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01x23 - Cheesenado/Talented Troublemaker

Posted: 04/01/24 20:27
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties,

but when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

-AMAZING SINGER: SuperKitties!


When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry, don't despair

Evildoers best beware

They're SuperKitties, meow!

They're brave, they're smart

They're strong, they're kind

And with their talents combined

They're SuperKitties, meow!

BITSY: The SuperKitties
And The Cheesenado.

Bitsy boots!



BABY BIRD 1: Blast-off!



I really, really wanna stay and play,

but I've gotta get back
to the SuperKitties now.

I'll see you tomorrow
for another play date, okay?

-RENATA ROBIN: Actually, sweeties,

it's time to say goodbye to Aunty Bitsy,

'cause you won't be seeing each other
for a long time.

Huh? What are you talking about?

Now that winter's on its way,
it's getting colder in Kittydale.

So, we have to fly south
like those birds,

where it's warm enough
for my babies to grow big and strong.

But as soon as sunny springtime
comes back to Kittydale, we will, too.

So, goodbye for now, Bitsy.

We'll miss you very much.

Uh... I gotta go. I'm late for tuna.

Aww, sometimes, my babies,
goodbyes are hard.

And your Aunty Bitsy is just not ready
to say goodbye.


Bitsy, are you okay?

How was your play date
with Renata's babies?

[SNIFFLES] Terrible!

We were playing, then I said,
"See you tomorrow."

But, no! I have to wait until after
'cause they're leaving Kittydale!

But why would they wanna
leave Kittydale?

Renata said they're flying south
for the whole winter.

That's 'cause every winter,
when it gets colder,

lots of birds
have to fly some place safe and warm.

But they're my friends.
I don't want them to go.

I'm sorry, Bitsy. Goodbyes can be hard.


Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call.





Please don't leave, Buddy!

It's just for the SuperKitty call.

Oopsy kitty!


And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.


Hey, there, Aunty Bitsy.
Are you feeling okay?

What's going on, Renata?

This weird orange wind
just started blowing all over the city.

And now it's in the park.

I'm not sure what's going on,

but it's not safe
for me and my babies to fly.

If they can't fly, they can't leave.

Maybe this one's not so bad after all.


The orange wind!

Hang on, birdies.
Don't even try to fly away.

We're coming to the park to find out
what's making this orange wind.

Kitty-cat fast.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!


All right, team,
if you see any orange wind, say...

Orange wind!

SPARKS: It's a tornado made of cheese!

You mean a tor-cheeso?

LAB RAT: Wrong!

It's a cheesenado!

Lab Rat and Otto!

AMAZING SINGER: Lab Rat and Otto

Lab Rat, did you make this cheesenado?

'Cause that sounds like
something you would do.

It is something I would do
'cause I did it.


I am a genius
who comes up with genius inventions

like a tornado
that only sucks up cheese.

Why steal cheese, piece by piece,

when my cheesenado
can suck up all the cheese,

all over Kittydale, all at once?

I just give this remote a spin,
and my cheesenado goes wherever I want.

So, if the cheesenado keeps blowing,
Renata and her babies won't leave.

Taking everyone's cheese is wrong,
Lab Rat, and dangerous.

Now it's not even safe for birds to fly.

Too bad for the birds
'cause my cheese-nificent cheesenado

is gonna suck up
every last chunk of cheese in Kittydale.

Like that scrumptious
string cheese over there.

Look. Someone left behind
this yummy piece of cheese.


It's cheese-takin' time!

We have to stop Lab Rat!
SuperKitties, pounce!

Paws out, claws out.

Bitsy boots, blast-off!

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

Furball blitz!

Where'd our cheese go?

[LAUGHS] More cheese, please.

[GASPS] SuperKitty!

Freeze your cheese, Lab Rat!


-Not this way, either.


Bitsy, yarn-blast Lab Rat's remote
and stop this wind.

On it.

Oh, rats.

But if I stop the wind,
then my birdy friends will fly away.

Now's our chance, Otto.
Let's get out of here.


Bitsy, are you okay?

Why didn't you stop Lab Rat?

Maybe I don't want to stop the wind.

'Cause if the wind stops,

then Renata
and her babies will fly away.

I don't want my friends to leave me.

Aww, Bitsy. Renata doesn't
wanna leave you either.

She just needs to fly
someplace better for her family.

I know goodbyes are hard,
but just remember,

even when someone you love is far away,

they'll always be right here,
in your heart.



Okay. Thank you, kitties.

I think I'm ready,
even if I have to say bye to my friends.

So, come on, let's...

Stop the wind!

[GASPS] The baby birdies!

SuperKitties, pounce!

Time to blow
these SuperKitties away, Otto.

Bad news, SuperKitties,
the weather forecast calls for cheese.

Look out!

I'm flying!

SuperKitties, I have an idea.

