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01x02 - Happy Returns

Posted: 04/01/24 18:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on American Rust...

All rise. The Honorable
Judge Paronne is now presiding.

[PARONNE] William Poe, do you understand

the charges brought against you?

[BILLY] Yes, sir.

I'm sentencing you
to six months' probation.

[HARRIS] Equal justice for all.

- Del...
- [HARRIS] Even if we're after

the same woman.
Thought I could cook you some dinner.

We could celebrate a bit.

It's very sweet of you, but I really am

kind of wiped out...

Hey, Chief.

How's it going, man?

All right.

[PARONNE] Do you have a place
to live during these six months?

[BILLY] With my mother, sir.

Why don't you do something
useful just once in your life?

- Fast feet! Hut!
- [ISAAC] What's your hang-up

with leaving Buell?

Lee is never coming home.

[LEE] Where are you?

Where would I be?

You're married. Congratulations.

That's a big deal.


f*ck you.

[ISAAC] Let's go.
Took the cash from my dad.

[BILLY] Is that... Pete Novick?

He had his f*cking boot on my
back the night I was arrested.

I'm just gonna talk to him.


- Wait for me.
- Damn it, Billy.

[STEVE] County got an anonymous call in.

Possible body in the mill.

[HARRIS] Novick.

[GRACE] You're a good man, Del Harris.

And Billy is a good kid.

And somebody's got to help him out.

- Chief. You beat us down here.
- Hey, Frank.

[FRANK] What we got going on?

[HARRIS] Uh, nothing good.


♪ ♪




[STEVE] Hey, Chief.

Morning, Steve.

Coffee fresh?

Offinger just brewed a pot.






♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪



[HENRY] Hmm?


Hi, Daddy.

Thought I heard something.


Come closer.

Enough room in the garage?

Yeah. I had to move

a few things, but there was room.



Must've finally dozed off.

After your brother made off
with my money,

I was up all night.

When was the last time you saw him?

Sometime yesterday.

Late morning, maybe early afternoon.

I called you as soon as
I saw he took off.

Do you have any idea
where he might've gone?

I figured he went to the library.

Maybe over to Billy's place.


Where else would he go? Thanks.




Nice to see you.

You, too.

I like your hair like that.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] I just had it done.

For your trip home?

No, for this other thing.

We were invited to an event.

You and, uh...

- Alejandro.
- Alejandro.

It'll take me a minute
to get that right.

No, you got it: Alejandro.


Your husband. [EXHALES SHARPLY]

He's good to you?


Well, I'm happy for you, Lee.

I'd like to meet him someday.

Congratulate the man who married

the prettiest girl this side of the Mon.

No, don't touch that stuff.


Your brother could've at least
cleaned up before he took off.

Absconded with my money

like some kind of
g*dd*mn larcenous prost*tute.

That's a little harsh.


A prost*tute?

Well, if the shoe fits...

Obviously, this is
a pretty big "f*ck you"

to the entire family.

Later, I need you to take me over to

a wedding reception at Rylan's.

Who's getting married?

Jimbo Connelly and Katie Danek.

I promised Katie's dad
I'd make an appearance.

I'm happy to take you.


...46-yard line and... Oh, my.

There was a collision
on the near sideline

between two West Virginia players...

I should probably go get settled.


And Kwiatkoski is shaken up.

[ANNOUNCER 2] Well, no,
Kwiatkoski was coming back,

trying to make a, make a tackle,

and he got blindsided.


- [ANNOUNCER] Let's see...
- That's Amari Cooper there.

[ANNOUNCER] It was Cooper. Initially,

it was hard to tell
if there was a collision.

So, what else
should I know about Pete Novick,

besides the fact that you fired him

some six months ago?

In general, Pete's a good guy.

I fired him because his job performance

was starting to suffer.

- Can you be more specific?
- Let's just say

he was starting to exude

a general air of complacency,

and I could tell
it was only going to get worse.

You put a guy out to pasture
for general complacency?

Livestock metaphors. Fun.

I thought he was fired for cause.

Del, if I may...?

