Those are our food bowls.

But they're empty.

Where's our kitty kibble?

Maybe whoever
stole your presents also ate your food.

Such bad manners.

Let's add this to the clue recorder.

-SuperKitty Kit, meow!

New clue recorded.

Kitty cat, kitty cat.

Another SuperKitty call?


Sigmund! What's wrong?

Our Christmas presents have been


How did you guess?

It's been happening all night.

But if we can find
more clues at Sigmund's,

I know we'll be able to figure out
who our mystery present thief is!

Sigmund, we're on our way.


I'm sorry all your presents
are gone, Sigmund.

No clues here.


-Oops, sorry, bro.
-Sorry, Buddy.

Hey, look. Another clue!

SuperKitty Kit, meow! Capture image.


And save.

Are those claw marks?

"Purr-cisely." Cat claws, to be exact.

The thief isn't Santa Claus,

it's Santa "Claws".

[LAUGHING] Claws. Get it?

Nice one, Buddy.

We better wrap up this mystery and fast.

That thief has probably stolen
every present in Kittydale by now.

Wait? Every present? Even mine?




My kitty castle.

It's gone!

And no clues anywhere.

Don't worry, Bitsy.
We're going to find out who did this.

Yup. We have all the clues we need.

The small Santa hat,
the cat food and the claw marks.

When the clue checker
puts all this information together,

it'll show us who the mystery thief is.

Whoa, it is a cat!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Another kitty call?
What a busy night.

-Activate call.


Sam, Eddie.

someone just stole our presents!

He ran off with them in a big red sack!

And he's wearing a big red suit!

And he's headed towards

the Kittydale Park Christmas
tree right now!

Don't you worry.
We're on our way.

Okay, SuperKitties,
there's no time to lose.

Come on.



SAM: SuperKitties, up here. [CHIRPING]

Sam, Eddie.
Which way did the Christmas thief go?

-Over there!
-Stop him, SuperKitties.

Stop Santa!

ALL: It's not Santa!

-Oh, look.

It's my castle.

SuperKitties, pounce!

BITSY: Stop right there, thief!

You're no Santa Claus!


-It is a cat.

But not just any cat.

It's... Cat Burglar!

Cat Burglar

Gee, how many Santa hats does he have?

That's right,
it isn't Santa taking those presents.

It's me.

He is definitely
on Santa's naughty list.

Cat Burglar, give back
those Christmas presents.

No way, SuperKitties.

What are you four
doing up so late anyways?

It's so dark out.

-[GASPING] What?
-Oh, no.

-What's happening?
-Hey! He's gone.

-And so are all the presents.

We see him.
He's headed that way.

Come on, SuperKitties.
We've got a Christmas to save.


BITSY: There he is!

Not again. Ugh.

Huh? Yes! Not today, SuperKitties.


"Meowy" Christmas.


Paws out, claws out.

Huh? Where'd he go?

He's got to be here somewhere.

All I see is that pointy-eared snowman.

A pointy-eared snowman?

CAT BURGLAR: You mean snow kitty.

The coolest kitty
that ever was. [MEOWING]

I'll show you cool. Furball Blitz!

Ha, let it snow, I gotta go.

Where'd he go?


He's headed for the fountain!

-On the other side of the park.
-Hurry, SuperKitties.

Nice night to ice skate,
isn't it? [LAUGHING]

We've gotta get those presents.

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

Whoa... Whoa!

Whoa... Whoa... Whoa!

Oopsie kitty. I'm okay.

You've gotta be "kitten me".

Is that all you got, SuperKitty?

Nope. She's got us.

ALL: Whoa!

That went
so much better in my head.

We can't catch Cat Burglar.
The ice is too slippery.

Maybe for you but not for me.

Time to give you the slip.

Ciao for now, SuperKitties. [CHUCKLING]

Ginny, it's almost
Christmas morning.

We're running out of time.

Everyone is going to wake up
without any presents.

No, they're not.

We're SuperKitties.
We don't give in and we don't give up.

It's time we catch that
Cat Burglar once and for all!

Come on!


Hmm, this one's good.

This one is a maybe.

Oh, yes, this is "purr-fect."


Look, there he is.

I can't believe he would take
all those presents for himself.

That is so not cool.

He better not mess with my kitty castle.

On the count of three, we pounce.

One. Two...