When I say go, link paws.

Activate yarn blaster!





I'll take that remote.


-Let go!

My cheese remote.

Wait, you made your cheesenado remote
out of actual cheese?

It was Otto's idea.

I need to get that remote back,
so I can stop the orange wind.

Bitsy boots, blast-off!

-Got it.
-SPARKS: Whoo! Yeah!



It's gonna drop.

You saved the day.
Super job, SuperKitty.

[GROANS SOFTLY] Let me guess, first,
we gotta return all the cheese,

and then I gotta say sorry to everyone.

ALL: Yes!


But we can help you return the cheese.

Really? You'd do that?

Yep. SuperKitties help everyone.

Can I go take care of something first?

Of course, Aunty Bitsy.

Okay, sweeties,
the orange wind is finally gone.

Ready to fly?

BITSY: Wait!

Renata, baby birdies,

I'm sorry.

Sorry? For what?

I didn't wanna stop the cheesenado.

But you did, Bitsy.
And you saved the day.

But I could've stopped it earlier.

Instead, I let Lab Rat go,
'cause I wasn't ready to say goodbye.


But now, I am.

I'm really gonna miss you

I don't want you to go

But I know you gotta fly away

To a place where you can grow

ALL: Oh!

And I guess I just want you to know

That you're always in my heart

Always in my heart

However far away

You are always in my heart

Always in my heart

So I know it'll be okay

Goodbyes can be hard

But we're never really apart

'Cause it isn't really goodbye

When you're always in my heart

And you're always in my heart

-Fly safe.

-Bye, Renata!

BITSY: I'll miss you.

Sometimes goodbyes are hard.

That's why I was so sad when Renata
told me she and her babies were leaving.

But now I know,
even if someone I love is far away,

they'll always be in my heart.

And I'm taking that to heart.


I know how much you're gonna miss
Renata and her babies.

I sure will.

-But you know who's staying right here?

The SuperKitties!


BUDDY: The SuperKitties
And The Talented Troublemaker.


Is that a squeaky ball?


It's so squeaky.

If you like it that much,
you can have it, Buddy.

Ooh! Can I have one, too?

I only have one squeaky ball.

What if we have a contest,
and the winner gets the ball?

-That sounds like fun.

Okay. Bitsy, you stand over there,
and, Buddy, you stand over there.

When I say [MEOWS],

the first one over the ball pit
to the squeaky ball wins.

I love races.

-You okay, Buddy?

I don't think I can win a race
against Bitsy, Ginny. She's so fast.

Just try your best.

Okay. My very own squeaky ball.

Oh, the pressure. I can't do this.

-Buddy, you ready?
-Oh, yeah. So ready.

SPARKS: On your marks...

I gotta win that ball.

Get set...

-Everybody, look. Over there.



-Never mind. Go.


I did it. I won the squeaky ball.

-Congratulations, Buddy.
-Thanks, Bitsy.

Maybe next time
I'll be fast enough to win.

I'm sure next time you will be.

Here you go, kitties.

Kibble time.

Hey, Buddy,
when Sparks started the race,

why'd you say, "Look over there?"

What'd you want us to look at?

Oh. There wasn't anything.

I just wanted to get a head start,
so I could get the ball before Bitsy.

But, Buddy, what you did was cheating.

[GASPS] Cheating?

Distracting Bitsy so you could get
a head start wasn't fair.

I don't wanna be a cheater.

I gotta tell Bitsy what I did.

I'm sorry, ball.
It wouldn't be right for me to keep you.

I'm sure gonna miss your squeak.

You can do this, Buddy.
I'm sure she'll understand.

Hello, and welcome
to the Kittydale Pet Talent Contest,

where impressive pets
will perform their very best tricks

for a chance to win
this fabulous first-place trophy!

all the pets are getting ready

as the contest is about to start.

Who will take home

the first-place trophy
for the most-talented pet this year?

I, Mr. Puppypaws, will.

I must win that trophy.

It's so shiny and gold.

It will look so fabulous
next to my ittle-wittle doggy bed.


What's that now, Quacksley?

What if we're not good enough to win?

We shall simply make sure we do,
by cheating!


-How, you ask?

Why with my...
[IN DEEP VOICE] Voice-Change-o-matic!

And our first contestant is up.

Welcome Doreen, the disc-catching dog!

All eyes are on Doreen
as she gets ready to catch that disc.

Everybody, look. Over there.

What? Where?


I don't see anything.

[GASPS] Oh, no!
Doreen's disc has disappeared.


She can't win
if there's no disc for her to catch.

I'm so sorry, Doreen.

My plan is working splendidly.

Now no pet
shall have a chance at winning.

So what if I'm cheating?

Soon that trophy will be mine, all mine!

-Yes, of course, yours too, Quacksley.

Congrats again, Buddy.

