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01x41 - The Evil Spirit

Posted: 04/01/24 11:21
by bunniefuu



as the sun rose Pinocchio realized his

long journey was almost over after his

harrowing adventures with the circus the

thought of returning home and seeing his

dear Geppetto brought him great joy


home home isn't it beautiful and I bet

father's up bright and early ready to

start the days carving

father I've come home see Pinocchio

raised as fast as he could down the

hillside down towards home

it's me Pinocchio

I've come back

hello father

oh how strange he must be sleeping in

this morning


no one


strange the house doesn't even look

lived in father would never leave it in

such a mess

oh where is he oh

it's father well hello Pinocchio welcome


hi Nora where's father you just missed

him Pinocchio what he's been running all

over the countryside he was here last

night but now he's gone

no I'm not sure exactly where he went

but I know he's someplace looking for


he's been so worried he can't sleep it's

because he misses you

oh we should have waited I always come

come on father was worried and thought

you needed his help no I could take care

of myself he should know that he should

know that I'm so disappointed I have so

much to tell him

hey where are you going to find father

of course he might need my help be

careful a w*r is going to break out any

minute don't worry and just like that

Pinocchio is off on another adventure we

must b*at them

Fleet is ready we will conquer our

enemies but there's got to be a better

way there'll be danger of landslides

during the winter rains the trees hold a

mountain soil in place right our crops

would be ruined and our home is covered

with mud silence

this is no time to argue with me we need

to prepare ourselves for w*r but what

about the evil spirit that lives on the

mountain and protects the trees yes

it'll att*ck anyone who touches the

trees that's just cool as talk there's

no evil spirit it's just an old wives


I commend you to report tomorrow morning

to the mountain with your

with your air cutting

no sign of Father Here

the mountain that Pinocchio heard the

villagers talking about was covered with

tall cedar trees and a very old tree

that many believed was possessed by an

evil spirit

meanwhile in the valley below Geppetto

had stopped to have supper in an empty



oh I'm sorry Charlie you must be hungry


I wish we could have stayed home a bit

longer Japan me too but I couldn't I

won't rest until Pinocchio has been

found when he stays away this long I

worry that he's fallen in Bad Company

who might harm him I've got to try and

find him and I want you to know I

appreciate your coming with me that's

okay but I sure could use a uncooked


cheese pancakes


I better get moving before it gets dark

come on Charlie okay Geppetto and

Charlie sat out once again ironically

the more they traveled the farther away

from Pinocchio they got but he was on

their Trail without realizing it that is

before he fell asleep beneath the old

Spirit tree


I thought I heard my name

it must have been a dream


Pinocchio Pinocchio

Pinocchio stop it I'm trying to sleep

don't shout when you were speaking to a

member of the wooden Brotherhood look me

in the eye when I'm addressing you

little Oak

Pinocchio stared up at the tall trees

the wood nymphs were

the cells there that's better now we can

look at each other face to face I hate

to be rude but I really need to get my

sleep I can see that but we must talk to

you right now this may be our last night

I'm sorry but what can I do help us we

are proud and gentle Cedars and we would

gladly give ourselves for peace but they

want to build ships out of us to use for

w*r we cannot accept this you can speak

with human beings so please go and ask

them to change their plans I speak to

them but they don't listen do you not

feel you are at least obligated to try

look I'm very close to becoming a human

being and I don't want to do anything

that might ruin my chances you may

become a human being but your mother

will always be an oak in her honor help

us I have to get some sleep so I can get

up bright and early and look for my

father so leave me alone you are a very

selfish hunk of wood and you got a big

mouth why don't you ask your protector

for help but the old tree didn't appear

to have any powers at all


their trees that nymphs couldn't give


Pinocchio fell asleep at once while the

gnarled tree silently gazed upon him was

it casting an evil spell right now

suddenly thousands of carpenter ants

appeared out of nowhere and att*cked the

cabin they worked Fast and Furious