Pete Novick was a disaster.

Everybody from here to Pittsburgh

knew he had a drug problem,
not to mention the fact

that he hit his wife
and ignored his kids.

He was a total fuckup.

Del doesn't want to shit
on his own and I respect that.

[HERLITZ] Frank, I want you
taking point on this,

if for no other reason than for
the sake of public perception.

Did you hear she's up for reelection?

I'm kidding, Sue. Half kidding.

[HERLITZ] We can't have
Judge Paronne thinking

whoever's leading this investigation

has any predispositions
towards Pete Novick.

Sue, I'm fine with
Del taking lead on this.

It's his turf.

But I'm not fine with it, so

you'll be my point man.
End of discussion.

You good with this?

Sue's right.

I'm taking this m*rder
very seriously, gentlemen.

I want that crime scene
on total lockdown

until every molecule
of evidence is collected.

[FRANK] Copy that.

And, Frank, there was an anonymous

phone call made to your precinct.

I want to find out who made it.

That sort of negates the
anonymous part of that arrangement,

- don't you think?
- [HERLITZ] Does the county

record incoming calls to the tip line?

[FRANK] I'm afraid we don't.
We do keep a detailed time log,

but we don't record the calls.

[HERLITZ] Any evidence to suggest

that this was a drug-related crime?

Nothing showed up at the scene.
Not yet, at least.


I love what you did with the pearls.

I'm glad you like it.

I know you're used to dealing
with much nicer dresses...

materials and whatnot.

No, nonsense. It's a beautiful dress.

[CHRISTY] It really is, K.K.

You look friggin' amazing.

Jimbo's gonna lose it when he sees you.

I wish I could pay you something.

Uh, more nonsense.

Consider it a wedding gift.

I cannot thank you enough, Mrs. Poe.

[GRACE] Okay. Face this way.

And call me Grace.

I'm not your homeroom teacher.

Is it a boy or a girl?

We want to be surprised,
but I think it's gonna be a boy.

Easy mornings?

Not too bad, actually.

Jimbo's convinced it's a girl.

Yeah, he says he's putting
three-to-one odds on it.

What are we, at the dog track?

You know if it's a girl, he'll
wind up spoiling her rotten.

Well, I wanted a boy.

So, I guess I got lucky.





[HARRIS] I wouldn't if I were you.


I take it you're not out fossil huntin'.

Oh, I was just going for a jog.

Trying to get back into shape.

Looked like you were going for a stroll.

No sweatshirt? No jacket?

Yeah, it's not that cold.

What happened to your hand?


I was, uh, working on my Camaro.

My hand slipped off the wrench,

smacked it into the engine block.

It's fine.

What's the status of your probation?

Technically, it ended yesterday.

I'm meeting with my PO later this week.

He seems pretty confident
it'll come off without a hitch.

I hope your urine's clean.

Oh, I don't do dr*gs.


I mean, I'll drink a 40 now and then,

but that's not dr*gs.

Fair enough.


But if you're serious
about getting back in shape,

you might want to downgrade to tallboys.


[BILLY] So, what are you,
uh, doing here?

Well, I'm not out jogging,
that's for sure.

My knees no longer allow that.

What size shoe do you wear?

Uh, 13.

Do yourself a favor, get rid of those.

Go buy yourself a pair of 14s.

- Can I ask why?
- Just do it.

And make sure they're 14s.

Wear two pair of socks,
stuff newspaper into the toes,

whatever you got to do
to make 'em comfortable.

Get some Adidas.

Those Nikes aren't gonna do you
any favors any time soon.

Don't buy 'em in town.

Go to Brownsville or West Newton;

Some place where
they won't recognize you.



[HERLITZ] At approximately

Pete Novick,
a former Buell police officer,

was found dead in a building

of the now-defunct Buell Steel Mill.

There was blunt force trauma
to the back of his head,

and we are investigating
his death as a homicide.

This is a former police officer,

one of our own,

and I plan on doing
everything in my power

to find his k*ller.

There was a call placed
to our anonymous tip line.

