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01x44 - A Freezing Snowstorm

Posted: 04/01/24 11:24
by bunniefuu

b i n o t h i o

isio b i n o c h i

o doy

o meet from a tree but he's like you and

me just looks like a


keep down inside there a heart can hide

cuz it's really a boy don't

forget p i n o c h i o is


o b i n o c h i o



it was a long time since chapeto had

been taken to devil Island Pinocchio had

been searching for the old wood carver

ever since and now it was winter with

Jack and Willie the little puppet had

come to a small Mountain village covered

in a thick blanket of snow it was Sunday

morning the church bells are pretty but

for some reason they make me feel sad

you're sad because you miss your father

and the sound of those bells reminds you

of all the people who go to church to

pray for things they want yeah and

that's what I'll do I'll go pray to find

my father soon I'll go and pray for

spring I'll go pray for a really nice

lunch wo but once they were actually

inside the church the three friends

found themselves listening to a

sermon my children as human beings we do

not live alone we live as part of

society in our society there are those

who are strong and there are those who

need help it is the duty of those who

are strong and well to help those who

are weaker and less fortunate to give

everything they have huh to help one

another to give everything you have we

must not run from sacrifice we must be

prepared to give when we give everything

we have we receive The Riches of

humanity let us live by these



amen time to

eat when we give everything we have we

receive the riches of

humanity Pinocchio believes you can get

rich by giving everything away if it'll

make him feel richer he can give me a

sandwich Nina you're just too small it's


huh hey stop don't bully a little girl

huh what we have to help those who are

weaker this fellow's funny listen speak

when spoken to wooden head

hey Pinocchio sticking his nose where it

doesn't belong again listen close puppet

we're not picking on nah we're going to

the town on the other side of the

mountain and nah wants us to take you're

with us you mean there's another town

over there a little one like nah on this

trip would be troubled a large bear is

up in the mountains attacking Travelers

as they come down the path I have to go

to that other town please would you take

me with you since I don't know the way

the strong and the well should help

those who are less fortunate H all right

we'll take you with us you will a thanks

a lot on one condition which is that you

take care of nah huh oh

after all we're supposed to help each

other when we're in trouble well let's

get going come

on look it what's the matter her arm is

broken oh you're too rough I don't want

a doll it's




you poor little

doll hey puppet hurry up they're leaving

the name is Pinocchio okay Pinocchio

carry me on your back

okay oh I guess so look he's carrying

her for a change well that's interesting

Willie we have to follow them after you


jack you're a little girl you sure are


faster Pinocchio doesn't that boy ever

get tired of finding problems for

himself he's got a head met AOK and a

mind made a m last one to the bottom the



ass for heaven sakes hurry up they're

getting away from us it's hard to walk

in the

snow you are so stupid and clumsy you

just dropped me in the snow but it's not

my fault you stupid rotten puppet I want

to go over the mountain you better take

me there no I meaning her I'm going to

I'm going to I'm going to b*at you till

you're in a thousand pieces oh my head

ow she's certainly an active one let's

hope she doesn't start acting on


us they getting away from us come

on it's a long way down you're just

wasting time Pinocchio now go it's Steve

go go all right all



see that's because I can't slow

down somebody tell me I'm SL down please

this is

funio let's go

faster youi really well I'm not I'm


only yusi love

you're useless you know

that how dare that rabbit laugh at me

bring it over here right now he's not


us but he certainly could be a little

more poite that's for sure a bu Keys

you're a

fool let's see you do do it I'll come

and make me all right I will come back

here you nasty little piece come


back I'll teach you a lesson you won't

forget coming yeah I am and you're going

to get it come on I'll love stupid


bu you are a wooden-headed fool

Pinocchio he's right

what are you doing there's no time to

rest we've got to get moving that bear

could be around here huh he's not

helping me oh she's really nasty

Pinocchio doesn't deserve this You're a

worthless puppet straighten out I'll

break you

up what do I do if the Bear shows up I'm


frightened I'll take care of things all

right what no I'll take care of things

if we should happen to see the bear

Pinocchio will get his attention while

we get away but what about me if you

play dead the bear will leave you alone

Pinocchio that sounds scary Pinocchio

it's our duty to help each other

remember besides you'll be safe Bears

don't eat wood oh I'm not so sure I'm

sure don't


worry remember we have to help each


other our duty is to help each other

especially when there's something like a

big hungry mountain bear in the