Mr. McWhiskers!
Mrs. McWhiskers! Marcel!

Wait, Ginny. Look!

Catty, my boy,
Merry Christmas to ya!

Merry Christmas!

I was hoping you'd come, Uncle Catty!

I'm super confused.

-But I also kind of wanna say "aw."
-ALL: Aw.

And here is a castle
for you all to live in.


Merry Christmas.

Hey, that's my kitty castle!

Bitsy, just wait.

[SINGING] Everyone gets excited for
the gifts that Santa brings

Goodies and gadgets and toys galore

Yes, everyone's favorite things

But what would Christmas be
without the ones we love to play with

It's family who we gather
around the tree

On Christmas Day with

We all deserve a warm
and cozy home to call our own

And you've been there for me

Whenever I have felt alone

So this is meant to give
your Yuletide spirits

A little lift

'Cause being together here with you

That's the real gift

Yes, that's the real gift

On Christmas

Merry Christmas.

Thank you, Uncle Catty.

I've never had a real home before.

Merry Christmas, McWhiskers family.

These presents, they're all for you.

Oh, Catty, thank you.

But it's all too much.

We can't possibly take
all these presents.

GINNY: You're right, Mr. McWhiskers.


You can't take them because Cat Burglar

stole these presents
from other families.

Stealing those presents was not nice.

But trying to help the mice was.

Help mice? Me?

These mice...
I hardly know them.

Why would I help a bunch of squeaking,
scurrying, noisy mice?

Shoo mice. Shoo.

You don't mean that, Uncle Catty.


What's going on here?

Catty, you didn't steal these presents,
did ya?

Yes, I stole the presents.


But only because you mice
don't have anything.

And it's Christmas.


But now everybody you stole from

doesn't have anything either.

I just wanted to give them
a place of their own.

-As a Christmas present.

Oh, Catty,

don't you realize
the greatest Christmas present

is us being together?

Now, you need to take those presents
back to where they belong.


Alright. I'll take them back.

Hold on, Cat Burglar.

-You can keep the kitty castle.

It was my present from Santa.

But I'd like the McWhiskers family
to have it.




That's so sweet.
Are you sure?

Mmm-hmm. I'm sure.

Because Christmas is about
showing kindness and love to others.

Like you all said,

the best Christmas present
is being together.

And now the McWhiskers family
has a place to be together on Christmas.

Thank you, kitty friend!

This is the happiest Christmas ever!

Ginny, it's Christmas morning!
The sun's about to rise!

Time to share some Christmas cheer
with the rest of Kittydale.

-And you're helping too, Cat Burglar.

[SINGING] We're dancin'
and we're prancin'

And the lights are enhancin'

The holiday vibe we can't help
but sleigh

So grab some jolly holly
You know by golly

-It's our favorite time of year
-Oh yeah

Falalalala we got
the Kittydale Christmas cheer

And the one very merriest thing about

This season of chilly weather

Is that you get to spend it
with those you love

And share Christmas cheer together


So let the world hear it
with that holiday spirit

It's our favorite time of year

Falalalala we got that
Kittydale Christmas cheer

Ho ho ho ho

Falalalala we got
the Kittydale Christmas cheer


Thanks, SuperKitties.

This is really a Christmas to remember.

And a special thanks to you.

It was a cool cat move to give
the McWhiskers your Christmas present.

Now they finally have a home.

This present is for you, Cat Burglar.

What? For... For me?

Oh, I do love a piano!

This ornament will be perfect
on my Christmas tree!

As soon as I steal one.

Just joking! A little holiday humor.


Merry Christmas.

ALL: Merry Christmas!

Sharing Christmas cheer feels really,
really good.

Even if it means giving up
something I really, really wanted.

But Christmas really isn't about
the presents.

It's about the wonderful family
and friends

-you get to share it with.

They're the best
Christmas present there is.

And I'm taking that to heart.


Is that sleigh bells?

SANTA: Ho ho ho, merry Christmas!

[GASPS] It's my own kitty castle!

"Dear Bitsy, thank you for honoring

"the true meaning of Christmas.

"Love, Santa!"

Wow, I guess with your new castle,

this really is the best Christmas ever.

The best ever because I have all of you.

Castle or no castle.

[CHUCKLING] Merry Christmas, everyone.

ALL: Merry Christmas!