We're asking the caller
to please make another one,

as we need more information.

We've set up a special new tip
line precisely for this purpose.

I believe they're gonna post the number

at the bottom of your screen. Hmm?

- We got it.
- Okay. Good.

So, please, please, whoever you are,

give the county sheriff's office
another call.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪





Hey, you.

Grace. Hey.

Been a while.

I've seen you around.
You've seen me, too.

Well, since we've talked, I mean.

I guess that's true.

Care for a swipe?

Oh, I'd-I'd ruin it. Trust me.

Aren't you gonna ask me
what I'm all dressed up for?

What are you all dressed up for?

Danek-Connelly wedding.

Right. Jimbo and Katie.

Shotgun special.

I worked on Katie's dress,

so I sort of feel obligated.

You look nice.

Thanks, Del.

Will I see you at the reception?

Buell wedding receptions tend
to be long and loud...

not good for my overall equilibrium.

You should swing by.

Eh. Police chief showing up
at a reception.

Feels like bad news or something.

Enter the wolf.

You could pick up some flowers.
Enter with roses.


If things are slow, maybe I'll do that.

Well, it was nice seeing you.

You, too, Grace.


This one?

That's a good one, yeah.


It's all right, I got it.

Can you get me one of those pills?


With or without food?



Why don't you swallow it?

Supposed to dissolve under your tongue.



Can I ask you a question?

Long as it's not math-related.

Why haven't you hired someone
to help out around here?

The money I've been sending...

Did you even interview anyone?

LeeAnn, not now, okay?

Isaac probably thinks I'm a monster.

Your brother does not think
you're a monster.

He's too busy thinking about himself.

Couldn't even bother
to close the f*cking door

- when he left.
- I can't believe

- what's happened to this house.

You come home just to criticize?

I came home because you called me.

[NARRATOR] The North Vietnamese
a*tillery continued...

Go put something nice on

so we can go to
the wedding reception, okay?

...apparently dozens have
escaped across the Laos border,

ten miles away.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Hey, it's me again.

I'm home.

The house is a mess.

Dad called in the middle of the night

and said you stole money
from him and took off.

What's going on, Isaac?

Call me back.





♪ ♪


- ♪ Or maybe just a nurse ♪

♪ Feeling kind of shaky ♪


♪ It's gonna get worse ♪

What's up? You okay?

Yeah, I'm good. Why?

Well, 'cause you look like you
just swallowed an earthworm.

Oh, I just had to clean the diner

all morning. I'm just a little tired.

Yeah? All right, copy that.

Shonie, this is my son, Billy.

- Billy, this is Shonie.
- Hey, Billy.


For real?

Take that shit back.

♪ It's an evil town... ♪

- Thanks.
- Ah, no, no.

Make sure you sign
them two Andrew Jacksons,

so the newlyweds know who was here,

'cause they're gonna
be too goddamned hungover

- to remember anything tomorrow.

Hey, hey, hey, and whatever you do,

do not write "many happy returns."

Katie Danek's fat mother
just chewed me out for it.

What's wrong with "many happy returns"?

[VIRGIL] Apparently it's bad luck

to say it at a wedding.

You're only supposed
to say it at birthdays

and New Year's and shit.

Phyllis Danek just bit my head off.

Fat-ass walrus.

What happens if you say it at a wedding?

I don't know, sugar bush.

You probably fall
in a hole or something.

You're the sugar bush.

[VIRGIL] Ow. You gave me a titty twist.

[CHUCKLES] Don't be titty-twisting me

- in public.

Uh, you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

All right. Well, look, man,
loosen up. Come on.

Don't be so tense.
Have a few drinks, okay?

All right.

- Let's shove off, Cap'n.
- Mm.


[SHONIE] Nice to meet you, Billy.

[BILLY] Nice to meet you.

♪ I ain't scared of no one ♪



I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it.




No, no, no, no.

Get the trunk, please.



I got it, I got it.

Just put it in the back.
Let's go. Take it away.


- ♪ That's not what ♪

♪ I want to hear ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I want to hear she wants me near ♪

♪ Good thing... ♪

Let me take those.