tunneling through every piece of wood in

sight these ants weren't just having a

light midnight snack they were

determined to Devour the whole place it

appeared that Pinocchio was about to

become the main course

if the cabin didn't collapse first


thank you





stop get off me you miserable itchy bugs

Pinocchio's Fairy Godmother was casting

a good spell to stop the evil one


oh Fairy Godmother I don't need it you

have many carpenter ants on you they can

harm you because you are made of wood I

must release them right now Spirit of

Darkness Spirit of tree let her Earthly

minions free you should be all right now

Pinocchio I'm fine I suppose I was being

taught a lesson you treated your fellow

trees badly because you were only

thinking of yourself but to become a

real little boy you need to develop true

compassion and kindness toward every

living thing

if I knew where those two qualities came

from I could develop them by tomorrow

from within

him they come from the heart thank you

you'll find them for sure

as soon as his fairy godmother left

Pinocchio went up the mountain to be

near the Cedars and the old Spirit tree

he began his search for compassion and

kindness but he soon fell asleep and

began to dream please help us Pinocchio

remember we're like

fast help us

Keep Us Alive kindness comes from the

heart I'll help you can depend on me

I'll put off finding my father

father I love you but they need my help

listen I'm in charge if you have

something to say tell me you're a very

busy man let me talk to the head of the


you must be dreaming puppet nobody sees

the master of the castle because I keep

everybody out now go away I have to

speak with him at once it's important

you must not chop down the trees on top

of the mountain impossible it was the

master himself who insisted on those

particular trees cause they're Cedar and

don't rotten therefore are perfect for

building warships I intend to see that

his orders are carried out understand I

intend to get your artist changed so I'm

going to speak with him whether you like

it or not

you sure showed him who's boss sir what

are you gonna do now tough guy

next time I'll spin your head around


maybe I can fix this leg

there now screaming don't come back here


hey Cedar nymphs come out it's Pinocchio

I have to talk to you

did you speak to the master of the

castle about saving us from The Acts I

tried but I couldn't even get inside as

men stop me thank you for your kindness

and also for your compassion compassion

and kindness I found them that means I'm

gonna become a real live boy soon but

right now I'm a puppet and I've got to

save you but you're too small to fight

these men all alone we'll have to help

you fight I have a plan I think might

work but I'm also gonna need everyone's

help your job is to talk to every tree

on the mountain and to organize them

organize them to do what why to keep

them from chopping you down of course

these Cedars don't want to become

warships it's time you learn to stay out

of my way I'm gonna make a pile of

kindling out of you after a man come on





tricked me I don't know what you did but

it won't help I'll be back tomorrow

Pinocchio's plan had worked all the

trees had banded together to save The

Cedars now he needed a plan for tomorrow

to scare the soldiers away for good

all the branches they can spare what

else can I do Pinocchio you've done a

wonderful job you're

the day of life and we're truly grateful

thank you dear Pinocchio you've done all

that can be done only a magic spell can

save us now

your help how about

how about some magic come on

well I'm waiting we need an evil spell

you can do it wake up come on wake up do

something or are you just a big phony

Pinocchio was puzzled he thought the

tree had power hadn't it made the

carpenter ants att*ck then what was

wrong with it now

ah pretty good

I love water I guess that's because I

grew up on it when I had roots

hey I wonder if that tree just needs

water too maybe it's too dry to speak

I'll bet that's the problem and I know

what to do if only I can get enough

water out of this stream up the mountain

into the tree then it'll be revived

yes I can do it

what's he doing hey Pinocchio boy I'm

glad to see you too I need your help

I'll link you apart I bet you're making

something to keep those soldiers away

from the trees looks like you'll need a

couple of Paws what is it Anyway a water


but Pinocchio convinced Jack and Willie

his plan would work and the threesome

toiled through the night at Sunrise

Pinocchio was putting the final touches

on the Water Wheel which would be used