neighborhood that's when we help each

other run

away they left

me oh yeah play






oh please Mr bear you don't want to eat

me I promise I wouldn't taste very good

at all really I'm telling the truth I'd

give you indigestion honest what are you

blabbering about see I'm not really a

human being I'm a puppet made of wood I

use trees to scratch on not to eat

you're lucky you're made of wood and not

flesh if you were human I'd eat you in a

second I'm so worthless what you fool

you respected yourself more maybe others


too that was a close one

huh a poor

doll you're just like me nobody in the

whole world has any respect for us at


all it being winter and high in the

mountains a blizzard came up Pinocchio

struggled through the blowing

drifts oh I've never been this cold

before what's that a cabin

I'm saved I'm saved it's a


cabin no one's been here for a long


time I'm

tired oh my fingers are frozen

solid oh they'll just freeze up again

I've got to warm up somehow

h a fireplace I need wood oh wait a




yeah oh I hope the others got warm and I

hope father's warm too



Father where is father I hope he's



huh no that couldn't be father he

couldn't be out in this



huh father he's here oh it's

you hi come on in oh thanks we're

exhausted we really need to get warm oh

look there's a

fire oh great I'll close

this I'm

cold Nina we're lucky to be

here Pinocchio how'd you get away from

from the

bear I'd have thought you'd just be a

pile of Spenders by now you were lucky

we got lost in the snow but still found

this cabin so


cold hey Pinocchio we need to put more

wood on the fire all we have is the

table I don't care go ahead and burn it

we need fire breake it up go

ahead will you help me no we're too cold

you're you're nice and warm go ahead and

jump on it break it

up this thing is too big I



can't while The Travelers warm

themselves by the fire Pinocchio's

thoughts were with jepetto somewhere on

the other side of the winter

storm oh it's freezing

again the fire's going

out there's nothing else that we can

burn I'm cold I don't feel good look at

Pinocchio he's fine he's asleep puppets

don't feel cold I wish wish I didn't I'm

so cold make me

warm we'll try hey Pinocchio H you've

got to help go outside and find

something to burn everything's buried

under the wet snow nothing will burn he

is right need wood I'm so cold if we had

just one small log or something there's

nothing there's no wood anywhere we'll

freeze in here you're right wait there's

some wood huh



no a wooden


boy oh no you wouldn't do a thing like

that would

you just a joke see


kidding really I wasn't


sure nah she's really

bad Nina talk to me so cold tired sleepy

nah please wake up you have to wake up

nah to go sleep tired if we don't do

something soon she's going to freeze


we must not run from sacrifice it is the

sacred duty of those who are strong to

help the weak when we give everything we

have we receive the riches of

humanity The Riches of humanity Humanity

Humanity Humanity Humanity

father I'm the only one who could save

Nina's life and I'll make you so proud

of me it's my chance to become a real



boy put me in the fire







oh no no no no you can't do

this get


Nina steady Nina be careful

wake up come on Nina you can't go to

sleep now stay awake Nina you got to

stay alive see move like this right move

that's it yeah now look we're dancing

come on Dance there you go that's it

that's the way come on dance with me

it'll warm you up



look at that dancing can make us warm

I'm willing to try it let's






meanwhile outside the storm had stopped

and visitors were


approaching listen a search party all

right we're


safe look there they are Nina my darling


daddy my little girl you're safe you're

really safe it's a miracle they lasted

through the storm yes a miracle tell me

son how did you manage to survive that

terrible storm we did it by dancing all

night long to stay warm father that's

one of the bravest things I've ever

heard you're all responsible for saving

Nina's life you're wonderful a we just

used our heads it was nothing really huh

well I'm never going to forget you saved

my daughter's life thank you none of us

will son I can't tell you how proud I am

let's go


home what a fool I am I'm still just

what I want was nothing more than a



puppet I'll never be a

human a puppet that's all I'll ever




be go

H I'm going to fix

her you are uh-huh thank you Pinocchio

you showed me what it means to take care

of things so I'm going to fix



uh-huh that's

great the search party headed back home

again cute thank you bye bye

Nina you're a good boy you really

are bye Nina bye be careful

now look Pinocchio is's all


right hi are you guys okay yes we're

glad to I see you're all right oh I'm

ashamed we ran away but I did get some

very good news for you we found out that

jaedo came by here in a slate heading

down to the Southern Village he did

let's get going time's a wasting let's

go and without hesitating for even a

second Pinocchio turned and headed for

the South Village By the Sea where he

was sure he would find his father

jepetto gee he's certainly in a good

mood why know why that is let's see yeah

let's see Pinocchio hey Pinocchio