Can she say words,

or does she just string
together a series of vowels?

She can say words, Ma.

How are your hands?

Not great, but I'll be fine.

You need me to get you some Advil?

No, I already took some.

Billy Poe, Grace Poe.

Okay to join?

Of course. Pull her chair
out for her, dingus.

Thank you.

I like your dress, Mrs. P.

- Thanks, Joelle.

I don't do speeches,

but tonight I guess
I don't have a choice.

Let's start off with a joke,
'cause why the heck not?

Why did the middle-aged,

slightly overweight
football coach cross the road?


'Cause he left his Viagra
on the other side.

- Boo!

And his playbook.
He left his playbook, too.

Don't worry, Coach Dooley,
I'm not talking about you.

This is football coaches in general.

Before we go any further,

out of respect for Pam Novick,

my beautiful cousin Pammy,
who's sitting right over there

with one of her two boys.

As many of you know,

last night,
her husband Pete passed away.

And I think we'd all be faking it

if we didn't at least
acknowledge this fact.

Pete was a good man,

and he'll be missed by every one of us.

So if we could all now just

take a moment of silence for Pete.



Thank you.

Now, for the main reason
we're all here: Katie.


Katie, my sweet Katie.

You are the light of my life.

I've watched you grow into such
a tremendous young woman.

You are gonna be an amazing wife

and an even better mother.

Jimbo, you better take care of
my daughter,

or there will be hell to pay.

I'm gonna take good care
of her, Mr. Danek.

[NOLAN] I love you with
all my heart, sweetheart.


Katie, the first time you told
me you were gonna marry Jimbo,

I wanted to cut off your friggin' head

- with a chainsaw.

I was like, Jimbo Fitzgerald?

That chucklehead?
You've got to be kidding me.


This is the same guy
who jumped off the roof

of his garage when he was ten,

because Scottie Flahive
over there told him

it would make him
go through puberty faster.


Turns out, he broke both his ankles

and dislocated his elbow.

He came to school
the next day looking like

he had been thrown off
the back of a high-speed train.

Elbow out to here like...
I don't even know what.


That's a true story.

Yeah, nice going, Scottie.

But all jokes

and horror stories aside,

- Jimbo's the absolute best.
- When did she get back?

No idea.

[CHRISTY] Those ankles healed
right up, and you know what?

Eventually, he did go through puberty.


Thank God for that, right?

'Cause he's gonna be a great father

and an even better husband.

Katie, I have never seen you laugh more

- and cry more.

But what's this life
supposed to be about

if we're not laughing
as hard as we're crying?

- I love you.
- I love you.




Hi, Billy.

When'd you get back?

This morning.

My dad called
in the middle of the night.

Apparently Isaac skipped town.

Is he in some kind of trouble?

I didn't even know he took off.

Last time I saw him, he seemed fine.


So how long are you here for?

A couple of days.

I have an exam I have to get back for.

You look beautiful.

It was my mom's dress.

I didn't bring anything formal
with me, so...

- It's really good to see you.

They look happy.

Jimbo's already wasted,

- the lightweight.
- [RYLAN] There you go.

- Thanks.
- [RYLAN] You got it.


Mr. E., looking sharp.

Billy Poe.




♪ ♪




♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Yeah, Jimbo!





Well, this is our source.

- It's in working order.

There's probably
too many prints on that handset

to get anything useful.

[STEVE] Chief.

A little birdy.



You're looking good.

I'm feeling good.

Is that a new dress?

It's new-ish.

See you.

What are those supposed to be?


They're called bluebells.

Well, whatever they're called, this is

an extremely flattering garment.

It brings out all your best assets.

Mm. Can I get you a drink?

No, I'm good.

So, I was thinking maybe later on,

after I ditch the youngster,

maybe I could come by for a while.

Uh, really?

Yeah, see, I got this
new thing I learned how to do.

Oh, is that right?

When it comes to extracurriculars,

you might say this is about

the most important thing
I've ever learned.

I'm sure it is.

I got you curious.