to draw water from the stream up to the

tree by way of trenches which Willie and

Jack were completed

the soldiers are coming what do we do

now oh no we better finish Fast come on

they scrambled to get their job done but

the soldiers were already destroying

Mother Nature's Creations

get all of the men don't leave one

single tree on this mountain one by one

the trees were chopped down while

Pinocchio Jack and Willie worked as

quickly as they could but they still had

more to do before they'd be able to put

their water wheel into action meanwhile

the soldiers kept cutting and the

Magnificent trees kept falling well we

did it yay


all right guys let's put it to work are

you both ready huh what's going was when

he is I'll ever be yeah me too we have

to push together


they all pushed in unison and soon the

water flowed around the wheel up the

stream and through the trenches on its

way to the magical tree

yay it's working

but would they be able to pump water far

enough up the hill to reach the tree's

roots and with the wheel holed up under

the fullest of this powerful flood of



look out the wheels

all their hard work seem to be for

naught as the water wheel had broken

Beyond repair

I'm gonna miss all those trees what a

waste we sure trying hard enough to

formally the water wheel and held up a

few minutes longer

impossible but wasn't impossible we

almost pulled it off we did pull it off

what do you mean the waters reached its

roots the roads pulled it up by



thank you I was so thirsty it's alive we

did it we sure did

we really need your help right away you

have to save the rest of the trees

for once or young you have accomplished

an amazing feat we will save The Cedars


thank you we must go

Pinocchio hopped on and was lifted to a

branch with a view of the entire

Countryside he wasn't the least bit

afraid of the monster tree after all

they were related Jack and Willie wish

them luck as they set out to stop the


how are we doing Commander fine keep up

the good work



grab your r*fles and open fire




I'll put you where you'll be safe okay


go get him





thank you

one for now my men are leaving the

mountain but I want that puppet

understand he's the one who brought you

to life the commander combed the

countryside looking for Pinocchio

meanwhile Geppetto who had heard of

Pinocchio's Deeds had returned home

Pinocchio is possessed by an evil spirit

it is a natural for a puppet to run

around without someone pulling his

strings he's unique but he doesn't have

an evil piece of wood in his body I

ought to know because I carved him with

my own two hands

you made that puppet you should be

destroyed along with him put my masters

sparing your life you're being sent to

devil Island you'll have plenty of

snakes to keep you company

Geppetto wasn't afraid to face devil

Island and its snakes but what he did

fear was that he would never see his

dear Pinocchio again

Charlie told us the commander sending

down to devil devil Island he plans to

destroy you if he ever finds you so I

guess you better stay hidden


fairy godmother

you look sad what's troubling you

Pinocchio why did you have to make me

into a puppet that walks and talks and

feels why couldn't you just let me be

lifeless on a string I'm sorry but they

think I'm evil because I'm Different

listen your father wanted you to have

life more than anything in the world I

granted His Wish because I knew how

happy it would make him to have someone

to talk to and call him father Yes

because I'm alive my father's being sent

to devil Island


I'll never see him again it's not fair

I'm not evil you're right and you must

believe in your heart that you'll see

you forever again you're clever and you

have courage you're no help to your

father if you keep feeling sorry for


will I be able to save him yes of course

I'm sure you can do anything you set

your mind to as you prove to yourself by

saving those trees on the mountain you

learned compassion and kindness too and

now as you continue on your journey to

become a real little boy you'll learn

perseverance which means never give up

no matter what this is the strength you

need to rescue your father Pinocchio

I hope I can do it the next morning

Geppetto's Little Friends lined the

riverbank hoping to catch a last glimpse

of him there he goes

no goodbye Pinocchio wherever you are I

hope you're safe

goodbye for now don't worry and don't be

scared I'm gonna figure out some way to

free you and Charlie and Jack and Willie

are gonna help too you'll see bye

oh Father I love you Pinocchio made up

his mind to save Geppetto before he ever

set foot on devil Island