You got to the ball so fast.

Bitsy, I have to tell you something
really important.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match, you see

They're felines who fearlessly
respond to the call




Buddy, you dropped your squeaky ball.

Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.

Chibi, Fluffers, Doreen, what's wrong?

I was about to perform
my disc-catching act

at the Pet Talent Contest

when suddenly someone took my disc.

That's terrible.
But how did you know someone took it?

-Because it also happened to me.
-And me, too!

I was booping a ball on my nose
and then the ball was gone.

And my human was tossing rings for me
to catch with my tail feathers,

when someone called out,
"Everybody, look over there!"

Someone said, "Look, over there."

Yeah. But when everybody looked,
there was nothing there.

And then, I looked back,
my rings were gone.

Don't worry, pets of Kittydale.
The SuperKitties are on our way.

Sounds like
someone wants to win the contest

by making everyone else lose.

But that's cheating. And that's clawful.

You're right, Bitsy.
Cheating is clawful.

That's why I have to tell you...

We've gotta get to the talent contest
and stop whoever's doing this.

-We will, Bitsy.

Paws in, SuperKitties.

We're brave!

We're smart!

We're sorry. I mean, strong!

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!


Okay, SuperKitties,
let's look for anything suspicious.

For our next act,
Pinky bunny will flip across the stage,

leap and chomp that big carrot.

Think again.
Some bunny's about to bungle the act.

Everybody, look over there.


-What? Where?

Oh, no. Pinky, where'd your carrot go?


Sorry, but, no carrot, no act.

I just saw that carrot getting swiped.

Someone is definitely trying
to mess up everyone's acts.

Which is cheating.

-And I would know because I...

[GASPS] Did you hear that?
Someone's eating that carrot.

Follow that crunch.

Can't a kitty just tell the truth?

Don't worry, Buddy.
You'll get your chance. Come on.

it's our turn to perform next.

Mr. Puppypaws.

AMAZING SINGER: Yes, it's Mr. Puppypaws

So, you stole all that stuff
from the other pets.

You have to give it back, Mr. Puppypaws.

Never! And now, if you'll excuse me,

it's time for me to win that trophy.

Cheaters never win.

Just try and stop me.

SuperKitties, pounce!

And now, we have Mr. Puppypaws.



Wait? Where is he going?
And who are those cats?

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

-You didn't know Quacksley,

cats don't like cucumbers.

So, I never leave home without one.


[LAUGHS] Time for me to perform,
so I can win that trophy.

Hold on, SuperKitties.

Bitsy boots, blast-off!



Whoa! Those kitties are incredible.
I've never seen such talent.

Time to put an end to this.

-Show's over, Mr. Puppypaws.

you always ruin everything.

Why'd you try and mess up
everyone's talent acts?

Because I wanted to win.
So, I cheated a little bit.

That was not a little bit.

Fine, I cheated a lot,
but I really wanted that trophy.

I know how you feel, Mr. Puppypaws,
because I also cheated.

-Huh! When?
-What do you mean?

Remember how I yelled,
"Look, over there,"

when I won the squeaky ball?

There was nothing there.

I just did it so I could
get to the squeaky ball first.

Because I wanted it so badly.

It was really squeaky.

-We understand.

I've been trying
to tell you all day, kitties.

I shouldn't have cheated.
It wasn't fair.

So, I'm giving you the squeaky ball,
'cause I don't deserve it.

I'm really sorry.

I forgive you.

We're glad you told the truth.

I'm so proud of you, brother.

We're sorry for cheating, too.

-Aren't we, Quacksley?

And now you have to make things right.

But how is Mr. Puppypaws
going to fix it?

He ruined everyone's chances,
and now they're out of the competition.

ANNOUNCER: Attention!
After so many accidents,

we have decided to give the contestants
a second chance.

But I can't perform without my rings.

-Or my discs.

Mr. Puppypaws,
you need to return everyone's stuff,

so they can have
a fair chance at winning.

It's the right thing to do.

Fine, fine. I will.

Hey, who's been eating' my carrot?

Let's give another round of applause
for our contestants.

Buddy really wanted to win
the squeaky ball,

so he cheated in our contest to get it.

And Mr. Puppypaws wanted to win
the talent-show trophy,

so he cheated by messing up
everyone's acts.

No, Quacksley,
we're not going to compete this year.

Let's let them all have
a fair chance to win.

But next year, that trophy will be ours.

-Yes, without cheating, of course.

But SuperKitties know that, win or lose,
you should always play fair.

And I am taking that to heart.

Congratulations to every pet
who competed today.

But we can only have
one first-place winner.

So, the trophy goes to

the super-talented kitty acrobats
in the colorful suits.

Or, as I think I'll call them,
the Supreme Kitties.

-Are we the winners?
-I think so.

-Come on, "Supreme Kitties."