You're wondering, aren't you?
You're wondering,

is it mental? Is it physical?

Can it help pay our mortgage?

'Cause if it can't do that,
I'm not interested.

Might help you forget
all about that shit.

Well, you're gonna have to try it

out on the youngster tonight.

She's the one
who taught me how to do it.

It's really, really good, Grace.

And, uh...

it's definitely physical.

I don't care if you can make me come

a river of gold coins with
a f*ckin' card trick, Virgil.

You're not stopping by.

And besides, I'm not
messing with you again

till you get yourself checked out.

I wear condoms.

Except when I'm with you, of course.

- Not happening.
- Okay.

Suit yourself.

- It's your loss.
- And you know what?

She's married. That girl.

What's her name? Shoobie?


And how the hell you know she's married?

She ain't even from around here.

I helped make her f*ckin'

wedding dress, that's how I know.

Bethany did it as a side job

and she brought me on
to do the lacework.

Got two things to say about that.

One: It's a small,
confounding world we live in.

And two: I'm also married.

So what do you know?

I guess that makes this whole exchange

kind of sadly ironic.

Watch how I walk away now.

♪ ♪

Who mounted that camera? Stevie Wonder?

[KEITH] I'm pretty sure Mr. Ellis did.

He's my boss.

You might want to tell Mr. Ellis

to take another crack at it.

The only thing this angle reveals

is how much your cigarettes cost.

[HARRIS] And tell him to try to
include the payphone in the shot.

It's like aiming a high-powered
telescope at a plate of pancakes.

You want to see the Moon,

you got to point it at the g*dd*mn Moon.

I'll tell him.

[FRANK] Freeze it there.


Time code matches our call log.

Whole lot of nothing.


Oh, my God.

Lee English. What the f*ck?


- What am I, two-day-old meat?
- Joelle!

When'd you get back?

About seven-and-a-half hours ago.

[CHRISTY] How long you here for?

Just a few days.

- I love your hair like that.
- Thanks.

Don't you love her hair, Christy?

Looks like a frigging mink coat.

- Can I... can I touch it?


Bitch, I'm petting you!


- Oh...
- Oh, shit!



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ This is your celebration ♪

♪ ♪


♪ This is your celebration ♪

♪ Celebrate good times, come on ♪

♪ Let's celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate good times, come on ♪

♪ Let's celebrate ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah. ♪

♪ There's a party goin' on right here ♪

♪ A celebration
to last throughout the years ♪

♪ So bring your good times ♪

♪ And your laughter, too ♪

♪ We gonna celebrate
your party with you ♪

♪ Come on now ♪

♪ Celebration ♪

♪ Let's all celebrate
and have a good time ♪

♪ I could start dreaming,
but it never ends... ♪

Come dance with me, Little Pete.

Go on.

Come on, show me
some of your dance moves.

- Thanks, Connie.
- Of course.

♪ Dreaming ♪

♪ Straight from the heart... ♪

Mind if I join?

Hey, Grace.


You doing okay?

As good as can be expected, I suppose.

I think it's hardly set in with Pete Jr.

♪ That we'd be able to... ♪

It's probably best
to just enjoy himself tonight.

How's Leo?

He thinks his dad went
on a fishing trip.

He's with my parents tonight.

I just wanted you to know
if you need anything, I'm here.

Thank you.

That means a lot.

♪ Tell me we can make another start ♪

♪ You know I'll never go ♪

♪ As long as I know ♪

♪ It's coming straight from the heart ♪



They passed right underneath
the 7-Eleven sign

about three o'clock on
the afternoon the call was made.

[FRANK] And it's the same day
as the homicide?

[OFFINGER] Same day.

[HARRIS] That's definitely Pete Novick.

Question is, who's the guy with
the long hair and the beard?

Looks like Jesus of Nazareth.

In off-brand sneakers
and a denim jacket.

JC Penny Jesus...

of Pennsylvania.

That very well could be our caller.

Or the k*ller.

- ♪ I was a fool ♪

♪ To ever leave your side ♪

♪ Me minus you is such a... ♪

You smell good.

Is it the irresistible fragrance

of six-plus hours of interstate driving?

It's just you.

♪ I realize I love you... ♪

I like your hair like that, by the way.

What'd you do to it?

It's called a blow-out.

Looks expensive.

I had to go to this
big dinner last night.

With your husband?

With Alejandro, yeah.


Isaac told me his family owns
a wine factory.

- Vineyard.
- Vineyard.

So you drink a lot of wine now?

You an affixianado?

[CHUCKLES] Affixianado?

Stop pretending you're stupid.

♪ Reunited 'cause we understood... ♪

You like being married?

I do.

I'm all mature now.

Can I see your ring?


Is it real gold?

[LAUGHING] Of course it's real.

♪ Hey, hey... ♪

You feel good.

I missed this.

♪ Staring at the same old wall ♪

I missed you.

♪ Just when I got your call ♪

I wanted to call you a million times.

♪ Through the telephone line ♪

♪ And give you... ♪


♪ What you want so you will ♪

♪ Still be mine, hey, hey ♪

♪ I can't go cheatin', honey ♪

♪ I can't play ♪

♪ I found it very hard to stay away ♪

♪ Well, there's just one thing
that I'd like to know ♪

♪ Is where in this big
wide world did you go? ♪

♪ Come back ♪

♪ Come on back to me ♪

Come on, Grace. Dance with me.

- No, thanks.
- Pretty please

with chicken on top?

Come on, this song is a classic.

Go play with your jailbait.

[VIRGIL] She is not jailbait.

She is a bona fide adult.

I'll say she's bona fide.

♪ Doo-wop, doo-wop, doo-wop ♪

♪ You were always... ♪

[GRACE] Karma's a bitch, huh?

- Very, very
- ♪ Doo-wop, doo-wop ♪

♪ Why'd you have to leave just... ♪

Hey, k*ller.
Mind if I cut in there, buddy?

- m*therf*cker.

Ooh... so tough.

Hey, watch the left.


♪ Come on back to me ♪


♪ ♪

Can I cut in?

- Hey, M-Mrs. Poe.
- Lee.

What a nice surprise.

I should probably go check on my dad.

♪ My baby love ♪

♪ My... ♪

You really had to do that?

I can't dance with my only son?

♪ I can't live without your love... ♪

[SIGHS] She's married, Billy.

You don't think I know that?

Just be careful.

I don't want you getting hurt again.


I got to go to the john.

♪ Since you been gone ♪

♪ I been all alone ♪


[ISAAC] Hey, Billy.

[BILLY] The f*ck are you doing here?

Get out of the g*dd*mn light.

Billy, we got to get
our stories straight.

We shouldn't even be talking
about this, Isaac.

Everyone and their
g*dd*mn sister's in there,

including yours.

Lee's in there?

Yeah, and so is your dad.

He called her after you took off.

She drove out this morning.

Lee's been trying to call you all day.

Jesus, you look terrible.

I think maybe we should
go turn ourselves in.

No way, Isaac.

Well, what's our story?

What's our story?

There is no g*dd*mn story.

We were never there. It never happened.

Chief Harris could help us.

That's a terrible f*ckin' idea, Isaac.

I can't stop shaking.

Isaac, listen to me.

Do whatever you gotta do to calm down.

Take a minute to get your bearings.

Take ten minutes.

But you got to leave town
as soon as possible.

And I mean tonight.

Isaac, focus!

Look at me.

Head west, just like you planned.

Get out there and go to that school.

You think that's really
possible after what happened?

I know it is.

But you got to get yourself together.

And do me a favor?

Call your g*dd*mn sister, okay?

She's worried sick about you.

She just wants to know you're okay.


You gonna tell her you saw me?


You still got the money?

Yeah. Yeah, I still got it.

So get out of here.

Head west.

Go to that school.

Live your life.

Are we ever gonna see each other again?

Dramatic music+

♪ ♪

[BILLY] Everything's gonna
be all right, okay?

But you got to be strong right now.


Billy Poe, looking sharp.

- Thanks, Coach.
- I wouldn't go in there yet

if I were you, all right? [CHUCKLES]

Give it a minute.


♪ ♪

♪ My baby makes me proud... ♪


- Oh, thanks, sweetheart.

You heading out?

Yeah, I need to get him home.

- Need some help?
- Sure.

♪ ♪

What happened to your hand?

Oh, I, uh, punched
a parking meter the other day.

Accidentally, of course


[HENRY] Ah, geez. Here come the cops.

Night, Del.

♪ I know she'll be leavin' with me ♪


♪ And when we get behind closed doors ♪

- Phyllis, congratulations.
- Oh, thank you.

- Nolan.
- Thanks from me.

- Special day.
- Yes, it is.

- Katie.

- Nice to see you.
- Jimbo.

Thank you for coming.

Happy for both of you.

♪ Oh, no one knows ♪

♪ What goes on behind closed doors ♪

Chief Harris.

[HARRIS] Some night, huh?

Any torn ACLs on the dance floor?

[GRACE] None yet. But Nolan
almost threw his back out

making his father-of-the-bride speech.

How's it going out there in the jungle?

Utter and complete boredom.

This is where all the action is.

- How's it going, Little Pete?
- Hey.

[PAM] Peter, you remember
Officer Harris, right?


Stop playing with
your car and be polite.

[HARRIS] What do you say
I take you out to my truck

and show you how
the real police lights work?

Can I turn the siren on, too?

Let's start with the lights,
see how that goes.

I promise I'll bring him right back.


♪ But when they turn out the lights ♪

[HENRY] [GROANS] That's a nice moon.



Spin around...

Oh, the air feels good.

You know the deal.

Let me know when you're ready.

Lee, watch how it's done, now.

- [LEE] Okay.
- You ready?

[GRUNTS] Yeah, let me get tight.

- Three...

- two, one...
- Two, one...


[CHUCKLES] That was smooth.

All right, one more.


[HENRY] Good night, Buell.

Can you get me a beer, darling?

[LEE] No.

[HENRY] Two! The night is young.


Why won't he answer his phone?

I honestly have no idea.

You know he stole Dad's money?

Something like $4,000.

That's why Dad called me yesterday.

Since when did Isaac turn into a thief?

Maybe he considered it his money.

I don't follow your logic.

I think it's pretty simple, Lee.

For the past three and a half
years, Isaac's been here

day and night, looking after your dad.

And for the past six months,

I've been sending money home every week

so they could hire someone to help out.

That was the agreement.

Nobody's been working here, Lee.

He's let the place go to complete shit.

In all honesty, I think

Isaac's been wanting to leave
for a while now.

Taking care of your dad

wasn't exactly getting
any easier for him.

I mean, I love your dad, but...

he's not the easiest person
in the world to get along with.

So why didn't you wind up
going to Akron?

I didn't feel right leaving my mom.

Her hands have
been getting worse, you know?

She pops ibuprofens like
they're f*ckin' SweeTarts.

She doesn't have a pension.

I figured I could stay home and work.

You're always thinking of other people.

It's one of the things I love about you.

And you're drunk.


I always liked your hair curly.

It had a wildness.

Still has a wildness.

Does it?

Gentle, sweet music+


♪ ♪





[HARRIS] Yeah?

[GRACE] That was pretty nice
of you, Chief Harris.

Taking Little Pete out to your truck.

I think it really meant a lot
to his mom,

and he was beaming
when he got back to the table.

[HARRIS] Well, he's a sweet kid.

By the way, how'd that
deodorant work out for you?

[GRACE] Well, I think.

Pits are still dry.

Glad to hear you were able to avoid

all possible social catastrophes.

- You manage

to pull that off on a daily basis,

you can make a halfway decent
life for yourself.

Hey, turn around
and look out your window.



Melancholy music+

♪ ♪




You sure about this?




[ISAAC] What?

What's going on? Are you all right?

Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

¿Donde estas?


I'm nowhere, okay?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means don't call again.




Dramatic music+

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




Quiet, suspenseful music+

♪ ♪